Person Obfuscation

The Person Erasure (C1-ErasureSchedulePerson) BO is delivered with an enter algorithm on the Erased state - C1-PEROBJERS.

This algorithm performs the following:
  • On the Person root table, updates the Address1, City and Postal fields with the PER_​ID value.
    Note: These fields are search fields and are thus indexed.
  • Deletes all records in the Person Seasonal Address table

  • Deletes all records in the Person Identifier table

  • In the Person Name table:

    • The primary name is retained and the name value is replaced with the PER_​ID value.
      Note: Deletion of the primary name makes the Person record and its Account and SA records unsearchable through the user interface - e.g. via Control Central search.
    • All other names are deleted

  • Deletes all records in the Person Phone table

  • Deletes all records in the Person Contact table

  • Deletes all records in the Person-to-Person table

  • Deletes all records in the Person Self-Service Payment Option table

Note: The base algorithm does not obfuscate nor delete any Person Characteristics because this data is implementation-specific. Implementations that store any personally identifiable information (PII) in this table - e.g. in adhoc characteristic values should add their specific obfuscation/delete logic for these characteristics.