Processor Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab to select the implementation class for the processor and specify other information about the processor.

The Details tab is available for all processor types.

Field Use


Enter a short description of the processor.

Parser Type

Specify the type of files the processor can parse.

Appears for file parser processors only.

File Parameter

Specify the input file parameter generated as output by a predecessor processor in the sequence of processors in the action. The file parameter must be of type If there are no available context parameters, an error message appears.

Appears for file parser processors only.

Implementation Class

Specify the Java implementation class for the processor. Design Studio automatically generates an interface class that the implementation class must implement. You can select an existing class, or create a new one by clicking the Implementation Class link.

The implementation class is created to match the processor interface.

This field is read-only for some processor types.

Implementation Prefix

Displays the Java name for the entity.


Add other information about the processor.