About Service Calls

A service call enables work to be created when a call from either an internal or external resource is received by a company representative.

Some examples of these types of calls would be as follows:
  • Customer calls in to report a streetlight out, odor in area, sewage overflow, service run to new home, etc.
  • Contractor requests new service to be run for a new subdivision or a business requests an upgrade in service for an expansion project.
  • Field employee finds an additional problem after responding to an original call.

Service calls can be created by navigating to Menu, click Work Management, and click Service Call or directly from the Contact record. Users can avoid creating duplicate service calls by checking the Possible Duplicate SC/WR/WO/Activity zone on the work request or from the Service Call record itself.

Work records, such as work designs, work requests, work orders, and work activities, can all be created as a result of the service call. Work records initiated from or associated with the service call will display in the Service Call Related Documents zone of the Related Documents tab where users can click on the work document hyperlink and go directly to the individual work record. Users can create contacts and view and manage service call details, such as a description of the service call, contacts, attachments, etc., directly from the work record. Also, the Possible Duplicate SC/WR/WO/Activity zone on the service call record displays any service calls that are duplicates.

Service calls are able to be linked and unlinked to other service calls.

Configure Service Category and Service Code objects to automatically create follow-up documents such as work requests and work orders.

Refer to the Understanding Service Call section of the Administrative User Guide for more information on service categories and service codes.

Please see Work Management for more information.