Customer To Meter Master Data Synchronization

This section describes the master data synchronization processes supported by Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter.

In Customer to Meter, Customer Care and Billing information is generally considered the data of record for account, customer, or service agreement-related data. Synchronizing master data between Customer Care and Billing tables and Meter Data Management tables ensures that all account, customer, and service point-related data is correct and up to date before usage transaction calculations are performed. Master data synchronization ensures that when specific types of Customer Care and Billing data are created or updated, corresponding Meter Data Management data is also created or updated.

Initial master data synchronization is performed via a data conversion and migration process. Initial Master Data Conversion for more information.

The table below summarizes the types of data ongoing master data synchronization supported in Customer to Meter:

When Customer Care and Billing data of this type is created and/or updated: Master Data Synchronization creates and/or updates this type of Meter Data Management data:
Bill Cycle / Bill Cycle Schedule Bill Cycle / Bill Cycle Schedule
Contract Option Dynamic Option
Contract Option Event Dynamic Option Event
Person Contact
Service Agreement Usage Subscription

For example, when a Customer Care and Billing Service Agreement is created, the synchronization process creates a corresponding Meter Data Management usage subscription.

Note: Master data synchronization is a one-way process. When Customer Care and Billing data is created or updated, corresponding Meter Data Management data is created or updated, but changes made to Meter Data Management data are NOT synchronized to the Customer Care and Billing data. As a general rule, changes to the types of data outlined above should be made in the Customer Care and Billing entities instead of their Meter Data Management counterparts.

The Customer to Meter synchronization process is based on the Data Synchronization functionality of the Oracle Utilities Application Framework, and is supported through a set of maintenance objects, master configurations, business objects, and service scripts.

Maintenance Objects

Customer to Meter supports master data synchronization for the following maintenance objects.

Customer Care and Billing Maintenance Object Meter Data Management Maintenance Object
BILL CYCLE (Bill Cycle) D1-BILLCYCLE (Bill Cycle)
CONTRACT OPT (Contract Option) D1-DOP (Dynamic Option)
CONTRACT OPT (Contract Option Event) D1-DOPEVT(Dynamic Option Event)
PERSON (Person) D1-CONTACT (Contact)
SA (Service Agreement) D1–(Usage Subscription)

Master Configurations

The following master configurations are used to configure the sync process between Customer Care and Billing data and Meter Data Management data:

Master Configuration

Name / Description

Master Data Synchronization Configuration

Lists all foreign key references that need resolution. Each one should reference the view that contains the external key / production key cross-reference. If initial synchronization process are also configured for data conversion in addition to the ongoing synchronization process, two views are specified. For entities that undergo the ongoing synchronization, an external system / ID type mapping is specified to cater for entities that might be synchronizing from more than one external system.

Seeder Sync Request Master Configuration

Lists the maintenance objects (contact, usage subscription, etc.) that require synchronization. Each references the synchronization business object that needs to be instantiated when processing a synchronization request for that maintenance object. For maintenance objects that undergo both initial and the ongoing synchronization, two business objects are specified.

Outbound Data Synchronization Business Objects

When data is created for one of the above Customer Care and Billing maintenance objects, an outbound synchronization request is created to create the appropriate Meter Data Management data.

Synchronization of Customer Care and Billing data and Meter Data Management data uses the following outbound synchronization business objects:

Data Sync

Object Name

Business Object

Bill Cycle/Schedule > Bill Cycle/Schedule

MDM2 Bill Cycle Sync Request


Contract Option > Dynamic Option

MDM2 Contract Option Sync Request


Contract Option Event > Dynamic Option Event

MDM2 Contract Option Event Sync Request


Person > Contact

MDM2 Person Sync Request


Service Agreement > Usage Subscription

MDM2 SA Sync Request


Inbound Data Synchronization Service Scripts

When outbound synchronization requests enter the “Send Request” state, Enter algorithms invoke service scripts to create corresponding inbound data synchronization requests.

Synchronization of Customer Care and Billing data and Meter Data Management data uses the following inbound data synchronization service scripts:

Data Sync


Service Script

Bill Cycle/Schedule > Bill Cycle/Schedule

Bill Cycle Inbound Sync Request


Contract Option > Dynamic Option

Inbound Dynamic Option Sync


Contract Option Event > Dynamic Option Event

Inbound Dynamic Option Event Sync


Person > Contact

Inbound Contact Sync


Service Agreement > Usage Subscription

Inbound Usage Subscription Sync


Inbound Data Synchronization Business Objects

When outbound synchronization requests enter the “Send Request” state, service scripts create corresponding inbound data synchronization requests. Master data synchronization uses ongoing synchronization requests to continuously keep Meter Data Management data synchronized with corresponding Customer Care and Billing data. Ongoing synchronization requests can be used to maintain contacts, usage subscriptions, dynamic options, and bill cycles.

Ongoing synchronization of Customer Care and Billing data and Meter Data Management data uses the following data synchronization business objects:

Data Sync

Ongoing Synchronization Object Name

Business Object

Bill Cycle/Schedule > Bill Cycle/Schedule

Inbound Bill Cycle Sync Request


Contract Option > Dynamic Option

Dynamic Option Ongoing Sync Request

D2- OngoingSyncRequestDynOpt

Contract Option Event > Dynamic Option Event

Dynamic Option Event Ongoing Sync Request

D2- OngoingSyncRequestDynOptEvt

Person > Contact

Contact Ongoing Sync Request


Service Agreement > Usage Subscription

Usage Subscription Ongoing Sync Request


Example Synchronization Process Steps

This section provides an overview of the processing that takes place when an ongoing synchronization request is sent. For each step in the process, the table below provides a brief description of the processing that takes place, and lists the specific objects involved.





Data in Customer Care and Billing is created or changed, triggering a synchronization request.

For example, a service agreement is updated, and the corresponding usage subscription must be updated.


An outbound synchronization request is created.

Outbound Synchronization Request business object:



When the synchronization requests enters the “Send Request” status, an Enter algorithm invokes the inbound synchronization service script to create an inbound sync request.

Inbound Synchronization Service Script:



The service script creates the appropriate inbound synchronization request. In this case, it’s an ongoing synchronization request.

Inbound Synchronization Request business object:



For ongoing synchronization requests, the following steps are performed by Enter algorithms on the synchronization request business object lifecycle states:

  • Data Transformed/Basic Schema Validated
  • Determine Sync Request BO
  • Setup Transformed Data
  • Pre-Added
  • Sync Request Pre-Add Data
  • FKs Resolved
  • Resolve Keys - Ongoing Sync
  • Updating
  • Sync Request Update Data

Setup Transformed Data Algorithm:


Sync Request Pre-Add Data Algorithm:


Resolve Keys - Ongoing Sync Algorithm:


Sync Request Update Data Algorithm: