Pre-General Availability: 2018-9-20

Namespace: apex



The apex namespace is the top level Oracle Application Express namespace and contains a number of sub namespaces, and a few common functions and properties.

This is also where the general Application Express specific events are documented.




(static) gPageContext$ :jQuery

This namespace property stores the current page context. The current page context is different depending on whether the page is a Desktop, or jQuery Mobile page. For Desktop, this is set to the HTML document (same as apex.jQuery(document)). For jQuery Mobile, where pages are actually represented as DIV elements in the Browser DOM and multiple page DIVs can be loaded in the Browser DOM at one time, this is set to the DIV element representing the current page. This is used to set the context for your jQuery selectors, to ensure that the selector is executing within the context of the correct page.

  • jQuery

This selects all elements with a CSS class of my_class, in the context of the current page.

apex.jQuery( ".my_class", apex.gPageContext$ );

(static) jQuery :function

This namespace property holds the jQuery function that APEX uses. Ideally there is just one copy of jQuery on a page but it is possible to have multiple copies and even different versions of jQuery on a page. This is sometimes necessary when using third party plugins that only work with an older version of jQuery. Use this property in place of global variables $ or jQuery to ensure you are using the same jQuery library that Application Express is using.

  • function

The following function creates a local variable $ as a convenient way to reference jQuery while ensuring that it is using the same jQuery that APEX uses.

function myFunction() {
    var $ = apex.jQuery;
    // use $ to access jQuery functionality



This event is triggered by a number of page or column items just after they are refreshed with new content or data from the server. It is equivalent to the Dynamic Action event After Refresh. Specifically any item that supports the Cascading LOV Parent Item(s) attribute should trigger this event. This event can also be triggered by the apex.server.plugin and apex.server.process APIs if the refreshObject option is provided. The event is triggered on the item element or the element given by the refreshObject. The event handler receives the data given in refreshObjectData if any.

Name Type Attributes Description
event Event jQuery event object.
data Object <optional>
The refreshObjectData if any.

This example disables the button with static id B1 while any refresh is in progress.

apex.jQuery( "body" ).on( "apexbeforerefresh", function() {
    apex.jQuery( "#B1" ).prop( "disabled", true);
} ).on( "apexafterrefresh", function() {
    apex.jQuery( "#B1" ).prop( "disabled", false);
} );


This event is triggered when the page is submitted with or This includes buttons with action Submit Page and Dynamic Action Submit Page action. It is equivalent to the Dynamic Action event Before Page Submit. It is triggered before the page is validated. It is triggered on apex.gPageContext$, which is the document for Desktop UI pages and the page div for jQuery Mobile UI pages. This event can be canceled by a Dynamic Action Confirm or Cancel Event action so you cannot rely on the page actually being submitted. If you need code to run just before the page is actually submitted see the apex.event:apexpagesubmit event.

The event handler should not do any long running or asynchronous processing. Specifically it should not make a synchronous or asynchronous Ajax request. The event handler receives a string argument that is the request value.

Name Type Description
event Event jQuery event object.
request string The request string.

This example performs an extra validation on page item P1_CHECK_ME. For this to work the Submit button Execute Validations attribute must be Yes and the application compatibility mode must be greater than or equal to 5.1 or the validate option to apex.submit or apex.confirm must be true.

apex.jQuery( apex.gPageContext$ ).on( "apexbeforepagesubmit", function() {
    var item = apex.item("P1_CHECK_ME" ),
    value = item.getValue();
    if ( value !== "valid" ) { // replace with desired constraint check
        item.node.setCustomValidity( "Text field needs to be valid" );
    } else {
        item.node.setCustomValidity( "" );
} );


This event is triggered by a number of page or column items just before they are refreshed with new content or data from the server. It is equivalent to the Dynamic Action event Before Refresh. Specifically any item that supports the Cascading LOV Parent Item(s) attribute should trigger this event. This event can also be triggered by the apex.server.plugin and apex.server.process APIs if the refreshObject option is provided. The event is triggered on the item element or the element given by the refreshObject. The event handler receives the data given in refreshObjectData if any.

Name Type Attributes Description
event Event jQuery event object.
data Object <optional>
The refreshObjectData if any.

This example disables the button with static id B1 while any refresh is in progress.

apex.jQuery( "body" ).on( "apexbeforerefresh", function() {
    apex.jQuery( "#B1" ).prop( "disabled", true);
} ).on( "apexafterrefresh", function() {
    apex.jQuery( "#B1" ).prop( "disabled", false);
} );


This event is triggered when a model row/record is about to be edited (when a new row/record is selected or enters edit mode).

Name Type Description
event Event jQuery event object.
data object Additional event data.
Name Type Description
model model The model that is being edited.
record model.Record The record that is beginning to be edited.
recordId string The record id that is beginning to be edited.


This event is triggered when a model row/record is done being edited (when a new row/record is selected or exits edit mode).

Name Type Description
event Event jQuery event object.
data object Additional event data.
Name Type Description
model model The model that is being edited.
record model.Record The record that is done being edited.
recordId string The record id that is done being edited.


This event is triggered when the page is submitted with or This includes buttons with action Submit Page and Dynamic Action Submit Page action. It is triggered after the page is validated. It is triggered on apex.gPageContext$, which is the document for Desktop UI pages and the page div for jQuery Mobile UI pages. This event is the last chance to set or modify page items before the page is submitted.

The event handler should not do any long running or asynchronous processing. Specifically it should not make a synchronous or asynchronous Ajax request. The event handler receives a string argument that is the request value.

Name Type Description
event Event jQuery event object.
request string The request string.

This example makes the page item P1_VALUE upper case before the page is submitted.

apex.jQuery( apex.gPageContext$ ).on( "apexpagesubmit", function() {
    var item = apex.item("P1_VALUE");
    item.setValue( item.getValue().toUpperCase());
} );


This event is triggered at the end of all APEX page load functionality. This events differs from the standard page load event in that it will not only wait for the DOM to be ready, but also for any delayLoading components to be ready.

Please see the delayLoading property of the apex.item.create API for further information about items that can delay loading.

Name Type Description
event Event jQuery event object.

This example shows how to define an event handler for this event.

apex.jQuery( apex.gPageContext$ ).on( "apexreadyend", function( e ) {
    // code here
} );


This event is triggered on the window a couple hundred milliseconds after the window stops resizing. Listen for this event to adjust or resize page content after the window is done resizing. In some cases this is a better alternative to the window resize event, which is triggered many times as the window is being resized, because it is triggered just once after the window stops resizing.

Name Type Description
Event Event jQuery event object

This example responds to the apexwindowresized event and updates page content based on the new height and width.

apex.jQuery( window ).on( "apexwindowresized", function( event ) {
    var window$ = apex.jQuery( this ),
        height = window$.height(),
        width = window$.width();
    // update page content based on new window height and width


(static) confirm()

This function is an alias for

(static) item(pNd) → {item}

Return an item interface that is used to access item related methods and properties.

Item plug-in developers can override much of the item behavior, by calling apex.item.create with their overrides.

Name Type Description
pNd Element | string The DOM Element or string id (item name) of the item.
The item interface for the given item name. If there is no such item on the page the returned item interface node property will be false.

This function is not used by itself. See the examples for methods of the item interface.

(static) region(pRegionId) → {region|null}

Return a region interface for the given region id. The returned region interface object can then be used to access region related functions and properties.

Region plug-in developers can define the behavior of their region by calling apex.region.create.

Name Type Description
pRegionId string Region id or region static id. It is a best practice to give a region a Static ID if it is going to be used from JavaScript otherwise an internally generated id is used. The region id is substituted in the region template using the #REGION_STATIC_ID# string. The region id can be found by viewing the page source in the browser.
The region interface or null if there is no element with the given pRegionId.
region | null

This function is not used by itself. See the examples for methods of the region interface.

(static) submit()

This function is an alias for

(static) userHasTouched() → {boolean}

Determine if the user is or has been interacting with this web app using touch since the browser session began. Note: it is possible for the user to touch for the first time after this function is called.

It is rare to need know this information since the app should be designed to work for both touch and non-touch environments.

true if the user has been using touch to interact with the web app and false otherwise.