Work with Application Workbooks in Cube Designer

Each application workbook contains a number of worksheets that, taken together, define the cube. Using Designer Panel, you can modify an application workbook, and then you can use the modified workbook to create an updated cube, reflecting your changes.

Work with the Essbase.Cube Worksheet in Cube Designer

Using the Cube tab in the Designer Panel, you can modify the Application Name, Cube Name, and Dimension Definitions fields on the Essbase.Cube worksheet. You can change the application name and cube name, and delete one or more dimensions.

  1. On the Cube Designer ribbon, select Designer Panel Image of the Designer Panel icon on the cube designer ribbon..
  2. In the Designer Panel, select the Cube tab.
    Image of the cube designer panel cube tab.

  3. Select From Sheet Image of the cube designer panel from sheet icon. to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  4. Change the application name or the cube name, if you want to.
  5. Add one or more dimensions by typing the name in the text box and pressing the enter key after each one.
  6. In the Dimensions list
    • If you want to delete a dimension, right click the dimension name and select Delete Dimension.

      Alternatively, you can select a dimension name and press the delete key.

    • If you want to rename a dimension, right click the dimension name and select Rename Dimension.
  7. Select To Sheet Image of the cube designer panel to sheet icon. to propagate the changes to the application workbook.
  8. Examine the updated application workbook to see your changes.

Work with the Cube.Settings Worksheet: Alias Tables in Cube Designer

You can add new alias tables in the Cube.Settings worksheet.

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Settings tab.
  2. Select From Sheet Image of the cube designer panel from sheet icon. to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  3. In the Alias Tables field, enter a name for the new alias table.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Select To Sheet Image of the cube designer panel to sheet icon..
    A new alias table name is added on the Cube.Settings worksheet in the application workbook. To add the alias table to a dimension worksheet, open the Dimensions tab in the Designer Panel, and add the alias table to the selected dimension worksheet. See Work with Dimension Worksheets in Cube Designer. After you add the alias table to the dimension worksheet, you must populate the aliases manually, or by copying from a source.


Changes to the Cube.Settings worksheet cannot be applied incrementally. Instead, you must rebuild the cube to apply those changes.

Work with the Cube.Settings Worksheet: Properties in Cube Designer

You can add new properties in the Cube.Settings worksheet.

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Settings tab.
  2. Select From Sheet Image of the cube designer panel from sheet icon. to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  3. Expand the Properties section.
    Image of the Properties section on the Settings tab of the Designer Panel.

  4. Make your selections.
  5. Select To Sheet Image of the cube designer panel to sheet icon. to propagate the changes to the application workbook.


Changes to the Cube.Settings worksheet cannot be applied incrementally. Instead, you must rebuild the cube to apply those changes.

See also: Understand the Cube.Settings Worksheet: Properties.

Work with the Cube.Settings Worksheet: Dynamic Time Series in Cube Designer

You can add dynamic time series members in the Cube.Settings worksheet.

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Settings tab.
  2. Select From Sheet Image of the cube designer panel from sheet icon. to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  3. Expand the Dynamic Time Series section.
    Image of the Dynamic Time Series section on the Settings tab in the Designer Panel.
  4. Make the changes that you want.
  5. Select To Sheet Image of the cube designer panel to sheet icon. to propagate the changes to the application workbook.

There are reserved generations names used by dynamic time series. For example, using the generation name of “Year” activates dynamic time series for “Y-T-D.”


Changes to the Cube.Settings worksheet cannot be applied incrementally. Instead, you must rebuild the cube to apply those changes.

See also: Understand Dimension Worksheets.

Work with the Cube.Settings Worksheet: Attribute Settings in Cube Designer

You change attribute settings on the Cube.Settings worksheet.

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Settings tab.
  2. Select From Sheet Image of the cube designer panel from sheet icon. to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  3. Expand the Attribute Settings section.
    Image of of cube settings, attribute settings, in cube designer panel.

  4. Make the changes that you want.
  5. Select To Sheet Image of the cube designer panel to sheet icon. to propagate the changes to the application workbook.


Changes to the Cube.Settings worksheet cannot be applied incrementally. Instead, you must rebuild the cube to apply those changes.

See also: Understand the Cube.Settings Worksheet: Attribute Settings.

Work with the Cube.Settings Worksheet: Substitution Variables in Cube Designer

You can add cube-level substitution variables on the Cube.Settings worksheet.

Enter the name of the substitution variable in column A. Enter the corresponding value of the substitution variable in column B.

You must enclose member names in double quotes.

Image of the substitution variables section in the Cube.Settings worksheet.


Changes to the Cube.Settings worksheet cannot be applied incrementally. Instead, you must rebuild the cube to apply those changes.

Work with Dimension Worksheets in Cube Designer

On dimension worksheets, you can define dimensions, including name, type, storage type, build method, and more.

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Dimensions tab.
    Image of the cube designer panel dimension tab.

  2. Select From Sheet Image of the cube designer panel from sheet icon. to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  3. Make the changes that you want.
    For descriptions of the options and valid values, see Understand Dimension Worksheets.
  4. (Optional) If you want to update the Cube.Generations worksheet in the application workbook for this dimension, click the Update Generation Worksheet button.

    The Update Generation Worksheet button creates a section in the Cube.Generations worksheet for the dimension selected in the Dimension drop down list on the Dimensions tab of the Designer Panel.

    The Dimension section of the Cube.Generations worksheet changes if you add or delete members on the dimension worksheet (Dim.dimname), causing the number of generations in the dimension to change. If you make changes to the dimension worksheet by adding or deleting members, you should always press the Update Generation Worksheet button as part of the editing process.

  5. Select To Sheet Image of the to sheet icon on the cube designer panel. to propagate the changes to the application workbook.
  • After adding alias tables using Designer Panel, populate the alias table column with alias names manually, or by copying them from a source.

  • Use no more than 1024 characters when naming dimensions, members, or aliases.

  • The length limit for the dimension worksheet is 30 characters, including 3 characters for the "Dim." at the beginning of the sheet name. So, the name following "Dim." can contain up to 27 characters.

See Understand the Cube.Generations Worksheet.

Work with Data Worksheets in Cube Designer

You can create data worksheets in the Designer Panel for new or existing application workbooks. You can also edit the display of dimensions and members in new or existing data worksheets.

To create a new data worksheet:

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Data tab.
  2. Enter a name for the new data worksheet in the Data Sheets field.
  3. In Sheet Type, select the type of sheet to create:
    • Data Dimension

      In a data dimension sheet, dimensions are represented in the column headers. These indicate the member combinations to which to load the data. The right-most columns are the data columns. The data column headers specify members of the data dimension, which is the dimension to which you are loading data. The data values reside in the data column rows.

    • Flat

      In a flat sheet, each dimension is represented in a column header. The last column, *Data* contains the data values for the specified member combinations.

    • Sandbox

      In a sandbox sheet, each dimension is represented in a column header. The first dimension is Dimension.Sandbox. The last three column headers display members of the CellProperties dimension: EssValue, EssStatus, and EssTID. Do not modify the EssValue, EssStatus, and EssTID columns, as they are for internal purposes and it is important that they not be changed.

  4. Press Enter.
  5. Optional: Edit the data layout. Change the order of the dimension columns, and (for the Data Dimension sheet type only) select members and set their order. See subsequent sections in this topic for instructions.
  6. Select To Sheet Image of the to sheet icon on the cube designer panel..

    After you select a sheet type, and then select To Sheet or From Sheet, you cannot change the sheet type from the Designer Panel.

A new data worksheet is created in the application workbook.

To change the order of dimensions in the data worksheet:

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Data tab.
  2. In Data Sheets, select the sheet that you want to edit.
  3. In Dimension Column Order, select the dimension that you want to move.
  4. Use the up and down arrows to move the dimension.
  5. Select To Sheet Image of the to sheet icon on the cube designer panel. to add your changes to the selected Data tab in the worksheet.

To change the order of members on the data worksheet (Data Dimension sheet type only):

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Data tab.
  2. In Data Columns, select the member that you want to move.
  3. Use the up and down arrows to move the member.
  4. Select To Sheet Image of the to sheet icon on the cube designer panel. to add your changes to the selected Data tab in the worksheet.

To select the members to display in a data worksheet (Data Dimension sheet type only):

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Data tab.
  2. Click Member Selection.
  3. In the Member Selector, check the members you want to display and clear the members you don't want to display.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select To Sheet Image of the to sheet icon on the cube designer panel. to add your changes to the selected Data tab in the worksheet.

To add data worksheets to an existing application workbook, go to the Data tab in the Designer Panel, click From Sheet Image of the From Sheet icon in the designer panel. , and proceed with the steps in this topic.

Work with Calculation Worksheets in Cube Designer

You can create new calculation worksheets in the Designer Panel.
  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Calc tab.
  2. Select From Sheet Image of the from sheet icon on the cube designer panel. to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  3. In the Calculation Sheets field, enter a name for the new calculation worksheet.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Select To Sheet Image of the to sheet icon on the cube designer panel..
    A new calculation worksheet is created in the application workbook.
Cube Designer calculation worksheets apply only to block storage cubes.

Work with MDX Worksheets in Cube Designer

You can create new MDX worksheets in the Designer Panel.

  1. In the Designer Panel, select the Calc tab.
  2. Select From Sheet Image of the from sheet icon on the cube designer populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  3. In the MDX Insert Sheets field, enter a name for the new MDX worksheet.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Select To Sheet Image of the to sheet icon on the cube designer panel..

A new MDX worksheet is created in the application workbook.

See Understand MDX Worksheets.

Work with Typed Measures Worksheets in Cube Designer

You can add date measures or text list definitions to application workbooks to work with typed measures.

  1. Open an application workbook.
  2. On the Cube Designer ribbon, click Cube Designer to open the Designer Panel.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Click From Sheet to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the application workbook.
  5. To add date measures:
    1. In the Cube.Settings worksheet, under Properties, modify the Date Format to the format you want to load into the cube.
    2. If a Cube.TypedMeasures sheet does not exist in the application workbook, add one:
      1. On the Designer Panel, Settings tab, expand Text Lists.
      2. In the Text Lists field, type a name.
      3. Press Enter.
    3. Identify the members in Accounts dimension and add them in cells to the right of Associated Members in the Date Measures section. These are the members that will allow dates to be loaded into the cube as data.
    4. Rebuild the cube.
  6. To add text lists:
    1. If a Cube.TypedMeasures sheet does not exist in the application workbook, add one:
      1. On the Designer Panel, Settings tab, expand Text Lists.
      2. In the Text Lists field, type a name.
      3. Press Enter.

        The text list name is moved to the text box below the Text Lists field.

    2. If a Cube.TypedMeasures sheet already exists in the application workbook, you can create additional text list tables to that sheet by following the steps in 6a and using a new name in the Text Lists field.
    3. After you add the text list, you must enter the text list information manually. This includes the associated members for the text list, the valid text items in the list and their related numeric values.
    4. Rebuild the cube.

Create a Cube from a Local Application Workbook in Cube Designer

Using a sample local application workbook, you can create a cube from Cube Designer.

  1. In Excel, on the Cube Designer ribbon, select Local Image of the local icon on the cube designer ribbon., and then select Open Application Workbook.
  2. Select an application workbook, then select Open.
  3. On the Cube Designer ribbon, select Build Cube Image of the build cube icon on the cube designer ribbon..
  4. On the Build Cube dialog box, verify that you want to use the selected options. Cube Designer detects data worksheets and calculation worksheets in the application workbook, and pre-selects those options for you, however you can deselect those options if you want to:
    • Load Data Sheets Contained within Workbook is pre-selected if data worksheets exist in the workbook. You can de-select this option if you do not want to load data.
    • Run Calculation Sheets Contained within Workbook is pre-selected if calculation worksheets exist in the workbook. You can de-select this option if you do not want to run the calculations.
  5. Click Run.
  6. After the asynchronous job completes a dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to launch Job Viewer and view the status of the Excel import, or click No if you don't want to launch Job Viewer.