Oracle Database API for MongoDB

Oracle Database API for MongoDB - Videos

Oracle Database API for MongoDB (56 minutes)

Introduces the API. Includes an in-depth demo that covers (1) creation of relational data from JSON data and JSON data from relational data, and (2) using Oracle Database features such as analytics/reporting and machine learning with JSON data.

Oracle Lures MongoDB Devs With New API for ADB (19 minutes, the CUBE)

(the CUBE) Interview with Gerald Venzl, Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. Discusses how the MongoDB API fits into Oracle's converged database model, in terms of the advantages it provides for developers, including for migrating applications to Oracle Database.

Gerald Venzl, Oracle on the new API for MongoDB (9 minutes, Constellation Research)

(Constellation Research) Interview with Gerald Venzl, Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. Discusses how the MongdoDB API helps developers take advantage of Oracle's converged database. Describes specific customer use cases.

JSON and Oracle Database - Videos

JSON in the Oracle Database (6 minutes)

Using Oracle's converged Autonomous Database to develop an order-processing app.

  • Get the advantages of a NoSQL document store (simple, document-store schema-flexible development with popular dev languages, native JSON storage).

  • And get the advantages of a SQL database (scalability, security reliability, ACID consistency, reporting, analytics).

Native JSON Datatype Support: Maturing SQL and NoSQL convergence in Oracle Database (10 minutes)

(Presentation of paper submitted to VLDB 2020.) Detailed presentation of Oracle Database's native binary JSON format, OSON. OSON format is used for JSON data type.

Oracle MovieStream - Powered by Autonomous Database (23 minutes)

Demo of an end-to-end use case:

  • Using the database as a JSON document store, to drive a MovieStream Vue.js-based application
  • Infusing applications with analytics
  • Accessing the database using the MongoDB API and SODA for REST
  • Analyzing JSON collections and transactions using SQL and an analytics cloud
  • Recommending movies using graph analytics
  • Predicting churn and making localized offers using machine learning and spatial analysis