5 LNP Feature Activation

The second part of this manual describes the LNP feature, LNP-related features and functions, and LNP feature activation in the system.

5.1 The LNP Solution

With the LNP Solution, the EAGLE LNP subsystem can support from 24 million up to 756 million TNs on a single Service Module card. For ELAP 9.0 or higher, up to 18 Service Module cards can be installed in the EAGLE. The E5-SM4G cards and E5-SM8G-B cards provide increased processor capacity and improved performance that enables faster reload times and rates for download. SM cards are not supported as Service Module cards with the EAGLE LNP subsystem.

At a high level, the LNP provisioning instructions are received and stored at the LSMS and distributed to the ELAP pair associated with an EAGLE. The ELAP provides persistent storage for the data and provides database update and data loading services for the EAGLE LNP feature. The system is designed such that each Service Module card contains an exact image of the ELAP Real Time Database (RTDB). This enables the EAGLE to support fast transaction rates for database lookup requests from the LIMs.

5.2 The LNP Feature

In the EAGLE, "the LNP feature" refers to any one of a collection of FAK-controlled LNP quantity features. Each feature represents a maximum number of Telephone Numbers (LNP ported TNs) that can be contained in the RTDB on the ELAP and the Service Module cards. Only one of the LNP quantity features can be "enabled" (operating) in the system at one time. When one of the LNP quantity features is enabled, the phrases "the LNP feature is enabled" or "the LNP feature is on" are used; quantity features are automatically turned on when they are enabled in the system.


As of Release 46.3, the fak parameter is no longer required. This parameter is only used for backward compatibility.

The LNP feature will work only for ANSI messages. The LNP feature is not defined for ITU.

5.3 LNP-Related Features and Functions

The LNP feature is described in LNP Feature Description.

The following LNP-related features and functions can be used with the LNP feature to provide the indicated processing:
  • LNP Short Message Service (LNP SMS) Feature

    LNP SMS is an additional service offered in the Message Relay function. The DPC/SSN for the Wireless Short Message Service Center (WSMSC) is provisioned in the subscription versions received from the NPAC through the LSMS.

    Configuration of the WSMSC service, provisioning of default GTT for WSMSC, and provisioning of LRN Override GTT for WSMSC are not supported until the LNP SMS feature is on in the EAGLE. See LNP Short Message Service (LNP SMS) Feature Configuration Procedure.

  • ITU TCAP LRM Query (LRNQT) Feature

    LRNQT provides support for an ITU TCAP LRN query/response using the LRN method in order to support Number Portability.

    The LRNQT MSU Handler receives an incoming MSU, decodes the required data, and generates a response MSU based on decoded information and RTDB lookup. LRNQT handles ITU TCAP LRN query messages coming over ANSI links. The handler supports ANSI Class 0 SCCP UDT messages only. TCAP must be TC-BEGIN with Invoke component and the Local OpCode must be Provide Instructions – Start

  • TT Independence for LNP Queries Function

    With the TT Independence for LNP Queries function, the LNP subsystem is able to determine the protocol of the query based on other fields in the SS7 message, rather than relying on the TT value. This allows the same translation type to be used for multiple protocols, and allows a query between two networks to be handled properly.

    The LNP service LNPQS defines the translation type used for LNP queries between networks. This service is defined with the serv=lnpqs parameter in the chg-lnpopts command. While the EAGLE allows any translation type to be assigned to the LNPQS service, it is recommended that translation type 11 is assigned to the LNPQS service.

  • Service Portability

    The Service Portability option allows splitting services between TN records and LRN override records. This allows the LNP craftsperson to update LRN overrides for Message Relay services in the network, and the EAGLE will fall back to the NPCA subscription data (that is, TN gateway point code) for Message Relay services the CLEC wants to provide. When the option is turned off, if no LRN override services are provisioned, then the TN gateway point codes are used to route queries out of the network. If one or more LRN override services are provisioned, then the TN is considered to be ported into the network. In this case, if an LRN override service is requested and the LRN has other services administered, but the requested service is not provisioned, then a UDTS response for the service is provided. See Changing LNP Options.

  • Triggerless Local Number Portability (TLNP) Feature

    The Triggerless LNP (TLNP) feature provides service providers a method to route calls to ported numbers without having to upgrade their signaling switch (End Office or Mobile Switching Center) software. In a trigger-based LNP solution, the service providers have to modify the End Office (EO) or Mobile Switching Center (MSC) to contain the LNP triggers. These triggers cause the EO or MSC to launch the query to the LNP database and route the call based on the returned location routing number (LRN).

    The TLNP feature does not require any updates to the EO or MSC. Instead, the Initial Address Message (IAM) sent from the end office is intercepted by the Triggerless LNP feature on the EAGLE and converted to include the LRN if the call is to a ported number.

    The Gateway Screening feature is used to capture the IAM messages that are converted for the TLNP feature. The database must contain a gateway screening screen set that contains the following items:
    • An allowed SIO screen that allows ISUP messages into the EAGLE. ISUP messages are MSUs that contain the value 5 in the Service Indicator field (SI=5) of the Service Information Octet (SIO) of the MSU.

    • The gateway screening stop action tlnp. The gateway screening stop actions can be verified with the rtrv-gws-actset command.


      When Gateway Screening is in the screen test mode, as defined by the linkset parameters gwsa=off and gwsm=on, the gateway screening action in the gateway screening stop action set specified by the actname parameter of the gateway screening screen set at the end of the gateway screening process will be performed.
  • Wireless Local Number Portability (WNP) Feature

    WNP allows completion of a call to a ported wire-line number. The WNP feature or the PLNP feature must be on before some of the LNP configuration options can be provisioned. See Changing LNP Options.

  • PCS (Personal Communication Service) 1900 Number Portability (PLNP) Feature

    PLNP provides for LNP query/response in a PCS wireless environment using the LRN method to support Service Provider Number Portability. The WNP feature or the PLNP feature must be on before some of the LNP configuration options can be provisioned. See Changing LNP Options.

  • Automatic Call Gapping (ACG)

    When a node overload condition is detected and an ACG control is configured for that overload level, the EAGLE sends an ACG component within each LRN query response it processes. The ACG control is invoked for the first 6 or 10 digits of the called party address in all queries sent to the EAGLE to control the rate that queries are processed.

    If no overload control is in place, LRNQT sends an ACG for a manually initiated control to block queries. Manually initiated control procedures are similar to overload control procedures, but can vary the number of digits that are to be placed under control (3 or 6-10 digits).

    Automatic Call Gapping (ACG) Configuration describes the use of ACG.