Start/Stop - Pending Field Activity

When you start/stop service point-oriented service, field activity requests are typically created. You can view every non-cancelled, non-complete field activity linked to the account's service agreements on the Pending Field Activity page.


The field activity requests are NOT limited to those associated with starting / stopping service. So, if a customer has a pending "cut for non payment" field activity request, it would also appear on this page.

Description of Page

An entry appears in the scroll for every Pending field activity request linked to the account's service agreements. The information in the Field Activity column contains a summary of the field activity request and its service point. The information in the How Used column describes the purpose of the field activity request (such as, Start Activity, Stop Activity, and Severance Activity).

If the total number of pending start/stops for the account exceeds the start stop details threshold defined in Installation Options, you can control the field activity requests that appear using filter options.

The section beneath Account provides you with options that control which field activity requests appear in the grid. The following points describe the various options:
  • Use the Schedule Date filter to restrict the field activity requests that appear in the grid to those that are scheduled between. The following options are available:
    • All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict field activities to a specific schedule date.
    • Specific Date. Use this option to restrict the field activities to those with a schedule date between the From Date and the To Date.
  • Use the Premise Filter to restrict the field activity requests to those that are linked to service points at a specific premise. The following options are available:
    • All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict field activity requests based on premise.
    • Specific Premise. Use this option to restrict field activity requests to those linked to a service point at the given Premise ID.
  • Use the SP Type Filter to restrict field activity requests to those that are linked to service points of a given SP Type.
    • All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict field activity requests based on SP Type.
    • Specific SA Type. Use this option to restrict field activity requests to those of a given SP Type.
  • Use the Geographic Type Filter to restrict the field activity requests that appear in the grid based on the geographic type and value of the service points that are linked to the service agreement. The following options are available:
    • All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict field activity requests based on a geographic type and value.
    • <Geographic Type>. Use this option to restrict field activity requests to those that are linked to service points / premises associated with the selected geographic type and Geographic Value.

Don't forget to click the search button after changing the filters.