19 Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool

To evaluate the compatibility of the source database before you migrate to an Oracle Cloud database, use the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT).

19.1 What is the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool

The Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) is a migration assistant that analyzes database metadata in an Oracle Database, and provides information to assist you to move data to Oracle Autonomous Database in Oracle Cloud.

The purpose of the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) is to help plan successful migrations to Oracle Databases in the Oracle Cloud or on-premises. It analyzes the compatibility of the source database with your database target and chosen migration method, and suggests a course of action for potential incompatibilities. CPAT provides you with information to consider for different migration tools.

Running the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool does not require any changes to the source database. It does not require adding users, or granting roles, or loading packages.

How the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool Works

The Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool performs source database metadata checks, and provides you with information for your migration. It does not perform the actual migration. You use that information as part of your migration plan. CPAT runs using Java 7 or later releases, Java 8 Java Runtime Environment ( JRE) preferred.


Installing and running CPAT does not modify Oracle Database. CPAT does not create any users, any packages, or require granting any roles or privileges. CPAT treats the database as READ ONLY.

A check is something that can be determined programmatically about a database, database object, user, or component. Checks are intended to determine the suitability of the database and database schema for moving to a particular Oracle Cloud Database deployment option. For example: Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure (ADB-S), using a particular migration method, such as Oracle Data Pump.

The source database is the database that you want to analyze for suitability to migrate to an Oracle Autonomous Database. The target is either a particular Oracle Autonomous Database, or a generic Oracle Autonomous Database deployment option that you can select when you run CPAT.

You start CPAT by running it either as Java command-line tool, or as a SQL command-line tool, using SQLcl. You then specify a source database and an Oracle Autonomous Database target, or specify DEFAULT for other Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) target databases, such as Exadata Cloud@Customer, Exadata Cloud Service, or an on-premises database. CPAT performs a number of checks on the source database and schema contents. These checks are guided by the target that you select, and your intended migration option.

After CPAT completes the source database checks, it generates a report indicating what was found. Reports contain both summary information and details for each check including the check result: Passing, Review Suggested, Review Required, or Action Required. In addition, CPAT identifies additional metadata in the source database that can be relevant for the migration.

The check results are compiled and presented in a report. The report can be a machine-readable report (JSON), a human-readable format (plain text, or HTML, or both). If the you do not specifiy a specific report type on the command line with --reportformat, then by default CPAT will generate both Text and HTML reports. These reports can also be used directly by other Oracle migration products and features, such as Oracle Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) Cloud Service, and the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Database Migration Service. You can specify

Premigration Advisor Tool Properties

You can specify how CPAT runs, and what checks it performs, by specifying properties in the command line to provide information for its analysis checks.

Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool Reports

CPAT recommends any relevant actions, such as using certain migration commands, setting certain database parameters, or performing SQL scripts on either the source or target instance, because the checks can be performed on target deployment options, as well as actual database targets, the reports use the term "Locus" instead of "Target" when something needs to be completed on either the Source or Target database. When the report recommends that you use particular parameters and commands, Oracle strongly recommends that you follow the guidance in the report.

19.2 Prerequisites for Using the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool

Ensure that you have the required Java environment, user permissions and security set up to run the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT).

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Requirement

You must have Java 7 or later installed on the server or client where you run CPAT. Oracle recommends that you use Java 8 Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

CPAT looks for a JRE using the environment variables JAVA_HOME and ORACLE_HOME. If your source Oracle Database is later than Oracle 12c Release 1 (, then a version of the Java JRE that can run CPAT is available in the Oracle home. If you are migrating from an earlier release of Oracle Database, or if you want to specify to use a later Java release Oracle home, then ensure that the environment variable is set to an appropriate Java home for CPAT.

If you use a thick Oracle Call Interface-based JDBC connect string, then CPAT currently expects the following environment variables to be set: ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Oracle recommends that you set ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH by using the oraenv script available within the Oracle Database home.

More details on connect strings and associated environment variables can be found in the Advanced Usage Notes section titled Connection Strings.

User Privileges on the Source Database

When you specify a user to connect to the source database for checks, and provide that user with the CPAT --username property, the user name that you specify must be granted the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege, and be granted SELECT on SYSTEM.DUM$COLUMNS and SYSTEM.DUM$DATABASE.

Access to the DUM$ tables is needed only if the source and target character sets indicate that Oracle Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) is required.


Installing and running CPAT does not modify the Oracle Database. CPAT creates no users or packages, and CPAT does not grant any roles or privileges. The CPAT access to the database is READ ONLY. It only checks database metadata; no application or business data is checked.

Security Configuration

  • Use the --outdir property to set the output location of CPAT logs and uses a secure location on your server or client.
  • Set the user file creation mode mask (umask) on Linux and Unix systems so that the default values for the r|w|x privileges on CPAT scripts are restricted to authorized users.

19.3 Downloading and Configuring Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool

Download the most recent update to the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT), extract it to a directory, and set up environment variables.

To run CPAT, download the latest version from My Oracle Support, as described in the procedure.

If you cannot access My Oracle Support, then you can use Oracle SQLcl and the SQLcl command - MIGRATEADVSOR. You can download SQLcl from the following URL:


  1. Read the My Oracle Support note about CPAT, and download and extract the CPAT patch from the following URL:

    Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) Analyzes Databases for Suitability of Cloud Migration (Doc ID 2758371.1).

    You require an Oracle account to log in to My Oracle Support.

  2. Ensure that you have Java installed, and the JAVA_HOME user environment variable and other environment variables are set.

    After you download and unzip CPAT, ensure that you have an appropriate Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the machine where CPAT is run. The minimum JRE version required for CPAT is Java 7.

    CPAT searches for a JRE home using the environment variables JAVA_HOME and ORACLE_HOME. If the version of Java in ORACLE_HOME is Java 6 or an earlier release, which should only be the case with an Oracle Database 12g Release 1 or earlier home, then set JAVA_HOME to point to a Java 7 (or higher) JRE. To upgrade Java in an ORACLE_HOME, visit https://support.oracle.com and search for Document 2366614.1 (patch id 25803774) for Oracle Database 11g databases, or Document 2495017.1 (patch id 27301652) for Oracle Database 12.1 databases.

    To set JAVA_HOME on a Microsoft Windows system:

    1. Right click My Computer and select Properties.

    2. On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then edit JAVA_HOME to point to the location of the of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

      For example:
      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8\jre

      JRE is part of the Java Development Kit (JDK), but you can download it separately.

    To set JAVA_HOME on a Linux or Unix system (Korn or Bash shell):

    export JAVA_HOME=jdk-install-dir
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


    On Linux and Unix, systems, Oracle recommends that you set the ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables using the oraenv script that comes with Oracle Database.

    If you want to use CPAT without defining ORACLE_HOME, and you don't need to use the Oracle Call interface JDBC connection string, then ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to a Java 7 (or higher) JRE. When possible, Oracle recommends that you use a Java 8 or higher JRE. Among other benefits, the functionality included in OJDBC8 jars simplifies wallet-based connections such as those used when connecting to Oracle Cloud instances.

19.4 Getting Started with the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT)

After you download Oracle SQLcl or CPAT, ensure that your source database has the required Java home, set up environment variables, and decide what kinds of checks you want to perform.

The workflow for using the Cloud Premigration Advisor tool (CPAT) is as follows:

  1. Determine the type of Cloud database to which you want to migrate.
  2. Run CPAT to generate a CPAT properties file using the gettargetprops. This switch gathers the properties of the target database, if one has been created. The target properties are used when analyzing the source database to focus, and limits the checks that are run to those required for the target database.
  3. Run CPAT with the options required for your migration scenario. You can run CPAT to test different migration scenarios. If you do run CPAT repeatedly, then to distinguish between the tests, Oracle recommends using the --outfileprefix and --outdir switches to keep the outputs organized, and to keep reports from being overwritten.

The CPAT patch distribution kit contains premigration.sh for running CPAT on Linux and Unix platforms, and premigration.cmd for running CPAT on Microsoft Windows platforms. CPAT can be run from any host with network access to the database instance that you want to analyze.


Running the premigration script on the server doesn't modify Oracle Database. CPAT itself creates no users or packages, and requires granting no roles or privileges. CPAT treats the database as READ ONLY. It only checks database metadata; no application or business data is checked.
In this example, premigration.sh is used (use premigration.cmd on Microsoft Windows systems)

Example 19-1 Generating a CPAT Properties File

This example checks whether your source database is ready to migrate to an Oracle Autonomous Database Shared for Transaction Processing and Mixed Workloads (ATP-S), you generate a properties file for the requirements:

premigration.sh --connectstring \
'jdbc:oracle:thin:@db_tp_tunnel?TNS_ADMIN=/path/to/wallets/Wallet1' --username ADMIN \
--gettargetprops --outdir migration

The output of that command is as follows:

Enter password for ADMIN user: Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool Version 22.10.0 Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool generated properties file location: /home/oracle/migration/configprops/atps_premigration_advisor_analysis.properties


When CPAT is run with the --username switch, the Oracle user name you specify must have the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege, and must be granted SELECT on SYSTEM.DUM$COLUMNS and SYSTEM.DUM$DATABASE. Access to the DUM$ tables is needed only if the source and target character sets indicate that Oracle Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) is required.

19.5 Connection Strings for Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool

The Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) accepts standard Oracle JDBC format connection strings.

Using standard Oracle JDBC format connection strings means that you can use either the thick" or the "thin" Oracle JDBC driver for connections.

Table 19-1 Example JDBC Connection Strings

Connection Description Connection String Notes

Thin client


Replace the variables host, port and sid with the host the connection port, and the system identifier for your source.

Thin client with PDB Service


Replace the variables host, port and pdb-service-name with the host the connection port, and the PDB service name for your source.

Thin with AWS RDS


Consult the Amazon Web Services Relational Database (AWS RDS) documentation for instructions on finding your database's endpoint and port details.

Operating system authentication


The CPAT command line must also include the property --sysdba

Operating system authentication with PDB


The CPAT command line must also include the properties --sysdba and --pdbname pdb-name, where pdb-name is the name of the PDB.

Wallet-based with Java 8 JRE


The TNS_ADMIN connection property specifies the following, represented by path-to-wallet:

The location of tnsnames.ora.

The location of Oracle Wallet (ewallet.sso, ewallet.p12) or Java KeyStore (JKS) files (truststore.jks, keystore.jks).

The location of ojdbc.properties. This file contains the connection properties required to use Oracle Wallets or Java KeyStore (JKS).

For more information about using a keystore, see the Oracle Autonomous Database documentation.

Additional Connection String Information

Using the --pdbname property is only required when the connection string is for CDB$ROOT.

If you use keystore connection strings such as jdbc:oracle:thin:@service-name?TNS_ADMIN=path-to-wallet, then JDBC requires that one of the following is true:

  • An ojdbc.properties file is located in the Wallet directory, and it contains oracle.net.wallet_location property with a value such as oracle.net.wallet_location=(SOURCE=(METHOD=FILE)(METHOD_DATA=(DIRECTORY=${TNS_ADMIN})))

  • The JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable is set with the appropriate values, such as the following:

    export JAVA_TOOLS_OPTIONS='-Doracle.net.tns_admin=path-to-wallet-dir -Doracle.net.wallet_location=(SOURCE=(METHOD=FILE)(METHOD_DATA=(DIRECTORY=path-to-wallet-dir)))'

19.6 Required Command-Line Strings for Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool

Depending on your use case, some strings are required to run the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT).

When using CPAT to connect to a database for source analysis, there are three required properties in the command string: One that specifies the cloud target (targetcloud), one that specifies the connection string (connectstring), and a user authentication string, provided either with the sysdba or username property.

The first two command properties must always be

  • --targetcloud type (or -t type), where type is the Oracle Cloud target type
  • --connectstring jdbc-connect-string, or -c jdbc-connect-string, where jdbc-connect-string is the JDBC connection string you use to connect to the migration source Oracle Database.

The other required property provides user credentials, and so it depends on what user credentials you use to start the analysis:

  • For operating system authentication by user account, or authorization on the local system by using the SYS user, you use--sysdba, or -d. This starts CPAT by connecting to the source database with AS SYSDBA. This authentication option is also required if you connect as a user that has been granted SYSDBA but not the other privileges required by CPAT.

  • For authentication by user account, where you are not using a wallet or operating system authentication, use --username name, or -u name, where name is the user account name you use to log in to the source system. As it runs, CPAT prompts you for the password for that user. The user name that you provide must be a user account granted SYSDBA and ADMIN privileges.

    If you authenticate CPAT with the username property, then the Oracle user name that you specify must have the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege, and must be granted SELECT on SYSTEM.DUM$COLUMNS and SYSTEM.DUM$DATABASE. Access to the DUM$ tables is needed only if the source and target character sets indicate that Oracle Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) is required.

19.7 FULL Mode and SCHEMA Mode

The Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) can run against the entire instance, or against a schema.


FULL mode is the default mode. In this mode, CPAT runs any check relevant to the migration methods and the Cloud target types you choose, and analyzes data in all schemas that are not maintained by Oracle. In FULL mode, SCHEMA, INSTANCE, and UNIVERSAL scope checks are run.


Even in FULL mode, CPAT by default excludes checking data in schemas known to be maintained by Oracle. The use of the --excludeschemas property does not change CPAT's default FULL mode.


SCHEMA mode is set with the --schemas property. When --schemas is set, and --full is not also specified, then CPAT runs in SCHEMA mode. In SCHEMA mode, SCHEMA and UNIVERSAL scope checks are run. INSTANCE scope checks are not run.

Controlling CPAT Modes

The CPAT mode is controlled by the use of two options properties:

  • The schemas property (--schemas 'schemaname' ['schemaname''schemaname'], runs checks against the schemas that you list, in a space-delimited schema name list of one or more schema names, where the names are specified within single straight quotes. In schema mode, SCHEMA and UNIVERSAL scope checks are run. INSTANCE scope checks are not run.
  • The Full property (--full) runs checks against the entire source database instance.

If you do not specify a value for the --schemas property, then the default is FULL mode.

If you specify --schemas on the command line, then CPAT runs in SCHEMA mode unless you also specify --full in the command line. If both properties are used, then SCHEMA, INSTANCE, and UNIVERSAL scope checks are run, but only on the list of schemas in the -schemas list.

If a schema name is lowercase, mixed case, or uses special characters, then use double quotation marks as well as single quotation marks to designate the schema name. For example:

premigration.sh --schemas 'PARdUS' '"ComEDIT"' '"faciem.$meam"' --targetcloud ATPS --connectstring jdbc-connect-string"

19.8 Interpreting Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) Report Data

Reports generated by CPAT contain summary information, and details for each check that is performed successfully.

Each check includes the following information in the Premigration Advisor report:

  • Description: This field describes what the check is looking for, or why the check is being performed.
  • Impact: This field describes the consequences of a result other than Passing.
  • Action: This check describes what, if anything, you should do before migration to correct issues, if the check result is not Passing.

Each check CPAT runs is given a report status of Passing, Review Suggested, Review Required, or Action Required.

The overall result of the CPAT report will be the most severe result of all checks performed. For example, if 30 checks have the status Passing, one check has a Review Required status, then the overall result will be Review Required.

The current definitions of each of the CPAT check results are as follows:

Table 19-2 Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) Check Result Definitions

Check Definition


Indicates that the migration should succeed, and that there should be no difference in behavior of applications.

Review Suggested

Indicates that migration should succeed, and that applications likely will have no functional difference. However, database administrators should evaluate each check with this status to look for potential issues before migration.

Review Required

Indicates that migration may succeed (at least in part), but that either you cannot expect everything to work exactly as it did in the source database, or that a database administrator must complete additional work after migration to bring the target instance into alignment with the source database.

Action Required

Indicates something that likely would cause the migration to be unsuccessful. Checks with this result typically must be resolved before attempting migration.


The Cloud Premigration Advisor was unable to complete its analysis. Please contact Oracle Support Services.

Note: A CPAT result of Action Required does not necessarily mean that, for instance, Oracle Data Pump import will terminate prematurely while importing the data. It means that there will likely be errors during import which can indicate not all data has been migrated. It is imperative that an administrator familiar with both the database and the applications supported by the database examine the results of any checks that are not Passing.

Why are Checks sometimes marked as "skipped"

Checks marked in the Premigration Advisor report as Skipped should have completed during the CPAT analysis for properties provided in the CPAT command (for example, --targetcloud --migrationmethod, or other report value), but were not run in this particular Premigration Advisor report.

Either one of these two cases are the cause of a "Skipped" status:

  • The check should be run but it is impossible to run at the time the report is generated, either due to the current contents or configuration of the source database. In this case, the check result will be Review Suggested or more severe.
  • The check does not need to be completed at the time of the report, due to the current contents or configuration of the source database. The check result in this case will be Passing.

19.9 Command-Line Syntax and Properties

Use the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) properties to specify the checks and other operations you want to perform in CPAT command-line syntax.

19.9.1 Premigration Advisor Tool Command-Line Syntax

You run the Premigration Advisor Tool as a command-line shell script.


  • You must have Java Development Kit (JDK) 7 or later installed in your source environment. Oracle recommends that you use Java 8 Runtime Environment (JRE).

    JDK 8 is installed with every release starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2). For any release earlier than 12.2, you must either run Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) using the Java release in the target Oracle Database, or you must install JDK 8 on your source database server.

Java File Path

Obtain the latest CPAT zip file from My Oracle Support. The application and deployment instructions for the application are available from My Oracle Support note 2758371.1. Because CPAT is a Java-based tool, it requires that an appropriate Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on the machine where the tool is run.

For thin clients, CPAT searches for a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) using the environment variables JAVA_HOME and ORACLE_HOME. The JRE should be in one of these paths.

For thick clients, CPAT uses an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) based JDBC connect string. With this type of connection string, CPAT connects to the database typically by using the environment variables: ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


You only need to set the ORACLE_SID if you use operating system authentication for the user running CPAT. If necessary, the CPAT script can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH by itself, so in most cases, you only need to set an ORACLE_HOME environment variable.


The Premigration Advisor Tool command syntax is case-sensitive. You can pass properties either as character strings or as text strings, as noted for each command property.

The syntax takes the following format, where character is a single case-sensitive character, command-string is a case-sensitive string, and value is an input option or value specified by the command property.

Shell command:

./premigration.sh [-character [value] | --command-string value]]

Multiple properties can be concatenated in the command syntax, using either the character flag or the full name of a property.

19.9.2 Premigration Advisor Tool Command-Line Properties

Review the Premigration Advisor Tool properties to construct a command tree and options for your Oracle Database migration scenario. analysisprops

The Premigration Advisor Tool property analysisprops specifies the path and name of a properties file for the source database.

Property Description

property type

character, string


-a|--analysisprops --property-file-name


The Premigration Advisor Tool analysisprops property specifies the path and name of a properties file that you have generated previously for the source database by using the Premigration Advisor Tool command-line property --gettargetprops. You use this properties file with the Premigration Advisor Tool to analyze properties of the database .

Usage Notes

In the command string, you must also specify the options --connectString (-c) to the source database, and --targetcloud (-t) to specify the type of Cloud database to which you want to migrate.


In this example, you obtain the properties file premigration_advisor_analysis.properties from the target instance, and identify that file to use with analysisprops:

./premigration.sh --connectstring jdbc:oracle:oci:@ --targetcloud ATPD --sysdba \
--analysisprops premigration_advisor_analysis.properties connectstring

The Premigration Advisor Tool property connectstring provides the JDBC connect string for the source database.

Property Description
property type character, string
-c, --connectstring connect-string [--pdbname pdb-name]
Default value None


The connectstring property specifies the JDBC connect string for the source database. If the connect string is for a CDB, then you must also specify a PDB name using the --pdbname switch, using --pdbname pdb-name, where pdb-name is the name of the PDB containing the source database.

CPAT connections have the following steps:

  1. Connect to and obtain properties from the target instance using primigration.sh. This connection requires connnection information for the target instance, but does not require --targetcloud. It is this step that creates the premigration_advisor_analysis properties file. connectstring is required.
  2. If necessary, connect to the computer where you will analyze the source instance, and copy the premigration_advisor_analysis.properties file to that computer.
  3. Generate a CPAT report by running premigration.sh with the connection information for the source instance.

If you have a properties file that has Cloud service/lockdown information about the target, then --targetcloud is not required. If you do not provide a properties file, or if the properties file doesn't specify the Cloud service, then to obtain the most relevant information, you must use --targetcloud or -t to specify a target cloud. If you don't specify a target cloud using --targetcloud or -t, then the default is a Cloud target with no known Cloud service/lockdown profile set on the PDB target.


The restrictions enforced by a lockdown profile are for the entire PDB, and affect all users on that PDB, including SYS and SYSTEM.


In the following example, the PDB name is sales1, and connect-string indicates where the connection string is placed.

premigration.sh -c connect-string --pdbname sales1 excludeschemas

The Premigration Advisor Tool property excludeschemas specifies a list of schemas that you want to exclude from analysis for migration.

Property Description

property type



--excludeschemas schemaname ['schemaname' 'schemaname' ...]

where schemaname is the name of one or more schema names, separated by spaces.

Schema names are assumed to be case sensitive. For example, use SYSTEM, not system. If a schema name is lowercase, mixed case, or uses special characters, then use double quotation marks as well as single quotation marks to designate the schema name. For example:

--excludeschemas '"MixedCase"' '"Special.Char$"'


The Premigration Advisor Tool excludeschemas property specifies the schemas that you want to exclude from analysis for their readiness to migrate to the Cloud.

Usage Notes

Use to indicate the schemas on which you do not want premigration checks to be performed. If excludeschemas is omitted, and schemas is not used, then all schemas in the database will be analyzed. The excludeschemas property cannot be used in conjunction with schemas.

In the command string, you must also specify the options --connectString (-c) to the source database, and --targetcloud (-t) to specify the type of Cloud database to which you want to migrate. full

The Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) property full specifies that the full set of checks are run, even when --schemas is used.

Property Description

property type

character, string




Each CPAT check has a defined scope. If the scope of a check is INSTANCE, then that check will not be run unless you override that defined scope by selecting FULL. The CPAT full property forces the full set of checks to be run on the source database, even when --schemas has also been specified in the command string to limit the scope of checks.

Usage Notes

The option you use with CPAT should also be used with Oracle Data Pump. If you intend to use Oracle Data Pump with FULL mode, then you should run CPAT with the full property. If you intend to use Oracle Data Pump in SCHEMA mode, then run CPAT in schema mode.


Suppose you have 100 schemas in your source database instance, but you want to migrate only three schemas, s1, s2 and s3, to Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated (ATP-D).

In this case, you do not need to analyze all the schemas, but you do want to run INSTANCE SCOPED checks on all three schemas. You can do this by running CPAT with --schemas s1 s2 s3 --full gettargetprops

The Premigration Advisor Tool property gettargetprops reads the connection properties for the migration target database instance for analysis against the source database instance.

Property Description

property type



-g|--gettargetprops property


The Premigration Advisor Tool gettargetprops property specifies that CPAT collects the connection parameters for the migration target instance. CPAT collects properties of the migration target instance, so that it can then analyze those properties on the source database instance.

Usage Notes

These properties are typically set by tools that use CPAT in their migration flow, and use these properties to specify to CPAT that certain migration operations have been or will be performed during migration. Generate the properties file with the --gettargetprops switch and targetconnection parameters

For more information, run premigration.sh --help, or premigration.com --help on Microsoft Windows systems.


./premigration.sh --gettargetprops --connectstring jdbc:oracle:thin:@atpd_high?TNS_ADMIN=/path/wallet . . . help

The Premigration Advisor Tool property help prints out the command line help information, and exits.

Property Description

property type





The Premigration Advisor Tool help property prints out the command-line help instructions, and causes the advisor to exit.

Usage Notes

Use this option to obtain help information about the version of the Premigration Advisor Tool that you are running.


premigration.sh --help logginglevel

The Premigration Advisor Tool property logginglevel specifies the level of issues recorded in the logging file.

Property Description

property type



-l|--logginglevel -[severe|warning|info|config|fine|finer|finest]


If you do not provide this property in the command string, then the default is fine.


The Premigration Advisor Tool logginglevel property specifies the severity of issues that you want to have logged in the Premigration Advisor Tool Report

Usage Notes

Use to indicate which type of checks you want to perform on the target database or databases. Log properties:

  • severe
  • warning
  • info
  • config
  • fine
  • finer
  • finest maxrelevantobjects

The Premigration Advisor Tool property maxrelevantobjects specifies the maximum number of relevant objects included in all reports.

Property Description

property type



-M|--maxrelevantobjects maximum-relevant-objects


The Premigration Advisor Tool maxrelevantobjects property specifies the maximum number of relevant objects displayed in premigration advisor reports, specified by a numeric value. For TEXT reports, this property overrides the maxtextdatarows property.


If you specify a limit to the number of objects reported, then there can be objects that can affect your migration that are not published in reports.

Usage Notes

The purpose of this property is to place limits on the report that CPAT generates:

  • Limit the size of a CPAT report
  • Limit the memory CPAT uses
  • Exclude inclusion of objects that may contain proprietary or confidential table, column or other information in the report.


premigration.sh  -maxrelevantobjects 5 -outfileprefix limit -targettype adws -analysisprops /usr/example/CPAT/ cloud_premigration_advisor_analysis.properties maxtextdatarows

The Premigration Advisor Tool property maxtextdatarows specifies a limit to the number of relevant object rows displayed in text reports (does not apply to JSON reports).

Property Description

property type



-n|--maxtextdatarows maximum-number-of-data-rows


All rows in data tables (no maximum).


The Premigration Advisor Tool maxtextdatarows property specifies the maximum number of relevant object rows that are included in the TEXT reports, and provides a message indicating that rows after the maximum row number is reached are not displayed. If this property is not set, then all relevant objects are included (no maximum). This property does not apply to JSON reports

Usage Notes

Where there is a conflict in property settings, maxrelevantobjects overrides the setting for maxtextdatarows for Premigration Advisor TEXT report files.

Examples migrationmethod

The Premigration Advisor Tool property migrationmethod specifies the type of method or tooling that you intend to use to migrate to Oracle Cloud.

Property Description

property type



-m|--migrationmethod -['datapump'|'goldengate']


If no value is supplied, then the default is datapump.


The Premigration Advisor Tool migrationmethod property specifies the type of migration method or tooling that you intend to use to migrate databases to the Cloud. The migration method is used to influence what checks are done on the source database. Anything found in the source database that is incompatible with the migration method will be included in the generated report.

Usage Notes

Use to indicate which type of checks you want to perform on the target database or databases.

Option Description


Specifies that the Preupgrade Advisor Tool performs checks for using Oracle Data Pump to perform migrations to the Oracle Cloud deployment you select.


Specifies that the Preupgrade Advisor Tool performs checks for using Oracle GoldenGate to perform migrations to the Oracle Cloud deployment you select.


In the following example, connect-string indicates where the connection string is placed. The target Oracle Cloud database is Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared, and the migration method selected is Oracle GoldenGate.

premigration.cmd --connectstring some-string --targetcloud atps --username SYSTEM -migrationmethod 'goldengate' outdir

The Premigration Advisor Tool property outdir specifies the directory path where you want premigration analysis log files and report files to be generated.

Property Description

property type



-o|--outdir directory-path

where directory-path is the path for the log file and report directory.


The Premigration Advisor Tool outdir property specifies where the log files and report files should be created.

Usage Notes

If the path you provide is not an absolute path then the Premigration Advisor Tool specifies the directory relative to the file path location from which CPAT was started. If you do not specify an output file name, then the default file name is premigration. CPAT creates the filename, if it does not exist.


In the following example, connect-string indicates where the connection string is placed. The target PDB is trend1, the Oracle Cloud database is Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated, and the output directory path is /users/analytic/adwd-migr.

premigration.cmd --connectstring connect-string --targetcloud adwd --username SYSTEM --pdbname trend1 -outdir /users/analytic/adwd-migr outfileprefix

The Premigration Advisor Tool property outfileprefix specifies a prefix for the Premigration Advisor Tool reports.

Property Description

property type



-P|--outfileprefix prefix-string


The Premigration Advisor Tool outfileprefix property specifies a prefix that you want to place on the output reports generated for the source database. Without a prefix, the standard name for a Premigration Advisor Tool report or log is premigration_advisor.

Usage Notes

Use a prefix to distinguish different report outputs. For example, you can use a prefix to distinguish the reports for a database where you generate one report for a migration using Oracle GoldenGate, and another report for a migration using Oracle Data Pump, or generate separate reports for each of the PDBs in a CDB.


In the following example, the prefix string is cdb4, connect-string indicates where the connection string is placed, and the migration target Oracle Cloud database is Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared. The reports for this command are cdb4_premigration_advisor_report.txt and cdb4_premigration_advisor.log.

./premigration.sh -c connect-string --targetcloud atps -P cdb4 pdbname

The Premigration Advisor Tool property pdbname specifies the name of a source PDB on a CDB for which you want CPAT to generate a report.

Property Description

property type



-p|--pdbname pdbname


The name of a PDB to connect to. Applicable only when the source database connect string is for a CDB.

Usage Notes

You only need to use this property when the source database connect string is for a CDB.


In the following example, connect-string indicates where the connection string is placed for the source CDB. The source PDB is trend4, and the target is an Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated database.

premigration.cmd --connectstring connect-string --targetcloud adwd --username SYSTEM --pdbname trend4 reportformat

The Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) property reportformat specifies the format of CPAT report output.

Property Description

property type



-r|--reportformat -format [format format]

where format is a report format. The CPAT supports a machine-readable report in JSON format, and human-readable formats HTML or TEXT. Multiple formats are space-delimited. If you do not specifiy a specific report type on the command line with --reportformat, then by default CPAT will generate both Text and HTML reports.


At the time of this release, the Premigration Advisor Tool can generate reports in either JSON or text format. Use the reportformat property to specify which report outputs you require.

Usage Notes

Use to indicate which type of report output you want to generate. If this property is not specified, then the default is TEXT.


Oracle recommends that you specify both text and JSON reports, and that you always save reports and log files. If you encounter an issue during migration, then it is important to include all possible information to assist with the resolution of the issue, including the log file, and both the text and JSON reports.
Option Description


Specifies that the Preupgrade Advisor Tool produces a report in JSON format.


Specifies that the Preupgrade Advisor Tool produces a report in text file format.


In the following example, report outputs in JSON and text formats are specified for a report where the target is an Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated database. The reports generated are premigration_advisor_report.json premigration_advisor_report.txt.

premigration.cmd --connectstring connect-string --targetcloud adwd --username SYSTEM --sqltext schemas

The Premigration Advisor Tool property schemas specifies a list of schemas that you want to analyze for migration.

Property Description

property type



-s|--schemas 'schemaname' ['schemaname' 'schemaname' ...]

where schemaname is the name of one or more schema names, separated by spaces.


The Premigration Advisor Tool schemas property specifies the schemas that you want to check for their readiness to migrate to the Cloud. The migration method is used to influence what checks are done on the source database. Anything found in the source database that is incompatible with the migration method will be included in the generated report.

Usage Notes

Use to restrict the report to a specific list of schemas on which you want to perform checks. In schema mode, SCHEMA and UNIVERSAL scope checks are run. INSTANCE scope checks are not run. If you do not specify schemas, and excludeschemas is not used, then the default is to run with the full property. All schemas in the database will be analyzed, except for the schemas managed by Oracle. This can result in your receiving a report that lists problems in schemas that you do not intend to migrate to the Cloud target.


The option you use with CPAT should also be used with Oracle Data Pump. If you intend to use Oracle Data Pump with FULL mode, then you should run CPAT with the full property. If you intend to use Oracle Data Pump in SCHEMA mode, then run CPAT in schema mode.

The schemas property cannot be used in conjunction with excludeschemas. Limiting the scope of schemas that you check can be particularly useful if the source instance hosts multiple applications, each of which you may want to migrate to different Oracle Autonomous Database instances.


If you specify the --full property, then it forces the full set of checks to be run on the source database, overriding the restrictions that otherwise are in force when you limit the scope of checks with --schemas.

Schema names are assumed to be case sensitive. For example, use SYSTEM, not system. If a schema name is lowercase, mixed case, or uses special characters, then use double quotation marks as well as single quotation marks to designate the schema name. For example:

--schemas '"MixedCase"' '"Special.Char$"'


In the following example, a report is generated for the schemas ADMIN and MixedCase where the target is an Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated database, and connect-string represents the connection string to the source database.

premigration.cmd --connectstring connect-string --targetcloud atps --username ADMIN -s 'SYSTEM' '"MixedCase'" sqltext

The Premigration Advisor Tool property sqltext specifies to show the SQL used for CPAT checks in TEXT reports

Property Description

property type





The Premigration Advisor Tool sqltext property overides the default to hide SQL that was run for CPAT checks in TEXT reports. This property does not apply to JSON reports. It does not take any options.

Usage Notes

CPAT performs checks on the database using SQL statements. CPAT reports can be generated in both TEXT and JSON format. By default the SQL that was executed for each check is not included in the TEXT report. To have the SQL shown in the TEXT report, you can use this parameter.


premigration.cmd --connectstring connect-string --targetcloud adwd --username SYSTEM --sqltext sysdba

The Premigration Advisor Tool property sysdba is used to force AS SYSDBA when connecting to the database.

Property Description

property type

character, string




The Premigration Advisor Tool sysdba property specifies that the Premigration Advisor Tool connects to the source database AS SYSDBA. .

Usage Notes

If you are using operating aystem authentication, or the SYS user then you must use --sysdba.You also must use --sysdba to connect as a user who has been granted SYSDBA, but not the other privileges required by CPAT to perform checks.


./premigration.sh --connectstring jdbc:oracle:oci:@ --targetcloud ATPD --sysdba --analysisprops premigration_advisor_analysis.properties targetcloud

The Premigration Advisor Tool property targetcloud specifies the type of Oracle Cloud database to which you want to migrate.

Property Description

property type



-t | --targetcloud cloudtype


DEFAULT indicates a target with no known lockdown profile.


This option is used The Premigration Advisor Tool targetcloud property specifies the type of Cloud database to which you want to migrate. In a configuration file, you can set this value to a different value for each database that you want to check.

Usage Notes

Use to identify the type of cloud to which you are migrating, which affects the kinds of checks performed on the source database.

Option Description


Oracle Autonomous Database Transaction Processing Dedicated


Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless


Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated


Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Serverless.


Use for targets such as Oracle Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer or Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Service, where typically there is no predefined lockdown profile


./premigration.sh --targetcloud atps --outfileprefix ATPS_RUN_01 --outdir /path/CPAT_output --reportformat TEXT JSON ... username

The Premigration Advisor Tool property username specifies the username to use when connecting to the source database.

Property Description

property type



-u|--username user-name


The --username switch provides CPAT with the user to connect to the source database.

Usage Notes

The user name you specify must have the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege, and be granted SELECT on SYSTEM.DUM$COLUMNS and SYSTEM.DUM$DATABASE. When connecting to the target database, use the ADMIN user, or another user with the PDB_DBA role.


premigration --connectstring jdbc:oracle:thin:@example.oracle.com:1521/ORCLPDB1 --username ADMIN -t atps version

The Premigration Advisor Tool property version prints out the current version of CPAT, and then exits.

Property Description

property type





The Premigration Advisor Tool version property enables you to print out the version number of the Premigration Advisor Tool, and the date it was released.

Usage Notes

Use this option to obtain information about the version of the Preupgrade Advisor Tool that you are running.


premigration.sh -v
Premigration Advisor Application Version: 22.10.0 (production)
Build date: 2022/10/18 10:55:43
Build hash: 53950fd
premigration.com --version
Premigration Advisor Application Version: 22.10.0 (production)
Build date: 2022/10/18 10:55:43
Build hash: 53950fd updatecheck

The Premigration Advisor Tool property updatecheck prints the current version of CPAT, checks to see if there is a more recent version available, and then exits.

Property Description

property type



-U | --updatecheck

Default value



Checks to see if an updated version of Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) is available. If here is a newer version, it prints yes. If there is not a newer version, it prints no. After completing the checc, CPAT exits. Network access is required for a successful check.

The Premigration Advisor Tool updatecheck property checks Oracle Support to determine if an updated version of Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) is available.

Usage Notes

To use this property, you must have a network connection. If you do not have a network connection, then you receive the error CPAT-4001: Error checking for latest available version of the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool. If your network is behind a firewall, then this switch must be used with an appropriate HTTPS proxy defined.


export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dhttps.proxyHost=www-proxy.us.oracle.com -Dhttps.proxyPort=80'
./premigration.sh --updatecheck

If you already have the latest version of CPAT, then you should see the following output:

Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dhttps.proxyHost=www-proxy.us.oracle.com -Dhttps.proxyPort=80There is no newer version available of the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool

19.10 List of Checks Performed By the Premigration Advisor Tool

Review information about the checks you find in a Premigration Advisor Tool report.


When you specify the source database and your migration target, the Premigration Advisor Tool performs the checks required for that migration scenario. Only the checks required for that scenario are performed. Your report provides responses to the migration scenario you specify when you start CPAT.

19.10.1 dp_has_low_streams_pool_size

The Premigration Advisor Tool check dp_has_low_streams_pool_size verifies the STREAMS_POOL_SIZE amount is large enough for Data Pump migrations to start and work efficiently.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


The Premigration Advisor Tool check dp_has_low_streams_pool_size verifies the STREAMS_POOL_SIZE has been preallocated to an amount is large enough for Oracle Data Pump migrations to start and work efficiently.


The database initialization parameter STREAMS_POOL_SIZE value helps determine the size of the Streams pool. You should allocate sufficient memory to STREAMS_POOL_SIZE for the export. Failure to do this can reduce Oracle Data Pump export performance, or cause the export to fail. Oracle recommends that you define a minimum value for STREAMS_POOL_SIZE in the source database before export.


Run SQL to set STREAMS_POOL_SIZE to allocate memory for the export. For example:

ALTER SYSTEM SET streams_pool_size=256M SCOPE=BOTH

After allocating memory, restart your instance if necessary.

19.10.2 gg_enabled_replication

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_enabled_replication notifies you that the initialization parameter ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION is not set on the source database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


The Premigration Advisor Tool gg_enabled_replication check indicates that you have selected Oracle GoldenGate as your migration method, but the initialization parameter ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION is not set to TRUE.


For Oracle GoldenGate to perform data migration, the source database initialization parameter ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION must be set to TRUE. If it is not set, then the migration fails.


Set ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION to TRUE in the database initialization file.

19.10.3 gg_force_logging

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_force_logging indicates that forced logging of all transactions and loads during the migration is not set.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




Forced logging mode is not set on the source database. When force logging mode is set, this forces the logging of all transactions and loads, overriding any user or storage settings that indicate these transactions and loads should not be logged.


When the source instance is Oracle Autonomous Database, the gg_force_logging check is skipped..


If forced logging is not set, then source data in the Oracle GoldenGate Extract configuration may be missed during the migration.


To enable forced logging at tablespace and database level, log in as SYSDBA, and turn on forced logging. For example:

SQL> alter database force logging;
Database altered.

19.10.4 gg_has_low_streams_pool_size

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_has_low_streams_pool_size verifies that the STREAMS_POOL_SIZE amount is large enough for Oracle GoldenGate.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_has_low_streams_pool_size verifies the STREAMS_POOL_SIZE has been preallocated to an amount is large enough for Oracle GoldenGate migrations to start and work efficiently.

Oracle GoldenGate Extract interacts with an underlying logmining server in the source database, and Replicat interacts with an inbound server in the target database.

The shared memory that is used by the servers comes from the Streams pool portion of the System Global Area (SGA) in the database.Therefore, you must set the database initialization parameter STREAMS_POOL_SIZE high enough to keep enough memory available for the number of Extract and Replicat processes that you expect to run in integrated mode. Note that Streams pool is also used by other components of the database (including Oracle Streams, Advanced Queuing, and Oracle Data Pump export/import), so take other components into account when sizing the Streams pool for Oracle GoldenGate.

By default, one Extract requests the logmining server to run with of 1GB. As a best practice, keep 25 percent of the Streams pool available. Therefor, for a single process the minimum STREAMS_POOL_SIZE would be 1.25 GB. For more information see Oracle Support Document ID 2078459.1 and the Oracle GoldenGate documentation.


Allocate sufficient memory to STREAMS_POOL_SIZE for Oracle GoldenGate processes. Failure to do this can reduce Oracle GoldenGate performance, or cause the Extract or Replicat to fail. Oracle recommends that you define a minimum value for STREAMS_POOL_SIZE in the source database before running Oracle GoldenGate


Run SQL to set STREAMS_POOL_SIZE to allocate memory for Extract and Replicat, depending on the number of Oracle GoldenGate processes that will run. For example:

ALTER SYSTEM SET streams_pool_size=1250M SCOPE=BOTH; 

After allocating memory, restart your instance if necessary.

19.10.5 gg_not_unique

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_not_unique indicates that forced logging of all transactions and loads during the migration is not set.


Action required

Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This check applies to schemas for Oracle GoldenGate migrations on Oracle Database 19c. It identifies tables that have no primary key and no non-nullable unique index.


If there are tables without any uniqueness, then significant changes on these tables may cause GoldenGate to increasingly fall behind and not recover.


To address this issue, do one of the following:

  • Add a primary key to the listed tables.
  • Quiesce the database as much as possible during migration.
  • Migrate changes to the tables using other means, such as Oracle Data Pump.

19.10.6 gg_not_unique_bad_col_no

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_not_unique_bad_col_no finds tables that have no primary key and no non-nullable unique index.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)

Migration Method



The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_not_unique_bad_col_no finds tables that have no primary key and no non-nullable unique index.

High amounts of mutations on the tables identified in this check can cause GoldenGate replication to fall behind and never catch up. A full table scan is needed to replicate every INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation.


If Oracle GoldenGate has to perform significant changes on these tables, then it can fall behind progressively as the replication continues, and not recover.


To address this issue, do one of the following:

  • Add a primary key to the listed tables
  • Quiesce the database as much as possible during migration
  • Migrate changes to the tables using another method, such as Oracle Data Pump

19.10.7 gg_not_unique_bad_col_yes

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_not_unique_bad_col_yes finds tables that have no primary key, unique index, or key columns, including table columns defined with unbounded data types.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_not_unique_bad_col_yes finds tables that have no Primary Key, Unique Index or Key Columns. A Problematic Column indicates that the table has a column not useful in the predicate (where clause). The table column is defined using an unbounded data type, such as LONG or BLOB.


If there are tables without any uniqueness, and with unbounded data_types, then the table records cannot be uniquely identified and cannot be used for logical replication. These tables are not supported in the Oracle GoldenGate Guide for Oracle Databases, and cannot be migrated using Oracle GoldenGate


To address this issue, if possible add a primary or unique key to the tables. If you cannot add a primary or uniquen key, then you must use some other method of migrating the tables, such as Oracle Data Pump.

19.10.8 gg_objects_not_supported

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_objects_not_supported indicates that there are unsupported objects on the source database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This check applies to schemas for Oracle GoldenGate migrations. Objects exist on the source database that are not supported for migration with Oracle GoldenGate.


Typically, the objects listed under this check are not replicated successfully in the migration without additional configuration.


Consult the Oracle GoldenGate documentation to see how objects with the listed SUPPORT_MODE values can be replicated successfully.

19.10.9 gg_supplemental_log_data_min

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_supplemental_log_data_min indicates that minimal supplemental logging is not enabled on the source database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This check applies to schemas for Oracle GoldenGate migrations. Minimal supplemental logging, a database-level option, is required for an Oracle source database when using Oracle GoldenGate. This configuration adds row chaining information, if any exists, to the redo log for update operations.


If minimal supplemental log data is not enabled, then Oracle GoldenGate cannot function.


Log in as SYSDBA, and enable minimal supplemental logging on the source database. For example:


19.10.10 gg_tables_not_supported

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_tables_not_supported_adb indicates that some objects in the database cannot be replicated using Oracle GoldenGate.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to schemas for Oracle GoldenGate migrations. When objects in the source database cannot be replicated by Oracle GoldenGate, the report provides a list of those objects with this check message.


The listed objects will not be migrated with Oracle GoldenGate.


At the time of the switchover, you must move the listed relevant objects to the target database using another migration method, such as Oracle Data Pump.

19.10.11 gg_tables_not_supported

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_tables_not_supported indicates that some objects in the non-ADB database cannot be replicated using Oracle GoldenGate.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database, or ADB)




This check applies to schemas for Oracle GoldenGate migrations. When objects in the source database cannot be replicated by Oracle GoldenGate, the report provides a list of those objects with this check message.


The listed objects will not be migrated with Oracle GoldenGate.


At the time of the switchover, you must move the listed relevant objects to the target database using another migration method, such as Oracle Data Pump.

19.10.12 gg_user_objects_in_ggadmin_schemas

The Premigration Advisor Tool check gg_user_objects_in_ggadmin_schemas indicates the presence of user objects in schemas that have Oracle GoldenGate administrator privileges.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This check applies to schemas for Oracle GoldenGate migrations. When user objects in schemas have Oracle GoldenGate administrator privileges, those schemas are listed in CPAT report. Oracle GoldenGate cannot migrate them.


The listed objects will not be migrated with Oracle GoldenGate.


Exclude these schemas from the Oracle GoldenGate data migration. You must move the listed relevant objects to the target database using another migration method, such as Oracle Data Pump.

19.10.13 has_absent_default_tablespace

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_absent_default_tablespace indicates that schema Owner default tablespaces are missing.

Result Criticality

Review required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. When CPAT detects that one or more schema Owner's default tablespace are missing, the schemas are listed in the report.


Schemas without a valid DEFAULT TABLESPACE cannot be created on the target instance due to ORA-00959 errors..


If the schemas are no longer being used, then drop those schemas. However, if the schemas are being used, then either create a valid default tablespace for the schema, or define default tablespace by running a query on DBA_TABLESPACE to list all valid tablespace names, and select one as a valid default tablespace.

Related Topics

19.10.14 has_absent_temp_tablespace

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_absent_temp_tablespace indicates that schema Owner temporary tablespaces are missing.

Result Criticality

Review required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. When CPAT detects that one or more schema Owner's temporary tablespace are missing, the schemas are listed in the report.


For Oracle Autonomous Database Dedicated Infrastructure for Transaction Processing (ATPD) and Oracle Autonomous Database Dedicated Infrastructure for Data Warehouse (ADWD), unless the needed temporary tablespaces have been created before migration on the target the source database schemas without a valid TEMPORARY TABLESPACE cannot be created on the target instance due to ORA-00959 errors.


Create the needed temporary tablespaces on the Oracle Autonomous Database Dedicated infrastructure before you start the migration, or use tablespace remapping parameters to map other tablespaces into the TEMP tablespace when you start migration tools. Oracle Zero Downtime Migration and Database Migration Service can perform tablespace precreation and mapping automatically as part of the migration.

Related Topics

19.10.15 has_active_data_guard_dedicated

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_active_data_guard_dedicated detects whether Active Data Guard is being used on the source instance.

Result Criticality

Review suggested.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated




This check detects whether Active Data Guard is being used on the source instance.


If applications or schemas that are being migrated depend on certain capabilities of Active Data Guard, then those applications may no longer work after migration.


Consider using Autonomous Data Guard on your target Oracle Autonomous Database instance. For more information, and to evaluate the capabilities of Autonomous Data Guard, see "Protect Critical Databases from Failures and Disasters Using Autonomous Data Guard" in Oracle Cloud Oracle Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure.

19.10.16 has_active_data_guard_serverless

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_active_data_guard_serverless detects whether Active Data Guard is being used on the source instance.

Result Criticality

Review suggested.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check detects whether Active Data Guard is being used on the source instance.


If applications or schemas that are being migrated depend on certain capabilities of Active Data Guard, then those applications may no longer work after migration.


Consider using Autonomous Data Guard on your target Oracle Autonomous Database instance. For more information, and to evaluate the capabilities of Autonomous Data Guard, see "Using Standby Databases with Autonomous Database for Disaster Recovery " in Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure.

19.10.17 has_basic_file_lobs

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_basic_file_lobs indicates BASICFILE LOBs are present in the schema, which are not supported with Oracle Autonomous Database.

Result Criticality

Review required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. When CPAT detects that one or more schema Owner's temporary tablespace contain BASICFILE LOBs, the schemas are listed in the report. .


During migration, all BASICFILE LOBs are converted automatically to SECUREFILE LOBs at the time of the import.


No action is required.

19.10.18 has_clustered_tables

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_clustered_tables indicates table clusters are present in the schema, which are not supported with Oracle Autonomous Database.

Result Criticality

Review suggested.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. When CPAT detects that one or more schema s contain table clusters, the schemas are listed in the report. .


When tables are created with a CLUSTER clause on the Oracle Autonomous Database, the table is created as a regular table.


No action is required. Consider doing some performance testing to ensure that there are no adverse effects.

19.10.19 has_columns_of_rowid_type

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_columns_of_rowid_type indicates tables with columns with ROWID data type that cannot be migrated.

Result Criticality

Action required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated




This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. The ROWID data type is not enabled by default in Oracle Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure deployments.


By default, columns with ROWID data type cannot be migrated to ATPD or ADWD.


You can choose to enable the ROWID data type by setting the initialization parameter ALLOW_ROWID_COLUMN_TYPE to true on the target ADBD instance. However, if you do enable it, then be aware that ROWID columns are incompatible with rolling upgrade operations, and other internal operations that physically move a row. At a minimum, during upgrades, Oracle recommends that you suspend database activities involving ROWID. Applications using ROWID columns should introduce correctness validation to check for logical errors in the application if a row relocates.

19.10.20 has_columns_with_local_timezone

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_columns_with_local_timezone indicates tables have local DBTIMEZONE columns that do not match the target instance DBTIMEZONE.

Result Criticality

Review required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. It identifies tables being migrated that have columns using TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE data types when the source instance DBTIMEZONE does not match the target instance DBTIMEZONE.


Migrated data will appear to be corrupted, as it will be interpreted with an incorrect time zone. This issue can cause unexpected data and other application issues.


Set the DBTIMEZONE on the target instance to match the source instance. For example: ALTER DATABASE SET TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York';

CPAT generates a fixup script for this action, called alter_time_zone.sql. After applying this fixup on the target instance, you must restart the instance.

19.10.21 has_columns_with_media_data_types_adb

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_columns_with_media_data_types_adb indicates tables with multimedia data type that cannot be migrated.

Result Criticality

Action required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. Multimedia object types such as those from ORDSYS cannot be used in Oracle Autonomous Database.


Migration of tables with multimedia columns will fail.


Columns with media data types are not allowed in Oracle Autonomous Database. As an alternative, Oracle recommends that you consider using SecureFiles LOBs for media type storage.

Follow the instructions in the Oracle Multimedia README.txt file in Oracle_home/ord/im/admin/README.txt, or Oracle Support Document ID 2555923.1 to determine if Oracle Multimedia methods and packages are being used. If Oracle Multimedia is being used, then refer to Oracle Support Document ID 2347372.1 for suggestions on replacing Oracle Multimedia. Refer to Oracle Support Document ID 2375644.1 "How To Migrate Data From Oracle Multimedia Data Types to BLOB columns" for information on how to move data stored in Oracle Multimedia object types to SecureFiles LOBs.

19.10.22 has_columns_with_media_data_types_default

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_columns_with_media_data_types_default indicates tables with multimedia columns.

Result Criticality

Action required.

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. Multimedia object types such as those from ORDSYS are desupported in Oracle Database 19c and later releases.


Migration of tables with multimedia columns can fail.


Oracle Multimedia was desupported in Oracle Database 19c. Oracle recommends that you consider using SecureFiles LOBs for media type storage.

Follow the instructions in the Oracle Multimedia README.txt file in Oracle_home/ord/im/admin/README.txt, or Oracle Support Document ID 2555923.1 to determine if Oracle Multimedia methods and packages are being used. If Oracle Multimedia is being used, then refer to Oracle Support Document ID 2347372.1 for suggestions on replacing Oracle Multimedia. Refer to Oracle Support Document ID 2375644.1 "How To Migrate Data From Oracle Multimedia Data Types to BLOB columns" for information on how to move data stored in Oracle Multimedia object types to SecureFiles LOBs.

19.10.23 has_columns_with_spatial_data_types

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_columns_with_spatial_data_types indicates there are spatial objects that are not fully supported.

Result Criticality

Review required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to schemas for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. It indicates the presence of spatial data type objects.


Because some of the functionality of spatial objects are dependent on the Oracle Java (JAVAVM) feature, there can be objects not fully supported with Oracle Autonomous Databases on Shared Infrastructure until JAVAVM is enabled.


Enable the JAVAVM feature on the target system by running this SQL, and then restart your instance:

       feature_name => 'JAVAVM' );

For more information on enabling the JAVAVM feature see "Using Oracle Java on Autonomous Database" in Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless For more information on using Spatial on ADB, see "Use Oracle Spatial with Autonomous Database" in Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless.

19.10.24 has_common_objects

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_common_objects indicates there are common objects in the database instance.

Result Criticality

Action required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This is a default check. This check applies to source instances for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. It indicates the presence of common objects.


Oracle Data Pump does not migrate common objects to Oracle Autonomous Database in Oracle Cloud, and these objects are not supported on Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). Anything dependent on the common objects will fail to be migrated properly.


Those common objects needed by applications must be recreated on the target system before you start the migration. When targeting ADB, the common objects that you require must be recreated as local objects. This can be done using DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL, as shown in Oracle Support Document ID 2739952.1

19.10.25 has_compression_disabled_for_objects

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_compression_disabled_for_objects indicates there are tables or partitions lacking a COMPRESSION clause.

Result Criticality

Review suggested.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to source schema for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. It indicates the presence of tables or partitions that do not have a COMPRESSION clause. Tables and Partitions must be compressed to QUERY HIGH in Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW).


When migrating to ADW, if a table or partition SQL data definition language (DDL) statement does not contain a COMPRESSION clause, then it is created during the migration with a default compression of QUERY HIGH.


No action required. To modify this behavior, either add a compression clause of your choice (or even NOCOMPRESS) before starting the export, or alter the compression clause after the import..

19.10.26 has_csmig_schema

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_csmig_schema indicates the CSSCAN utility is installed and configured on the source database..

Result Criticality

Review suggested.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This is a default check. The CSSCAN utility is no longer supported, and has been replaced by the Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) Tool..


Migration tools can ignore any objects, users, or roles related with CSSCAN utility.


Remove the CSMIG user and any objects created by the CSSCAN utility: For example:


Use The Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) Tool to scan for character set migration issues. For more information on DMU see Oracle Support Document ID 1272374.1

19.10.27 has_data_in_other_tablespaces_dedicated

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_data_in_other_tablespaces_dedicated identifies data subject to tablespace restrictions when migrating to Oracle Autonomous Databases on Dedicated Infrastructure..

Result Criticality

Action required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated




This check applies to source schema for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. It indicates the presence of data that is subject to tablespace restrictions when migrating to Autonomous Databases on Dedicated Infrastructure.


For ATPD and ADWD (Dedicated Infrastructure), errors are reported for tablespaces that have not been precreated on the target. If tablespace mapping is not employed, then errors can occur during migration.


If you are migrating the database using either Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) or Database Migration Service (DMS) then they precreate and map tablespaces automatically, so the issue does not occur.

If you are migrating using Oracle Data Pump manually, then specify IGNORE=TABLESPACE and REMAP_TABLESPACE='%:DATA' in your Data Pump impdp parameter file, so that other tablespaces into the DATA tablespace when starting migration tooling.

In all cases, you should assess your application for any dependencies on specific tablespace names.

19.10.28 has_data_in_other_tablespaces_serverless

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_data_in_other_tablespaces_serverless identifies data subject to tablespace restrictions when migrating to Oracle Autonomous Databases on Shared Infrastructure.

Result Criticality

Action required.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to source schema for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. It indicates the presence of tables that have other tablespaces mapped into their table.


User-defined tablespaces are not allowed in ATPS and ADWS (Serverless Infrastructure). Each database in this cloud environment has a single 'DATA' tablespace. If tablespace mapping is not employed, and the user performing migration does not have privileges on the DATA tablespace, then errors can occur during migration.


If you are migrating the database using either Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) or Database Migration Service (DMS) then they precreate and map tablespaces automatically, so the issue does not occur.

If you are migrating using Oracle Data Pump manually, then specify IGNORE=TABLESPACE and REMAP_TABLESPACE='%:DATA' in your Data Pump impdp parameter file, so that other tablespaces into the DATA tablespace when starting migration tooling.

In all cases, you should assess your application for any dependencies on specific tablespace names.

19.10.29 has_db_link_synonyms

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_db_link_synonyms indicates the schema contains synonyms with database links.

Result Criticality

Review suggested.

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to source schema for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. Database links cannot be migrated.


After migration, applications relying on the synonym will fail until the database links are recreated.


After migration is complete, create database links in the target Oracle Autonomous Database in using DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.CREATE_DATABASE_LINK, and then recreate the synonyms.

19.10.30 has_db_links

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_db_links indicates the schema contains synonyms with database links.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to source schema for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. Database links cannot be migrated.


After migration, applications relying on database links will fail until the database links are recreated.


Precreate Database Links manually in ADB using DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.CREATE_DATABASE_LINK in the respective database schemas before migrating. The proper sequence of statements is as follows:

  1. Create the schemas that own the links.
  2. Create the links using DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.CREATE_DATABASE_LINK.
  3. Import the schemas that you are migrating.

19.10.31 has_dbms_credentials

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_dbms_credentials indicates the schema contains credentials that were not created with DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to source schema for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. Credentials originally created with DBMS_CREDENTIAL or DBMS_SCHEDULER packages cannot be automatically migrated to Oracle Autonomous Database.


After migration, users with credentials originally created with DBMS_CREDENTIAL or DBMS_SCHEDULER packages receive ORA-27486: insufficient privileges errors. These credentials cannot be migrated automatically to ADBS.


After migration is complete, verify that the listed credentials are still required on the target Oracle Autonomous Database instance. If these credentials are required, then recreate the credentials using DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL. For more information, see My Oracle Support Document ID 2746284.1.

19.10.32 has_dbms_credentials

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_dbms_credentials indicates the schema contains credentials that were not created with DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check applies to source schema for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations. Credentials originally created with DBMS_CREDENTIAL or DBMS_SCHEDULER packages cannot be automatically migrated to Oracle Autonomous Database.


After migration, users with credentials originally created with DBMS_CREDENTIAL or DBMS_SCHEDULER packages receive ORA-27486: insufficient privileges errors. The schema Owner's default tablespace must be 'DATA'.


The schema owner's DEFAULT TABLESPACE will be modified in ADB to be 'DATA'. If a user has quota on multiple tablespaces, then after migration is complete, ensure that the proper quota is set.

19.10.33 has_directories

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_directories indicates that there are directories objects in the source database.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




This check indicates that there are directories objects in the source database.


After migration, applications that rely on the directories will not work until the directories on the source database are recreated on the target database.


After migration is complete, recreate the directories on the Oracle Autonomous Database instance.

19.10.34 has_enabled_scheduler_jobs

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_enabled_scheduler_jobs indicates that there are List scheduler jobs that may interfere with Oracle Data Pump export.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This is a default check. This check indicates that there are List scheduler jobs that may interfere with Oracle Data Pump export.


If a scheduler job runs at the same time as a FULL export is under way, then Oracle Data Pump Export can fail with an ORA-39127 error.


Disable any non-critical scheduler jobs, or plan the export at a time when you are certain that no scheduler jobs are running. Either stop scheduler jobs before the migration, or plan the export for a time when you are certain that no scheduler jobs are running.

You can run the following SQL statement to ensure no Scheduler Jobs are running during migration:


No restart is required after you run the statement.

19.10.35 has_external_tables_dedicated

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_external_tables_dedicated indicates that Non-Cloud Objects Storage External tables exist in the source database.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated




This check indicates that Non-Cloud Objects Storage external tables exist in the source database. These tables are not allowed in Oracle Autonomous Databases.


Applications relying on user-created external tables will not function as expected.


Consider using the DBMS_CLOUD package to create external tables that use Cloud Object Storage.

19.10.36 has_external_tables_default

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_external_tables_default indicates that external tables cannot be migrated unless the DIRECTORY objects the tables rely on have been created.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This check indicates that external tables cannot be migrated unless the DIRECTORY objects that the tables rely on have been created already in the target database.


The schema mode migration of external tables will fail when those tables rely on DIRECTORY objects that don't already exist.


Before migration, create the necessary DIRECTORY objects on the target database, or migrate to the target database using Full mode.

19.10.37 has_external_tables_serverless

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_external_tables_serverless indicates that there are non-cloud Objects Storage external tables in the source database.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




Non-Cloud Objects Storage External tables were found. These objects are not allowed in Oracle Autonomous Database.


Applications relying on user-created external tables will not function as expected. External tables in Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) must be recreated using Object Storage Service or File Storage Service.

Attempting to create a non-Cloud Object Storage external tables as part of the migration results in those tables being created as non-external tables.


Drop the empty imported table. Use the DBMS_CLOUD package to create External Tables using Cloud Object Storage Service or use File Storage Service. for more info see

19.10.38 has_fmw_registry_in_system

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_fmw_registry_in_system indicates that the Fusion Middleware Schema Version Registry must be moved out of the SYSTEM schema before migration.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




The Fusion Middleware Schema Version Registry is in the SYSTEM schema. It must be moved out of the SYSTEM schema before you start the migration.


If the Fusion Middleware Version Registry is not moved, then after upgrade, vital information regarding what Fusion Middleware applications are installed will be lost.


Before migration, run the Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant command ua -moveRegistry.

19.10.39 has_illegal_characters_in_comments

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_illegal_characters_in_comments indicates that there are characters in table comments that are not legal in the databases character set.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)




This is a default check for characters in TABLE and COLUMN comments as well as PL/SQL sources for characters that are not legal in the databases character set.


Illegal characters can result in "ORA-39346: data loss in character set conversion for object" errors during import. The illegal characters will be replaced with the default replacement character.


Before migration, delete any illegal characters or replace them with valid characters.

19.10.40 has_ilm_ado_policies

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_ilm_ado_policies indicates that Information Lifestyle Management (ILM) Automatic Data Optimization Policies (ADO) will not migrate.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




Tables exist with ILM Automatic Data Optimization Policies. These policies will not migrate to Oracle Autonomous Database.


Tables with ILM ADO Policies (Release 12c and later) will be created without the ILM ADO Policy in Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) and Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW).


No action is required.

19.10.41 has_incompatible_jobs

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_incompatible_jobs indicates that Information Lifestyle Management (ILM) Automatic Data Optimization Policies (ADO) will not migrate.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




Scheduler Jobs and Programs other than PLSQL_BLOCK or STORED_PROCEDURE are present on the source, but not supported on Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB).


Scheduler Jobs and Programs types such as EXECUTABLE and EXTERNAL_SCRIPT will not run on Oracle Autonomous Database.


Databases using unsupported Job or Program types should be modified before migrating to Oracle Autonomous Database. Recreate required Job or Programs using types allowed in ADB

19.10.42 has_index_organized_tables

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_index_organized_tables indicates that Index Organized tables are present in the source database.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




Index-organized tables are not allowed in Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). However, attempting to create one does not generate an error. Instead, a heap-organized table with a primary key index is created.


The recreated tables can perform differently, so you should review them.


Tables in the target database are created as non-index-organized tables (that is, as regular tables).

19.10.43 has_java_objects

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_java_objects indicates that there are Java objects present in the source database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared




Java objects will not migrate by default.


When the Java virtual machine (JAVAVM) feature is not enabled on the target system, any applications relying on Java objects will fail after migration.


Non-essential Java Objects should be excluded from the migration process. Enable the JAVAVM feature on the target system, as described in "Using Oracle Java on Autonomous Database" in Oracle Autonomous Database Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure.

19.10.44 has_java_source

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_java_source indicates that there are Java sources present in the source database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Java sources will not migrate by default.


When the Java virtual machine (JAVAVM) feature is not enabled on the target system, any applications relying on Java objects will fail after migration.


Non-essential Java Objects should be excluded from the migration process. Enable the JAVAVM feature on the target system, as described in "Using Oracle Java on Autonomous Database" in Oracle Autonomous Database Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure

19.10.45 has_libraries

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_libraries indicates that there are applications that require the CREATE LIBRARY statement.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


The CREATE LIBRARY statement is not allowed on Oracle Autonomous Database.


Applications that depend on these libraries will fail, because the libraries will not be created on the target instance.


Applications must be updated to remove their dependencies on any listed libraries.

Consider using Functions for business logic previously implemented in external libraries.

Related Topics

19.10.46 has_logging_off_for_partitions

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_logging_off_for_partitions indicates that there are Partitions using the NOLOGGING storage attribute.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Partitions with the NOLOGGING storage attribute are be changed to LOGGING during migration.


Partitions created with NOLOGGING will automatically be created in Oracle Autonomous Database as partitions with LOGGING. Check the LOGGING attribute in DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS.


No action required.

19.10.47 has_logging_off_for_subpartitions

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_logging_off_for_subpartitions indicates that there are Partitions using the NOLOGGING storage attribute.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Subpartitions with the NOLOGGING storage attribute are be changed to LOGGING during migration.


Subpartitions created with NOLOGGING will automatically be created in Oracle Autonomous Database as subpartitions with LOGGING. Check the LOGGING attribute in DBA_TAB_SUBPARTITIONS.


No action required.

19.10.48 has_logging_off_for_tables

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_logging_off_for_tables indicates that there are tables using the NOLOGGING storage attribute.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Tables with the NOLOGGING storage attribute are be changed to LOGGING during migration.


Tables created with NOLOGGING will automatically be created in Oracle Autonomous Database as tables with LOGGING. Check the LOGGING attribute in DBA_TABLES.


No action required.

19.10.49 has_low_streams_pool_size

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_low_streams_pool_size indicates that Mining Models with unexpected or incorrect attributes are detected.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Mining models are database schema objects that perform data mining. Mining models with unexpected or incorrect attributes are detected. These mining models will not migrate.


Mining models with issues will not be exported properly, and cause ORA-39083 errors on import.


Download and apply Patch ID 33270686

19.10.50 has_noexport_object_grants

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_noexport_object_grants indicates that Oracle Data Pump is unable to export all object grants.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Oracle Data Pump is unable to export all object grants.


Object grants required for your application may be missing on the target instance, preventing Oracle Data Pump from exporting them to the target instance.


Recreate any required grants on the target instance. See My Oracle Support Document ID 1911151.1 for more information. Note that any SELECT grants on system objects will need to be replaced with READ grants, because SELECT is no longer allowed on system objects.

19.10.51 has_oracle_streams

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_oracle_streams indicates that Oracle Streams is configured in the database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Starting with Oracle Database 19c, Oracle Streams is desupported. Oracle strongly advices you to remove any streams configuration manually.


Oracle Streams is a desupported feature. You must remove it.


Remove the Oracle Streams configuration. For detailed steps, refer to the section Removing an Oracle Streams Configuration in the Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration Guide specific for the Oracle release from which you are removing. For Oracle Database releases earlier than 12.1 (, the procedure dbms_streams_adm.remove_streams_configuration must not be used, because it can lead to unwanted results. Instead, use the other procedures (dbms_capture_adm.drop_capture, dbms_apply_adm.drop_apply, dbms_streams_adm.remove_queue, and so on). For Oracle Database releases 12.1 ( and higher, procedure dbms_streams_adm.remove_streams_configuration can be safely used. To avoid issues on import consider using the Oracle Data Pump option 'STREAMS_CONFIGURATION=N'.

19.10.52 has_parallel_indexes_enabled

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_parallel_indexes_enabled indicates that PARALLEL clause indexes exist.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


When Parallel DEGREE is specified greater than 1 on INDEX, this setting can result in unexpected behavior after migration.


When migrating to Oracle Autonomous Database Transaction Processing (ATP), if a PARALLEL clause is specified on the index in your source database, then the clause remains with the index when it is created on the target database, either by using Oracle Data Pump, or by using manual methods. When the PARALLEL degree is greater than 1, this configuration can result in SQL statements running in parallel that are unknown to the end-user.


To specify serial processing, either change the INDEX parallel clause to NOPARALLEL, or alter the PARALLEL degree to 1 before or after the migration.

19.10.53 has_profile_not_default

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_profile_not_default indicates that schemas exist whose PROFILE is not available on the target system.

Result Criticality

Action Required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Identifies schemas whose PROFILE is not available on the target system.


Creation of the schema on the target system fails due to the missing PROFILE. This is a runtiume issue, unless there are profiles used that aren't available on the target instance. In that case, the severity is Action Required.


Either use Oracle Data Pump in FULL mode, or create the needed profiles before migration on the target system, and then use the --analysisprops option with a properties file created by using CPAT with the --gettargetprops option.

19.10.54 has_public_synonyms

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_public_synonyms indicates that Public Synonyms exist in source system schemas.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Identifies schemas whose that contain Public Synonyms. Oracle Data Pump does not migrate Public Synonyms in SCHEMA mode.


Applications relying on Public Synonyms will not work correctly until the Public Synonyms are recreated on the target instance.


Either use Oracle Data Pump in FULL mode, or recreate the listed relevant objects on the target instance.

19.10.55 has_refs_to_restricted_packages_dedicated

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_refs_to_restricted_packages_dedicated indicates that there are references to partially or completely unsupported packages.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated


Checks for references to packages that are not supported, or that are only partially supported.


Applications that reference unsupported or restricted use packages can fail.


Applications that reference unsupported packages must be modified before migration to Oracle Autonomous Database Dedicated. Applications referencing partially supported packages require testing and validation to ensure that they only use unrestricted functions and procedures.

19.10.56 has_refs_to_restricted_packages_serverless

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_refs_to_restricted_packages_serverless indicates that there are references to partially or completely unsupported packages.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Checks for references to packages that are not supported, or that are only partially supported.


Applications that reference unsupported or restricted use packages can fail.


Applications that reference unsupported packages must be modified before migration to Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless. Applications referencing partially supported packages require testing and validation to ensure that they only use unrestricted functions and procedures.

19.10.57 has_refs_to_user_objects_in_sys

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_refs_to_user_objects_in_sys indicates that there are user schema objects dependent on SYS or SYSTEM.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Detects if objects in user schemas depend on user-defined objects in SYS or SYSTEM schemas.


Migration will fail for schemas that depend on user-defined objects in SYS or SYSTEM.


Oracle recommends that you move user-defined objects in SYS and SYSTEM schemas before migration, and update the references. Consider dropping any user-defined objects that are no longer required.

19.10.58 has_role_privileges

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_role_privileges indicates that some role privileges used in the source database are not available in the target database

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Detects the presence of role privileges used in the source database that are not available on the target Oracle Autonomous Database.


After migration, applications can encounter operation failures due to role privilege issues.


Find alternatives for those roles granted in the source database that are not available in the target Oracle Autonomous Database instance. For example, you may want to substitute the PDB_DBA role for some schemas granted the DBA role on the source instance. Similarly, you may want to substitute the DATAPUMP_CLOUD_IMP role on the target instance for schemas granted DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE or IMP_FULL_DATABASE on the source instance. Whether such alternatives are appropriate can only be determined with testing, and by experts familiar with the applications where these role privileges occur.

19.10.59 has_sqlt_objects_adb

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_sqlt_objects_adb indicates that SQLTXPLAIN objects are detected.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Detects the presence of SQLTXPLAIN (SQLT) objects, which are not supported on Oracle Autonomous Database.


Objects related to SQLTXPLAIN will fail on import to Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB), which can cause import errors.


Oracle recommends that administrators migrating a source database to Oracle Autonomous Database apply sqdrop.sql in the installation directory under the SQLTXPLAIN installation to drop all SQLTXPLAIN and SQLTXADMIN objects. See My Oracle Support Document ID 1614107.1 for more information.

19.10.60 has_sqlt_objects_default

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_sqlt_objects_default indicates that SQLTXPLAIN objects are detected that Oracle Data Pump does not export.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Detects the presence of SQLTXPLAIN (SQLT) objects that are not exported by Oracle Data Pump.


Some objects related to SQLTXPLAIN will not be imported on the target instance, possibly causing import errors.


Oracle recommends that SQLTXPLAIN users run sqcreate.sql in the target environment after the import is complete. The sqcreate.sql script runs sqdrop.sql, and then reinstalls all required objects. For more information, see My Oracle Support Document ID 1614107.1.

19.10.61 has_sys_privileges

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_sys_privileges indicates that some system privileges in the source database are not available in the target database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Detects that there are some system privileges used in the source database that are not available on the Oracle Autonomous Database.


Operation failures can occur on the Oracle Autonomous Database, because of system privilege issues.


Verify whether all system privileges will be needed on the Oracle Autonomous Database, and remove the grants for those privileges that are no longer needed. Find alternatives for the granted system privileges that are not available in the target Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). For example, with schemas in ADB instances, replace GRANT CREATE JOB to USER-WHO-HAD-CREATE-ANY-JOB Whether such alternatives are appropriate can only be determined by experts familiar with the applications in question and with testing.

19.10.62 has_tables_that_fail_with_dblink

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_tables_that_fail_with_dblink indicates that there are tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types will not migrate over a DBLINK with Oracle Data Pump.

All forms of LONG data types (LONG, LONG RAW, LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARRAW) were deprecated in Oracle8i Release 8.1.6. For succeeding releases, the LONG data type was provided for backward compatibility with existing applications. In new applications developed with later releases, Oracle strongly recommends that you use CLOB and NCLOB data types for large amounts of character data.


Any applications relying on tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types will fail.


Use Oracle Data Pump without DBLINK, or exclude the schemas and tables that have columns with LONG or LONG RAW data types.

19.10.63 has_tables_with_long_raw_datatype

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_tables_with_long_raw_datatype indicates that there are tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared


ADWS does not support tables with LONG or LONGRAW data where the table has the Oracle Hybrid Columnar Compression (HCC) compression clause, or where compression is DISABLED.


Tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types will not migrate.

In Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW), tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types are not created when the table has either an HCC compression clause, or compression is DISABLED, which would result with tables being compressed by default with HCC compressed by default on ADW.

All forms of LONG data types (LONG, LONG RAW, LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARRAW) were deprecated in Oracle8i Release 8.1.6. For succeeding releases, the LONG data type was provided for backward compatibility with existing applications. In new applications developed with later releases, Oracle strongly recommends that you use CLOB and NCLOB data types for large amounts of character data.


Oracle recommends that you you create the table manually on ADW with compression enabled.

19.10.64 has_tables_with_xmltype_column

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_tables_with_xmltype_column indicates that there are tables with XMLTYPE columns.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Tables with XMLType column will not migrate unless the STORAGE_TYPE setting is BINARY.


Any applications relying on XMLType columns that are not stored as BINARY will fail.


Tables with XMLType columns defined with CLOB or Object-Relational storage are not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database. When the relevant objects column XMLSCHEMA is not empty, this indicates that your application uses XML Schema Objects, and additional work may be required. For non-schema types, the BINARY storage option must be used. See Oracle Support Document ID 1581065.1 for information about how to convert CLOB columns to BINARY.

19.10.65 has_trusted_server_entries

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_trusted_server_entries indicates that there areTRUSTED_SERVER entries that cannot be recreated on Oracle Autonomous Database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Checks for TRUSTED_SERVER entries. These entries cannot be recreated on Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB).


The DBMS_DISTRIBUTED_TRUST_ADMIN package is not available on Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). As a result, any TRUSTED_SERVER entries other than the default (Trusted:All) will not be recreated on the target ADB instance.


To avoid any exceptions reported by Oracle Data Pump during migration from the source database to the target database, specify exclude=trusted_db_link. To control access to your ADB instance, use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure firewall features to control access to your ADB instance.

19.10.66 has_unstructured_xml_indexes Check

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_unstructured_xml_indexes indicates that there are Unstructured XML Indexes.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that unstructured XML indexes are present. Unstructured indexes are not supported on ADB


Attempting to create an unstructured XML index will fail. Import errors should be expected when migrating unstructured XML indexes.


Before migration, recreate the indexes using XML Search Index, as described in Oracle XML DB Developer’s Guide

19.10.67 has_user_defined_objects_in_sys

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_user_defined_objects_in_sys indicates that there are User-defined objects in the SYS schema.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that user-defined objects exist in the SYS schema.


User-defined objects in the SYS schema will not migrate. Any applications relying on user-defined objects in SYS will fail.


Before migration, Oracle recommends that you move out of SYS any user-defined objects. Update any hardcoded references to those objects. Consider dropping any user-defined objects that are no longer required.

19.10.68 has_users_with_10g_password_version

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_users_with_10g_password_version indicates that there are user accounts using 10G password version.

Result Criticality

Review required.

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


This check indicates that there are users on the source database that are using the 10G password version. This password version is desupported. After migration, users verified by the 10G password version will not be able to log in.


After migration, users identified by the 10G password version fail to connect to the database, and receive ORA-1017 errors. During Oracle Data Pump migration ORA-39384 warnings are generated.


To avoid Oracle Data Pump migration warnings, before migration, Oracle recommends that you change the passwords for any users listed as using the 10G password version. Alternatively, you can modify these users' passwords after migration to avoid login failures. See Oracle Support Document ID 2289453.1 for more information.

19.10.69 has_sys_privileges

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_sys_privileges indicates that some system privileges in the source database are not available in the target database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Detects that there are some system privileges used in the source database that are not available on the Oracle Autonomous Database.


Operation failures can occur on the Oracle Autonomous Database, because of system privilege issues.


Verify whether all system privileges will be needed on the Oracle Autonomous Database, and remove the grants for those privileges that are no longer needed. Find alternatives for the granted system privileges that are not available in the target Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). For example, with schemas in ADB instances, replace GRANT CREATE JOB to USER-WHO-HAD-CREATE-ANY-JOB Whether such alternatives are appropriate can only be determined by experts familiar with the applications in question and with testing.

19.10.70 has_tables_that_fail_with_dblink

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_tables_that_fail_with_dblink indicates that there are tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types will not migrate over a DBLINK with Oracle Data Pump.

All forms of LONG data types (LONG, LONG RAW, LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARRAW) were deprecated in Oracle8i Release 8.1.6. For succeeding releases, the LONG data type was provided for backward compatibility with existing applications. In new applications developed with later releases, Oracle strongly recommends that you use CLOB and NCLOB data types for large amounts of character data.


Any applications relying on tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types will fail.


Use Oracle Data Pump without DBLINK, or exclude the schemas and tables that have columns with LONG or LONG RAW data types.

19.10.71 has_tables_with_long_raw_datatype

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_tables_with_long_raw_datatype indicates that there are tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared


ADWS does not support tables with LONG or LONGRAW data where the table has the Oracle Hybrid Columnar Compression (HCC) compression clause, or where compression is DISABLED.


Tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types will not migrate.

In Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW), tables with LONG or LONG RAW data types are not created when the table has either an HCC compression clause, or compression is DISABLED, which would result with tables being compressed by default with HCC compressed by default on ADW.

All forms of LONG data types (LONG, LONG RAW, LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARRAW) were deprecated in Oracle8i Release 8.1.6. For succeeding releases, the LONG data type was provided for backward compatibility with existing applications. In new applications developed with later releases, Oracle strongly recommends that you use CLOB and NCLOB data types for large amounts of character data.


Oracle recommends that you you create the table manually on ADW with compression enabled.

19.10.72 has_tables_with_xmltype_column

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_tables_with_xmltype_column indicates that there are tables with XMLTYPE columns.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Tables with XMLType column will not migrate unless the STORAGE_TYPE setting is BINARY.


Any applications relying on XMLType columns that are not stored as BINARY will fail.


Tables with XMLType columns defined with CLOB or Object-Relational storage are not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database. When the relevant objects column XMLSCHEMA is not empty, this indicates that your application uses XML Schema Objects, and additional work may be required. For non-schema types, the BINARY storage option must be used. See Oracle Support Document ID 1581065.1 for information about how to convert CLOB columns to BINARY.

19.10.73 has_trusted_server_entries

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_trusted_server_entries indicates that there areTRUSTED_SERVER entries that cannot be recreated on Oracle Autonomous Database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Checks for TRUSTED_SERVER entries. These entries cannot be recreated on Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB).


The DBMS_DISTRIBUTED_TRUST_ADMIN package is not available on Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). As a result, any TRUSTED_SERVER entries other than the default (Trusted:All) will not be recreated on the target ADB instance.


To avoid any exceptions reported by Oracle Data Pump during migration from the source database to the target database, specify exclude=trusted_db_link. To control access to your ADB instance, use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure firewall features to control access to your ADB instance.

19.10.74 has_unstructured_xml_indexes Check

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_unstructured_xml_indexes indicates that there are Unstructured XML Indexes.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that unstructured XML indexes are present. Unstructured indexes are not supported on ADB


Attempting to create an unstructured XML index will fail. Import errors should be expected when migrating unstructured XML indexes.


Before migration, recreate the indexes using XML Search Index, as described in Oracle XML DB Developer’s Guide

19.10.75 has_user_defined_objects_in_sys

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_user_defined_objects_in_sys indicates that there are User-defined objects in the SYS schema.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that user-defined objects exist in the SYS schema.


User-defined objects in the SYS schema will not migrate. Any applications relying on user-defined objects in SYS will fail.


Before migration, Oracle recommends that you move out of SYS any user-defined objects. Update any hardcoded references to those objects. Consider dropping any user-defined objects that are no longer required.

19.10.76 has_user_defined_objects_in_system

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_user_defined_objects_in_system indicates that there are User-defined objects in the SYSTEM schema.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that user-defined objects exist in the SYSTEM schema.


User-defined objects in the SYSTEM schema will not migrate. Any applications relying on user-defined objects in SYSTEM will fail.


Before migration, Oracle recommends that you recreate required user-defined objects in SYSTEM schemas, or use Oracle Data Pump schema mapping parameters such as REMAP_SCHEMA=SYSTEM:xxx where xxx is an existing user in ADB. In either case, any hardcoded references to the user-defined objects from SYSTEM must be updated. Consider dropping any user-defined objects that are no longer required.

19.10.77 has_user_defined_objects_no_quota

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_user_defined_objects_no_quota indicates that there are are objects in the source database that belong to users without quota.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


This check indicates that there are objects in the source database that belong to users without relevant tablespace quota (or who have not been granted UNLIMITED TABLESPACE). These objects will not be migrated to the target environment.


The objects belonging to these users may fail to transfer due to ORA-01536 errors, leading to incomplete migration and potential data loss in the target database.



To complete transfer of all user data to the target environment. before you initiate the migration, assign an appropriate quota to all listed users (or grant those users UNILIMITED TABLESPACE).

19.10.78 has_user_defined_pvfs

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_user_defined_pvfs indicates that there are User-defined Password Verification Functions.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that user-defined Password Verification Functions (PVFs) exist.


User-defined objects in the SYS or SYSTEM schemas can't be imported into Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB). Attempts to import a PROFILE that uses user-defined Password Verification Functions will result in ORA-39460 errors.



Use a profile with a Password Verification Function provided by Oracle.

19.10.79 has_users_with_10g_password_version

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_users_with_10g_password_version indicates that there are user accounts using 10G password version.

Result Criticality

Review required.

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


This check indicates that there are users on the source database that are using the 10G password version. This password version is desupported. After migration, users verified by the 10G password version will not be able to log in.


After migration, users identified by the 10G password version fail to connect to the database, and receive ORA-1017 errors. During Oracle Data Pump migration ORA-39384 warnings are generated.


To avoid Oracle Data Pump migration warnings, before migration, Oracle recommends that you change the passwords for any users listed as using the 10G password version. Alternatively, you can modify these users' passwords after migration to avoid login failures. See Oracle Support Document ID 2289453.1 for more information.

19.10.80 has_xmlschema_objects

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_xmlschema_objects indicates that there are XML Schema Objects in the source database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that XML Schema Objects are in the source database. These objects will not migrate.


XML Schemas are not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database.


Modify your application to not use XML Schema Objects.

19.10.81 has_xmltype_tables

The Premigration Advisor Tool check has_xmltype_tables indicates that there are XMLType tables in the source database.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that there are XMLType Tables in the source database. These tables will not migrate unless the STORAGE_TYPE is BINARY.


Any applications relying on XMLType tables not stored as BINARY will fail.


XMLType tables with CLOB or Object-Relational storage are not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database. Change the XMLType storage option to BINARY.

19.10.82 modified_db_parameters_dedicated

The Premigration Advisor Tool check modified_db_parameters_dedicated indicates that restricted initialization parameters are modified.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated


This check indicates that there are Oracle Database parameters on the source database instance whose modification is not allowed in Oracle Autonomous Database (Dedicated Infrastructure).


You are provided with a list of initialization parameters that have been modified in your database, but cannot be modified in Oracle Autonomous Database.


To undersetand what parameters you are permitted to modify, refer to the Oracle Autonomous Database documentation.

19.10.83 modified_db_parameters_serverless

The Premigration Advisor Tool check modified_db_parameters_serverless indicates that restricted initialization parameters are modified.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

This is a default check. It applies to the following:

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


This check indicates that there are Oracle Database parameters on the source database instance whose modification is not allowed in Oracle Autonomous Database (Shared Infrastructure).


You are provided with a list of initialization parameters that have been modified in your database, but cannot be modified in Oracle Autonomous Database.


To understand what parameters you are permitted to modify, refer to the Oracle Autonomous Database documentation.

19.10.84 nls_character_set_conversion

The Premigration Advisor Tool check nls_character_set_conversion indicates that there are character codes on the source database that are invalid in Oracle Autonomous Database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


This check warns of issues caused by conversion of character data from the source to the target database character set, such as expansion of character values beyond column length or loss of invalid character codes.


During migration you can encounter ORA-1401 or loss of invalid character codes due to character set conversion from the source to the target database character set.


Correct the issue as needed. Possible solutions include the following:

  • Use Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) to scan the schemas that you want to migrate, and analyze all possible convertibility issues
  • Create a new target instance using the same character set as the source instance. See the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation for information on choosing a character set when creating a database instance.

See the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation for information on choosing a character set when creating a database instance.


Oracle recommends that you use the default database character set, AL32UTF8

19.10.85 nls_national_character_set

The Premigration Advisor Tool check nls_national_character_set indicates that the NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 lengths are different on the source and target databases.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


This check indicates that the NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 lengths are different on the source and target databases.

Check for issues caused by the conversion of character data from the source to the target national character set, such as expansion of character values beyond data type limits or loss of invalid character codes.


During migration you can encounter ORA-01401 or loss of invalid character codes due to character set conversion from the source to the target national character set.


If possible, provision the target database on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with the same national character set as the source database, and enable extended data types in the target cloud database. See the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation for information on choosing a national character set when creating a database instance.

19.10.86 nls_nchar_ora_910

The Premigration Advisor Tool check nls_nchar_ora_910 indicates that the NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 lengths are greater than the maximum length on the target databases.

Result Criticality

Action required

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


This check indicates that the NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 lengths are greater than the maximum permitted length on the target database.

Determine the maximum column length for the national database character set on the target database, and check for NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 columns on the source database whose character length exceeds the limit on the target database.


During migration you can encounter ORA-00910 errors due to the difference of the maximum character length of NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 columns between the source and the target database.


If possible, provision the target database on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with the same national character set as the source database, and enable extended data types in the target cloud database. See the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation for information on choosing a national character set when creating a database instance.

19.10.87 options_in_use_not_available_dedicated

The Premigration Advisor Tool check options_in_use_not_available_dedicated indicates that unavailable database options are present on the source database.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated


Generates a list of database options that are in use on the source, but not available in Oracle Autonomous Database (Dedicated Infrastructure).


If the database that you are migrating has applications or schemas in your database that use options that are not available on Oracle Autonomous Database, then it is possible that these applications will not work after migration.


Verify that the applications or schemas in your source database depend on the options that are not supported on Oracle Autonomous Database (Dedicated Infrastructure), and plan accordingly.

19.10.88 options_in_use_not_available_serverless

The Premigration Advisor Tool check options_in_use_not_available_serverless indicates that unavailable database options are present on the source database.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated


Generates a list of database options that are in use on the source, but not available in Oracle Autonomous Database (Shared Infrastructure).


If the database that you are migrating has applications or schemas in your database that use options that are not available on Oracle Autonomous Database, then it is possible that these applications will not work after migration.


Verify that the applications or schemas in your source database depend on the options that are not supported on Oracle Autonomous Database (Shared Infrastructure), and plan accordingly.

19.10.89 standard_traditional_audit_adb

The Premigration Advisor Tool check standard_traditional_audit_adb indicates that Traditional Audit configurations are detected in the database.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Traditional audit, which was deprecated in Oracle Database 21c, is desupported starting with Oracle Database 23c. Traditional Audit configurations have been detected in this database.


Traditional Auditing is desupported in Oracle Database 23c. Oracle strongly recommends that you start using Unified Auditing.


Delete the Traditional Auditing configurations. To assist you, use the instructions in Oracle Support Document ID 2909718.1.

19.10.90 standard_traditional_audit_default

The Premigration Advisor Tool check standard_traditional_audit_default indicates that Traditional Audit configurations are detected in the database.

Result Criticality

Review suggested

Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Traditional audit, which was deprecated in Oracle Database 21c, is desupported starting with Oracle Database 23c. Traditional Audit configurations have been detected in this database.


Traditional Auditing is desupported in Oracle Database 23c. Oracle strongly recommends that you start using Unified Auditing.


Delete the traditional auditing configurations using the instructions found in Oracle Support Document ID 2909718.1. Ensure that the following init.ora parameter values are set in CDB$ROOT, and restart the database:


19.10.91 timezone_table_compatibility_higher_dedicated

The Premigration Advisor Tool check timezone_table_compatibility_higher_dedicated indicates that the timezone setting is a more recent version on the source than on the target database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated


The source database TZ_VERSION cannot be higher than the target TZ_VERSION.


Migration is not possible until the target TZ_VERSION is the same or higher than the source database TZ_VERSION.


Use the "Enable time-zone update" option of the Schedule maintenance dialog for the Quarterly Maintenance Update to update the time zone version on your target instance.

19.10.92 timezone_table_compatibility_higher_default

The Premigration Advisor Tool check timezone_table_compatibility_higher_default indicates that the timezone setting is a more recent version on the source than on the target database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


The source database TZ_VERSION cannot be higher than the target TZ_VERSION.


Migration is not possible until the target TZ_VERSION is the same or higher than the source database TZ_VERSION.


Ensure the target instance has a time zone version equal or greater than the source instance by downloading and installing an appropriate patch from Oracle Support Document ID 412160.1

19.10.93 timezone_table_compatibility_higher_serverless

The Premigration Advisor Tool check timezone_table_compatibility_higher_serverless indicates that the timezone setting is a more recent version on the source than on the target database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


The source database TZ_VERSION cannot be higher than the target TZ_VERSION.


Migration is not possible until the target TZ_VERSION is the same or higher than the source database TZ_VERSION.


Update the Time Zone File Version. Refer to "Manage Time Zone File Version on Autonomous Database"

19.10.94 unified_and_standard_traditional_audit_adb

The Premigration Advisor Tool check unified_and_standard_traditional_audit_adb indicates that Traditional Audit configurations are detected in the database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared


Traditional audit, which was deprecated in Oracle Database 21c, is desupported starting with Oracle Database 23c. Traditional Audit configurations have been detected in this database, which is configured to use only Unified Auditing.


Performance can degrade unless the traditional audit configurations in the database are deleted.


Oracle strongly recommends that you delete the Traditional Auditing configurations

19.10.95 unified_and_standard_traditional_audit_default

The Premigration Advisor Tool check unified_and_standard_traditional_audit_default indicates that Traditional Audit configurations are detected in the database.

Result Criticality


Has Fixup




Target Cloud

  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


Traditional audit, which was deprecated in Oracle Database 21c, is desupported starting with Oracle Database 23c. Traditional Audit configurations have been detected in this database, which is configured to use only Unified Auditing..


Performance can degrade unless the traditional audit configurations in the database are deleted.


Delete the traditional auditing configurations using the instructions found in Oracle Support Document ID 2909718.1. Ensure that the following init.ora parameter values are set in CDB$ROOT, and restart the database:


19.10.96 xdb_resource_view_has_entries Check

The Premigration Advisor Tool check xdb_resource_view_has_entries Check indicates that there is an XDB Repository that is not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database. Entries in RESOURCE_VIEW will not migrate.

Result Criticality

Review required

Has Fixup


Target Cloud

  • ADWD Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADWS Autonomous Data Warehouse Shared
  • ATPD Autonomous Transaction Processing Dedicated
  • ATPS Autonomous Transaction Processing Shared
  • Default (an Oracle Database instance that is not Oracle Autonomous Database)


This check applies to source schema for Oracle Data Pump and Oracle GoldenGate migrations, and Oracle Data Pump database links. When there is an Oracle XML DB repository (XDB Repository) that is not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB), entries in RESOURCE_VIEW will not migrate.


Applications relying on entries in the XDB Repository RESOURCE_VIEW may not function as expected.


Applications must be updated to remove their dependencies on the XDB Repository. For more information on determining if XDB is being used in your database see Oracle Support Document ID 733667.1

19.11 Best Practices for Using the Premigration Advisor Tool

These Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) tips can help you use CPAT more effectively.

19.11.1 Generate Properties File on the Target Database Instance

Oracle recommends that you generate a Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) properties file on the target database instance.

To perform the most complete and targeted analysis of the source database instance, certain properties of the target database instance are required. For this reason, you should generate your CPAT properties file on the database instance that you want to migrate. To perform this function, the --gettargetprops property is intended to be used with the other connection-related properties.

In the following example, the CPAT script is run by the user ADMIN on the target database instance:

./premigration.sh --gettargetprops -username ADMIN --connectstring 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@service-name?TNS_ADMIN=path-to-wallet'

The command generates a properties file, premigration_advisor_analysis.properties, which you can use to analyze a source instance.

If necessary, you can copy the properties file generated on the target to the host where the source database analysis will be performed, and provide the file to CPAT using the --analysisprops property.

For example:

./premigration.sh --connectstring jdbc:oracle:oci:@ --targetcloud ATPD --sysdba --analysisprops premigration_advisor_analysis.properties

If you know that you (or Oracle Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) or Oracle Database Migration Service (DMS) will be mapping (or precreating) all needed tablespaces, then append the property MigrationMethodProp.ALL_METHODS.TABLESPACE_MAPPING=ALL to the properties file you provide to CPAT. This property setting causes CPAT to PASS most (if not all) of its tablespace-related checks. However, if you choose this option, then be aware that there can still be migration issues related to quotas with tablespace mapping.

19.11.2 Focus the CPAT Analysis

Oracle recommends that you focus the Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) analysis to restrict what schemas CPAT will examine.

Consider using the --schema switch property to restrict what schemas you want CPAT to examine during its analysis. When you start CPAT using --schemas list, where list is a space-delimited list of schemas, CPAT performs checks only on those schemas. Without the --schemas switch, CPAT will analyze all schemas in the source instance (excluding Oracle-maintained schemas), which can result in problems being found in schemas that you do not intend to migrate. Using the --schemas property to restrict scope can be particularly useful if the source instance is hosting multiple applications, each of which could potentially be migrated to different Oracle Autonomous Database instances.

In the following example, the CPAT script is run by the user ADMIN on the target database instance to perform analysis on the schemas schema1 and schema2:

./premigration.sh -username SYSTEM --connectstring 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@service-name?TNS_ADMIN=path-to-wallet' --schemas schema1 schema2

The --schemas switch property provides a space-separated list of schemas (schema1 and schema2) to CPAT, so that the checks it performs are restricted only to those two schemas.

19.11.3 Reduce the Amount of Data in Reports

Some Cloud Premigration Advisor tool checks can return thousands of objects with the same concern. Here's how you can reduce the report size.

Depending on the checks you run, some CPAT checks can return results for the same issue in multiple objects in the text report. To reduce the number of results, you can use the --maxtextdatarows n function, where n is an integer that specifies the number of rows that you want to view.

The --maxrelevantobjects n property performs the same function for reports, but limiting the size of JSON reports is typically not necessary.

In the following example, the CPAT script is run by the user SYSTEM on the target database instance, with the output set to return a maximum of 10 rows of text file data:

./premigration.sh --username SYSTEM --connectstring 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@service-name?TNS_ADMIN=path-to-wallet --maxtextdatarows 10"

19.11.4 Generate the JSON Report and Save Logs

Even if you only plan to use the text report, Oracle suggests you also generate a JSON output file with the Cloud Premigration Advisor tool (CPAT), and save the log files for diagnosis.

Oracle recommends generating the JSON report as well as the text report, and always save your log report files. Why? If you encounter an issue while using CPAT, and need to contact Oracle Support, then you can provide all possible information to assist Oracle Support with resolving your issue. You can assist Oracle Support by being prepared to submit both the text and JSON reports, as well as the .log reports generated by CPAT. The --reportformat property accepts one or more space-delimited report formats. The permitted values for the --reportformat switch are json and text.

For example:

./premigration.sh -username SYSTEM --connectstring 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@service-name --reportformat json text

19.11.5 Use Output Prefixes to Record Different Migration Scenarios

To keep track of reports for different migration options, use the --outfileprefix and --outdir properties on the CPAT command line.

To generate reports for different Cloud migration options, you can use the Cloud Premigration Advisor Tool (CPAT) with the --outfileprefix, so that you place a prefix on reports and log files that can organize the report options that you have generated. You can also use the --outdir property to organize reports for different instances, or to organize reports for different scenarios.


The --outdir property accepts either an absolute or a relative folder path. Using this property specifies a particular location where CPAT creates the log files, report files, and any properties files that you generate. If --outdir is omitted from the command line, then the log file and other generated files are created in the user's current folder, which can lead to files being overwritten when multiple analyses are performed.

For example:

./premigration.sh --outfileprefix ATPS_RUN_01 --outdir /path/CPAT_output --reportformat TEXT JSON ...