Work Activity Templates

Template activities are the activities generated as part of a template work order. In this way, template activities can be re-used to help your organization avoid repeat planning of the same work for similar jobs. Template activities can be used for the planning of basic work but are also typically used for preventive maintenance.

Template activities are part of a single template work order and cannot be re-used by multiple template work orders.

Template Activity Resource Unit Price

Resource cost estimates on a template activity can change over time and should be updated to reflect the current pricing for each resource. The system uses a Batch Controls W1-TMPWO periodic monitor batch process to obtain the current pricing for resources.

Asset Location Specific Template Activities

Template activities that reference an asset location can be set in advance to trigger preventive maintenance work. A list of asset locations can be added to the template activity which can later be used as a route for preventive maintenance with costs for performing the work distributed across both primary and secondary assets. The percentage of cost distribution across all the assets must equal 100 percent.