8 Statistics Viewer Module

The Statistics Viewer screen shows a list of the monitored statistics and allows the list to be edited. A default list of statistics to show are configured. It contains these tabs:

Configuring Statistics

Use the Configure Statistics tab of the Statistics Viewer screen to add, edit, and delete system statistics. Available system statistics are managed through the statistics management screens.

Each line of the table contains the details of a single statistic and the configured warning ranges. The statistic name is taken from the statistic definitions in the SMF database. The minimum and maximum values for each range are entered by the user.

SMS statistics are simply stored as numbers, so the context of the ranges needs to be determined by the user. In the example data, the statistics are all percentages, but other statistics might count the number of certain events or measure absolute amounts (for example, disk usage in KB).

The statistics settings are stored in a database table in the SMF and queried when the screen is loaded. This allows the same statistics to be monitored across different SMS screen sessions.

Note: The configuration is a global configuration, and not a per-user one.

Configure Statistics fields

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Refresh Period

The number of seconds before the screens refresh the statistics display from the database. Defaults to 60 seconds.

Allowed values:

  • 60-9999

Note: If the refresh period is shorter than the period used by the system utilities to generate and store the statistics, not all refreshes show changes.

Adding a new statistic

Follow these steps to add a statistic.

  1. In the Configure Statistics tab, click New.

    Result: The New Statistic Ranges screen displays.

  2. From the Application ID: drop down box, select the application that the required statistic is for.

    The items in this list are read from the database and can be added, edited, and deleted through the Statistics Maintenance screens. For more information, see Statistics Management.

  3. From the Statistic ID: drop down box, select the required statistic.

    Result: The statistic name appears in the Description field.

    The items in this list are read from the database and can be added, edited, and deleted through the Statistics Maintenance screens. For more information, see Statistics Management.

  4. In the left Acceptable Range field, enter the minimum value for the range. In the right Acceptable Range field, enter the maximum value for the range.

    Note: Ensure that this range does not overlap with the Warning Range or the Alarm Range.

  5. In the left Warning Range field, enter the minimum value for the range. In the right Warning Range field, enter the maximum value for the range.

    Note: Ensure that this range does not overlap with the Acceptable Range or the Alarm Range.

  6. In the left Alarm Range field, enter the minimum value for the range. In the right Alarm Range field, enter the maximum value for the range.

    Note: Ensure that this range does not overlap with the Acceptable Range or the Warning Range.

  7. Click OK to save the details as a new row in the table on the Configure Check screen and close the screen.

Editing a statistic

Follow these steps to edit an existing statistic.

  1. From the Configure Statistics tab, select the required statistic and click Edit.

    Result: The Edit Statistic Ranges screen appears and displays the record's details.

    Note: The Statistic description becomes disabled and cannot be edited.

  2. Make the necessary edit in the Acceptable, Warning, and Alarm ranges. For more information, see Configure Statistics fields.

  3. Click one of the following.

    • OK to save the details to the statistic in the table on the Configure Check screen and close the screen

    • Cancel to close the screen without saving the changes.

Change the order of statistics

To change the order of the statistics:

From the Configure Statistics tab, select the statistic to move and click Up or Down.

Result: The selected statistic moves up or down in the display table.

Deleting a statistic

Follow these steps to delete an existing statistic.

  1. From the Configure Statistics tab, select the statistic to delete and click Delete.

    Result: The confirmation prompt appears.

  2. Click OK to delete the statistic from the table on the Configure Check screen and close the screen.

Viewing Statistics

The View Statistics tab of the Statistics Viewer screen shows a summary of the monitored statistics for each node.

Each monitored SLC node is listed along the top of the screen. Under each, there is a line for each statistic (in the same order as in the configuration table).

The database is queried periodically to update the displayed values. This period is set in the Configure Statistics screen. For more information, see Configuring Statistics.

View Statistics fields

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description

The period in which the statistics is collected.

For more information, see Statistics fields.


The node or remote machine from which the statistics are collected. The displayed colors show the configured range for the statistics.

For more information, see Display colors

Display colors

This table shows the meaning of the colors displayed in the View Statistics tab. The display color of each statistic is determined by the configured ranges.

Colour Range
Green The statistic is in the acceptable range.
Yellow The statistic is in the warning range.
Red The statistic is in the alarm range.
Neutral The statistic is not in a defined range.