7.4 LNP Short Message Service Feature Configuration

This section describes the prerequisites and procedures for the configuration of the LNP Short Message Service (LNP SMS) feature.

LNP Short Message Service (LNP SMS) Feature Configuration Procedure lists the steps for enabling and turning on the LNP SMS feature, and for the provisioning required for the feature. Each step contains a link or reference to information and procedures to use to complete the step. Feature provisioning can be performed after the feature is enabled and before the feature is turned on.

Controlled features are optional and must be purchased from Oracle before they can be used in your system. If you are not sure whether you have purchased a specific feature, contact My Oracle Support (MOS).

7.4.1 LNP SMS Feature Prerequisites

Before the LNP SMS feature can be enabled, the following prerequisites are required in the system:

Table 7-13 LNP SMS Feature Prerequisites

Prerequisite Verification and Provisioning

The LNP feature must be enabled in the system.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

If the LNP feature is enabled, the LNP ported TNs entry appears in the command output, with a quantity greater than zero.

If the LNP feature is not enabled, perform the procedures in LNP Feature Activation Procedure to enable the LNP feature and make it fully operational in the system.

The Wireless Number Portability (WNP) feature must be on in the system, and the WNP service must be provisioned for the feature.

Enter the rtrv-feat command.

If the WNP feature is on, the wnp = on entry appears in the output.

If the WNP feature is off (wnp = off appears in the output), perform the x to turn the WNP feature on and provision the WNP service.

7.4.2 LNP Short Message Service (LNP SMS) Feature Configuration Procedure

The EAGLE configuration of the LNP SMS feature consists of the following steps. The steps contain links and references to detailed procedures and information needed to complete each step.

  1. Verify, and provision if needed, the feature prerequisites. See LNP SMS Feature Prerequisites.
  2. Display the status of the LNP Short Message Service feature by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.
    rlghncxa03w 07-08-01 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 37.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  on          ----

    The LNP SMS feature can be temporarily enabled for a trial period, using part number 893006699 and a feature access key for that part number. If the feature will continue to be used after evaluating the trial results or after the trial period expires, the feature must then be permanently enabled.

    The LNP SMS feature can be permanently enabled using part number 893006601 and a feature access key for that part number.

    • If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows that the LNP Short Message Service feature is permanently enabled and the Status is on, no further action is necessary. This procedure does not need to be performed.
    • If the LNP Short Message Service feature is permanently enabled and the Status is off, go to step 4 to turn on the feature and continue with the configuration process.
    • If the LNP SMS feature is temporarily enabled, the Status is on, and the trial period has not expired and needs to continue, no further action is necessary.

      The rtrv-ctrl-feat command output shows the remaining time in the trial period if the period has not expired. If the trial period has expired, the feature is shown in the list of features with an expired temporary key, and an alarm is generated. The alarm can be cleared either by using the chg-ctrl-feat command or by permanently enabling the feature.

    • If the LNP Short Message Service feature is temporarily enabled but has not been turned on (Status is off), go to Step 4.
    • If the LNP Short Message Service feature is temporarily enabled and you want to permanently enable the feature (the temporary trial period for the feature has expired or the trial evaluation is complete), continue witho Step 3 to permanently enable the feature..
  3. Enable the LNP Short Message Service feature.
    • To permanently enable the feature, enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with part number 893006601 and the feature access key for that the permanent part number.
    • To temporarily enable the feature, enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with part number 893006699 and the feature access key for the temporary part number.
  4. Turn on the LNP Short Message Service feature. enabled in step 3 must be activated using the chg-ctrl-feat command, specifying the controlled feature part number used in step 3 and the status=on parameter.
    • To turn on the permanently enabled feature, enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with part number 893006601 and the status=on parameter.
    • To turn on the temporarily enabled feature, enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with part number 893006699 and the status=on parameter.
  5. Verify the changes by entering the rtrv-ctrl-featcommand with the LNP Short Message Service feature permanent or temporary feature part number.
  6. Add the Wireless Short Message Service Center (serv=wsmsc) to the LNP Service table.
    Perform the Adding an LNP Service procedure for the wsmsc service. Then continue with .
  7. Provision the WSMSC10DIC and WQREDRCT LNP configuration options for the WNP feature.
    Perform the Changing LNP Options procedure for the two options. Then continue with x.
  8. Back up the changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    These messages appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

7.4.3 Turning Off the LNP Short Message Service Feature

This procedure is used to turn off the LNP Short Message Service feature, using the chg-ctrl-feat command.


If the LNP Short Message Service feature is deactivated, the WSMSC LNP service cannot be used for local number portability.

  1. Display the controlled features whose status is on by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat:status=on command.
    rlghncxa03w 07-08-01 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 37.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  on          ----
  2. Turn off the LNP Short Message Service feature.

    To turn off the feature that is temporarily enabled, enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with the partnum=893006699 and status=off parameters.

    To turn off the feature that is permanently enabled, enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with partnum=893006601 and status=off parameters.

  3. Verify that the LNP Short Message Service feature has been turned off by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat: command, with part number 894006699 if the feature is temporarily enabled or part number 893006601 if the feature is permanently enabled.
    rlghncxa03w 07-08-01 21:16:37 GMT EAGLE5 37.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  off     ----
  4. Back up the changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    These messages appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

7.4.4 Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm

This procedure is used to clear the critical alarm that is generated when the trial period is about to expire (UAM 0367) or expires (UAM 0368) for a temporarily enabled controlled feature has expired.

The controlled feature must have been temporarily enabled and is now in danger of expiration or in an expired state.

  1. Display the enabled controlled features by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.
    The command output lists the features for which the trial period will soon expire and the features for which the trial period has expired.
    rlghncxa03w 07-08-01 21:17:37 GMT  EAGLE5 37.0.0
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Part Num
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601
  2. Clear the EAGLE alarm in the database by entering the chg-ctrl-feat command with the feature part number parameter and the alarm=clear parameter.
    The following alarm is generated to indicate that the original alarm is cleared.
    rlghncxa03w 07-08-01 21:16:37 GMT  EAGLE5 37.0.0
    0366.0181  *  SYSTEM      Temp Key(s) expiration alarm cleared.
  3. Verify that the alarm has cleared in the database by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat: command.
  4. Back up the changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    The following messages appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.