7.5 ITU TCAP LRN Query (LRNQT) Feature Configuration

This section describes the prerequisites and procedures for the configuration of the ITU TCAP LRN Query (LRNQT) feature.

ITU TCAP LRN Query (LRNQT) Feature Configuration Procedure lists the steps for enabling and turning on the LRNQT feature, and for the provisioning required for the feature. Each step contains a link or reference to information and procedures to use to complete the step. Feature provisioning can be performed after the feature is enabled and before the feature is turned on.

Controlled features are optional and must be purchased from Oracle before they can be used in your system. If you are not sure whether you have purchased a specific feature, contact My Oracle Support (MOS).

7.5.1 LRNQT Feature Prerequisites

Before the LRNQT feature can be enabled, the following prerequisites are required in the system:

Table 7-14 LRNQT Feature Prerequisites

Prerequisite Verification and Provisioning

The LNP feature must be enabled in the system.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

If the LNP feature is enabled, the LNP ported TNs entry appears in the command output, with a quantity greater than zero.

If the LNP feature is not enabled, perform the procedures in LNP Feature Activation Procedure to enable the LNP feature and make it fully operational in the system.

TT Independence cannot be used in the system.

Enter the rtrv-lnp-serv command.

If the lnpqs service is provisioned,

7.5.2 ITU TCAP LRN Query (LRNQT) Feature Configuration Procedure

This procedure is used to configure the LRNQT feature to allow the LNP platform to handle queries with the TCAP portion encoded as per ITU standards. This feature uses existing LNP subsystems.

The feature is enabled using the enable-ctrl-feat command with the feature part number 893026301. The Feature Access Key (FAK) is not required.

After the LRNQT feature is enabled, it must be turned on using the chg-ctrl-feat command with the feature part number and the status=on parameter. The LRNQT feature cannot be turned off.

This procedure contains the basic steps necessary to configure the LRNQT feature. Some of these basic steps refer to detailed procedures contained elsewhere in this guide.

  1. Verify, and provision if necessary, the LRNQT feature prerequisites. See LRNQT Feature Prerequisites.
  2. Configure the system's True Point Code (ANSI point code) (pca) and Capability Point Code (cpc) using the chg-sid command.


    Changing a system's point code requires a system reboot using theinit-sys command to fully implement the changes. Theinit-sys command causes a complete system reload and should be used only in an environment that is not in service. Using this command ensures the updated self identification information is loaded onto all cards but does interrupt service.
    1. Change the true point code using chg-sid:pca=<ANSI point code>
    2. Add a new LNP-type Capability Point Code (cpc) using chg-sid:cpctype=lnp:cpc=<lnp capability point code>
      When any of the pca or cpc parameters change, the following caution message indicates that the system needs to be reinitialized.


      The init-sys command causes a complete system reload and should be used only in an environment that is not in service. Using this command ensures the updated self identification information is loaded on to all cards, but does interrupt service. When the init-sys command executes, the system does not retain the manually initiated state (for example, OOS-MT-DSBLD) for the signaling link card, or terminal. After the command executes, the system attempts to After the command executes, the system attempts to bring all provisioned links, cards, and terminals on line, including those that were previously out of service. You will need to manually put each device back into its previous state after the system is back on line. Print or electronically capture the output of the rept-stat-slk, rept-stat-card, andrept-stat-trm commands for reference prior to issuing the init-sys command. To restore a device to its previous state, issue the appropriate inhibit/deactivate command listed in Commands User's Guide in the Related Commands section for each of the above rept-stat commands.
  3. Add a MATED application using True Point Codes using the ent-map command.
    ent-map:pc=<ANSI point code>:ssn=<lnp subsystem number>:rc=<relative cost>:mpc=<mate ANSI point code>:mssn=<lnp subsystem number>:materc=<mate relative cost>
  4. Place the LNP subsystem offline using the ent-ss-appl command.
    ent-ss-appl:appl=lnp:ssn=<lnp subsystem number>:stat=offline
  5. Enable the LRNQT feature. Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with part number 893026301.
  6. Turn on the LRNQT feature. Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with part number 893026301 and the status=on parameter.
  7. Route the final global title translation (GTT) to the EAGLE point code and LNP local subsystem.

    Refer to the procedures in Database Administration - GTT User's Guide.


    Directing the DPC/SSN routing to the EAGLE PC and LNP local subsystem number is handled on the network card. No provisioning is required.
  8. Activate the LNP subsystem.
    1. Place the LNP subsystem online
    2. Allow the LNP subsystem to be active in the system.
      alw-map-ss:ssn=<lnp subsystem number>
  9. Back up the changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    The following messages appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.