Associating Order Fallouts with Data Nodes

In Design Studio, you associate a fallout name with one or multiple data nodes whose values you will want to review (in the Customer Management web client) when the corresponding type of fallout occurs.

To associate order fallouts with data nodes:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  2. Click the Studio Projects tab.

  3. Double-click an order.

    The order displays in the Order editor.

  4. Click the Fallout tab.

    See "Order Editor Fallouts Tab" for more information about the fields on this tab.

  5. In the Name area, click the corresponding Add button.

    The Add Fallout dialog box is displayed.

  6. In the Name field, enter a name for the new order fallout.

    The name must be unique among fallout types in the same namespace.

  7. Click OK.

    The new order fallout is displayed in the Name column. You can select the value in the Name column at any time to edit the name.

  8. Select the new order fallout in the Name column.

  9. Enter a display name for the order fallout.

    You can associate the display name that appears in the Task web client with a specific language by using the optional language attribute. Only those languages defined appear as options. See "Defining Language Preferences" for information about defining languages for use in OSM.

  10. In the Nodes area, click the Add button.

    The Order Template Node Selection dialog box is displayed.

  11. Select one or multiple data nodes whose values you will want to review (in the Order Management web client) when this fallout occurs.

    You can right-click a data structure definition node to specify a derived complex type.

  12. (Optional) In the Nodes area, click the Remove button to delete the association with the data node.

  13. Click Save.