3.1.1 About Internationalization in Spatial Studio

Oracle Spatial Studio supports internationalization of its user interface.

You can choose to adapt the Spatial Studio user interface to use one of the following supported languages when logging in to the application:
  • English (default)
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese-BR
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese

Figure 3-3 Internationalization Support in Spatial Studio

Description of Figure 3-3 follows
Description of "Figure 3-3 Internationalization Support in Spatial Studio"

Note, however, any server generated messages or errors will continue to be displayed in English. If you want to switch to a different language after logging in, then you must first log out and select the required language when logging in again.

In case you have configured Spatial Studio to use IDCS as the login provider, then there is no explicit language selector. This is because the login dialog belongs to IDCS. In this case, Spatial Studio will check the locale and language settings in your IDCS profile, and use that to automatically select the best matched language from the list of supported languages. For instance, if your IDCS profile has Canadian French set as the preferred language, then Spatial Studio will use French to display its UI as it does not support Canadian French.