Adding API Permission

After uploading the certificates, add permission for the API CallRecords.Read.All so that Operations Monitor can fetch Direct Routing call record information.

To add the API permission:
  1. In the Microsoft Entra admin center, in App registrations, select your application.
  2. Select API Permissions > Add a permission > Microsoft APIs > Microsoft Graph.
  3. Select Application permissions.
  4. Type CallRecord in the search box and select CallRecords.Read.All.
  5. Select Add permissions.
  6. Select Admin consent required as Yes if not done by default.


    Ensure that the status for CallRecords.Read.All permission is Green as shown in the image below.

    Figure 7-6 Add permissions

    Add permissions
    App registration is complete now. Proceed to Step 2 to configure MS Teams settings in the Operations Monitor user interface.