Event Settlement Rule - Consumption Based

This rule is used to calculate "kWh Avoided" event settlement transactions that represent credits that will be applied to a customer's bill based on participation in an individual event. This rule multiplies "kWh avoided" interval values captured in event settlement transactions by interval prices defined in an interval price set. Interval prices can be defined as specific interval price sets or can be derived by an algorithm.

Note: The base package does not include algorithms for deriving prices for use in event settlement calculations. Implementations must configure their own algorithms if they wish to derive prices from more than one interval price set. 

Calculation Details

The Calculation Details section is used to define the interval values and interval prices used in the rule's calculations.

  • UOM: The unit of measure used to define the interval values to be created in the event settlement transaction. 

  • TOU: The time of use period used to define the interval values to be created in the event settlement transaction. 

  • SQI: The service quantity identifier used to define the interval values to be created in the event settlement transaction.

  • Interval Size: The size of the interval values to be created in the event settlement transaction represented as hours:minutes:seconds (HH:MI:SS). This should be the same interval size are defined on interval price set types that will be used with the rule. See Understanding Interval Price Set Types for more information.

  • Line Description: A text string that describes the event settlement transaction

  • Price Source: The source of interval price data used by the rule. Options include:

    • Algorithm: A custom algorithm that derives interval prices from a set of interval price sets

    • Specific Price: A specific interval price set to be used by the rule

SQ Rounding Details

The SQ Rounding Details section defines the manner in which service quantities are rounded. These parameters allow configuration of the Rounding Method by which quantities are rounded (Up, Down, or Nearest) and the number of Decimal Positions retained after rounding. 

Notes and Recommendations

Additional detail on the logic of this rule can be found in the Detailed Description of the X1-EVTSETCAL Algorithm Type.

For help with the meaning of specific configuration fields, refer to the embedded help on the screen when adding or editing the rule.

Business Object


Example Scenarios

Scenario 1: Calculate event settlement for hourly interval values based on hourly market prices

  • Sequence: 10

  • Description: Thermostat Event Settlement (Hourly)

  • Calculation Details:

    • UOM: Kilowatt Hours 

    • TOU:

    • SQI:

    • Interval Size: 01:00:00

    • Line Description: Thermostat Event Settlement - Hourly

    • Price Source: Specific Price

      • Specific Price: Market Price - Hourly