Action Editor Conditions Tab

Use the Conditions tab to view and manage the conditions on an action.

Conditions Area

Field Use

Conditions table

Lists the condition on the action.


Removes the selected condition from the action.


Creates a condition.

Condition Details Area

Field Use

Condition Details table

Provides further details on the selection condition from the Conditions table.

Implementation Class

Specifies or creates a new Java implementation class for the condition.

Click Implementation Class to create a new class for the processor implementation.

Click Select to select an existing class for the processor implementation.

Input Parameters table

Specifies the input parameters that determine the result of the condition.


Opens the Processor editor for the processor to which the selected input parameter is output.


Removes the selected input parameter.


Adds an existing parameter, output from a predecessor processor in the sequence of processors in the action, as input to determine the result of the condition.