To Dos Created for Object-Specific Error Conditions

A system background process may create a To Do entry when an error is detected during object-specific processing. This is applicable for processes that do not have built in error handling, for example where there is an explicit "error" state or where the record has an explicit "exception" record.

For these background processes, the To Do Type must reference the creation background process.

To have the system create To Do entries for some or all of the errors generated by one of these processes, you must do the following:

  • If you want the system to generate To Do entries for errors detected by one of the background processes below, go to the appropriate To Do type and populate the creation background process.

  • If you want the system to generate To Do entries for some errors for the process, but not for all errors, populate the creation background process and then proceed to the message overrides tab to suppress certain messages. Do this by indicating the message category and message number you want to suppress. Any error that is suppressed is written to the batch run .

The functionality will only create a new To Do entry if there is not already an existing (non-complete) To Do for the same To Do type, drill key and message category / message number. It will also check for an existing To Do for a successfully processed record and complete that To Do.

If you do not populate the creation background process, the errors are written to the batch run .

Note: Errors received while creating a To Do entry. If the background process cannot successfully create a To Do entry to report an object-specific error, the error is written to the batch run tree along with the error encountered while attempting to create the To Do entry.
Note: System errors are not included. To Do entries are not created for a system error, for example an error related to validation of input parameter. These errors are written to the batch run . Refer to Processing Errors for more information.