
Numerics  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  X  Y  


  • 19c deprecated features


  • aliases, multiple on computers 6.6
  • apply patches during install
  • asmdba groups
  • asmoper group
  • Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) C.1
  • Automatic Memory Management 11.5


  • backupdba group
  • Bash shell
    • default user startup file 5.4.3
  • binary files
    • supported storage options for 7.1
  • Bourne shell
    • default user startup file 5.4.3


  • CDBs
    • character sets 11.4
  • central inventory C.6
    • See: Oracle inventory directory
    • See also: OINSTALL directory, oraInventory
  • changing kernel parameter values A.1.2
  • character sets 11.4
  • checklists
    • and installation planning 1
  • client-server configurations C.2
  • cloning 12.8
  • commands
  • command syntax conventions
  • computers, non-networked 6.3
  • computers with multiple aliases 6.6
  • copying demo directory D.3
  • C shell
    • default user startup file 5.4.3
  • custom database
    • failure groups for Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1
    • requirements when using Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1


  • DAS (direct attached storage) disks 9.3
  • database cloning 12.8
  • Database Configuration Assistant
    • running in silent mode B.6
  • databases
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management requirements 9.1.1
  • data files
    • minimum disk space for 7.7
    • recommendations for file system 7.7
    • supported storage options for 7.1
  • data loss
    • minimizing with Oracle ASM 9.1.1
  • dba group
  • dba groups
  • DBCA
    • configuring Automatic memory Management 11.5
  • dbca.rsp file B.4.1
  • DBSNMP user
  • default file mode creation mask
  • DefaultTasksMax A.2
  • deinstall 13.1, 13.2, 13.5
    • See: removing Oracle software
  • deinstallation 13.1
  • deinstall command 13.1
  • deinstalling an rpm-based installation 13.5
  • demo directory D.3
  • deprecated features
  • device names
  • df command 5.4.3
  • dgdba group
  • diagnostic data C.1
  • Direct NFS
  • directory
    • creating separate data file directories 9.4
    • database file directory 7.7
  • disk group
  • disk group corruption
  • disk groups
  • disks
    • checking availability for Oracle Automatic Storage Management A.3.3
    • displaying attached disks A.3.3
    • supported for Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.3
  • disk space
    • Oracle ASM 9.1.2
    • requirements for preconfigured database in Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1
  • display variable 1.4


  • editing shell startup file 5.4.3
  • EM Express 12.6
  • enterprise.rsp file B.4.1
  • environment variables
  • errors
  • examples
    • Oracle ASM failure groups 9.1.1
  • executeConfigTools B.7.2
  • external redundancy
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management level 9.1.1


  • failure group
    • characteristics of Oracle ASM failure group 9.1.1
    • examples of Oracle Automatic Storage Management failure groups 9.1.1
    • Oracle ASM 9.1.1
  • fast recovery area 12.7.2
    • filepath C.6
    • Grid home
  • fdisk command A.3.3
  • file mode creation mask
  • file paths D.5
  • files
  • filesets 4.5
  • file system
    • using for data files 7.7
  • file system options 7.6


  • globalization
    • localization for client connections 12.2.2
    • NLS_LANG
      • and client connections 12.2.2
  • Grid user
  • groups
    • creating an Oracle Inventory Group 5.1.2
    • creating the asmdba group 5.3.1
    • creating the asmoper group 5.3.2
    • creating the backupdba group 5.3.5
    • creating the dba group 5.3.3
    • creating the dgdba group 5.3.6
    • creating the kmdba group 5.3.7
    • creating the racdba group 5.3.8
    • OINSTALL group 1.3
    • OSBACKUPDBA (backupdba) 5.2.3
    • OSDBA (dba) 5.2.2
    • OSDBA group (dba) 5.2.2
    • OSDGDBA (dgdba) 5.2.3
    • OSKMDBA (kmdba) 5.2.3
    • OSOPER (oper) 5.2.2
    • OSOPER group (oper) 5.2.2


  • hardware requirements 1.1
  • host name, setting before installation 6.5
  • host name resolution 4.14
  • hugepages 1.3
  • Hugepages, 4.1.4


  • IDE disks
  • image
  • init.ora
    • and SGA permissions 12.3
  • installation
    • computer aliases, multiple 6.6
    • laptops 6.3
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1
    • response files B.4
    • silent mode B.5
  • installation option
    • Automatic Memory Management 11.5
  • installation planning 1
  • installation types
    • and Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1
  • installer
    • supported languages 11.6
  • installer screens
    • ASM Storage Option 9.2.1
  • Installing
    • Oracle Restart 10.3
  • invalid objects


  • JDK requirements 4.5


  • kernel parameters
  • kernel parameters configuration A.1
  • kmdba group
  • Korn shell
    • default user startup file 5.4.3


  • laptops, installing Oracle Database on 6.3
  • Linux kernel parameters A.1
  • local device
    • using for data files 7.7
  • locking and unlocking users
  • loopback adapters
    • non-networked computers 6.3
  • lsdev command A.3.3
  • LVM
    • recommendations for Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1


  • mask
    • setting default file mode creation mask 5.4.2
  • mixed binaries 4.5
  • mode
    • setting default file mode creation mask 5.4.2
  • multihomed computers, installing on 6.4
  • multihomed Oracle servers
    • resolving to, 6.5
  • multiple aliases, computers with 6.6
  • Multiple Oracle Homes Support
    • advantages C.2
  • multitenant container database
    • character sets 11.4
  • multiversioning C.2
  • My Oracle Support credentials 11.7.3


  • Naming convention for RPM-based installation 11.8.3
  • netca.rsp file B.4.1
  • Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
    • response files B.6.1
    • running at command prompt B.6.1
  • network adapters 6.6
    • See also: loopback adapters, primary network adapters
    • computers with multiple aliases 6.6
    • non-networked computers 6.3
    • primary, on computers with multiple aliases 6.6
  • network cards, multiple 6.4
  • network setup
    • computers with multiple aliases 6.6
    • host name resolution 4.14
  • network topics
    • laptops 6.3
    • multiple network cards 6.4
    • non-networked computers 6.3
  • NFS
    • and data files 7.8
    • buffer size requirements 8.1.1
    • for data files 7.8
  • NFS mounts
    • Direct NFS Client
      • requirements 7.9
    • mtab 7.9
    • oranfstab 7.9
  • noninteractive installation
    • Oracle ASM requirements 9.1.3
  • noninteractive mode
    • See: response file mode
  • non-networked computers 6.3


  • OFA C.1
    • See also: Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • OINSTALL directory C.6
  • oinstall group
  • OINSTALL groupl 1.4
    • See also: Oracle Inventory directory
  • operating system
    • configuring 4
    • different on cluster members 4.5
    • parameters A.1.1
    • requirements 4.5
  • operating system privileges groups 1.4
  • operating system requirements 1.2
  • oper group
  • Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • orabasehome D.4
  • orabasetab D.1.4
  • ORACLE_HOSTNAME environment variable
    • computers with multiple aliases 6.6
    • multihomed computers 6.4
    • setting before installation 6.5
  • Oracle ACFS
    • enabling 10.9
    • Installing Oracle RAC binaries not supported on Oracle Flex Cluster 7.5.2
    • restrictions for Oracle Restart 7.5.2
    • supported Linux x86-64 kernels 7.5.1
  • Oracle ASM 7.2
    • See: Oracle Automatic Storage Management
  • Oracle ASM disk space 9.1.2
  • Oracle ASM Filter Driver
  • Oracle ASMLIB
  • Oracle ASM library driver (oracleasm)
  • oracleasm RPM
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • allocation units (AU) and ASM disks 9.1.1
    • characteristics of failure groups 9.1.1
    • checking disk availability A.3.3
    • DAS disks 9.3
    • disks, supported 9.3
    • disk space 9.1.2
    • displaying attached disks A.3.3
    • failure groups
    • identifying available disks A.3.3
    • identifying disks A.3.3
    • partition creation 9.3
    • part of Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server installation 11
    • part of Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation 7.3
    • redundancy levels 9.1.1
    • SAN disks 9.3
    • space required for preconfigured database 9.1.1
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management library driver
    • See: Oracle ASMLIB
  • Oracle base C.1, C.6
  • Oracle base config D.1.3
  • Oracle base home D.1.2
  • Oracle Connection Manager F.2
  • Oracle Database
    • minimum disk space requirements 7.7
    • requirements with Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1
  • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant B.6.2
  • Oracle Database deployment 1.7
  • oracle-database-ee-19c-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm 11.8.4
  • oracle-database-server preinstallation RPM 3.3
  • Oracle DBCA B.6.2
  • Oracle Disk Manager
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express 12.6
  • Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
  • Oracle Flex Clusters
    • Oracle Restart
    • restrictions for Oracle ACFS 7.5.2
  • Oracle FPP , 11.2
  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure
    • restrictions for Oracle ACFS 7.5.2
  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server 7.2
  • Oracle home
    • ASCII path restriction for 1.3
    • file path C.6
    • Grid home
    • naming conventions C.5
  • Oracle home directory
    • multiple homes, network considerations 6.4
  • Oracle host name, setting before installation 6.5
  • Oracle Inventory 1.4
    • identifying existing 5.1.1
  • Oracle Inventory Directory
    • OINSTALL group C.3
  • Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
  • Oracle Net Services Listener F.2
  • Oracle Optimal Flexible Architecture
    • See: Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • Oracle Restart 7.2
  • Oracle Software Owner user
    • See also: Oracle user
  • Oracle Software Owner users 5.4.3
  • Oracle Universal Installer
    • response files
  • Oracle Upgrade Companion 4.2.1
  • oracle user 1.4
  • Oracle user
  • Oracle XML DB F.2
  • oraInventory C.6
  • oranfstab configuration file 8.1.3
  • oranfstab file 8.1.4
  • OSBACKUPDBA group (backupdba) 5.2.3
  • OSDBA 1.4
  • OSDBA for ASM
    • creating for Oracle Grid Infrastructure 5.3.1
  • OSDBA groups
    • creating 5.3.3
    • creating for Oracle Grid Infrastructure 5.3.2
    • description for database 5.2.2
    • SYSDBA privilege 5.2.2
  • OSDGDBA group
  • OSDGDBA group (dgdba) 5.2.3
  • OSKMDBA group
  • OSKMDBA group (kmdba) 5.2.3
  • OSOPER group
  • OSOPER groups
    • description for database 5.2.2
    • SYSOPER privilege 5.2.2
  • OSRACDBA group
  • other changes
  • OTN website
    • downloading installation software from 11.3
  • out-of-place patching 10.11


  • packages
    • oracle-database-server preinstallation package 3.3
  • parameter file
    • and permissions to read and write the SGA 12.3
  • partition
    • using with Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1
  • partitions
    • creation for Oracle Automatic Storage Management disks 9.3
  • passwords,
  • patch updates 12.1.1
  • PGA 11.5
  • ports
    • Oracle Connection Manager F.2
    • Oracle Net Services Listener F.2
    • Oracle XML DB F.2
  • postinstallation
    • recommended tasks
      • script, backing up 12.2.1
  • postinstallation configToolAllCommands script B.8.1
  • postinstallation -executeConfigTools option B.7.1
  • preconfigured database
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management disk space requirements 9.1.1
    • requirements when using Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1


  • racdba group
  • RAID
    • device names A.3.3
    • using for Oracle data files 7.7
  • rapid home provisioning
    • name change
  • read/write oracle home D.5
  • read only Oracle home D.2
  • read-only oracle home D.1.1, D.1.2, D.5
  • read-only Oracle home D.1, D.1.3, D.1.4, D.3, D.4
  • recommendations
    • on performing software-only installations 10.5, 10.5.1
  • recompiling invalid objects 12.2.3
  • redundancy level
    • and space requirements for preconfigured database 9.1.1
    • for Oracle Automatic Storage Management 9.1.1
  • redundant array of independent disks
    • See: RAID
  • releases
  • release update revisions 12.1.1
  • release updates 12.1.1
  • removing Oracle software 13, 13.1
  • requirements 9.1.1
  • resource parameters A.1.1
  • response file B.6.2
  • response file installation
    • preparing B.4
    • response files
      • templates B.4
    • silent mode B.5
  • response file mode B.1
    • See also: response files, silent mode
    • about B.1
    • reasons for using B.2
  • response files B.1, B.6.2
    • See also: silent mode.
    • about B.1
    • creating with template B.4.1
    • dbca.rsp B.4.1
    • enterprise.rsp B.4.1
    • general procedure B.3
    • netca.rsp B.4.1
    • Net Configuration Assistant B.6.1
    • passing values at command line B.1
    • specifying with Oracle Universal Installer B.5
  • roohctl -enable D.2
  • script
  • 13.1
  • 10.5.3, 10.9
  • 10.7, 10.9, 13.1
  • root user
    • logging in as 2.1
  • RPM-based database installation 11.8, 11.8.1, 11.8.2, 11.8.3, 11.8.4, 13.5
  • rpm –ivh 11.8.1, 11.8.2
  • running multiple Oracle releases C.2


  • SAN (storage area network) disks 9.3
  • SCSI disks
  • seamless patching D.1.1
  • security
  • SELinux
    • restrictions on Oracle ACFS 7.5.1
  • SGA 11.5
  • silent mode
    • about B.1
    • reasons for using B.2
  • silent mode installation B.5
  • software requirements 4.5
  • software security updates 11.7.3
  • ssh
    • and X11 Forwarding 5.4.6
  • starting 12.6
  • storage area network disks 9.3
  • stty
    • suppressing to prevent installation errors 5.4.7
  • supported languages
  • swap space
    • allocation 1.3
  • SYSBACKUPDBA system privileges 5.2.3
  • SYSDBA privilege
  • SYSDGDBA system privileges 5.2.3
  • SYSKMDBA system privileges 5.2.3
  • SYSOPER privilege
  • system global area
    • permissions to read and write 12.3
  • system privileges
  • system privileges accounts
  • system requirements 1
  • SYSTEM user
  • SYS user


  • tcp_rmem 8.1.2
  • tcp_wmem 8.1.2
  • terminal output commands
    • suppressing for Oracle installation owner accounts 5.4.7
  • Transparent Hugepages
    • disable for Oracle Database servers 4.1.4, 4.15
  • troubleshooting
    • disk space errors 1.3
    • environment path errors 1.3
    • garbage strings in script inputs found in log files 5.4.7
    • host name resolution for multihomed servers 6.4
    • I/O lags 4.15
    • installation owner environment variables and installation errors 5.6
    • inventory corruption 5.4.4
    • ocssd.log threads blocked 4.15
    • ssh errors 5.4.7
    • stty errors 5.4.7
    • unset environment variables 1.3


  • umask command 5.4.2
  • uninstall
    • See: removing Oracle software
  • UNIX commands
  • UNIX workstation
    • installing from 2.1
  • unset installation owners environment variables 5.6
  • upgrade 4.2.3
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management 7.3, 11
  • upgrades
  • upgrading
  • useradd command 5.4.1
  • users
  • utlrp.sql 12.2.3


  • X11 forwarding errors 5.4.6
  • xhost command 2.1
  • xtitle
    • suppressing to prevent installation errors 5.4.7
  • X Window System
    • enabling remote hosts 2.1