Creating Task Status-Based Event Notifications

Task status-based event notifications are triggered by rules that evaluate when a task moves to a specific status or exception within a process. For example, you might define a failure status that prompts an evaluation against a rule that, when evaluating to true, generates a notification to your fallout specialist. See "Defining Order Fallout" for more information.

You can define task status-based event notifications using the Properties Events tab in the Process editor. When you create a task status-based event notification, the notification applies to a single task flow or exception path.

To create a task status-based event notification:

  1. From the Process editor, select the flow or exception path to which the event applies.

    The Properties tab for the selected transition opens.

  2. Click the Events tab.

  3. Click Add.

    The Event wizard is displayed.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the task status-based event.

    Ensure that the name is unique among the notification entity types. Two notifications cannot share the same name.

  5. In the Rule field, select the rule that must evaluate to true before OSM can trigger this event notification.

    The null_rule is the default value for this field. If you do not change the default value, the OSM server will always trigger this notification when the task transitions to the specified status or exception path. See "Defining Order Rules" for more information about setting up new rules.

  6. In the Priority field, select a priority for the notification.

    1 is the highest priority. For notifications that are sent to external systems, this field represents the JMS queue priority.

  7. Select Enabled.

    Deselect this option if you intend to implement the task status-based event notification at a later time.

  8. Specify whether to send the notification to specific email accounts.

    By default, notifications appear in the Notifications page of the Task web client. However, you can specify that notifications be sent to a user's email account by selecting the Email check box. You associate users with email accounts in the Administration area of the Order Management web client. See OSM Order Management Web Client User's Guide for information about configuring email notification properties for user roles.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Select the roles to be notified when the event is triggered.

    See "Working with Roles" for more information.

  11. Click Finish.

    The event notification is added to the event table.

  12. Select the event.

    When you select the event, Design Studio activates the Event subtabs. You can add any undefined elements at any time by using these subtabs. See the following topics for defining the values in the Events subtabs: