Fulfillment State Map Editor

Use the Fulfillment State Map editor to create both common fulfillment states and the mappings that use them.

The following fields are common to all Fulfillment State Map editor tabs:

Field Use


Edit the display name of the fulfillment state map.


Select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the fulfillment state map. Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default.

Many fields in this editor follow the following conventions:

  • Field name as a link: If the name of the field is a link, clicking it performs one of two actions:

    • If there is an entry in the field, clicking the name of the field opens the item referenced in the field. For example, if the field name is Fulfillment Pattern and the entry in the field is Product.Base, clicking the label opens the Product.Base orchestration fulfillment pattern.

    • If there is no entry in the field, clicking the name of the field opens the wizard to create an item. For example, if the field name is Order Item, clicking the label opens the wizard to create a new order item specification.

  • Clear button: This button is shaped like an X and is located after the field. If it is possible to clear the field, the X is red. If it is not possible to clear the field (for example, if it is already empty), the X is gray.

  • Select: This button opens a dialog box with a list of the relevant entities. Select a value to enter it into the field.

When configuring fulfillment states and mappings in the Fulfillment State Map editor, refer to the following topics: