Master Data Extracts: Business Objects and Algorithms

The maintenance object audit algorithms create data synchronization requests in the following manner:
  • If the Generic Change Data Capture (F1-GCHG-CDCP) algorithm type (provided in the base package) is used, the synchronization requests are based on the Sync Request BO maintenance object options.

  • Alternatively, if the base package supplied Maintenance Object – Audit algorithm types, which are outlined in the Customer and Premise Data Extracts: Maintenance Object Audit Algorithms section are used, the synchronization requests are based on the Sync Request BO defined in the algorithm parameters.

Extraction of service agreements, service points and SP/Meter History related information are supported by the following data synchronization business objects.
  • SA/Account/Person Sync for DataConnect (C1-ExternalRepoSASync/C1-ExternalRepoPlusCusDataSync): used to extract service agreement / account / person related information. This business object should be defined as a value for the Sync Request BO option on the Service Agreement maintenance object.

  • SP/Premise Sync for DataConnect (C1-ExternalRepoSPSync/C1-ExternalRepoPlusSPMeterSync): used to extract service point/premise related information. This business object should be defined as a value for the Sync Request BO option on the Service Point maintenance object.

  • SP/Meter History Sync for DataConnect (C1-ExternalRepoSPMtrHistSync/C1-ExternalRepoPlusSPMeterSync): used to extract SP/meter history related information. This business object should be defined as a value for the Sync Request BO option on the SP/meter history maintenance object.

These business objects use the following Pre-Processing algorithms to take initial data snapshots, and define the batch control used to extract data and export to a flat file:
  • Capture SA-Based Initial Snapshot for DataConnect (C1-CEXTRCSAI/C1-CEXTRCSAD)

  • Capture SP-Based Initial Snapshot for DataConnect (C1-CEXTRCSPI/C1-CEXTRSPMI)

  • Capture SP/Meter History Initial Snapshot for DataConnect (C1-CEXTRCSHI/C1-CEXTRSPMI)

The Sync Request Monitor batch control (F1-SYNRQ) monitors synchronization requests in the Pending state and executes Monitor algorithms that check for other pending related synchronization requests, and, if none, transitions them to the Determine if Sync Needed state.

Enter algorithms on the Determine If Sync Needed states verify if a synchronization is needed by capturing the final snapshot of the data and comparing it against the initial snapshot. If changes are detected, the final snapshots of the data are stamped on the synchronization requests for export.
  • Capture SA-Based Final Snapshot for DataConnect (C1-CEXTRCSAF/C1-CEXTRPSAF)

  • Capture SP-Based Final Snapshot for DataConnect (C1-CEXTRCSPF/C1-CEXTRSPMF)

  • Capture SP/Meter History Final Snapshot for DataConnect (C1-CEXTRCSHF/C1-CEXTRSPMF)

The Prepare Delimited Extract Data (Ignore Custom Sync Records) Enter algorithm (C1-PRPEXDNCU/C1-PRTBDEXDT) on the Send Request state prepares and formats the data for extraction, and creates a general process record for the synchronization request (based on the batch control defined by the pre-processing algorithm).