9 Oracle API for MongoDB Support

This section describes the support for the Oracle Database API for MongoDB.

Starting with ORDS release 22.3, Oracle REST Data Services supports the Oracle Database API for MongoDB when running in a standalone mode. This enables the use of MongoDB drivers, frameworks, and tools to develop your JSON document-store applications against the Oracle Database. The Oracle Database API for MongoDB, translates the MongoDB wire protocol into SQL statements that are executed using the ORDS connection pools.

Figure 9-1 Architecture Diagram for Oracle Database API for MongoDB

Description of mongodb.png follows
Description of the illustration mongodb.png

Following points must be considered:
  • The MongoDB concept of a database is mapped to the concept of a schema in Oracle Database. Specifically, an ORDS-enabled schema. For example, when are you insert a JSON document into a collection in the database foo, the API for MongoDB inserts the document into a collection in the ORDS-enabled schema foo.
  • Authentication and authorization when using the API for MongoDB depends on the Oracle Database users and access controls and not the MongoDB users. When you are connecting a MongoDB client, you must specify the Oracle Database credentials using the LDAP authentication mechanism of MongoDB using the connection options authMechanism=PLAIN and authSource=$external. The protocol passes the username and password as a plain text and so, TLS/SSL must be enabled using the connection option tls=true.
  • The Oracle API for MongoDB maps the MongoDB commands to the corresponding SQL statements on the table backing the collection.

    For example, a MongoDB command such as emp.find({"name":"John"}) is executed against the database using a SQL select statement similar to select data from emp e where e.data."name" = 'John'.

  • When required, SQL can be executed directly over JSON collections. With this model, you get the speed, flexibility, and ease-of-use of a NoSQL document store while still having the ability to use SQL for analytics and reporting directly over your natively stored JSON data.

9.1 Getting Started

Perform the following steps to get started to use the Oracle Database API for MongoDB:
  1. Install and configure ORDS:

    From a command prompt, install and configure ORDS using the following commands:


    • If you are installing ORDS against the Autonomous Database, then use the command ords install adb.
    • Oracle API for MongoDB is only supported for installations in a single instance or PDB.
    ords install
    ords config set mongo.enabled true
    ords serve
    Log showing that the Oracle API for MongoDB is enabled:
    After starting ORDS using the ords serve command, the log shows a message similar to the following to verify if the Oracle API for MongoDB is enabled:
    Disabling document root because the specified folder does not exist: ./config/global/doc_root
    2022-08-17T15:23:04.043Z INFO        Oracle API for MongoDB listening on port: 27017
    2022-08-17T15:23:04.050Z INFO        The Oracle API for MongoDB connection string is:
  2. Create an ORDS-enabled user:
    Leave the server running and from SQLcl, create an ORDS-enabled user:
    create user foo identified by "<Password>";    
    grant soda_app, create session, create table, create view, create sequence, create procedure, create job, unlimited tablespace to foo;    
    connect foo/<Password>   
    exec ords.enable_schema;
  3. Connect to ORDS using the MongoDB shell:


    By default, ORDS uses a self-signed certificate and so, tlsAllowInvalidCertificates is necessary. A signed certificate can be configured by setting the properties standalone.https.cert and standalone.https.cert.key.
     mongosh  --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates 'mongodb://foo:<Password>@localhost:27017/foo?authMechanism=PLAIN&authSource=$external&tls=
    true&retryWrites=false&loadBalanced=true'foo> db.createCollection('emp');
        { ok: 1 }
        foo> db.emp.insertOne({"name":"Blake","job": "Intern","salary":30000});
        foo> db.emp.insertOne({"name":"Smith","job": "Programmer","salary": 60000,"email" : "smith@oracle.com"});
        foo> db.emp.insertOne({"name":"Miller","job": "Programmer","salary": 70000});
        foo> db.emp.find({"name":"Miller"});
            _id: ObjectId("6320bfc40dd73b60ef5641b9"),
            name: 'Miller',
            job: 'Programmer',
            salary: 70000
        foo> db.emp.updateOne({"name":"Miller"}, {$set: {"email":"miller@oracle.com"}})
          acknowledged: true,
          insertedId: null,
          matchedCount: 1,
          modifiedCount: 1,
          upsertedCount: 0
  4. The data inserted from the MongoDB client can be accessed from SQL:
    SQL> select json_serialize(e.data)
         from emp e;
    SQL> select e.data."name".string() n,
               e.data."job".string() j
         from emp e
         where e.data."email".string() = 'miller@oracle.com';
    N                    J
    -------------------- -----------------------
    Miller               Programmer

9.2 Requirements

This section lists the client and database requirements.

The MongoDB API supports Oracle Database version 21c or later and the Autonomous Oracle Database 19c or later (Serverless, dedicated, and cloud@customer). In general, Oracle API for MongoDB supports MongoDB tools and drivers that support the loadBalanced connection option. Oracle API for MongoDB specifically supports the client versions listed in the following table.

Table 9-1 Requirements

Client Minimum Version Supported
mongosh 0.15.6
Java 4.3.0
Python 3.12.0
Node.js 4.1.0
C# 2.13.0
Golang 1.6.0
Database Tools(mongoimport, mongorestore) 100.5.2

9.3 Configurable Settings for MongoDB

This section lists the editable configuration settings to support the MongoDB API stored in the global configuration, located at global/settings.xml.


Oracle recommends users to use the Oracle REST Data Services command-line interface to edit the configuration files.

Table 9-2 Configuration Settings to Support the Mongo API

Key Type Description

(Mandatory property)

boolean Specifies to enable the API for MongoDB. Default value is false.

To enable the API for MongoDB, set the value to true.

mongo.access.log path Specifies the path to the folder where you want to store the API for MongoDB access logs. If the path is not specified, then no access is generated.
mongo.host string Specifies a comma separated list of host names or IP addresses to identify a specific network interface on which to listen. Default value is
mongo.port integer Specifies the API for MongoDB listen port. Default value is 27017.
mongo.idle.timeout duration Specifies the maximum idle time for a connection in milliseconds. Default value is 30m
mongo.op.timeout duration Specifies the maximum time for a database operation in milliseconds. Default value is 10m.

9.4 Examples

This section lists some examples that use the ords config set command to store the MongoDB settings in the current working directory (CWD) global/settings.xml and also provides an example for MongoDB listener settings in global/settings.xml file.

Examples of using the ords config set command

  • ords config set mongo.enabled true
  • ords config set mongo.host example.com
  • ords config set mongo.port 27017
  • ords config set mongo.idle.timeout 40m
  • ords config set mongo.op.timeout 15m

Example of Mongo Listener settings in global/settings.xml

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
<comment>Saved on Wed Jun 15 01:33:58 UTC 2022</comment>
<entry key="debug.printDebugToScreen">true</entry>
. . .
<entry key="mongo.host">example.com</entry>
<entry key="mongo.idle.timeout">40m</entry>
<entry key="mongo.enabled">true</entry>
<entry key="mongo.op.timeout">15m</entry>
<entry key="mongo.port">27016</entry>
. . .

Examples of using the ords config get command

  • ords config get mongo.enabled


  • ords config get mongo.port


Using the ords serve Command

Use the ords serve command to run in standalone mode.


To enable the Oracle API for MongoDB, prior to running the serve command, you must set mongo.enabled property to true

9.5 Accessing the Connection Pools

Oracle REST Data Services supports the ability to connect to more than one database. Multiple named pools can be defined using the install command. Adding a pool creates a corresponding directory under ./databases within the ORDS configuration directory. An initial install of Oracle REST Data Services typically adds a default database connection pool named default.

By default, when you are connecting to the MongoDB API, all database requests are directed to the default connection pool. Optionally, you can route MongoDB API requests to other connection pools using the hostnames file. For example, assume that the database pool named mydb1 has a configuration directory at ords_config/databases/mydb1. If you create the hostname file ords_config/databases/mydb1/hostnames containing two hostnames as follows:

Then, the following connection strings routes to mydb1 conection pool instead of the default connection pool:

9.6 Logging MongoDB API Access

This section describes how to enable logging of requests to the MongoDB API.

By default, requests to the MongoDB API are not logged. To enable logging access to MongoDB API, you must set the configuration property mongo.access.log to a directory path. If the directory path is not absolute, it is resolved relative to the the ORDS configuration directory (<ords config>). If the directory does not exist, then ORDS creates the directory on startup. ORDS then adds an access log file entry within this directory each time the MongoDB API is accessed.


ords config set mongo.access.log mongologs

This command writes access log files under <ords config>/mongologs/ folder.

9.7 Achieving High Peformance

This section describes the settings that are useful in achieving high performance.

In environments where higher performance or throughput is desired, some ORDS connection pool parameters are required to be configured and tuned.

To achieve higher throughput, the following settings and the values are useful. The optimal tuning of these parameters depend on the requirements of an application:

ords config set jdbc.MaxConnectionReuseCount 5000
ords config set jdbc.MaxConnectionReuseTime 900
ords config set jdbc.SecondsToTrustIdleConnection 1
ords config set jdbc.InitialLimit 100
ords config set jdbc.MaxLimit 100


  • MaxConnectionReuseTime: Enables connections to be gracefully closed and removed from the connection pool after a connection is borrowed a specific number of times.
  • SecondsToTrustIdleConnection: Sets the time in seconds to trust a recently used or recently tested database connection and skip the validation test during connection checkout.
  • InitialLimit and MaxLimits: Sets the connection pool size in the UCP for the specified connection pool.