2 Working with TimesTen Scaleout

This chapter focuses on working with TimesTen Scaleout in SQL Developer. For more information about TimesTen Scaleout, see "Overview of TimesTen Scaleout" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

Topics include:

Displaying the TimesTen Scaleout view

You can create, manage, and explore a TimesTen Scaleout grid and its components.

From the main SQL Developer page, click View, then TimesTen Scaleout to bring up the TimesTen Scaleout view page.


If the TimesTen Scaleout view option is unavailable, ensure that you have set the environment variables that are described in Setting environment variables for TimesTen and SQL Developer.

The TimesTen Scaleout view node displays in the bottom-left corner of the SQL Developer page.

Testing passwordless SSH configuration

Passwordless SSH (secure shell) is required between all hosts included within a grid in TT Scaleout, regardless of the type of instance (management instance or data instance) on each host. Passwordless SSH is also required for any host that is used as a scp repository. For more information on configuring passwordless SSH and repositories, see "Setting passwordless SSH" and "Working with repositories", respectively, in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

SQL developer provides a tool to test that each host in the grid can access one another through passwordless SSH. To test the passwordless SSH connectivity between the hosts on a grid, perform the following:

  1. In the TimesTen Scaleout view node, right-click the TimesTen Scaleout folder and select Test Passwordless SSH.

    The Test Passwordless SSH configuration dialog displays. Locate the Instance Administrator Credentials region.

  2. In the Instance Administrator text field, type the username of the instance administrator that will create and manage the grid.
  3. By default, the Use Password option is selected. Provide the password for the instance administrator in the Use Password field.


    If you want to avoid specifying the password of the instance administrator, you can provide an SSH key file by selecting the Use SSH Key file option and then browse to select an SSH key file. You can generate an SSH key file.

    Locate the Add Hosts button in the Hosts region.

  4. Click Add Hosts once for every host that you want to add to the grid topology.
  5. In the Host Address column of the hosts table, type the host address for every host that will be part of the grid topology.


    In case that you are using different internal and external addresses for a host, use the internal host address.

  6. Click Test.

    The test can take several minutes depending on the number of hosts that you selected. In the Result column of the Details table and the Test Result column of the Hosts table, you should see the text "OK" for every host. If any host displays the text "Failed", ensure that the particular host is configured for passwordless SSH. For more information on configuring passwordless SSH, see "Setting passwordless SSH" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

    Locate the Close button at the bottom of the dialog.

  7. Click Close.

    The Test Passwordless SSH configuration dialog closes.

You have successfully tested the passwordless SSH configuration between all hosts for a grid in TimesTen Scaleout. You can now create a grid.

Working with the grid

You can create a new grid, manage an existing grid, remove a grid from SQL Developer, and perform various grid operations.

Create a grid

You can create a grid using SQL Developer with either the Simple Grid Wizard or the New Grid option. The New Grid option is recommended for advanced users.

Before you create a grid:

Consider these details when deciding whether to use the Simple Grid Wizard or the New Grid option:

  • While both options enable you to apply all grid model changes, you can only verify the model changes with the New Grid option.

  • Both the Simple Grid Wizard and the New Grid option create a TimesTen installation on every specified host based in the installation location that you specify.

  • Both the Simple Grid Wizard and the New Grid option create data instance locations on every specified host that does not have a data instance.

  • Only the New Grid option creates a management instance. For production deployments, it is highly recommended to create a standby management instance. Once TimesTen creates the management instance(s) on a grid, you can add data instances.

There are several restrictions that you should consider when deciding on the object names for TimesTen Scaleout. See "Grid objects and object naming" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for restrictions for object names within TimesTen Scaleout.

You can create a grid with one of these procedures:

Create a grid with the Simple Grid Wizard

Start the Simple Grid Wizard from TimesTen Scaleout view node by right-clicking the TimesTen Scaleout folder and selecting Simple Grid Wizard.

If you are using the Simple Grid Wizard for the first time, a Passwordless SSH dialog displays. If you do not want to see the Passwordless SSH dialog when you use the Simple Grid Wizard, select the Skip This Message Next Time check box. Then, click the Yes button. See Testing passwordless SSH configuration for more information on passwordless SSH setup.

Now, you can configure the active management instance. To configure active management instance for your grid:


You can configure the active management instance using either the Simple Grid Wizard or the New Grid option. For production systems, you should also create a standby management instance. See Create a new management instance for more information.

  1. In the Name text field, type a name for your grid. The default name is grid1.

  2. Select a K-safety level from the K-safety list. A K-safety level of 2 or greater is recommended. For more information, see "K-safety" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  3. In the Membership Configuration field, specify a ZooKeeper membership configuration file. You can specify the path of the file in the text field or use the Browse button to locate a file. For more information about the ZooKeeper membership configuration file, see "Configuring Apache ZooKeeper as the membership service" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  4. By default, the Use Default check box sets the host name for the management instance to the same name that the operating system assigned to the host. To designate a new name for the host containing your management instance, deselect the Use Default check box and type a name in the Host Name field.

  5. Provide the internal and external addresses for the management instance in the Internal Address and External Address fields. For more information on internal and external addresses for management instances, see "Internal and external networks" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  6. In the Instance Name field, type a name for your management instance. All instance names default to instance1. If the host names are different, the instance names are unique because each object type has its own namespace. Instance namespaces are per host and are referenced to as host_name.instance_name. You can provide a unique name for the management instance in the Instance Name field. For more details, see "Grid objects and object naming" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  7. In the Instance Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to create the instance. TimesTen creates a directory with the instance name inside of the directory you specify. For example, if you have an instance name of instance1 and an instance location of /TimesTen/instance/, TimesTen creates your instance in the /TimesTen/instance/instance1/ directory.

  8. In the Daemon Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen daemon. The default value is 6624.

  9. In the Client/Server Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen client/server. The default value is 6625.

  10. In the Management Port field, specify the management port number. The default value is 3754.

    The management port is the value for the TCP/IP port number of the active management instance.

  11. In the Software Location field, specify the location of the TimesTen distribution file. You can specify the path in the text field or you can use the Browse button to locate the file.

  12. In the Installation Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to copy the distribution file. TimesTen copies and extracts the distribution file to a directory that is named based on the release number of TimesTen Scaleout. For example, if you are installing TimesTen Scaleout 22.1, the files are extracted to a tt22. directory inside of the installation location that you specified.

  13. By default, the primary user group of the instance administrator owns the TimesTen installation. You can specify another user group by deselecting the Use Default check box and providing the user group name in the TimesTen Group field. All installations and instances in the grid are then owned by this user group.

  14. In the Instance Administrator field, type the instance administrator of the management instance. The instance administrator on all included hosts must have a common user ID and numeric UID.

  15. By default, the Use Password option is selected. Provide the password for the instance administrator in the Use Password field.


    If you want to avoid specifying the password of the instance administrator, you can provide an SSH key file by selecting the Use SSH Key file option and then browse to select an SSH key file. You can generate an SSH key file.

  16. To avoid SQL Developer prompts for the instance administrator password during future operations, select the Save Password check box.

    SQL Developer can now validate your configuration. Locate the Next button.

  17. Click Next.

    Figure 2-1 Simple Grid Wizard dialog - Step 1 of 4

    Description of Figure 2-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-1 Simple Grid Wizard dialog - Step 1 of 4"

    SQL Developer validates your input values and displays a progress dialog. The validation can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error and click the Next button again to revalidate your input values.

    The progress dialog closes and the Simple Grid Wizard dialog refreshes. You can now add data instances.

To add data instances to your grid:


When you add a data instance, SQL Developer actually adds a host, an installation, and a data instance.

  1. Right-click the Data Instances folder and select New to add the information for a new data instance.

  2. Accept the default or specify a host name in the Host Name text field. The Use Default check box defaults the host name for the data instance.

  3. Provide the internal and external addresses for the data instance in the Internal Address and External Address fields. For more information on internal and external addresses for data instances, see "Internal and external networks" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  4. In the Instance Name field, type a name for your data instance. All instance names default to instance1. If the host names are different, the instance names are unique because each object type has its own namespace. Instance namespaces are per host and are referenced to as host_name.instance_name. You can provide a unique name for the data instance in the Instance Name field. For more details, see "Grid objects and object naming" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  5. In the Instance Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to create the data instance.

  6. In the Daemon Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen daemon. The default value is 6624.

  7. In the Client/Server Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen client/server. The default value is 6625.

  8. In the Installation Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to copy the distribution file. TimesTen copies and extracts the distribution file to a directory that is named based on the release number of TimesTen Scaleout. For example, if you are installing TimesTen Scaleout 22.1, the files are extracted to a tt22. directory inside of the installation location that you specified.

    Locate the Save button.

  9. Click Save to save the configuration of your data instance.

    Figure 2-2 Simple Grid Wizard dialog - Step 2 of 4

    Description of Figure 2-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-2 Simple Grid Wizard dialog - Step 2 of 4"

    You have successfully added a data instance. When you add a data instance, SQL Developer actually adds a host, an installation, and then a data instance. You can now add additional data instances.

    You can add additional hosts with installations and data instances:

    • Add a new data instance.

      Right-click the Data Instances folder and select New. Then, follow steps 2 through 9.

    • Duplicate the configuration of another data instance.

      Right-click the data instance that you want to duplicate and select Duplicate. SQL Developer adds a new data instance with the same configuration values as the original data instance except for the host name, internal address, and external address. Ensure that you enter the values for the host name, internal address, and external address text fields.

    You can remove a data instance by right-clicking the data instance that you want to remove and select Delete.

  10. Once you have added all of your intended data instances to your grid, click Next.

    SQL Developer validates your input values and displays a progress dialog. The validation can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error and click the Next button again to revalidate your input values.

    The progress dialog closes and the Simple Grid Wizard dialog refreshes. You can now assign your hosts to data space groups.

Organize the hosts that contain one full copy of the data into a single data space group. Since there are k copies of the data, there are an equal number of data space groups, which are numbered from 1 to k. Set the k value for the K-safety configuration of your grid. The hosts in one data space group should be physically separate from the group of hosts in another data space group. Thus, hosts in one data space group are more likely to fail together; hosts in separate data space groups are less likely to fail simultaneously. For more information on data space groups, see "Assigning hosts to data space groups" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


Once you have assigned a host to a data space group and you have applied that change to the grid model, you cannot change the data space group of that host.

To assign hosts to data space groups:

  1. Right-click the host name that you want to assign to a data space group. Then, select the data space group where you want to assign the host.

    Your host gets assigned to the data space group that you selected.

  2. Repeat Step 1 to assign all of your hosts to data space groups. Ensure that you have the same number of hosts in each data space group.
  3. Once you have assigned all of your hosts to data space groups, click Next.

    The Simple Grid Wizard refreshes and shows a summary table with the configuration for your grid.

  4. Verify that the configuration settings for your grid are correct and click Finish.

    The Simple Grid Wizard dialog closes and a Create Grid progress dialog displays. Creating a grid can take a few minutes depending on the number of hosts. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error. In the case that an error file is generated, the Create Grid progress dialog displays the error file as a hyperlink. You can save the error file and troubleshoot any errors that are listed in the file.

Create a grid with the New TimesTen Scaleout option

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view. To create a new grid with the New TimesTen Scaleout option:

  1. In the TimesTen Scaleout view node, right-click the TimesTen Scaleout folder and select New TimesTen Scaleout.

    If you are using the New Grid option for the first time, a Passwordless SSH dialog displays. Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites that the dialog specifies. If you do not want to see the Passwordless SSH dialog when you use the Simple Grid Wizard, select the Skip This Message Next Time check box. Then, click the Yes button. See Create a grid for more information on the prerequisites for creating a grid.

    Now, you can configure the active management instance.


    The New Grid option enables you to a create an active management instance. See Create a new management instance for more information.

  2. In the Name text field, type a name for your grid. The default name is grid1.
  3. Select a K-safety level from the K-safety list. A K-safety level of 2 or greater is recommended. For more information, see "K-safety" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.
  4. In the Membership Configuration field, specify a ZooKeeper membership configuration file. You can specify the path of the file in the text field or you can use the Browse button to locate a file. For more information about the ZooKeeper membership configuration file, see "Configuring Apache ZooKeeper as the membership service" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.
  5. By default, the Use Default check box sets the host name for the active management instance to the same name that the operating system assigned to the host containing the active management instance. To designate a new name for the host containing your management instance, deselect the Use Default check box and type a name in the Host Name field.
  6. Provide the internal and external addresses for the active management instance in the Internal Address and External Address fields. For more information on internal and external addresses for management instances, see "Internal and external networks" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.
  7. In the Instance Name field, type a name for your active management instance. All instance names default to instance1. If the host names are different, the instance names are unique because each object type has its own namespace. Instance namespaces are per host and are referenced to as host_name.instance_name. You can provide a unique name for the active management instance in the Instance Name field. For more details, see "Grid objects and object naming" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.
  8. In the Instance Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to create the active management instance. TimesTen creates a directory with the instance name inside of the directory you specify. For example, if you have an instance name of instance1 and an instance location of /TimesTen/instance/, TimesTen creates your instance in the /TimesTen/instance/instance1/ directory.
  9. In the Daemon Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen daemon. The default value is 6624.
  10. In the Client/Server Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen client/server. The default value is 6625.
  11. In the Management Port field, specify the management port number. The default value is 3754.

    The management port is the value for the TCP/IP port number of the active management instance.

  12. In the Software Location field, specify the location of the TimesTen distribution file. You can specify the path in the text field or you can use the Browse button to locate the file.
  13. In the Installation Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to copy the distribution file. TimesTen copies and extracts the distribution file to a directory that is named based on the release number of TimesTen Scaleout. For example, if you are installing TimesTen Scaleout 22.1, the files are extracted to a tt22. directory inside of the installation location that you specified.
  14. By default, the primary user group of the instance administrator owns the TimesTen installation. You can specify another user group by deselecting the Use Default check box and providing the user group name in the TimesTen Group field. All installations and instances in the grid are then owned by this user group.
  15. In the Instance Administrator field, type the instance administrator of the management instance. The instance administrator on all included hosts must have a common user ID and numeric UID.
  16. By default, the Use Password option is selected. Provide the password for the instance administrator in the Use Password field.


    If you want to avoid specifying the password of the instance administrator, you can provide an SSH key file by selecting the Use SSH Key file option and then browse to select an SSH key file. You can generate an SSH key file.

  17. To avoid SQL Developer prompts for the instance administrator password during future operations, select the Save Password check box.

    SQL Developer can now validate your configuration. Locate the Create button.

  18. Click Create.

    Figure 2-3 New TimesTen Scaleout dialog

    Description of Figure 2-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-3 New TimesTen Scaleout dialog"

    SQL Developer validates your input values and displays a progress dialog. The validation can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error and create your grid with the New Grid option again.

    The New TimesTen Scaleout dialog closes and the a progress dialog displays. Creating a grid can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error. In the case that an error file is generated, the Create Grid Progress dialog displays the error file as a hyperlink. You can save the error file and troubleshoot any errors that are listed in the file.

You have successfully created an active management instance for your grid. You can now add a standby management instance or more data instances.

Start a grid

You can start the components of a grid (such as databases, management instances and data instances).

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view.


If you load a database, start a management instance, or start a data instance and the progress dialog does not progress, you can cancel out of the progress dialog. Then, click Next and SQL Developer displays a warning message that a database is not loaded or an instance is stopped. Click Yes to proceed to the next startup step.

  1. Right-click the name of your grid, select Grid Control, then select Start.

    The Start Grid Wizard dialog and Updating instances information progress dialog display. The Updating instances information progress dialog closes.

    Locate the Start instances button.

  2. Click Start instances to start management instances.

    The Updating instances information progress dialog displays. Starting management instances can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Updating instances information progress dialog closes. In the output text area, you should see the text "All management instances are up and running."

    Locate the Next button.

  3. Click Next.

    The Start Grid Wizard dialog refreshes and the Updating instances information progress dialog displays. The Updating instances information progress dialog closes.

    Locate the Start instances button.

  4. Click Start instances to start data instances.

    The Updating instances information progress dialog displays. Starting instances can take a few minutes depending on the number of instances in the grid. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Updating instances information progress dialog closes. In the output text area, you should see the text "All data instances are up and running."

    Locate the Next button.

  5. Click Next.

    The Updating databases information progress dialog displays and then closes when finished. The Updating databases information progress dialog closes.

    The Start Grid wizard dialog refreshes.

    Locate the Load databases button.

  6. Click Load databases.

    The Updating databases information progress dialog displays. Loading databases can take a few minutes depending on the number of databases. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Updating databases information progress dialog closes. In the output text area, you should see the text "All databases are loaded."

    Locate the Finish button.

  7. Click Finish.

    The Start Grid Wizard dialog closes.

You have successfully started your grid. Note that you must open any database before attempting to connect to the database. See Perform database operations for more information.

Shutdown a grid

You can shutdown the components of a grid (such as databases, management instances and data instances).

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view.


If you unload a database, stop a management instance, or stop a data instance and the progress dialog does not progress, you can cancel out of the progress dialog. Then, click Next and SQL Developer displays a warning message that a database is loaded or an instance is started. Click Yes to proceed to the next shutdown step.

  1. Right-click the name of your grid, select Grid Control, then select Shutdown.

    The Shutdown Grid Wizard dialog and Updating databases information progress dialog display.

    The Updating databases information progress dialog closes. If a database has open connections, click the link in the Applications Connection column of the database table to view active connections to a specific database. Ensure that you close all applications that are connected to the database before shutting down a grid.

    Locate the Unload databases button.

  2. Click Unload databases.

    The Updating databases information progress dialog displays. Unloading databases can take a few minutes depending on the number of databases. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.


    • For databases from a version prior to TimesTen Scaleout 18.1.2, if you are unable to disconnect an application from a database, SQL Developer may be unable to unload that database. If that is the case, you can cancel the unload databases process and go to step 3 to attempt to unload your data instances.

    • For databases from TimesTen Scaleout 18.1.2 or higher, you may use the Force All User Connections to Disconnect check box. SQL Developer will attempt to abort all user connections if it fails to terminate them by using the transactional and immediate modes. Forcing all user connections to disconnect may result in data loss.

    The Updating databases information progress dialog closes. In the output text area, you see the text "All databases are unloaded."

    Locate the Next button.

  3. Click Next.

    The Shutdown Grid Wizard dialog refreshes and the Updating instances information progress dialog displays. The Updating instances information progress dialog closes.

    Locate the Stop instances button.

  4. Click Stop Instances.


    Optionally, select the Force action check box of a specific data instance to forcefully stop that data instance. Forcefully stopping a data instance may result in data loss. Having a backup of your data before forcefully stopping a data instance is recommended.

    The Updating instances information progress dialog displays. Stopping data instances can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Updating instances information progress dialog closes. In the output text area, you should see the text "All data instances are down."

    Locate the Next button.

  5. Click Next.

    The Shutdown Grid wizard dialog refreshes and the Updating instances information progress dialog displays. The Updating instances information progress dialog closes.

    Locate the Stop instances button.

  6. Click Stop instances.

    The Updating instances information progress dialog displays. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Updating instances information progress dialog closes. In the output text area, you should see the text "All management instances are down."

    Locate the Finish button.

  7. Click Finish.

    The Shutdown Grid Wizard dialog closes.

You have successfully shutdown the components of a grid (such as databases, management instances and data instances).

Add an existing grid to SQL Developer

You can add an existing grid created by the ttGridAdmin utility to the TimesTen Scaleout view within SQL Developer. After which, you can manage this grid using SQL Developer.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view.

  1. In the TimesTen Scaleout view node, right-click the TimesTen Scaleout folder and select Manage an Existing Grid.

    The Manage an Existing Grid dialog displays. Locate the Host Address text field.

  2. In the Host Address field, specify the external address of the active management instance of your grid.
  3. In the Instance Home field, specify the instance home directory of your active management instance.
  4. In the Instance Administrator field, type the instance administrator of the active management instance.
  5. By default, the Use Password option is selected. Provide the password for the instance administrator in the Use Password field.


    To avoid specifying the password of the instance administrator, provide an SSH key file by selecting the Use SSH Key file option and then browse to select an SSH key file. You can generate an SSH key file.

  6. To avoid SQL Developer prompts for the instance administrator password during future operations, select the Save Password check box.

    SQL Developer can now validate your configuration. Locate the Test button.

  7. Click Test.

    A progress dialog displays. The test process can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Once the test process completes, a Test Grid Existence dialog displays. Locate the OK button.

  8. Click OK.

    The Test Grid Existence dialog closes. You can now save the configuration of your existing grid.

    Locate the OK button.

  9. Click OK.

    SQL Developer validates your input values and displays a progress dialog. The validation can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error and fix any invalid input values.

    Once SQL Developer completes validation, a Manage an Existing Grid confirmation dialog displays. Locate the OK button.

  10. Click OK.

    The Manage an Existing Grid dialog closes.

You have successfully added an existing Grid to SQL Developer. You can now manage your grid in SQL Developer.

Remove a grid entry from SQL Developer

You can remove a grid entry from SQL Developer. This does not delete a grid and its objects from the hosts on which you installed the grid, but only removes the grid entry from the TimesTen Scaleout view.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view.

  1. Right-click the name of your grid, then select Remove.

    The Remove Grid dialog displays. Locate the Yes button.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Remove Grid dialog closes and SQL Developer removes the grid entry from the TimesTen Scaleout view.

You have successfully removed a grid entry from the TimesTen Scaleout view.

Working with the grid model

TimesTen Scaleout maintains a single central configuration of the grid within a model that describes the desired structure of a grid, not its current structure. The model represents the desired logical topology of a grid with model objects that is a complete list of all components of a grid, such as installations, hosts, databases, and instances.

SQL Developer enables you to work with a grid model. You can perform the following procedures with the grid model:

Apply grid model changes to the grid

After you add or remove objects to or from a grid model, you must apply these changes to the grid model. Changes made to the model do not immediately impact a grid until explicitly applied. After you apply the changes, TimesTen Scaleout implements the changes made to the latest version of the model into the operational grid. For more information, see "Central configuration of the grid" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

For example, if you add a new installation and data instance to the latest version of the model, applying the changes to the model performs all of the necessary operations to create and initialize both the installation and the data instance in that host.

Applying grid model changes to the grid is a resource intensive operation. If you plan on making multiple changes to the grid model, make all the changes to your grid model before applying the changes to the grid.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded:

  1. Right-click the name of your grid, select Grid Model, then select Apply Changes.

    The Comparing current and latest grid dialog model dialog displays. Comparing grid models can take a few minutes.

    • If SQL Developer does not find any changes between the current and latest grid model, the Comparing current and latest grid dialog model dialog displays the text "Latest model is up to date with current model". Click Close to close the dialog.

    • If SQL Developer finds any changes between the current and latest grid model, a Changes in current grid model dialog displays. Locate the changes table.

  2. Review that the changes listed in the table are grid model changes that you want to apply to the grid.
  3. Click Yes.

    The Changes in current grid model dialog closes and a Apply Changes dialog displays. Applying changes to the grid model can take a few minutes depending on the number of grid model changes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

  4. Click Close.

    The Apply Changes dialog closes.

You have successfully applied the grid model changes to your grid.

Export the grid model

You can export the current model of your grid. Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Right-click the name of your grid, select Grid Model, then select Export.

    The Export Grid Model dialog displays. Locate the Choose Version to Export region.

  2. From the Choose Version to Export region, select a version of the configuration to export. These are the options:
    • Current: The current grid model of the grid.

    • Latest: Latest grid model not yet applied to the grid.

    • Version: Configuration file version of the configuration file. Use the text field to the right of the Version radio button to select the version to export.

    Locate the Browse button.

  3. Click Browse.

    The Export file dialog displays. Specify the location of where you want to export the grid model file.

  4. In the File Name text field, specify a name for the grid model and click Save.

    The Export file dialog closes. In the Export dialog, locate the Export button.

  5. Click Export.

    The Verifying File Location progress dialog displays. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Verifying File Location progress dialog and the Export Grid Model dialog close. The Export grid model progress dialog displays. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  6. Click Close.

    The Export grid model progress dialog closes.

You have successfully exported a grid model file.

Change the grid model that the grid view displays

You can select which grid model shows in the grid view of SQL Developer. Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

Right-click your grid node, select Grid Model, select Synchronize with, then select one of these options:

  • Latest: Shows all of the latest object changes that have not been applied to the grid model.

  • Current: Shows only the objects that have been applied to your grid model.

SQL Developer changes the grid model that your grid view displays.

View the changes to the grid model

You can view the differences between your current and latest grid model. The changes in the latest grid model are not yet applied. Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

Right-click your grid node, select Grid Model, then select Show Changes.

The Comparing current and latest grid model progress dialog displays.

  • If there are no changes between your current and latest grid model, the "Latest model is up to date with current model" message displays. Click Close.

  • If there are changes between your current and latest grid model, the Comparing current and latest grid model progress dialog closes and the Changes in current grid model dialog displays. You can now review the changes to your grid model and click Close.

Planning your grid

Before configuring a grid and database in TimesTen Scaleout, you must gather the information described in "Planning your grid" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

Working with hosts

You can add and remove hosts that you can use for data and management instances. You can also assign hosts to a data space and execute commands on hosts. You can perform the following procedures with hosts:

Add a host

Before adding a data or management instance to a host, you must first add that host to the grid model. It is recommended that you only configure one instance on each host. You can either add a host by manually specifying all configuration parameters or by duplicating the configuration of an existing host. Since you can only duplicate an existing configuration, you must manually configure at least:

  • The active management instance (with its associated host and installation). Note that the active management instance is created when the grid is created.

  • A single data instance (with its associated host and installation).

Topics include:

Manually configure a new host

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, right-click the Hosts option, then select New Host.

    The New Host dialog displays. Locate the Host Name text field.


    In some cases, a Passwordless SSH dialog displays. Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites that the dialog specifies. If you do not want to see the Passwordless SSH dialog again, select the Skip This Message Next Time check box. Then, click the Yes button. See Create a grid for more information on the prerequisites for creating a grid.

  2. You can select the default host name that the operating system assigns. Alternately, you can specify your own name by deselecting the Use Default check box and typing a name for your host in the Host Name field.
  3. Provide the internal and external addresses for the management instance in the Internal Address and External Address fields. For more information on internal and external addresses for management instances, see "Internal and external networks" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.
  4. From the Data Space Group drop-down list, select the data space group where you want to assign the host.
  5. Click Close.
  6. Apply the changes made to the grid only after you add all grid components. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

    You have successfully added a new host to the grid model.

Duplicate configuration of existing host

You can duplicate the configuration of an existing host when creating a new host for an instance (management or data), including its associated installations and instances.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, right-click the host that you want to clone, then select Clone.


    In some cases, a Passwordless SSH dialog displays. Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites that the dialog specifies. If you do not want to see the Passwordless SSH dialog again, select the Skip This Message Next Time check box. Then, click the Yes button. See Create a grid for more information on the prerequisites for creating a grid.

    If you are duplicating the active management instance configuration for a standby management instance, then click Yes when the Management Instance dialog displays. If you do not want to configure a standby management instance, select Skip This Message Next Time check box. Then, click the Yes button to duplicate a data instance configuration for the new data instance.

    The Clone Host dialog displays.

  2. You can select the default host name that the operating system assigns. Alternately, you can specify your own name by deselecting the Use Default check box and typing a name for your host in the Host Name field.
  3. Provide the internal and external addresses for the management instance in the Internal Address and External Address fields. For more information on internal and external addresses for management instances, see "Internal and external networks" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

    You can now duplicate the host. Locate the OK button.

  4. Click OK.

    The Clone Host dialog closes and a Clone Host progress dialog displays. Cloning a host can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button in the Clone Host progress dialog.

  5. Click Close.
  6. Edit the host to change the physical group or data space group of this host. You can only change the data space group of this new host before applying model changes to the grid. See Edit a host for more information.
  7. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully duplicated a host, including its installation and instance. You do not need to create an installation or instance for this host.

Edit a host

You can edit the data space group and physical group of a host.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, right-click the host that you want to edit, then select Edit.

    The Edit Host dialog displays.

  2. From the Data Space Group drop-down list, select the data space group where you want to assign the host.

    Once you have assigned a host to a data space group and you have applied that change to the grid model, you cannot change the data space group of that host.

  3. To select a physical group for this host, click the Select button to the right of the Physical Group(s) field.

    The Physical Group(s) dialog displays. Locate the Excluded and Selected lists. Identify the physical group(s) to which you want to assign your host.

  4. In the Excluded list, locate the row that contains the physical group to which you want to assign your host. Double click the host name. If you want to assign your host to multiple physical groups, double click the corresponding physical group name of any additional physical group.
  5. In the Selected list, locate the row that contains the physical group from which you want to withdraw your host. Double click the host name. If you want to withdraw multiple physical groups, double click the corresponding physical group name of any additional physical group.

    Review the Excluded list to ensure that the list contains the physical groups from which you want to withdraw your host. Review the Selected list to ensure that the list contains the physical groups to which you want to assign your host. Locate the OK button.

  6. Click OK.

    The Physical Group(s) dialog closes. Locate the OK button in the Edit Host dialog.

  7. Click OK.

    The Edit Host dialog closes and the Edit Host progress dialog displays. Editing a host can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button in the Edit Host progress dialog.

  8. Click Close.
  9. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully edited a host.

Assign hosts to data space groups

You can assign hosts to data space groups as long as the host is not already associated with a data space group. Once a host is assigned to a data space group, you cannot reassign that host.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, right-click the Hosts options, then select Assign to Data Space Groups.

    The Assign Hosts to Data Space Groups dialog displays. Locate the host that you want to assign to a data space group.

  2. Right-click the host name that you want to assign to a data space group. Then, select the data space group where you want to assign the host.

    Your host is assigned to the data space group that you selected. Repeat this procedure to assign all of your hosts to data space groups. Ensure that you have the same number of hosts in each data space group.

  3. Once you have assigned all of your hosts to data space groups, click OK.

    Figure 2-4 Assign Hosts to Data Space Groups dialog

    Description of Figure 2-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-4 Assign Hosts to Data Space Groups dialog"

    The Assign Hosts to Data Space Groups progress dialog displays. Assigning hosts to a data space group can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Assign Hosts to Data Space Groups progress dialog and the Assign Hosts to Data Space Groups dialog close.

  4. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully assigned hosts to data space groups.

Execute a command on a host

You can execute commands on hosts that are a part of your grid. Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.


The Execute command dialog enables you to select one or more hosts on which to execute commands. You can execute a command on multiple hosts simultaneously.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, right-click the host on which you want to execute a command, then select Execute Command.

    The Execute Command dialog displays. Locate the Excluded folder in the right part of the Execute Command dialog.


    If you want to see the data space group of each host, check the Show Data Space Group check box that is located at the bottom of the Execute Command dialog. This option separates the hosts in the Included and Excluded folders based on the data space group of each host.

  2. In the Excluded folder, locate the host on which you want to execute a command. Right-click the host name and select Move. If you want to execute a command on additional hosts, right-click the corresponding host name and select Move for any additional hosts.

    Review the Included folder to ensure that the list contains the hosts on which you want to execute a command. Review the Excluded folder to ensure that the list contains the hosts on which you do not want to execute a command. Locate the Run Command text field.

  3. In the Run command text field, type the command that you want to execute on the hosts that you selected.

    Locate the Execute button.

  4. Click Execute.

    TimesTen Scaleout executes the command on all of the hosts that you selected. SQL Developer displays a tab with the output of every host. You can click on a host tab to view the output of the command for that specific host. You can save the output of a host by clicking the Save button. You can also save the output of every host by clicking the Save All button.

    You have successfully executed a command on a host from your grid. You can execute additional commands by typing the new command in the Execute command text field and then clicking the Execute button. Once you have finished executing commands on your hosts, locate the Close button.

  5. Click Close.

    The Execute command dialog closes.

Delete a host

You can delete a host from your grid model. Before you delete a host, ensure that you have migrated all the data from the database of this host to other hosts in your grid.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, right-click the host that you want to delete, then select Delete.

    The Delete Host warning dialog displays and warns you to migrate all of the data from the database of this host to other hosts in your grid. Locate the Yes button.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Delete Host warning dialog closes and the Delete Host progress dialog displays. Deleting a host can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button in the Delete Host progress dialog.

  3. Click Close.
  4. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully deleted a host.

Working with installations

You can create or delete an installation from a host that is part of your grid. You can perform the following procedures with installations:

Create a new installation

You can create a new installation on a host that is a part of your grid. Every host must have an installation associated with it. A host can either have its own copy of the installation files or share an installation with one or more hosts through network-attached storage. For shared installations, an installation model object with the location of the shared installation files must be associated with the host.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, expand the host on which you want to create an installation, right-click the Installations option, then select New Installation.

    The New Installation dialog displays. Locate the Installation Name text field.

  2. If you do not specify a name for the installation, TimesTen Scaleout sets installation1 as the name of the installation. Any subsequent installation associated with the same host would default to installationn, where n is the next sequential number base on the highest numbered installation name. For example, if you have an installation named installation1, the default value is installation2.

    Locate the Select Source region of the New Installation dialog.

  3. In the Location field, specify the directory on your selected host where the TimesTen distribution file can be copied.
  4. Select an installation source from the Select Source radio buttons:
Use existing source

The Use Existing Source option enables you to copy an existing TimesTen installation from a host that is part of your grid. Before selecting the Use Existing Source option, ensure that you have completed the steps up to step 3 from Create a new installation.

  1. From the Host drop-down list, select the host that contains the existing installation that you want to copy.

    The Installation drop-down list refreshes with the available installations of the selected host. If the host that you selected does not contain any TimesTen installation, SQL Developer switches your source to New Source.

  2. From the Installation drop-down list, select the installation that you want to copy.
  3. Click OK.

    The New Installation dialog closes and the Creating Installation in grid model progress dialog displays. Creating a new installation can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button in the Creating Installation in grid model progress dialog.

  4. Click Close.
  5. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully created a new TimesTen installation.

New source

The New Source option enables you to use new distribution file from a host that is part of your grid. Before selecting the New Source option, ensure that you have completed the steps up to step 3 from Create a new installation.

  1. From the Host drop-down list, select the host that contains the new distribution file that you want to copy.
  2. In the Location field, specify the directory on your specified host where the TimesTen distribution file is located.
  3. Click OK.

    The New Installation dialog closes and the Creating Installation in grid model progress dialog displays. Creating a new installation can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button in the Creating Installation in grid model progress dialog.

  4. Click Close.
  5. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully created a new TimesTen installation.

Delete an installation

You can delete an existing TimesTen installation from a host that is part of your grid.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, expand the host from which you want to delete an installation, expand the Installations option, then right-click the installation and select Delete.

    The Delete Installation dialog displays. Locate the Yes button.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Delete Installation dialog closes and the Delete Installation progress dialog displays. Deleting an installation can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  3. Click Close.
  4. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully deleted a TimesTen installation.

Working with management instances

TimesTen uses one or two management instances to manage TimesTen Scaleout: an active management instance and a standby management instance.

  • All operations that use and manipulate the configuration of the grid must be performed from the active management instance.

  • It is recommended that you add a standby management instance to guard against failure and provide high availability for the management of your grid. TimesTen Scaleout automatically configures the second management instance as the standby.

When you create a grid through the Simple Grid Wizard or the New Grid option in SQL Developer, TimesTen creates an active management instance. For more information, see "Management instances" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

You can perform these management instance procedures:

Create a new management instance

You would create a new management instance to either:

  • Create a standby management instance to guard against failure and provide high availability for the management of your grid.

  • Create a management instance to replace an existing active or standby management instance (for example, if the management instance failed or if you wanted to retire the host of a management instance).

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view.

  1. Right-click the name of your grid, select Grid Management, then select New Management Instance.

    The New Management Instance dialog displays. Locate the Select Host region.

  2. From the Select Host drop-down list, select the host where you want to create the management instance.

    If you want to add a new host, click the New button next to the Select Host drop-down list. See Add a host for more information on the New Host dialog.

  3. From the Select Installation drop-down list, select the installation that you want to use for the management instance. If you selected a host without an existing TimesTen installation, you need to create an installation on your selected host.

    If you want to create a new installation, click the New button next to the Select Installation drop-down list. See Create a new installation for more information on the New Installation dialog.

  4. In the Instance Name field, type a name for your management instance. The default value is instance1.
  5. In the Instance Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to create the instance. TimesTen creates a directory with the instance name inside of the directory you specify. For example, if you have an instance name of instance1 and an instance location of /TimesTen/instance/, TimesTen creates your instance in the /TimesTen/instance/instance1/ directory.
  6. In the Daemon Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen daemon.

    If you selected a host without a TimesTen instance, the default value for the TimesTen daemon port is 6624.

    If you selected a host with a TimesTen instance, the default value is the daemon port of your original instance plus 100. For example, if your original instance has a daemon port of 6624, the default value is 6724.

  7. In the Client/Server Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen client/server.

    If you selected a host without a TimesTen instance, the default value for the TimesTen client/server port is <ph varref="tt64defserverport"/>.

    If you selected a host with a TimesTen instance, the default value is the client/server port of your original instance plus 100. For example, if your original instance has a client/server port of <ph varref="tt64defserverport"/>, the default value is 6725.

  8. In the Management Port field, specify the management port number.

    The management port is the value for the TCP/IP port number of the active management instance.

    If you selected a host without a TimesTen instance, the default value for the management port is <ph varref="tt64defclusterdaemonport"/>.

    If you selected a host with a TimesTen instance, the default value is the management port of your original instance plus 100. For example, if your original instance has a management port of <ph varref="tt64defclusterdaemonport"/>, the default value is 3854.

  9. Click OK.

    Figure 2-5 New Management Instance dialog

    Description of Figure 2-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-5 New Management Instance dialog"

    The Creating grid object(s) progress dialog displays. If your selected instance directory does not exist, a confirmation dialog displays to ensure that you want to create the new directory. If this warning dialog displays, click Yes.

    Creating a management instance can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Management Instance dialog closes.

    Locate the Close button.

  10. Click Close.
  11. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully created a TimesTen management instance.

Replace a management instance

You can replace a management instance with a new management instance. This is useful if an existing management instance fails or if you want to retire the host of an existing management instance and replace it with a new host.

You can only replace a management instance when your grid has both active and standby management instances.

If you replace the active management instance, TimesTen Scaleout promotes the standby management instance to the active management instance. Then, TimesTen Scaleout deletes your original active management instance and adds your new management instance as the standby management instance.

If you replace the standby management instance, TimesTen Scaleout deletes your current standby management instance and adds your new management instance as the standby management instance.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Management Instances option, right-click the management instance, then select Replace.

    The Replace Management Instance dialog displays.

  2. From the Select Installation drop-down list, select the installation that you want to use for the management instance. If you selected a host without an existing TimesTen installation, you need to create an installation on your selected host.

    If you want to create a new installation, click the New button next to the Select Installation drop-down list. See Create a new installation for more information on the New Installation dialog.

  3. In the Instance Name field, type a name for your management instance. The default value is instance1.
  4. In the Instance Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to create the instance. TimesTen creates a directory with the instance name inside of the directory you specify. For example, if you have an instance name of instance1 and an instance location of /TimesTen/instance/, TimesTen creates your instance in the /TimesTen/instance/instance1/ directory.
  5. In the Daemon Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen daemon.

    If you selected a host without a TimesTen instance, the default value for the TimesTen daemon port is 6624.

    If you selected a host with a TimesTen instance, the default value is the daemon port of your original instance plus 100. For example, if your original instance has a daemon port of 6624, the default value is 6724.

  6. In the Client/Server Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen client/server.
    • If you selected a host without a TimesTen instance, the default value for the TimesTen client/server port is 6625.

    • If you selected a host with a TimesTen instance, the default value is the client/server port of your original instance plus 100. For example, if your original instance has a client/server port of 6625, the default value is 6725.

  7. In the Management Port field, specify the management port number.

    The management port is the value for the TCP/IP port number of the management instance.

    If you selected a host without a TimesTen instance, the default value for the management port is 3754.

    If you selected a host with a TimesTen instance, the default value is the management port of your original instance plus 100. For example, if your original instance has a management port of 3754, the default value is 3854.

  8. Click OK.

    Figure 2-6 Replace Management Instance dialog

    Description of Figure 2-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-6 Replace Management Instance dialog"

    The Replace Management Instance progress dialog displays. If your selected instance directory does not exist, a confirmation dialog displays to ensure that you want to create the new directory. If this warning dialog displays, click Yes.

    Replacing a management instance can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Replace Management Instance dialog closes.

    Locate the Close button.

  9. Click Close.
  10. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully replaced a management instance.

Switch the active and standby management instances

You can switch your current standby management instance to the active management instance of your grid. Before you attempt to switch the active management instance, ensure that you have two management instances for your grid. For more information on why you may want to switch the active and standby management instances, see "Managing failover for the management instances" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Right-click the name of your grid, select Grid Management, then select Switch Active.

    The Switch Active Management Instance progress dialog displays. Checking for a standby management instance can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Switch Active Management Instance progress dialog closes and the Switch Active Management Instance confirmation dialog displays. Locate the Yes button.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Switch Active Management Instance confirmation dialog closes and the Switch Active Management Instance progress dialog displays.

    Switching the active management instance can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  3. Click Close.
  4. Apply the changes made by the switch to the grid model. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information on applying model changes to a grid.
  5. Start the new standby management instance. See Control the management instance for more information.

You have successfully switched the active management instance with the standby management instance.

Control the management instance

You can start or stop the standby management instance.

  • Normally, you start a standby management instance in this scenario: the active management instance fails, you promote the standby to active, then start the standby, which makes the original active management instance become the standby management instance. See Switch the active and standby management instances for more information.

  • You can stop the standby management instance either if the standby management instance has failed or if you want to stop the standby management instance for any reason (such as to reboot it or perform maintenance).

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Right-click Management Instances, select Grid Management, then select one of these options:
    • Start Standby: This option starts the standby management instance.

    • Stop Standby: This option stops the standby management instance.

    A confirmation dialog displays. Locate the Yes button.

    If you attempt to start a standby management instance that is already started, a progress dialog displays with an error message. This also applies if you attempt to stop a standby management instance that is already stopped.

  2. Click Yes.

    The confirmation dialog closes and a progress dialog displays. Starting or stopping a standby management instance can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  3. Click Close.

You have successfully started or stopped a standby management instance.

Execute commands on the active management instance

You can open a shell terminal to execute commands on the host of your active management instance. This is useful to execute certain ttGridAdmin utility commands that might not be supported by SQL Developer. For more information on ttGridAdmin commands, see "ttGridAdmin" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view.

  • Right-click the name of your grid, select Execute, then select Shell.

    SQL Developer displays a tab with a shell terminal. You can execute commands on the host of your active management instance through this shell terminal.

Working with data instances

You can create or delete a data instance from a host that is part of your grid.

Create a new data instance

Data instances store one element per database in the grid. A grid distributes the data within each database across data instances. For more information, see "Data instances" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

You can create a new data instance with a data instance wizard or directly on a specific host. Before creating a new data instance ensure that the hosts on which you create data instances for database distribution are assigned to a data space group. If you attempt to create a data instance on a host that is not assigned to a data space group, TimesTen Scaleout will not create that data instance. See Assign hosts to data space groups for more information on assigning a host to a data space group.

Use one of these options to create a data instance:

New data instance wizard

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view.

Right-click the name of your grid, then select New Data Instance.

Then follow the steps, starting on step 2, as described in Create a new management instance. Do not specify a management port since this is creating a data instance.

New data instance on a specific host

You can create a new data instance on a host that is part of your grid.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, expand the host on which you want to create an instance, right-click the Instances option, then select New Instance.

    The New Instance dialog displays. Locate the Instance Name text field.

  2. In the Instance Name field, type a name for your data instance. The default value is instance1.
  3. In the Instance Location field, specify the directory where you want TimesTen to create the instance. TimesTen creates a directory with the instance name inside of the directory you specify. For example, if you have an instance name of instance1 and an instance location of /TimesTen/instance/, TimesTen creates your instance in the /TimesTen/instance/instance1/ directory.
  4. In the Daemon Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen daemon. By default, the default value is the daemon port of your original instance plus 100. For example, if your original instance has a daemon port of 6624, the default value is 6724.
  5. In the Client/Server Port field, specify the port number for the TimesTen client/server. By default, the default value is the client/server port of your original instance plus 100. For example, if your original instance has a client/server port of 6625, the default value is 6725.
  6. From the Installation drop-down list, select the installation that you want TimesTen to use to create the instance. This drop-down list only shows available installations on the host on which you are creating the new instance.

    To use an installation that is located on a different host or use a new installation source, click the New button that is located next to the Installation drop-down list. See Create a new installation for more information about the New Installation dialog.

  7. Click OK.

    The New Instance dialog closes and the New Instance progress dialog displays. If your selected instance directory does not exist, a confirmation dialog displays to ensure that you want to create the new directory. If this warning dialog displays, click Yes.

    Creating a data instance can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  8. Click Close.
  9. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully created a TimesTen data instance.

Edit a data instance

You can edit the installation of a data instance.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, expand the host on which your instance is located, expand the Instances option, then right-click the data instance and select Edit.

    The Edit Instance dialog displays.

  2. From the Installation drop-down list, select the new installation that you want to use for your data instance.
  3. Click OK.

    The Edit Instance dialog closes and the Edit Instance progress dialog displays. Editing a data instance can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button in the Edit Instance progress dialog.

  4. Click Close.

    The Edit Instance progress dialog closes.

  5. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.
  6. Restart your instance. See Start or stop an instance and server for more information.

You have successfully edited a data instance.

Start or stop an instance and server

You can start or stop a TimesTen instance and TimesTen server.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, expand the host on which your instance is located, expand the Instances option, then right-click the instance and select one of these options:
    • Start: This option starts a TimesTen instance.

    • Start Server: This option starts the TimesTen server.

    • Stop: This option stops a TimesTen instance.

    • Stop Server: This option stops the TimesTen server.

    A confirmation dialog displays. Locate the OK button.


    If you want to immediately start or stop a service and ignore warnings, select the Force Action check box.

  2. Click OK.

    The confirmation dialog closes. Starting or stopping a TimesTen instance or TimesTen server can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

Execute a command on the host of a data instance

You can execute commands on a particular data instance. Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Right-click the name of your grid, select Execute, then select Command on Data Instances.

    Alternatively, expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, expand the host on which your data instance is located, expand the Instances option, then right-click the instance and select Execute Command.

  2. Then follow the steps, starting on step 2, as described in Execute a command on a host.

Delete a data instance

You can delete an existing data instance from a host that is part of your grid.


You can only delete a stopped data instance. See Start or stop an instance and server for more information on stopping a data instance.

Before you delete a data instance, ensure that you have distributed all data off of this data instance to the other data instances. Before you delete a data instance, you must remove, replace or evict the data instances as part of decreasing the number of elements over which your data is distributed. This also requires more than just removing data instances from the current version of the model; you must also remove the elements of the data instances from the distribution map of the database. See Define the distribution map of a database for more information.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Hosts options, expand the host from which you want to delete an instance, expand the Instances option, then right-click the instance and select Delete.

    The Delete Instance dialog displays. Ensure that you have migrated all data from databases of this data instance to other data instances in your database.

    Locate the Yes button.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Delete Instance dialog closes and the Delete Instance progress dialog displays. Deleting a data instance can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  3. Click Close.

    The Delete Instance progress dialog closes.

  4. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully deleted a TimesTen data instance.

Working with configuration files

You can import and export multiple configuration files for your grid.


If you have not imported a file for a specific configuration, you cannot export a file for that configuration.

  • Membership Configuration: This file contains configuration parameters for the membership service configuration for your grid. For more information on membership services, see "Overview of the TimesTen Scaleout membership service" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  • Instance Configuration: This file contains configuration parameters that are used by each instance in the grid. For more information on this file, see "Import instance configuration attributes (instanceConfigImport)" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  • SQLNet: This sqlnet.ora file contains configuration parameters for the grid to interact with an Oracle database through the ttLoadFromOracle utility.

  • TNS Names: This tnsnames.ora file contains configuration parameters for the grid to interact with an Oracle database through the ttLoadFromOracle utility.

You can perform these operations with configuration files:

Import a configuration file

You can import multiple types of configuration files.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, then right-click the configuration file name and select Import.

    The Import dialog displays. Locate the Browse button.

  2. Click Browse.

    The Import file dialog displays. Browse for your configuration file.

  3. Select your configuration file and click Open.

    The Import file dialog closes. In the Import dialog, locate the Import button.

  4. Click Import.

    The Verifying File Location progress dialog displays. SQL Developer verifies that the configuration file that you specified is a valid file. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Verifying File Location progress dialog and the Import Configuration dialog close. The Importing Configuration progress dialog displays. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  5. Click Close.

    The Import Configuration progress dialog closes.

  6. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully imported a configuration file in the grid model.

Export a configuration file

You can export multiple types of configuration files.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, then right-click the configuration file name and select Export.

    The Export dialog displays. Locate the Choose Version to Export region.

  2. From the Choose Version to Export region, select a version of the configuration to export. These are the options:
    • Current: This is the current configuration file that is applied to the grid.

    • Latest: This is the latest configuration file that is not yet applied to the grid.

    • Version: This is the version of the configuration file that you can select. If you select this option, use the text field to the right of the Version radio button to select the version to export.

    Locate the Browse button.

  3. Click Browse.

    The Export file dialog displays. Specify the location of where you want to export the configuration file.

  4. In the File Name text field, specify a name for the configuration file and click Save.

    The Export file dialog closes. In the Export dialog, locate the Export button.

  5. Click Export.

    The Verifying File Location progress dialog displays. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Verifying File Location progress dialog and the Export Configuration dialog close. The Export Configuration progress dialog displays. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  6. Click Close.

    The Export Configuration progress dialog closes.

You have successfully exported a configuration file from the grid model.

Working with databases

You can create or delete a database from your grid.

When you decide whether to use the database wizard or not, consider that the database wizard automatically applies the grid model changes at the end of the wizard. If you want to verify the model changes before applying the grid model, create a database definition and then create your database from that definition.

You can perform the following procedures for databases:

Create a database with the database wizard

You can create a database in your grid either with the database wizard or from a database definition. See Work with database definitions for more information.

Before you create a database:

  • Ensure that you have a functional grid. See Create a grid and Add an existing grid to SQL Developer for more information.

  • Ensure that your grid has at least an equal number of data instances to the K-safety level of your grid. For example, if you have a K-safety level of 2, you need to have at least two data instances. See Working with data instances for more information on adding data instances.

  • Ensure that each of your data space groups are associated with an equal number of data instances. Hosts, not data instances, are assigned to data space groups. It is recommended that you have a single data instance on each host. See Assign hosts to data space groups for more information on assigning a host to a data space group.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Right-click the Databases option and then select New Database.

    The TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard dialog and Comparing current and latest grid model progress dialog displays.

    If you have made changes to your grid model and have not applied the model changes, the Comparing current and latest grid model progress dialog closes and a Changes in current grid model dialog displays. This dialog displays objects that have been added, changed, or removed from the grid model. Creating a database involves applying the grid model changes, so ensure that you want these grid model changes to be applied. Locate the OK button of the Changes in current grid model dialog.

    See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information on applying model changes to a grid.

    If you have not made changes to your grid model, locate the Close button of the Comparing current and latest grid model progress dialog.

  2. Depending on the dialog that displays, either click OK or Close.

    Depending on the dialog that displayed, the Changes in current grid model dialog or the Comparing current and latest grid model progress dialog closes. The TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard displays.

    Locate the Database Name field.

  3. In the Database Name text field, type a name for your database. The default value is database1.


    Optionally, you can import a database definition file to load attribute values for your database definition. The database definition file must use .dbdef as the file name extension.

    To import a database definition file, click the Import Definition button. Then, select your database definition file and click Open. If an attribute value was set in the wizard before you imported the database definition file, the attribute value changes to the value that is defined in the database definition file.

    Once you have imported the database definition file, you can still edit the database definition within the wizard. To stop editing the database definition, skip to step 5.

    For more information on the database definition file, see "Creating a database definition file" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

    If your grid already contains a database, the default value of the database name of your original database plus 1. For example, if your original database name is database1, the default value is database2.

  4. Set the connection attributes for your database. You can set these connection attributes:
    • Data Store Attribute: Attributes that are set at database creation time.


      Ensure that you set a valid path for the DataStore attribute. This path must be valid on every host for every data instance.

      It is best practice to specify LogDir and have it be a different location from DataStore. For additional considerations for database and user file locations, see "Planning installation and deployment" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide.

    • First Connection Attribute: Attributes that are set when a database is loaded into memory.

    • General Connection Attribute: Attributes that are set by each connection and persist for the duration of the connection. These attributes are added to a connectable and not are part of a database definition.

    To set any attribute that is part of the type of connection attributes listed above, select the relevant tab. Each tab of connection attributes contains a list of attributes with default values. You can edit the value of an attribute by double clicking the value from the value column of an attribute. Depending on the connection attribute, you can edit the value with a text field or a drop-down list of valid values.

    You can add additional connection attributes by selecting a connection attribute from the drop-down list located below the connection attribute tabs and then clicking Add. If a connection attribute is not listed in the drop-down list, you can select the New Attribute option and enter the connection attribute name in the Attribute column of the connection attribute table.

    You can remove a connection attribute by selecting a connection attribute from the connection attribute table and then clicking Delete.

    For more information on valid connection attributes and values, see "List of Attributes" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  5. Once you have set your connection attributes, click Next.

    Figure 2-8 TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard - Step 1 of 3

    Description of Figure 2-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-8 TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard - Step 1 of 3"

    SQL Developer validates your connection attribute values. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error and click the Next button again to revalidate your input values.

    The Checking Directory Attributes dialog displays. Checking for a directory can take a few minutes. If your selected database directory does not exist on the host of a data instance, a confirmation dialog displays to ensure that you want to create the new directory on that host. If this warning dialog displays, click Yes.


    SQL Developer creates the selected database directory on all hosts of available data instances.

    The Checking Directory Attributes dialog closes and the TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard dialog refreshes. Locate the Database Distribution map.

  6. Specify the maximum number of data instances for the database. The default value is determined by the number of replica sets and data space groups for the database. All replica sets must be complete and each data space group must contain the same number of data instances. Review the SQL Developer suggestion for data instances and perform any necessary modifications. Ensure that each data space group contains the same number of data instances to create complete replica sets. If your data space groups do not contain the same number of data instances, an error dialog displays after you click the Apply button.


    If you do not want to configure the distribution map in this wizard, check the Skip database distribution check box and click Next. See Define the distribution map of a database for more information on defining a distribution map for a database.

    If you want to remove a suggested data instance, right-click the instance name and select Remove.

    If you want to add a data instance from the Available column, right-click the instance name and select Add.

  7. Once you have selected all of your data instances for data distribution, click Next.

    Figure 2-9 TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard - Step 2 of 3

    Description of Figure 2-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-9 TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard - Step 2 of 3"

    The TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard refreshes and shows a summary table with the configuration for your database.

  8. Verify that the configuration settings for your database are correct and click Finish.


    Optionally, click the Export Definition button to save the database definition as a .dbdef file.

    The TimesTen Scaleout Database Wizard dialog closes and a Creating Database progress dialog displays. Creating a database can take a few minutes depending on the number of data instances included in the distribution map. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error. In the case that an error file is generated, the Creating Database progress dialog displays the error file as a hyperlink. You can save the error file and troubleshoot any errors that are listed in the file.


    If SQL Developer displays an error or if you cancel the database creation process, review the grid navigator to see if the database and definition file were created. In case that a database or database definition was created, destroy the database and its database definition. Then, create a new database. See Destroy a database for more information on destroying a database.

  9. Click Close.

    The Creating Database progress dialog closes.

You have successfully created a database in your grid.

Before you attempt to connect an application to the database, ensure that you open the database and create a user with the appropriate privileges to connect to the database. To open the database, see Perform database operations and Execute a command on a host for more information on opening a database and executing a command on a host, respectively.

To create a user for your database with SQL Developer, use the ttIsql utility through the Execute command on a host dialog. You can execute this utility on any of the data instances of your database.

This command creates a user, terry, with a password of terry for the database, database1. Then, terry is granted admin privileges.

ttisql -e 'CREATE USER terry IDENTIFIED BY terry;GRANT ADMIN TO terry;' DSN=database1

See "Managing Access Control" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide for more information on creating users.

Work with database definitions

A database definition contains the description of a TimesTen Scaleout database. It defines the database name, as well as the attributes associated with the database. Once a database definition is added to the current version of the model, it can be used to create a database. For more information on the database definition file, see "Creating a database definition file" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

You can perform the following procedures with database definitions:

Create a database definition

You can create a database definition. Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.


When you create a new database definition, TimesTen also creates a direct connectable for this new database definition. For more information, see "Create a connectable" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, right-click the Database Definitions option, then select New Database Definition.

    The New Database Definition dialog displays. Locate the Database Name field.

  2. In the Database Name text field, type a name for your database. The default value is database1.


    Optionally, you can import a database definition file. See Import a database definition for more information.

    Once you have imported the database definition file, you can still edit the database definition within the wizard. If you do not want to keep editing the database definition, skip to step 4.

    If your grid already contains a database, the default value is the database name of your original database plus 1. For example, if your original database name is database1, the default value is database2.

  3. Set the connection attributes for your database definition. You can set these connection attributes:
    • Data Store Attribute: Attributes that are set at database creation time.


      Ensure that you set a valid path for the DataStore attribute. This path must be valid on every host for every data instance.

      It is best practice to specify LogDir and have it be a different location from DataStore. For additional considerations for database and user file locations, see "Planning installation and deployment" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation, Migration, and Upgrade Guide.

    • First Connection Attribute: Attributes that are set when a database is loaded into memory.

    • General Connection Attribute: Attributes that are set by each connection and persist for the duration of the connection.

    To set any attribute that is part of the type of connection attributes listed above, select the relevant tab. Each tab of connection attributes contains a list of attributes with default values. You can edit the value of an attribute by double clicking the value from the value column of an attribute. Depending on the connection attribute, you can edit the value with a text field or a drop-down list of valid values.

    You can add additional connection attributes by selecting a connection attribute from the drop-down list located below the connection attribute tabs and then clicking Add. If a connection attribute is not listed in the drop-down list, you can select the New Attribute option and enter the connection attribute name in the Attribute column of the connection attribute table.

    You can remove a connection attribute by selecting a connection attribute from the connection attribute table and then clicking Delete.

    For more information on valid connection attributes and values, see "List of Attributes" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  4. Once you have set your connection attributes, click OK.

    SQL Developer validates your connection attribute values. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error and click the OK button again to revalidate your input values.

    The Checking Directory Attributes dialog displays. Checking for a directory can take a few minutes. If your selected database directory does not exist on the host of a data instance, a confirmation dialog displays to ensure that you want to create the new directory on that host. If this warning dialog displays, click Yes.


    SQL Developer creates the selected database directory on all hosts of available data instances.

    The Checking Directory Attributes dialog closes and the Creating Database Definition progress dialog displays. Creating a database definition can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  5. Click Close.

    The Creating Database Definition progress dialog closes.

  6. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully created a database definition and a direct connectable.


After creating a database definition, a database icon from your database definition displays under the Databases node of your grid node in SQL Developer. However, you are unable to perform database operation with this database until you create the database from your database definition. See Create a database from a database definition for more information.

Import a database definition

You can import a database definition file to load attribute values for your database definition. The database definition file must use .dbdef as the file name extension. For more information on the database definition file, see "Creating a database definition file" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Click the Import Definition button.
  2. Select your database definition file and click Open.

    If an attribute value was set in the wizard before you imported the database definition file, the attribute value changes to the value that is defined in the database definition file.

    You have now imported a database definition file.

  3. Optionally, you can edit the database definition within the wizard. See Edit a database definition for information.
  4. Click OK.
Create a database from a database definition

You can create a database from a database definition. Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

If the database definition is already used for another database, SQL Developer displays an error message. You can only create a database from a database definition that has not been used to create another database.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Database Definitions option, right-click the name of your database definition, then select Create Database.

    The Command issued dialog displays and a Creating Database progress dialog displays in the lower right corner of the main SQL Developer page. Locate the OK button of the Command issue dialog.

  2. Click OK.

    The Command issued dialog closes. Creating a database can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.


    If SQL Developer displays an error or if you cancel the database creation process, review the grid navigator to see if the database and definition file were created. In case that a database or database definition was created, delete the database and database definition. Then, create a new database. See Destroy a database for more information on deleting a database.

You have successfully created a database from a database definition. You are now ready to specify the distribution map of the database. For more information, see "Defining the distribution map for a database" in the TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

Before you attempt to connect an application to the database, ensure that you open the database and create a user with the appropriate privileges to connect to the database. See Perform database operations and Execute a command on a host, for more information on opening a database and executing a command on a host, respectively.

To create a user for your database with SQL Developer, use the ttIsql utility through the Execute command on a host dialog. You can execute this utility on any of the data instances of your database.

This command creates a user, terry, with a password of terry for the database, database1. Then, terry is granted CREATE SESSION privileges.

ttisql -e 'CREATE USER terry IDENTIFIED BY terry;GRANT CREATE SESSION TO terry;' DSN=database1

See "Managing Access Control" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Security Guide for more information on creating users.

Edit a database definition

You can edit an existing database definition.

Before you edit an existing database definition:

  • If you want to edit a database connection attribute and there is a database that was created from the database definition you are editing, you must stop the database, destroy it, and recreate it with the new database connection attributes. Note that you will lose all data in that database if you destroy it.

  • If you want to edit a general connection attribute, edit the respective connectable since general connection attributes are associated with a connectable. See Edit a connectable for more information.

  • If you edit a first connection attribute of a database definition of an open database, these changes are not applied until you unload and reload the database. SQL Developer displays a warning message if your database is currently open when you edit the database definition. See Perform database operations for more information on closing and opening a database.

To edit a database definition, ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Database Definitions option, right-click the name of your database definition, then select Edit.

The Edit Database Definition dialog and the Checking if database exists progress dialog display.

  • If there is an open database that was created from the database definition you are editing, the Checking if database exists progress dialog closes and a Editing open database warning dialog displays. If you do not want to see the Editing open database warning for future operations, select the Skip This Message Next Time check box. Then, click OK.

  • If there is no open database that was created from the database definition you are editing, the Checking if database exists progress dialog closes.

Follow the steps as described in Create a database definition, starting with Step 3.

Export a database definition

You can export an existing database definition, which can be used to import the definition of a new database definition.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Database Definitions option, right-click the name of your database definition, then select Export.

    The Export Definition dialog displays.

  2. Specify the location of where you want to export the database definition file.
  3. In the File Name text field, specify a name for the database definition file and click Save.

    The Export Definition dialog closes.

You have successfully exported a database definition file.

Delete a database definition

You can delete a database definition from your grid model. However, you cannot delete a database definition if it references an existing database. You must destroy the database first. See Destroy a database for more information.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Database Definitions option, right-click the name of your database definition, then select Delete.

    The Delete database definition dialog displays. Locate the Yes button.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Delete database definition dialog closes and the Delete database definition progress dialog displays. Locate the Close button.

  3. Click Close.
  4. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully deleted a database definition.

Define the distribution map of a database

You can define the distribution map of a new database from a database definition. You can also redefine the distribution map of an existing database. You cannot access a database that is in the process of defining or redefining its distribution map. Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded. For more information, see "Defining the distribution map for a database" in the TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


Redefining the distribution map of an existing database can take up to a few hours. Ensure that you do not need to access this database before redefining the distribution map.

  1. Expand the Databases option, right-click the name of your database, then select Redistribute.

    The Distribution for database dialog displays. Locate the Database Distribution map.

  2. You can add, remove, replace or evict data instances as part of increasing or decreasing the number of elements over which your data is distributed. However, this requires more than just adding or removing data instances from the current version of the model; you must also add or remove the elements of the data instances from the distribution map of the database.


    For more information on the reasons behind and consequences of adding, removing, or evicting data instances, see "Redistributing data in a database" in the TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

    • To add a data instance from the Available column, right-click the instance name and select Add.

    • To remove a suggested data instance, right-click the instance name and select Remove.

    • To replace the data instance that you are removing, select Remove and replace with and select the new data instance.

    • To evict a data instance, right-click the instance name and select Evict. Evicting a data instance results in data loss.

    • To evict and replace a data instance, Select Evict and replace with and select the new data instance.


    Ensure that each data space group contains the same number of data instances to create complete replica sets. If your data space groups do not contain the same number of data instances, an error dialog displays after you click the Apply button.

  3. Once you have selected all of your data instances for data distribution, click Apply.

    Figure 2-10 Distribution Map before Apply

    Description of Figure 2-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-10 Distribution Map before Apply"

    The Performing operations progress dialog displays. Defining the distribution map of a new database can take a few minutes. If you are redistributing the data of an existing database, the redistribution can take up to a few hours. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Once the distribution map of your database is applied, the Performing operations progress dialog closes and the Distribution for database dialog refreshes. The distribution map shows how your data instances are distributed in replica sets and data space group.

    Figure 2-11 Distribution Map after Apply

    Description of Figure 2-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-11 Distribution Map after Apply"

    Locate the Close button.

  4. Click Close.

    The Distribution for database dialog closes.

You have successfully defined the distribution map of a database.

Perform database operations

You can start, load, open, stop, close, and unload the TimesTen database.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

Expand the Databases option, then right-click the name of your database and select one of these options:


Depending on the current state of your database, you may be unable to perform a certain operation. If SQL Developer is unable to perform a specific operation, an error or warning message displays. For example, you cannot open a database that is already open.

  • Start: Loads every element of the database into memory of their respective hosts and enables the database for user connections. This option does the same thing as if you perform a load and open operation of the database.

  • Load: Loads every element of the database into memory of their respective hosts.

  • Open: Enables the database for user connections.

  • Stop: Disables new user connections to a database and unloads every element of the database from the memory of their respective hosts. This option does the same thing as if you perform a close and unload operation of the database.

  • Close: Disables new user connections to a database.

  • Unload: Unloads every element of the database from the memory of their respective hosts.

SQL Developer performs the operation that you selected. The operation can take a few minutes.


If you select the stop, close, or unload option, a warning dialog displays asking you to confirm that you want to continue with the operation.

  • For databases from a version prior to TimesTen Scaleout 18.1.2, the dialog contains a number hyperlink that you can click to view the current connections to your database.

  • For databases from TimesTen Scaleout 18.1.2 or higher, the dialog contains a Force All User Connections to Disconnect check box for the stop or unload options. If checked, SQL Developer will attempt to abort all user connections if it fails to terminate them by using the transactional and immediate modes. Forcing all users connections to disconnect may result in data loss.

A progress dialog displays in the lower right corner of the main SQL Developer window. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

You can review the status of your database by double clicking the name of your database from the TimesTen Scaleout view region. If your database status is already open, you can click the refresh button that is located in the top left corner of the database status window to refresh your database status.

You have successfully performed an operation on the database.

Work with connectables

You can perform various operations with direct and client/server connectables. A connectable creates a DSN in the configuration files of every data instance. Applications may use this DSN to connect to the database. The connection attributes found in the DSN depend on the type of connectable. For more information about connection attributes, see "Connection Attributes" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

There are two types of available connectables:

  • Direct connectable: Creates a system DSN with the connection attributes both defined in the database definition and the connectable.

  • Client/server connectable: Creates a client DSN with the TTC_SERVER attribute of one or all the data instances available plus the connection attributes defined in the connectable.

    For more information, see "Database connections" in the TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

You can perform these operations with connectables:

Create a connectable

You can create direct and client/server connectables.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Databases option, expand the name of your database, then either right-click the Direct Connectables or Client/Server Connectables option and select New Connectable.

    The New Connectable dialog displays. Locate the Connectable Name text field.

  2. In the Connectable Name text field, type a name for your connectable.
  3. From the Connect to instance drop-down list, select a specific instance that applications connect to through the client/server DSN. The default value is Any Instance which lets your application connect to your database through any available data instance.


    Optionally, you can import a connectable file to load connection attribute values for your connectable. The connectable file must use .connect as the file name extension.

    To import a connectable file, click the Import Definition button. Then, select your connectable file and click Open. If a connection attribute value was set in the wizard before you imported the connectable file, the connection attribute value changes to the value that is defined in the connectable file.

    Once you have imported the connectable file, you can still edit the connectable definition within the wizard. If you do not want to keep editing the connectable definition, skip to step 5.

    For more information on the connectable file, see "Creating a connectable file" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  4. Set the connection attributes for your connectable.

    You can add additional connection attributes by selecting a connection attribute from the drop-down list located below the Connect to instance drop-down list and then clicking Add. If a connection attribute is not listed in the drop-down list, you can select the New Attribute option and enter the connection attribute name in the Attribute column of the connection attribute table. Depending on the connection attribute, you can edit the value with a text field or a drop-down list of valid values.

    You can remove a connection attribute by selecting a connection attribute from the connection attribute table and then clicking Delete.

    For more information on connection attributes and values, see "Connection Attributes" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

  5. Once you have set your connection attributes, click OK.

    The New Connectable dialog closes and the Creating connectable progress dialog displays. Creating a connectable can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button.

  6. Click Close.

    The Creating connectable progress dialog closes.

  7. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully created a connectable for your database.

Edit a connectable

You can edit an existing connectable.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Database Definitions option, expand the name of your database, then either expand the Client/Server Connectables or Direct Connectables option, right-click the name of the connectable and select Edit.

    The Edit Connectable dialog displays.

  2. Follow the steps, starting on step 3, as described in Create a connectable.
Export a connectable

You can export an existing connectable. You can use this exported connectable file to import the definition of a new connectable.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Database Definitions option, expand the name of your database, then either expand the Client/Server Connectables or Direct Connectables option, right-click the name of the connectable and select Export.

    The Save Connectable definition dialog displays.

  2. Specify the location of where you want to export the connectable file.
  3. In the File Name text field, specify a name for the connectable file and click Save.

    The Save Connectable Definition dialog closes.

You have successfully exported a connectable file.

Delete a connectable

You can delete a connectable from your grid model.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand the Database Definitions option, expand the name of your database, then either expand the Client/Server Connectables or Direct Connectables option, right-click the name of the connectable and select Delete.
  2. Click Yes.

    The Delete Connectable dialog displays. Locate the Yes button.

  3. Click Close.

    The Delete Connectable dialog closes and the Delete Connectable progress dialog displays. Locate the Close button.

  4. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully deleted a connectable.

View active connections to the database

You can view all active connections to a database. This is useful to determine if it is safe to perform certain database operations like destroying a database or closing a database.

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Databases option and select the name of your database.

    The database status displays or refreshes if it is already displayed. For details on the other items on the status page, see "Displaying the database, replica set and element status" in the TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide. Locate the connections link that is next to the Number of applications connected to the database_name label.

  2. Click the connections link that is next to the Number of applications connected to the database_name label.

    Figure 2-12 Number of application connections link

    Description of Figure 2-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-12 Number of application connections link"

    The Updating information for database progress dialog displays. Once the database information has been loaded, the Updating information for database progress dialog closes and the Connection Details dialog displays.

    Figure 2-13 Connections Details dialog

    Description of Figure 2-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-13 Connections Details dialog"

    The Connection Details dialog enables you to view all connections to your database data instances or specific data instances. Use the Instance drop-down list to select an instance for which you want to see its connection. In case that you want to see system connections, select the Include System Connections check box. You can also use the Connection Name text field to create a filter for all available connections to your selected instance.


    For databases from TimesTen Scaleout or higher, selecting a row from the connections table provides below additional information on the element, host, instance, connection id, connection name, process id, and type of connection. For proxy connections, it also provides information on the host, instance, connection id, and process id of the proxy. For client/server connections, it also provides information on the host, address, and connection id of the client.

  3. Click the OK button to close the Connection Details dialog.

Destroy a database

You can destroy a database.

Before you destroy a database:

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Databases option, then right-click the name of your database and select Destroy.

    The Destroy database dialog displays.

    Ensure that there are no active connections to your database before proceeding. Click the number hyperlink near the top of the dialog to view the connection details of your database. Ensure that there are no critical connections to your database or properly close any active connections.

    If there are 0 active connections to the database, you are ready to proceed.

  2. In the text field, enter the instance administrator name.
  3. If you want to delete the database definition of your database, click in the check box to the left of the text Delete database definition.
  4. Click OK.

    The Destroying database dialog displays. Destroying a database can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    The Locate the Close button.

  5. Click Close.

    The Destroying database progress and Destroy database dialogs close.

  6. Apply the changes made to the grid. See Apply grid model changes to the grid for more information.

You have successfully destroyed a database.

Working with repositories

In a grid, a repository contains a number of collections. A collection can be a backup of a database, a database export, or a set of saved daemon logs and configuration files. TimesTen Scaleout enables you to define a repository as a directory path mounted using NFS on each host or as a directory path that is not directly mounted on each host. Multiple grids can use a single repository as long as each grid is associated with that repository.

You can create and detach repositories from your grid. For more information about repositories, see "Working with repositories" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

You can perform the following procedures with repositories:

Create a repository

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, right-click Repositories and select Create Repository.

    The Create Repository dialog displays. Locate the Repository Name field.

  2. In the Repository Name field, specify the name for the repository.
  3. In the Location field, specify a location that is mounted using NFS on each host or as a directory path that is accessible on each host with SSH or SCP.
  4. From the Method drop-down list, select a mounting option:
    • Mount: Creates a repository as a directory path mounted using NFS on each host of your grid.

    • SCP: Creates a repository as a directory path that is not directly mounted on each host of your grid.

  5. If you selected the SCP method, specify the fully qualified domain name of the host on which the repository exists in the Address field.
  6. Click OK.

    The Create Repository dialog closes and the Create Repository progress dialog displays. Creating the repository can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button in the Create Repository progress dialog.

  7. Click Close.

    The Create Repository progress dialog closes.

You have successfully created a repository. This repository is now available in the repositories folder of your grid model.

Detach a repository

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page, that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view, and that your grid node is expanded.

  1. Expand the Grid Model option, expand Repositories, then right-click the name of your repository and select Detach.

    The Detach Repository warning dialog displays. Locate the Yes button.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Detach Repository warning dialog closes and the Detach Repository progress dialog displays. Detaching the repository can take a few minutes. If SQL Developer displays an error message, troubleshoot the error.

    Locate the Close button in the Detach Repository progress dialog.

  3. Click Close.

    The Detach Repository progress dialog closes.

You have successfully detached a repository.

Inspecting logs

You can review the support and user logs on each instance in the grid. The logs can be useful in troubleshooting errors with your grid. For each instance that is part of your grid, you can view these logs:

  • Support Log

  • User Error Log

Ensure that you are on the main SQL Developer page and that you have enabled the TimesTen Scaleout view.

  1. Right-click your grid node, select Inspect Logs, then select Support Log or User Error Log.

    Depending on the option that you select, the Inspect Support Log or Inspect User Error log dialog displays.

  2. In the Available instance folder, locate the instance for which you want to view a log. Right-click the instance name and select Load/Unload. If you want to view a log of additional instances, right-click the corresponding instance name and select Load/Unload for any additional instances.


    In case the log panel expands and hides the instance panel of the dialog, place your cursor at the left edge of the log panel and use the resize arrow to resize the log panel.

    If you want to close a log of an instance, locate the instance in the Showing Logs folder for which you want to close a log. Then, right-click the instance name and select Load/Unload.

    If you want to create filters, save the filtered logs, refresh logs, or perform various other operations with the logs, click the Logs menu button. The Logs menu button is located in the top left corner of the Inspect Support Log or Inspect User Error log dialog.

  3. After you finish reviewing the log, click Cancel.

    Depending on the option that you select, the Inspect Support Log or Inspect User Error log dialog closes.

You have successfully reviewed the support log or user error log of the instances of your grid.