BPEL Processes and Web Services

These processes are responsible for performing the conversion from Oracle Utilities format to NES format, invoking process callouts and invoking the remote endpoint to trigger the device events.

All web services receive XML from an incoming service then transform the call to a format which is recognized by the NES system.

CreateMeter: Receives the incoming XML from the message sender service, transforms it to the NES API parameters node, passes it to the DeviceManager.Create NES API web service method then collects XML from CreateMeter to be returned to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.


CreateMeter RequestMessage: Contains the parameters which are formatted from Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to match the incoming XML for the NES API DeviceManager.Create method.

CreateMeter ResponseMessage: Contains the Device ID that is used when the DeviceManager.Create method validates the security key and the XML parameters successfully.

Related Processes

Meter Commissioning


Receives the incoming XML from the D4-CONLOAD (Connect Load) message sender in Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and transforms to NES format.


Retrieves the un-processed events from the event repository; transforms each batch to replace GUID identifiers with a readable form, and finally prepares a new file for OSB before deleting the batch of events. The scheduled call to this service can contain the preferred dates to query for or can accept the default which is the previous day usage.





Retrieves the un-processed usage from the usage repository; transforms each batch to replace GUID identifiers with a readable form, and finally prepares a new file for OSB before deleting the batch of usage. The scheduled call to this service can contain the preferred dates to query for or can accept the default which is the previous day usage.




Related Processes


Event Management

Usage Processing


Receives the incoming XML from the message senderOutbound service and transforms to NES API parameters node to be passed to the DeviceManager.Move NES API web service method. The process then collects the return XML to be returned to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.


MeterDecommissioningRequestMessage: This message is the input for the Move method. The method contains the parameters conveniently formatted from Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to match the incoming XML for the NES API DeviceManager.Move method.

MeterDecommissioningResponseMessage: This message contains status stating that the DeviceManager.Create method validated the security key and the XML parameters are accepted successfully. If the status is SUCCEEDED, it also contains Tracking ID for the call, Device ID and StatusType ID.

Related Processes

Meter Decommissioning


This web service facilitates most of the communication between Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and the NES system. If your implementation requires functionality that was not delivered as part of the base package this web service will play an integral part in managing those customizations.

PerformCommand executes a command which generates the events that advance the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway lifecycle then returns the output string to the caller. The output might be a tracking ID or information about a device.


PerformCommandSoapIn: The sXmlParameters input is prepared from within Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to execute primarily a group of five commands, these are Read Load Status, On-Demand Read, Connect Load, Disconnect Load and Set ATM Configuration.


The return from PerformCommand is the xml from the DeviceManager.PerformCommand for Read Load Status, On-Demand Read, Connect Load, Disconnect Load and Set ATM Configuration.


This web service is actually never called by the implementation, but rather it is called by NES and is needed when configuring the NES server.

ReceivePanoramixEvents obtains the APIKey from the NES authentication service, then, with the event definition ID from the parameter list for this service, switches to the branch for the event definition to begin any specific processing. For example, an on-demand read completion event means that the BPEL PM process needs to retrieve the usage using the RESULTID found in the event xml. All events and usage to be passed on to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway must first be transformed to replace the GUID with a readable form items. This involves using the BPEL PM DVM lookup functionality.




Related Processes

Event Management

PrePerformCommandCallout / PostPerformCommandCallout

These web services are hooks designed to allow customization of messages just prior and just after sending them to the NES server. Your implementation may wish to modify the data for special purposes. This is the one of the only places where modification of BPEL PM code is allowed.


This web service is a hook designed to allow customization of messages just prior and just after sending them to the NES server. Your implementation may wish to modify the data for special purposes. This is one of the only places where modification of BPEL PM code is allowed.


This web service method, initiate a call to NES system with formatted inbound xml parameter. First it transforms the Parameters received from the calling system in to NES system recognizable format. Then it invokes a call to the NES system's Device Manager Service. When the call is invoked the system receives the return XML from DeviceManager stating the status of the command execution and, if succeeded, the tracking ID of this call.


ReadBillingDataOnDemandRequestMessage: Contains the input parameter for DeviceManager Perform Command to read billing data OnDemand. It formats parameters from the calling system to match incoming XML for the NES DeviceManager.PerfomCommand method.

ReadBillingDataOnDemandResponseMessage: Transforms the response xml from NES system format to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway format.

Related Processes

On Demand Reads


This web service method, initiate a call to NES system's Device Manager Service with formatted inbound xml parameter. First it transforms the Parameters received from the calling system in to NES system recognizable format. Then it invokes a call to the NES system thru Device Manager Service. After invoking the call, the system receives the response message from DeviceManager stating the status of the command execution and, if succeeded, the tracking ID of this call.


ReadLoadProfileOnDemandRequestMessage: This message is for interval on demand read request to the NES system. Transforms the incoming XML from Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to NES recognizable format.

ReadLoadProfileOnDemandResponseMessage: Transforms the response xml for ReadLoadProfileOnDemandRequest from NES system format to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway format.

Related Processes

On Demand Reads


Receives the incoming XML from the D4-RDLOADST ( Read Load Status) message sender in Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and transforms to NES format.


Receives the incoming XML from the D4-DISCONLD (Disconnect Load) message sender in Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and transforms to NES format.


Initiates a call to the Request Management Service with formatted inbound xml parameters. First it transforms the Parameters received from the calling system in to NES system recognizable format. Then it invokes a call to the NES system thru Request Management Service and retrieves a response with Meter Information.


RetrieveMeterInformationRequestMessage: Contains the input parameter for DeviceManager Perform Command to retrieve meter information. It also formats parameters from the calling system to match incoming XML for the NES DeviceManager.PerfomCommand method.

RetrieveMeterInformationResponseMessage: Transforms the response xml from NES system format to Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway format.

Related Processes

Remote Disconnect

Remote Connect


Receives a call from Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway for RetrieveMeterIdentifier process and invokes the RetrieveByParameter method in the NES system's DeviceManager service.

Converts incoming Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway formatted input to sXmlParameters in NES format then invokes RetrieveMeterIdentifier.


RetrieveMeterIdentifierRequestMessage: Transforms the xml received from the calling system to match incoming XML for the NES API DeviceManager.RetrieveByParameter method. This method requires the Type of ID and the associated ID as input.

RetrieveMeterIdentifierResponseMessage: When the XML is synchronously returned from the head-end system for the RetrieveByParameter call, the DEVICEID node is only included in the APIPAYLOAD if the status of the call is Succeeded.

Related Processes

Meter Commissioning


This web service method is specific to set Automated Topology Management (ATM) configuration command which assigns the Meter to the Data Concentrator.

Converts incoming Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway formatted input to sXmlParameters in NES format then invokes the DeviceManager PerformCommand. A connection should establish to begin the NES command processing.


SetATMConfigurationRequestMessage: This message is the input for the SetATMConfiguration method. The method contains the parameters conveniently formatted from Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway to match the incoming XML for the NES API DeviceManager.PerformCommand method where the COMMANID is Constants.DeviceCommands.SET_​ATM_​CONFIGURATION

SetATMConfigurationResponseMessage: when the XML is synchronously returned from the head-end system for the PerformCommand call, the COMMAND node is only included in the APIPAYLOAD if the status of the call is Succeeded.

Related Processes

Meter Commissioning

NES Web Services

The following table describes NES web services and operations used for the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway command messaging:

Smart Grid Gateway Commands

AMI Adapter Business Objects

NES Web Services

NES Operations

Device Commissioning









Device Decommissioning





Remote Connect









Remote Disconnect





On-Demand Read




Command ID: