When Stop Field Activities Are Created

Field activities will be created when the pending stop service agreement is recorded when the following conditions are true:

  • The Create Field Activity Start Stop switch is enabled on the installation record. Refer to Installation Options - System for more information.
  • The appropriate create fieldwork creation algorithm is defined on the service agreement's SA type. Refer to SA Type - Algorithms for more information.

If the Create Field Activity Start Stop switch is NOT enabled on the installation record, field activities will NOT be created when the pending stop is saved. Rather, a background process (PSASPM) creates the field activities shortly before the stop date. The number of days before the stop date on which field activities will be created is defined on the service agreement's SA type's fieldwork creation algorithm.


More information about the Create Field Activity Start Stop switch on the installation record. When this switch is on (and the user doesn't override it), pending field activities will be created when a start or stop is recorded (as opposed to shortly before the start/stop date). You might want to turn this switch off if it's possible for the state of the service point (or its meter / item) to change between the time service is requested and the actual service date. Why? Because the state of the SP and its meter / item affects the type of field activity that is created. For example, if a customer wants to start service and there is no meter at the metered service point, an "install meter" field activity is created. However, if by the time the install date comes around, a meter has been installed by some other means; this field activity is inappropriate. This is why if you might want to set up the system to wait until shortly before the service date to create the field activity (i.e., it reduces the likelihood that an inappropriate field activity is created).

A fail safe. If any person or process attempts to finalize a pending stop service agreement and neither of the above events has taken place, field activities will be created when the user attempts to finalize the pending stop. The creation of the field activities will prevent the service agreement from being stopped as described under The System Finalizes Most Service Agreements Behind The Scenes.


Field activities will only be created if you have defined the appropriate field work creation algorithm on the service agreement's SA type. The algorithm that is supplied with the base package checks if the service agreement / service point already has a stop read or a stop field activity , if so,field activities will not be created (the field work has already been initiated).