4.3 Using a Cesium Map Visualization

Spatial Studio uses a CesiumJS plugin that allows you to view 3D visualizations using 3D Tiles or CZML data on a Cesium map.

Cesium map allows you to display your real-world geospatial 3D data in a 3D environment. In order to build interactive 3D visualizations using Cesium maps, you can upload one of the following files to Spatial Studio:

  • 3D Tileset: Supports formats are:
    • Point Cloud (.pnts)
    • Batched 3D Model (.b3dm)
  • CZML file: CZML formatted data in .czml files

It is important to note the following when using a Cesium map visualization:

  • Generating 3D Tiles or CZML formatted data file for your geospatial 3D data must be carried out using any third party software outside of Oracle Spatial Studio.
  • 3D Tiles and CZML files are stored in the file system on Spatial Studio's server, not in Oracle Database.
  • Currently this feature supports only displaying 3D Tiles and CZML data on maps. It does not support 3D analysis.

4.3.1 Visualizing a 3D Tileset Using a Cesium Map

You can visualize your dataset with 3D Tiles on a Cesium map using the following steps.
The instructions assume that the 3D Tiles are uploaded and the dataset is already added to the project in the Active Project page. To create a dataset with 3D Tiles, see Creating a Dataset from Cesium Datasets for more information.
  1. Click the Visualizations tab on the left pane in the Active Project page.
    This lists the various visualization options.
  2. Click and drag Cesium-Map from the list to the visualization canvas on the right to create a Cesium map visualization.
    A default Cesium map is displayed.


    You can configure new background Cesium maps by adding maps from the following two sources:
    • URL template
    • WMTS service
  3. Click the Data tab on the left pane in the Active Project page.
    This lists all the Datasets that are loaded for the project.
  4. Click and drag the desired 3D Tiles dataset from the list to the map view on the right.
    A 3D layer is created on the map as shown:

    Figure 4-19 3D Cesium Map Visualization

    Description of Figure 4-19 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-19 3D Cesium Map Visualization"
    To interact with the map, click the ? icon and use either of the following options shown: Description of pointer_options.png follows
    Description of the illustration pointer_options.png

4.3.2 Visualizing CZML Data Using a Cesium Map

You can visualize your CZML dataset on a Cesium map using the following steps.
The instructions assume that the CZML formatted data is uploaded and the CZML dataset is already added to the project in the Active Project page. To create a dataset using .czml file, see Creating a Dataset from Cesium Datasets for more information.
  1. Click the Visualizations tab on the left pane in the Active Project page.
    This lists the various visualization options.
  2. Click and drag Cesium-Map from the list to the visualization canvas on the right to create a Cesium map visualization.
  3. Click the Data tab on the left pane in the Active Project page.
    This lists all the Datasets that are loaded for the project.
  4. Click and drag the desired CZML dataset from the list to the map view on the right.
    A 3D layer is created on the map as shown:

    Figure 4-20 Cesium Map Visualization Using a CZML Dataset

    Description of Figure 4-20 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-20 Cesium Map Visualization Using a CZML Dataset"