About Custom Map Regions Visualization

Oracle Spatial Studio allows you to create custom map regions on map layers that support polygon type geometry.

You can create a new map region by selecting multiple polygon shapes and combining them with a new key-value. You can then append or insert this new map region with the new key-value into a target dataset containing all of your other custom map regions, or save it as a new dataset.

These newly created custom shapes are persisted on the underlying database table of the target dataset, and therefore can be used for data visualization or reporting just like any other dataset.

The following are the main characteristics for this feature support:
  • The source dataset, that is the dataset whose polygon shapes you will be selecting and then combining into a custom map region, must always be based on an Oracle Database table.

    Datasets from Oracle views and Studio's Analyses are not currently supported.

  • The new regions may or may not be contiguous.
  • The target dataset, that is the dataset on which you want to store the newly created custom map regions, will store them in its geo-reference system.
  • The target dataset can be a new dataset or an existing dataset in the current project. For a new dataset, you need to specify the connection, the table name, the dataset name, the key-column name of the table, and provide the key value for the new region.
  • Only the key value and new geometry value are inserted into the newly created target table. For inserting the new region into an existing dataset, you may provide values for all of the dataset's attributes, or only the required ones.
  • An existing targets dataset must meet the following requirements:
    • The geometry metadata information for the target dataset must be available in the SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.
    • A spatial index must exist on the geometry column. Note that if a spatial index is not created on the geometry column, then the target data layer cannot be dragged on to the map visualization canvas.


    Prior to Release 22.3, these target dataset requirements were implemented using SQL statements. However, from Release 22.3 onwards, if a new dataset is created to store the regions, then Spatial Studio automatically takes care of updating the geometry metadata and creating a spatial index.
  • For a new target dataset, once it is created and the first region is inserted, then the dataset can be manually added to the current active project and added as a layer to the map visualization. For subsequent processing, this new target dataset is treated as an existing target dataset.