10 Behavior Changes, Deprecated and Desupported Features

Review information about changes, deprecations, and desupports.

10.1 Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Support is Deprecated in Release 18.3.0

Starting with 18.3.0 release, the Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk checks for EBS feature has been deprecated.

Deprecating Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) checks means that running health checks against EBS feature is no longer enhanced, but it is still supported until the Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk 19.3.0 release (approximately one year).

In the Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk 19.3.0 release, the EBS checks feature will be desupported, meaning Oracle will no longer fix bugs in Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk related to EBS checks, and the EBS checking feature will be removed altogether.

Run all EBS health checks using the EBS Analyzers, which is available at My Oracle Support note 1545562.1.

10.2 Deprecated tfactl Upload Commands in Release 20.2

Starting with 20.2 release, the following tfactl upload commands have been deprecated.

  • Upload Using Wallet: tfactl upload -sr SR# -wallet Space separated list of files to upload
  • Upload without Wallet: tfactl upload -sr SR# -user UserId Space separated list of files to upload
  • tfactl setupmos
  • tfactl setmosupload
  • tfactl getmosupload
  • tfactl unsetmosupload
  • tfactl checkmosupload
  • tfactl setdbupload
  • tfactl getdbupload
  • tfactl unsetdbupload
  • tfactl checkdbupload

Oracle recommends using the new generic upload mechanism.

Related Topics

10.3 Deprecated SRDC in Release 20.2

The SRDC dbblockcorruption has been deprecated in AHF 20.2.

10.4 Deprecated tfactl Commands in Release 21.1

Starting with the 21.1 release, all AHF functionalities that are available in tfactl command-line interface have been deprecated and will completely be removed in the 22.1 release.

Oracle recommends using ahfctl to perform AHF functionalities instead of tfactl.

Deprecated tfactl commands:
  • compliance
  • celldiagcollect
  • applypatch
  • querypatch
  • rollbackpatch
  • startahf
  • stopahf
  • statusahf
  • showrepo
  • import
  • unset
  • setupload
  • getupload
  • unsetupload
  • checkupload
  • setpassword
  • unsetpassword
  • checkpassword
  • upgrade
  • setupgrade
  • unsetupgrade
  • getupgrade
  • setresourcelimit
  • getresourcelimit
  • unsetresourcelimit
  • printresourcestats
  • setserviceupload
  • getserviceupload
  • unsetserviceupload

10.5 Deprecated Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk Commands to Manage Patches in Release 21.1

Starting with the 21.1 release, Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk commands to manage patches have been deprecated and these commands will be completely removed in the 22.1 release.

Deprecated Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk commands to manage patches:
  • -applypatch
  • -querypatch
  • -rollbackpatch

10.6 Deprecated Oracle Trace File Analyzer Utilities in Release 21.1

Oracle Trace File Analyzer Utilities summary and dbcheck will be removed and replaced with new command-line with enhanced functionality.

10.7 Deprecated Oracle Trace File Analyzer Receiver in Release 21.1

Starting with 21.1 release, Oracle Trace File Analyzer Receiver has been deprecated and being replaced by enhanced Oracle AHF Collections Manager.

10.8 Deprecated tfactl Commands in Release 22.1.0

Starting with 22.1.0 release, the following tfactl upload commands have been deprecated and removed.

Deprecated tfactl command Replaced with
tfactl startahf ahfctl startahf
tfactl stopahf ahfctl stopahf
tfactl statusahf ahfctl statusahf
tfactl sendmail ahfctl sendmail
tfactl showrepo ahfctl showrepo

10.9 Deprecated Legacy Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk Scheduler Commands in 22.2

Starting with the AHF 22.2 (2022-09-14), commands to run the Oracle Orachk or Oracle Exachk scheduler without the Oracle Trace File Analyzer daemon are deprecated. These commands are completely removed in AHF 23.8 (2023-08-28).

Deprecated Legacy Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk Scheduler Commands:
  • -switch_scheduler
  • -use_legacy_scheduler
  • -xmlstart_scheduler
  • -xmlstart_scheduler_debug
Running the aforementioned commands would terminate with a deprecation notice. For example:
orachk -use_legacy_scheduler
Option '-use_legacy_scheduler' is deprecated and no longger supported.
Please run 'orachk -h' to see a list of available options
orachk -switch_scheduler
Option '-switch_scheduler' is deprecated and no longger supported.
Please run 'orachk -h' to see a list of available options

Changes also include the replacement of Oracle Orachk/Oracle Exachk daemon commands.

Table 10-1 Substituted Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk Daemon Commands

Deprecated Oracle Orachk and Oracle Exachk Daemon Commands Replaced With

exachk -d start

orachk -d start

exachk -autostart

orachk -autostart

exachk -d start_debug

orachk -d start_debug

exachk -initsetup

orachk -initsetup

exachk -initdebugsetup

orachk -initdebugsetup

exachk -d stop

orachk -d stop

exachk -autostop

orachk -autostop

exachk -d stop_client

orachk -d stop_client

exachk -initrmsetup

orachk -initrmsetup

exachk -d info

orachk -d info

exachk -autostatus

orachk -autostatus

exachk -d status

orachk -d status

exachk -d nextautorun

orachk -d nextautorun

exachk -initcheck

orachk -initcheck

Running obsolete daemon commands will print a deprecation notice and an INFO message suggesting that you run equivalent commands. Then orachk and exachk will execute the respective equivalent commands. For example:
orachk -d start
'orachk -d start' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please start using 'orachk -autostart' instead.
Running 'orachk -autostart' for this operation. Run 'orachk -autostart -h' for further help.
orachk -initrmsetup
'orachk -initrmsetup' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please start using 'orachk -autostop' instead.
Running 'orachk -autostop' for this operation. Run 'orachk -autostop -h' for further help.
orachk -d info
'orachk -d info' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please start using 'orachk -autostatus' instead.
Running 'orachk -autostatus' for this operation. Run 'orachk -autostop -h' for further help.

When the -autostart option is called and the TFA Scheduler is not running, you will receive a warning message suggesting that you start it.

ahfctl stopahf
Stopping TFA from the Command Line
Stopped OSWatcher
Nothing to do !
Please wait while TFA stops
Please wait while TFA stops
TFA-00002 Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) is not running
TFA Stopped Successfully
Telemetry adapter is not running
Successfully stopped TFA..
No active orachk manual runs found
Stopping orachk scheduler ...
Removing orachk cache discovery....
No orachk cache discovery found.

Unable to send message to TFA
Removed orachk from inittab
Stopped orachk
orachk -autostart
TFA scheduler is not running. Please start TFA scheduler, by running 'ahfctl startahf', before configuring orachk to consume it.

Changes for legacy scheduler deprecation also include the ability to clean up legacy scheduler processes and remove orachk/exachk scheduler files upon an AHF upgrade, and/or by calling the -autostart or -autostop options.

10.10 Deprecated ahfctl Commands in Release 23.1.0

Starting with the 23.1.0 release, the ahfctl applypatch, ahfctl querypatch, and ahfctl rollbackpatch commands have been deprecated and completely be removed.

Deprecated ahfctl commands:
  • ahfctl applypatch: Oracle recommends using ahfctl applyupdate instead.
  • ahfctl querypatch: Oracle recommends using ahfctl queryupdate instead.
  • ahfctl rollbackpatch: Oracle recommends using ahfctl rollbackupdate instead.

10.11 Deprecated AHF REST Services

AHF REST is deprecated and will be desupported in AHF release 24.3.0.

Download ORDS and provide the ords.war path to start AHF REST services.

10.12 Deprecated Oracle Trace File Analyzer Masking in Release 24.1

Starting with Oracle Autonomous Health Framework 24.1, the Oracle Trace File Analyzer masking feature is deprecated, and can be desupported in a future release.

Deprecating certain AHF features with limited adoption enables Oracle to focus on improving core features and functionality of AHF. Instructing TFA to mask sensitive data was an optional configuration choice enabled by creating a file named mask_strings.xml in the directory tfa_home/resources. Oracle recommends the AHF feature Adaptive Classification and Redaction (ACR) that is used to mask or redact sensitive data. The mask operation is enacted for all diagnostic collections with the command: tfactl set redact=mask|sanitize. Enable for a single collection by adding -mask or -sanitize to tfactl diagcollect. ACR is installed with AHF.

10.13 Oracle Database Quality of Service (QoS) Management is Deprecated in Release 21c

Starting in Oracle Database release 21c, Oracle Database Quality of Service (QoS) Management is deprecated and will be desupported in a future release.

Oracle Database Quality of Service (QoS) Management automates the workload management for an entire system by adjusting the system configuration based on pre-defined policies to keep applications running at the performance levels needed. Applications and databases are increasingly deployed in systems that provide some of the resource management capabilities of Oracle Database Quality of Service (QoS) Management. At the same time, Oracle’s Autonomous Health Framework has been enhanced to adjust and provide recommendations to mitigate events and conditions that impact the health and operational capability of a system and its associated components. For those reasons, Oracle Database Quality of Service (QoS) Management has been deprecated with Oracle Database 21c.