Pipe Signal Termination Point Specification Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to define the capacity unit amount, unit of measure, and number of child signals.

Field Use

Capacity Provided

Displays the name of the selected Capacity Provided specification.


Click to create a new Capacity Provided specification.


Click to select an existing Capacity Provided specification.


Click to remove a Capacity Provided specification.

Capacity Unit Amount

Enter a value relative to the selection in the Unit of Measure field. When you enter a value in the Capacity Unit Amount field, the Capacity Provided area is removed from the tab. Capacity provided information is not required for child signal termination points.

Unit of Measure

Click New to create a new unit of measure or click Select to use an existing one.

Number of Child Signals

Define this value as 0 if the signal termination point will not have any child signal termination points. Define this value as greater than 0 if the signal termination point will have children.