5 Setting Up Provisioning for GPRS Services

This document describes how to set up provisioning for GPRS services in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).

Topics in this document:

See also:

Creating Provisioning Tags for GPRS Services

To implement service extensions, such as bearer services, APNs, QoS values, and extended rating attributes (ERAs) for GPRS services, you define provisioning tags. You then use PDC to include provisioning tags in charge offers. A tag becomes available to an individual account and service when a charge offer containing the tag is purchased. This is also known as charge offer–level provisioning.

To define provisioning tags for GPRS services, you modify the pin_telco_tags_gprs file. You then load the file into the BRM database's /config/telco/gprs and /config/account_era objects by using the load_pin_telco_tags utility.

To specify provisioning tags for GPRS services, perform the following:

  1. Open the BRM_home/sys/data/config/pin_telco_tags_gprs file in a text editor.

  2. If necessary, edit the pin_telco_tags_gprs file. The sample file includes these entries:

    provisioning_tag    "/config/telco/gprs "    "Data Premium"    "Data Service"  "y"
    service_extn       "BEARER_SERVICE"    "BS 70"
    service_extn       "APN"               "apn.example.com"
    service_extn       "QOS"               "Platinum"
    service_era        "FRIENDS_FAMILY"    12 13 "n"
    service_era        "HOME_CELL"         16 17 "y"
    service_era        "HOME_REGION"       14 15 "y"
    service_era        "SERVICELEVEL"      10 11 "n"
    service_era        "RATEPLAN"          18 19 "n"


    List the APN and QoS entries in order, so that the PIN_FLD_APN_ARRAY is populated by taking the APN name along with its associated QoS. In addition, the QoS entry is optional for each APN.

  3. Save the pin_telco_tags_gprs file.

  4. Use the following command to run the load_pin_telco_tags utility:

    load_pin_telco_tags pin_telco_tags_gprs 

    For the complete command syntax, see "load_pin_telco_tags".

  5. Restart the Connection Manager (CM).

To verify that the account ERAs were loaded, you can display the /config objects by using the Object Browser or use the robj command with the testnap utility. (See "Reading an Object and Writing Its Contents to a File" in BRM Developer's Guide.)

Specifying the Provisioning Configuration for GPRS Services

The provisioning configuration data includes information about which fields must be included to create a service order for GPRS services. You specify the configuration in the GPRS provisioning configuration file (pin_telco_provisioning_gprs) and then load the file in the BRM database's /config/telco/provisioning object by using the "load_pin_telco_provisioning" utility.

To specify the provisioning configuration information for GPRS services, perform the following:

  1. Open the BRM_home/sys/data/config/pin_telco_provisioning_gprs file in a text editor.

  2. If necessary, edit the pin_telco_provisioning_gprs file. The default file includes these entries:

    Service provisioning info:
    /service/telco/gprs, A,
    Service provisioning info:
    /service/telco/gprs, C,
    Service provisioning info:
    /service/telco/gprs, D,
    Service provisioning info:
    /service/telco/gprs, R,
    Service provisioning info:
    /service/telco/gprs, S,
    Service provisioning info:
    /service/telco/gprs, I,

    For more information on how to edit the file, see "load_pin_telco_provisioning".

  3. Save the pin_telco_provisioning_gprs file.

  4. Use the following command to run the load_config_provisioning_tags utility:

    load_pin_telco_provisioning pin_telco_provisioning_gprs 

    For the complete command syntax, see "load_pin_telco_provisioning".

  5. Restart the Connection Manager (CM).

To verify that the account ERAs were loaded, you can display the /config objects by using the Object Browser or use the robj command with the testnap utility. (See "Reading an Object and Writing Its Contents to a File" in BRM Developer's Guide.)

Specifying the Available States for Each GPRS Service Order

You specify the available states for GPRS service orders by editing the pin_telco_service_order_state_gprs file. You then load the file into the BRM database's /config/telco/service_order_state/gprs object by using the load_pin_telco_service_order_state utility.

See "About Service Order Status" for more information.

To specify the available states, perform the following:

  1. Open the BRM_home/sys/data/config/pin_telco_service_order_state_gprs file in a text editor.

  2. If necessary, edit the entries to support your business needs. The default entries are shown below:

    1: 1: 0: 0
          2: 0:0
          3: 0:0
          4: 0:0
          5: 0:0
    2: 2: 0: 0
          1: 0: 0
          2: 0: 0
          3: 0: 0
          4: 0: 0
          5: 0: 0
    3: 2: 0: 0
          1: 0: 0
          2: 0: 0
          3: 0: 0
          4: 0: 0
          5: 0: 0
    # Completed Provisioning -> Completed Provisioning (terminating state)
    4: 3: 0: 0
          1: 0: 0
          2: 0: 0
          3: 0: 0
          4: 0: 0
          5: 0: 0
    # Failed Provisioning -> Failed Provisioning (terminating state)
    5: 3: 0: 0
          1: 0: 0
          2: 0: 0
          3: 0: 0
          4: 0: 0
          5: 0: 0

    For more information about editing the input file, see "Specifying the Available States for Each Service Order".

  3. Save and close the pin_telco_service_order_state_gprs file.

  4. Use the following command to run the load_pin_telco_service_order_state utility:

    load_pin_telco_service_order_state pin_telco_service_order_state_gprs

    For the complete command syntax, see "load_pin_telco_service_order_state".

  5. Restart the Connection Manager (CM).

To verify that the account ERAs were loaded, you can display the /config objects by using the Object Browser or use the robj command with the testnap utility. See "Reading an Object and Writing Its Contents to a File" in BRM Developer's Guide.