Converting Field Activities

Completed and inflight (activities that are in the "Pending" state) customer event orchestration events and field activities from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing can be converted into corresponding field activity requests and service order activities and service order field activities for use in Customer to Meter (and Customer Cloud Service).

Note: Refer to Service Orders in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Administrative User Guide for more information about field activities Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing. Refer to Service Orders in the Business User Guide for more information about service order activities and service order field activities in Customer to Meter and Customer Cloud Service,

A batch control (see below) is used to create new field activity requests and corresponding Service Order Management activities. Processing can be defined for a specified date range and optionally for activities of a specific status, and/or a range of field activity IDs.

Administration Data

Before this conversion process can be run, the Migrate Admin Data (X1-MIGAD) batch process must be run. Note that the Inflight FA Configuration section of the CCB/MDM/ODM Data Migration master configuration must be configured to map Customer Care and Billing field activity types to Field Task Types before the Migrate Admin Data batch process is run. See Initial Master Data Conversion for more information about the CCB/MDM/ODM Data Migration master configuration.

The Migrate Admin Data process performs the following field activity related steps:

  • Creates Customer Care and Billing field activity types used as customer event orchestration in Service Order Management (such as SOM-STRT (Start Service), SOM-STOP (Stop Service), and so on).

  • Creates Service Order Management service order activity types and service order field activity types (Enable Service, Disable Service, Field Activity, and so on).

  • Creates a "Service Order Management Profile" (SOM) Field Activity Type Profile mapping Customer Care and Billing field activity types for customer event orchestration events, such as Enable Service, Disable Service, Back to Back, Cut for Non Payment and Reconnect for Payment to corresponding Service Order Management orchestration activity types 

  • Creates and/or updates the Field Activity Type Value in the C2M Mapping Field Values extendable lookup mapping Customer Care and Billing customer event orchestration field activity types to corresponding Service Order Management orchestration activity types 

  • Copies the CCB FA Cancel Reason to MDM FA Cancel reason extendable look-up 

  • Copies the CCB FA Reschedule Reason to MDM FA reschedule reason extendable look-up

  • Creates outbound and inbound communication types (Field Activity Outbound Communication Type and Field Activity Inbound Communication Type). 

The following administration data and configuration must be in place before the conversion process can be run:

  • Customer Care and Billing field activity types for customer event orchestration events, such as Enable Service, Disable Service, Back to Back, Cut for Non Payment and Reconnect for Payment have been created and configured on the Field Activity Type Profile. This is done by the Migrate Admin Data batch process (see above).

  • Meter Data Management/Service Order Management service order activity types have been created and mapped to the corresponding Customer Care and Billing customer event orchestration field activity types in the Field Activity Type value of the C2M Mapping Field Values extendable lookup (accessible from the Customer and Device Value Mapping section of the Cross Prodocut Configuration master configuration). This is done by the Migrate Admin Data batch process (see above).

  • Customer Care and Billing field activity types for specific tasks (such as "Reread meter") are mapped to the corresponding field task types (such as "Read Meter") in the Field Activity Type value of the C2M Mapping Field Values extendable lookup (accessible from the Customer and Device Value Mapping section of the Cross Product Configuration master configuration). 

Processing Notes

  • The Customer Care and Billing field activity will be identified as either an orchestrator or specific field activity via its relationship to the service agreement/service point or a severance event.

  • Existing Customer Care and Billing field activities in the "Pending" and "Completed" states will be recreated and used linked to service order activities. This is important for inflight field activities created using Customer Care and Billing field activity templates and steps, which are retained because they provide a link to the field work application.

  • When converting activities in the “Completed” state, only the service order activity or service order field activity will be created. The process does not create child activities or communications. For example, if converting a completed “Start Service” field activity, the result will be an “Enable Service” service order activity, but not its children service order field activities or outbound communications.

  • The original Customer Care and Billing field activity will be captured on the corresponding service order activity and/or service order field activity to ensure a record of the original field activity that resulted in the creation of the new service order activity.

  • The service order management communication business objects and algorithms have been updated to accommodate existing inflight Customer Care and Billing field activities. This includes providing for identifying outbound communications created based on the original Customer Care and Billing field activity, as well as receiving inbound communications and status updates based on the original Customer Care and Billing field activity.

  • Customer Care and Billing field activities in the "Cancelled" and "Held" states will not be converted. If the batch process is submitted for Customer Care and Billing field activities in the "Held" state, the "Held" field activities will be deleted. Also, the conversion process will convert Customer Care and Billing field activities of types without a corresponding service order management activity type.

Conversion of field activities can be performed using a "staggered" approach by converting different type of field activities based on field activity status at different stage in the implementation. For instance, performing conversion of completed field activities first (though some implementations may opt not to migrate historical completed field activities at all), since these are static data, following by conversion of inflight field activities. In addition to status, field activity conversion may be staggered by field activity Id range or field activity Date range.

Data Conversion Batch Control

The Migrate Field Activity (X1-MIGFA) batch control performs processing for field activity conversion.

Field activities are converted based on their Status, and by date range. In addition, field activities to be converted for each batch run can be defined using the Low FA Id Override Value and High FA Id Override Value parameters. For instance, to convert a single activity, you can set both of these parameters to the same ID. If neither parameter is defined, the process will convert all field activities of the specified status for the specified date range.

This batch control uses the following parameters:

  • Low FA Id Override Value: Optional. Used to specify an ID value to override the low ID in the thread ID range calculation. This, along with the High FA Id Override Value be used to limit the number of records processed by each batch run. If not specified, the process will convert all field activities whose ID is lower than the High FA Id Override Value parameter (if defined). 

  • High FA Id Override Value: Optional. Used to specify an ID value to override the high ID in the thread ID range calculation. This, along with the Low FA Id Override Value, can be used to limit the number of records processed by each batch run. If not specified, the process will convert all field activities whose ID is higher than the Low FA Id Override Value parameter (if defined)

  • FA Status (C/P/H): The status ("Completed", "Pending", or "Held") for which field activities will be converted. (Required)

  • Start FA Date: The start date of the time range for which field activities will be converted. (Required. If not provided defaults to earliest date)

  • End FA Date: The start month of the time range for which field activities will be converted. (Required. If not provided defaults to the business date)


To convert all Pending field activities for the month of July 2022, you would set the parameters as follows:

  • FA Status (C/P/H): P

  • Start FA Date: 2022-07-01

  • End FA Date: 2022-07-31

To convert all Completed field activities for the months of April through June 2022, you would set the parameters as follows:

  • FA Status (C/P/H): C

  • Start FA Date: 2022-04-01

  • End FA Date: 2022-06-30

To convert Pending field activities whose IDs range from 10001000 to 10009000 for the month of July 2022, you would set the parameters as follows:

  • Low FA Id Override Value: 10001000

  • High FA Id Override Value: 10009000

  • FA Status (C/P/H): P

  • Start FA Date: 2022-07-01

  • End FA Date: 2022-07-31

To convert Completed field activities whose IDs range from 10001000 to 10009000 for the months of April through June 2022, you would set the parameters as follows:

  • Register ID Low: 10001000

  • Register ID High: 10009000

  • FA Status (C/P/H): C

  • Start FA Date: 2022-04-01

  • End FA Date: 2022-06-30