Running Batch Jobs

There are several batch jobs that are part of the CMA process, especially the import step (which are highlighted in Import Process Summary). And in some cases, a single batch jobs may process multiple states in the same business object lifecycle. Implementations must decide the best way to manage the batch job submission depending on how they plan to work.

  • Batch scheduler. If an implementation wishes to put these batch jobs in the batch scheduler, a given job may need to be included several times to manage progressing the records to completion.

  • Timed Batches. The batch controls can be configured as timed batches so that they run every N minutes based on the setting. This allows for the batch jobs to run periodically and process whatever is ready. A user doesn’t have to manually submit a batch request. Navigate to the Batch Control page and select the appropriate batch controls. For each one, change the Batch Control Type to Timed. Fill in the additional information that appears for timed batches.

  • Event Driven. The system provides BO enter plug-in algorithms and batch control post processing plug-in algorithms that automatically submit the appropriate next batch job for that step in the process. This allows for as much automation as possible for the steps that don't require user input. Note that configuration is required because the BOs / batch controls are not configured for this scenario by default. The following table highlights the BO and status where an algorithm may be plugged in and the name of the algorithm to use.

    Business Object Status Algorithm
    Migration Data Set Export Pending F1-MGDPR-SJ (Submit Migration Data Set Export Monitor).
    Migration Data Set Import Pending F1-MGDIM-SJ (Submit Migration Data Set Import Monitor).
    Ready To Compare, Retry Objects F1-MGOPR-SJ (Submit Migration Object Monitor).

    When using separate batch processes for business data add also this algorithm:

    F1-MGOPRB-SJ (Submit Migration Object Monitor (Business)).
    Apply Objects F1-MGOAP-SJ (Submit Migration Object Apply Monitor).

    When using separate batch processes for business data add also this algorithm:

    F1-MGOAPB-SJ (Submit Migration Object Monitor (Business)).
    Apply Transactions F1-MGTAP-SJ (Submit Migration Transaction Apply Monitor).
    Retry Transactions F1-MGTPR-SJ (Submit Migration Transaction Monitor).

    The following table highlights the batch controls where an algorithm may be plugged in and the name of the algorithm to use.

    Batch Control Algorithm
    F1-MGTPR (Migration Transaction Monitor) F1-MGDIM-NJ (Submit Migration Data Set Import Monitor).
    F1-MGTAP (Migration Transaction Monitor - Apply) F1-MGDIM-NJ (Submit Migration Data Set Import Monitor).
    F1-MGOAP (Migration Object Monitor - Apply)

    When using separate batch processes for business data update also this batch control:

    F1-MGOAB (Migration Object Monitor (Business) - Apply)

    F1-MGDIM-NJ (Submit Migration Data Set Import Monitor).
    F1-MGOPR (Migration Object Monitor)

    When using separate batch processes for business data update also this batch control:

    F1-MGOPB (Migration Object Monitor (Business))

    F1-MGTPR-NJ (Submit Migration Transaction Monitor).
  • Manual submission. The user managing the CMA import process submits the appropriate batch jobs on demand when a particular step is ready. Navigate to Batch Job Submission, select the appropriate batch control and fill in the parameters as needed.

Note that for the CMA batch processes used to migrate administrative data, there are multiple important caching considerations. Refer to Caching Considerations for more information.

CAUTION: Be sure that the Thread Count set when submitting the batch job does not exceed the number supported by the thread pool. Otherwise the extra threads will wait until the supported number of threads are finished, possibly resulting in a large number of errors in the Apply steps.

Refer to the parameter descriptions in the batch control metadata for more information about filling in the parameters.

For additional details on submission controls, refer to the topic Batch Job Submission - Main in the Batch Jobs section.