Verify Installation Requirements

The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide specifies in detail which requirements the installation site must meet. Checklists allow you to register the requirements you have verified and the potential adjustments needed before the installation can take place. The table guides you through the verification steps by providing links to the relevant resources.

Item Description Resources

Logistic requirements

Review the safety guidelines. Confirm that the working environment is safe and secure at all times.

Verify that sufficient space is available for receiving, unpacking and installing the appliance. Consider the dimensions of the product and its packaging, the delivery location, the access route to the data center room, and maintenance access to the rack after installation.

Make sure that the required personnel is on-site, that arrangements have been made for access to the building, and that any required equipment and tools are available.

Data center environment requirements

Verify that the data center flooring is adequate and that sufficient ventilation and cooling capacity is provided. Make sure that temperature and humidity levels are maintained within in the optimum range.

Electrical power requirements

Ensure that power is provided reliably, protecting your systems from electrical disturbances. Verify that the appliance power distribution units correspond with the facility power supply.

Verify that the correct circuit breakers and uninterruptable power supply are provided, and that grounding guidelines are followed.

Network infrastructure requirements

The appliance connects to the data center network using high-speed Ethernet cabling. Choose the appropriate number of uplinks, cabling topology and routing design that are suitable for your operational requirements and data center infrastructure.

Ensure that the required switches, ports, transceivers and cables are available. Verify that subnet configurations and IP address reservations have been made, and that the data center network configuration does not conflict with the appliance's reserved network resources.

To ensure that these requirements are met, and that the appliance is integrated successfully into your data center infrastructure, complete the initial installation checklist.