Orchestration Sequence Editor

Use the Orchestration Sequence editor to configure the location of the order line items on an order and to define the sequence of stages in which OSM evaluates the order line items.

Field Use


Edit the display name of the sequence.


Select any existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the orchestration sequence. Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default.

Order Item

Select the order item specification to which this orchestration sequence applies. The order item includes the fixed set of properties and conditions with which the sequence will work during decomposition.

Order Item Selector

Define an XQuery expression that evaluates incoming orders and extracts all of the order items. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

For example, in a simple scenario, you might define the order item selector as:

declare namespace ff="http://www.example.org/example";

During the creation of the orchestration plan, OSM must extract all of the order items from the in-bound order to determine how to fulfill each item.

The Order Item Selector specifies how to recognize order items from the in-bound message. OSM uses this to identify recurring entities in the sales order, and then applies the order item specification (that you defined in the Order Item field) to generate order items into the ControlData structure. See"About Order Sequence Order Item Selector XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Fulfillment Mode

Define an XQuery expression that calculates the fulfillment mode for incoming orders. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. You define an orchestration sequence for each fulfilment mode.

The XQuery expression that you define returns a structure against which the incoming message must match and enables you to vary the order components that are created in the orchestration sequence. See"About Order Sequence Fulfillment Mode XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Orchestration Stages

Select the orchestration stages through which the order decomposition will transition. Click:

  • Select to select from a list of all stages defined in the workspace.

  • New to create a new orchestration stage to include in the orchestration sequence. See "Creating New Orchestration Stages" for more information.

  • Open to open the specified orchestration stage in the Orchestration Stage editor. See "Orchestration Stage Editor" for more information.

Note: If you include a stage that is dependent on a parent stage, you must include the parent stage in the sequence.