Installing the Software on Recovery Appliance

After completing the prerequisites and assembling the necessary files, you are ready to install the software.

To install the software on a new Recovery Appliance rack:

  1. Log in as root to the first compute server.
  2. Change to the u01 directory:
    # cd /u01
  3. Create a directory named ra_install directly under u01:
    # mkdir ra_install
  4. Extract the latest Linux version of the OneCommand ZIP file into /u01/ra_install/, using the default directory name, linux-x64. (The ZIP file can be downloaded from My Oracle Support Doc ID 1927416.1.)
  5. Copy the XML configuration files that were generated by using the Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant, the software ZIP file, and the GI/RDBMS Gold image into subdirectory under /u01/ra_install/linux-x64. See "Using Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant" for information about the configuration files.
  6. Run the Recovery Appliance preinstallation script:
    1. Obtain the latest Recovery Appliance patch file from My Oracle Support Doc ID 1927416.1.
    2. Extract the Recovery Appliance softwqare from patch ZIP file into /u01/ra_install/linux-x64/WorkDir.
    3. Extract the GI/RDBMS Gold image files from the GI/RDBMS Gold image ZIP file. This substep and the substep above must occur before the script is run.
    4. Change to the WorkDir directory:
      # cd /u01/ra_install/linux-x64/WorkDir


      • The preinstallation script is available with Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance software update and later. See Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance Upgrade and Patching (Doc ID 2028931.1) for information about the latest patch file

      • The files you extracted to WorkDir should include a readme file (README.txt) that contains important information to review before you proceed

    5. Run the script with the path of the XML configuration file and the Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant directory:
      # /usr/bin/perl --config_xml=/u01/ra_install/linux-x64/ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml 
      --oeda_dir=/u01/ra_install/linux-x64 --config_xml=/u01/ra_install/linux-x64/ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml 
      --oeda_dir=/u01/ra_install/linux-x64 --oracle_uid=5555 --oinstall_gid=5555 
      --dba_gid=5556 --raadmin_uid=6557 --raadmin_gid=6557


      Before the has completed all steps, if the fix to a validation issue or any other issue requires re-generating the OEDA XML configuration file, run on the generated XML as given above before re-starting from the beginning.

  7. Change to the linux-x64 directory:
    # cd /u01/ra_install/linux-x64
  8. List the steps you need to run.

    This example runs the install script from a Linux system, using an XML file named ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml:

    $ ./ -cf ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml -l
  9. Run each step in numeric order except the last step (Resecure Machine), and verify that it completed successfully before continuing to the next step. You will resecure the machine in a later step.

    This example runs step 1 from a Linux system, using an XML file named ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml:

    $ ./ -cf ExadataConfigurations/Example_Inc-ra01.xml -s 1

    See "About the Install Utility Steps".

  10. Change to the Recovery Appliance bin directory:
    # cd /opt/oracle.RecoveryAppliance/bin
  11. Run the racli utility to install the Recovery Appliance software.

    This command runs all of the steps necessary to install the software based on the system and configuration settings:

    # ./racli install appliance


    You are prompted for the raadmin password when it gets to --step=7. Remote root and oracle access are removed during --step=7. Later this access can be re-enabled with racli enable ssh.
    Alternatively, you can run each step performed by this command individually by using the step option. However, ensure that you run all of the required steps in order and that each step completes successfully before you run the next step. The following example runs only the first installation step:
    # ./racli install appliance --step=1
    See "racli install appliance" for a description of each step.


    If you encounter a problem while running the install appliance command, contact Oracle Support Services at for assistance.

  12. Change back to the linux-x64 directory:
    # cd /u01/ra_install/linux-x64
  13. Use the utility to run the last step (Resecure Machine) to secure Recovery Appliance.
  14. To complete the Recovery Appliance installation:
    1. Change the default passwords for the Recovery Appliance database user (rasys) and the OSB tape backup users, if applicable.

    2. Use Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to deploy the agents and discover the Recovery Appliance targets. Then you can use Cloud Control to monitor and administer the Recovery Appliance environment.

      See "Setting Up Enterprise Manager to Administer Recovery Appliance".

    3. If you will use VLAN tagging for the Recovery Appliance ingest network, configure and test the VLAN tagging.

      See Enabling 8021.Q VLAN Tagging in Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance over ingest networks (Doc ID 2047411.1) for instructions.

    4. Enroll the Oracle databases, so that they can use Recovery Appliance.

      See Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance Protected Database Configuration Guide.