Pre-General Availability: 2018-9-20

Namespace: delayLinger



The delayLinger namespace solves the problem of flashing progress indicators (such as spinners).

For processes such as an Ajax request (and subsequent user interface updates) that may take a while it is important to let the user know that something is happening. The problem is that if an async process is quick there is no need for a progress indicator. The user experiences the UI update as instantaneous. Showing and hiding a progress indicator around an async process that lasts a very short time causes a flash of content that the user may not have time to fully perceive. At best this can be a distraction and at worse the user wonders if something is wrong or if they missed something important. Simply delaying the progress indicator doesn't solve the problem because the process could finish a short time after the indicator is shown. The indicator must be shown for at least a short but perceivable amount of time even if the request is already finished.

You can use this namespace to help manage the duration of a progress indication such as apex.util.showSpinner or with any other progress implementation. Many of the Oracle Application Express asynchronous functions such as the ones in the apex.server namespace already use delayLinger internally so you only need this API for your own custom long running asynchronous processing.


This example shows using apex.util.delayLinger.start and apex.util.delayLinger.finish along with apex.util.showSpinner to show a progress spinner, only when needed and for long enough to be seen, around a long running asynchronus process started in function doLongProcess.

var lSpinner$, lPromise;
lPromise = doLongProcess();
apex.util.delayLinger.start( "main", function() {
    lSpinner$ = apex.util.showSpinner( $( "#container_id" ) );
} );
lPromise.always( function() {
    apex.util.delayLinger.finish( "main", function() {
    } );
} );


(static) finish(pScopeName, pAction)

Call this function when the potentially long running async process finishes. For each call to start with a given pScopeName a corresponding call to finish with the same pScopeName must be made. The pAction is called exactly once if and only if the corresponding start pAction was called. If there are multiple calls to finish the pAction from the last one is called.

Name Type Description
pScopeName string A unique name for each unique progress indicator.
pAction function A no argument function to call to hide and/or remove the progress indicator. This function is only called if the action passed to start was called.

(static) start(pScopeName, pAction)

Call this function when a potentially long running async process starts. For each call to start with a given pScopeName a corresponding call to finish with the same pScopeName must be made. Calls with different pScopeName arguments will not interfere with each other.

Multiple calls to start for the same pScopeName before any calls to finish is allowed but only the pAction from the first call is called at most once.

Name Type Description
pScopeName string A unique name for each unique progress indicator.
pAction function A no argument function to call to display the progress indicator. This function may or may not be called depending on how quickly finish is called.