Operational Device Management Data Synchronization

This section describes the master data synchronization processes used to synchronize data between Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management and Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, including:

  • Asset and Device Synchronization
  • Install Event and Asset Disposition Synchronization
  • Contact and Contact Type Synchronization
  • Manufacturer Synchronization
  • Field Task Type and Asset Activity Type Synchronization

Asset and Device Synchronization

When assets are created (or updated ) in Operational Device Management, a related Meter Data Management device is created / updated. This synchronization is performed in a manner very similar to the process outlined in Customer To Meter Master Data Synchronization. The primary difference in how asset-device synchronization works is that instead of triggering the process based on the Asset maintenance object, the synchronization is triggered via the Generic Change Data Capture (W1-GCHG-CDCP) Audit algorithm on the parent business object (W1–TrackedAsset) of the following asset business objects:

  • Item (W1-Item)
  • Smart Meter (W2-SmartMeter)
  • Analog Meter (W2-ManualMeter)
  • Communication Component (W2-CommunicationComponent)

For asset-device synchronization, the specific synchronization objects used include the following:

  • Outbound Data Synchronization Business Object: MDM Asset Synchronization Request (W1-MDMAssetSyncRequest)
  • Inbound Data Synchronization Service Script: Inbound Device Sync (X1-InSyDvc)
  • Inbound Data Synchronization Business Object: Device Ongoing Sync Request (D1-OngoingSyncRequestDevice)

Install Event and Asset Disposition Synchronization

When a device is installed at a service point, the disposition of its related asset is updated to “Installed”. The update to the device’s install event triggers the update to the asset disposition, changing its Status and Asset Disposition to “Installed” and its Location to the service point with an effective date matching the install event’s Installation Date/Time. This synchronization is performed in a manner very similar to the process outlined in Customer To Meter Master Data Synchronization. In this case, the synchronization is triggered via the Generic Change Data Capture (W1-GCHG-CDCP) Audit algorithm on the Install Event maintenance object (D1-INSTLEVT).

For install event / asset disposition synchronization, the specific synchronization objects used include the following:

  • Outbound Data Synchronization Business Object: ODM Install Event Sync request (D1-InstallEventSyncRequest)
  • Inbound Data Synchronization Service Script: Inbound Asset-Node Sync (X1-InSyAstNd)
  • Inbound Data Synchronization Business Object: Asset-Node Ongoing Sync Request (W1-OngoingSyncRequestAssetNode)

Contact and Contact Type Synchronization

Contacts in Operational Device Management can be associated to asset locations (service points). Operational Device Management contacts are created when a Meter Data Management service point has a contact associated with it via the Maintain ODM Service Point (X1-ODMSPMNT) algorithm on the Service Point - MDM (X1D-ServicePoint) business object (see Service Point Merged Maintenance for more information about how service points are maintained).

Operational Device Management contacts and contact types are maintained via Pre-Processing algorithms on the following Meter Data Management business objects:
Meter Data Management Business Object Pre-Processing Algorithm Operational Device Management Business Object
Business (D1-Business) Maintain ODM Business (X1-MNTODMBUS) Business (W1-Business)
Person (D1-Person) Maintain ODM Person (X1-MNTODMPER) Person (W1-Person)
Contact Type (D1-ContactType) Maintain ODM Contact Type (X1-MNTODMCTY) Contact Type (W1-ContactType)
Note: Out of service locations reference Meter Data Management contacts.

Manufacturer Synchronization

When manufacturers are created or updated in Operational Device Management, corresponding data is created or updated in Meter Data Management.

When a manufacturer is created or updated in Operational Device Management, a corresponding Meter Data Management manufacturer is created / updated. This synchronization is performed via the Manufacturer Joint Maintenance (X1-MAINTMANF) Post-Processing algorithm on the W1-Manufacturer business object.

Note: Operational Device Management is considered the “system of record” for manufacturers and models in Customer To Meter.

Field Task Type and Asset Activity Type Synchronization

When Field Task Types are created in Service Order Management (as values for the Field Task Type extendable lookup), corresponding Operational Device Management Asset Activity Types are created. This synchronization is performed via the Maintain MDM/SOM field task type to a corresponding ODM activity type (X1-MNTFLDTSK) Post-Processing algorithm on the D1-FieldTaskTypeLookup business object.

Asset activity types created in this manner are based on the Service Order Management Activity Type (W1-SOMActivityType) business object,. The Activity Business Object for these asset activity types is Service Order Management Activity (W1-SOMActivity).