Meter Configuration - Meter Configuration Tree

Open Menu > Meter > Meter Configuration > Search and navigate to the Meter Configuration Tree page to view a meter configuration's tree.

Description of Page

At the top of the page is a summary description of the Meter Configuration. At the right is the system-generated unique Meter Configuration ID for the meter.

This page displays a tree view of registers linked to the Meter Configuration. The root node displays the ID of the meter configuration along with its standard description.

The register nodes contained in the tree view are hyperlinks that navigate to the Registers accordion on the Meter Configuration - Main Information page.

  • If any non-interval registers are associated with the meter configuration, a node is displayed for each register.
  • If any interval registers are associated with the meter configuration, a node is displayed for each register. Expanding this node displays information about data sets linked to the interval register.
    • The Pending Data Sets node displays if any of the data sets linked to the register are pending. Expanding this node displays each pending data set.
    • The Error Data Sets node displays if any of the data sets linked to the register are in error. Expanding this node displays each error data set.
    • The Data Created Through node displays the date of the latest complete interval as of the current date. Expanding this node displays the last 10 complete data sets.