AHF Release 23.8

Easier to Manage Best Practice Compliance

AHF compliance checks from Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk are now fully integrated into AHF Insights Best Practice section.

AHF has thousands of Best Practice Compliance Checks, which are run automatically by AHF Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk. The results of these checks are viewable in HTML reports and output in JSON and XML for consumption into other tools. In addition, all Best Practice Compliance Checks are fully integrated into AHF Insights for running on-demand.

AHF Insights makes it easy to quickly see the Health Score, understand where systems are out of compliance and then take the necessary corrective action.

With this enhancement, you can:
  • Explore the best practice data in a visual format.
  • Filter best practices across different status through visualization and Status status drop-down.
  • Search checks from all sections of best practice report.
  • View the best practice report in a vertical fashion.
  • See the health score with a visual distribution of checks that have failed.
Continue to use the Oracle Orachk / Oracle Exachk commands for automated scheduled runs, but for on-demand compliance investigation, generate an AHF Insights report:
ahf analysis create --type insights

For more information, see Compliance Checking with Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk and Best Practice Issues.

Enhancements to the AHF Insights Interface Design and Usability

AHF 23.8 includes the following enhancements to the user interface to make it more intuitive and easier to use.


plotly.js dependency on CDN has been removed for customers using AHF Insights in restrictive environments.

You can now:

  • Copy data in text format into the clipboard to post it into SR body while raising a service request.
    Copy button is included in the following sections of the report:
    • Cluster
    • Databases
    • Database Servers
    • Storage Servers
    • Fabric Switches
    • Recommended Software
  • Spot the disks that have anomalies. In the Operating System Issues tab, under Local IO, click Disk to view Disk Metrics. Disks that have anomalies are marked with an X mark.
  • Explore process aggregate from operating system details in a more intuitive way.
    • Demarcated process aggregates per the instance group like Databases, ASM, APX (Apex), IOS, Clusterware, and so on.
    • Legends specific to individual category rather than single legend for all categories.

Upload AHF Insights Report Automatically to Object Store or Pre-Authenticated URL (PAR)

Upload AHF Insights report automatically if Object Store is configured as part of AHF or Pre-Authenticated URL (PAR) for centralized monitoring.

Uploading AHF Insights reports helps Oracle Cloud Operations to identify, investigate, track, and resolve system health issues and divergences in best practice configurations quickly and effectively.

Oracle Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure and Oracle SaaS

To set REST endpoints (Object Store's), run:
ahfctl setupload -name oss -type https -user <user> -url <object_store> -password
To upload AHF Insights report to Object Store, run:
ahf analysis create --type insights

Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure (ExaDB-D) and Oracle Base Database Service

To upload AHF Insights report to PAR location, run:
tfactl diagcollect -insight -last 1h -par <par_url>
tfactl insight -last 1h -par <par_url>

Automate the Generation of AHF Insights Reports Using AHF Cron

Schedule cron jobs to generate AHF Insights report.


The AHF Insights report will be generated every Monday at 3 a.m.
  • To get cron details:
    tfactl get cron
    # tfactl get cron
      |                <hostname>                    |
      | Configuration Parameter              | Value |
      | Enable/disable the TFA cron ( cron ) | OFF   |
  • To enable cron:
    tfactl set cron=on
    # tfactl set cron=on
      Successfully set cron=ON
      |                <hostname>                    |
      | Configuration Parameter              | Value |
      | Enable/disable the TFA cron ( cron ) | ON    |
  • To reload cron with modifications:
    tfactl refreshconfig modifycron -enable true -id <ID> -validFor all
    # tfactl refreshconfig modifycron -enable true -id id001 -validFor all
    modifycron() completed successfully.
  • To list existing cron details:
    # tfactl refreshconfig listcrons
    # tfactl refreshconfig listcrons
      TFA CRON item:
      Name:     id001
      Command:  ahf analysis create --type insights --last 5m
      Schedule: 0 3 * * 1
  • To turn off cron:
    # tfactl set cron=off
    # tfactl set cron=off
      Successfully set cron=OFF
      |                <hostname>                    |
      | Configuration Parameter              | Value |
      | Enable/disable the TFA cron ( cron ) | OFF   |

Guided Resolution of Database Performance Problems Caused by Noisy Neighbors

AHF Balance no-longer requires a GI Home and now works with any Oracle Home.

Database CPU use is limited by the database CPU_COUNT parameter. When these limits add up to more than the number of CPUs on a machine, noisy-neighbor problems are possible.

AHF Balance analyzes database CPU configuration and historical CPU usage data from Enterprise Manager. The high-level results of this analysis are shown in the Oracle Orachk / Oracle Exachk MAA Score Card.

Further reports can be run to:

  • Get an overview of possible noisy neighbors across the fleet.
  • See detailed information about a specific database.
  • Generate a corrective action plan.
To use AHF Balance:
  • Configure AHF Balance to analyze historical CPU usage from Enterprise Manager’s repository database:
    ahf configuration set --type impact --connect-string <EM-DATABASE-CONNECT-STRING> --user-name <USER-NAME>


    Ensure that the connect string does not contain any spaces.
  • Run a fleet-wide analysis to create a detailed AHF Balance report to understand noisy neighbors and the improvements possible by changing CPU_COUNT settings:
    ahf analysis create --type impact --scope fleet --name <FLEET_NAME>
  • Run a cluster-level analysis to get a detailed corrective action plan:
    ahf analysis create --type impact --scope cluster --name cluster_name

For more information, see Data Source.

New Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk Best Practice Checks

Release 23.8 includes the following new Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk best practice checks.

Best Practice Checks Common to Both Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk

  • Verify health of data dictionary for multitenant database
  • Verify health of data dictionary for non-multitenant database

Oracle Orachk Specific Best Practice Checks

  • Oracle Database recommendation for audit settings
  • Oracle Database unified auditing recommendation

Oracle Exachk Specific Best Practice Checks

  • Check for CachedBy and CachingPolicy GridDisks attributes
  • Check for tainted kernel by non-Oracle modules and third-party security software installed from package

All checks can be explored in more detail via the Health Check Catalogs: