Meter Attribute Administration Services

This section describes the meter administration services of the test harness composite.


This web service queries whether the given meter is connected or disconnected. This method is used by the Connect/Disconnect service. The values for load action code are:

  • Connect

  • Disconnect

Input — GetLoadActionCodeInput

Part: payload

Element: GetLoadActionCodeRequest




The ID for the meter for which the load action code status should be retrieved

Output — GetLoadActionCodeOutput

Part: payload

Element: GetLoadActionCodeResult

The connection status of the requested meter.

Fault — See UtilityFault. Thrown when meter id is not found.


This web service updates the load action code for a given meter. This method is used by the Connect/Disconnect service. The values for load action code are:

  • Connect

  • Disconnect

Input — SetLoadActionCodeInput

Part: payload

Element: SetLoadActionCodeRequest




The ID for the meter for which the load action code status should be set.


The new value of LoadActionCode to set on the meter.

Output — SetLoadActionCodeOutput

Part: payload

Element: SetLoadActionCodeResult

The boolean response indicates the success or failure of the update (not the current field status).

Fault — See UtilityFault. Thrown when meter id is not found.


This web service queries the commissioning status for a given meter. This service is used by the Commission/Decommission process. The commissioning attribute can be true or false.

Input — IsCommissionedInput

Part: payload

Element: IsCommissionedRequest




The ID for the meter for which the Commissioned status should be retrieved

Output — IsCommissionedOutput

Part: payload

Element: IsCommissionedResult

The value of the Commissioned status attribute for the requested meter.

Fault — See UtilityFault. Thrown when meter id is not found.


This web service updates the commissioning status for a given meter. This service is used by the Commission/Decommission process. The commissioning attribute can be true or false.

Input — SetCommissionedInput

Part: payload

Element: SetCommissionedRequest




The ID for the meter for which the Commissioned status should be set


The new value of Commissioned status to set on the meter

Output — SetCommissionedOutput

Part: payload

Element: SetCommissionedResult

The boolean response indicates the success or failure of the update (not the current field status).

Fault — See UtilityFault. Thrown when meter id is not found.


This web service queries the status of the property controlling the overall execution of the command. The possible values of execution status are:

  • Success - The command should complete successfully

  • ResponseTimeout - The asynchronous response will never arrive

  • SyncOperationFail - A simulated fault will occur in the during the initial request

  • AsyncOperationFailure - A simulated fault will occur in the asynchronous response

Input — GetExecutionStatusInput

Part: payload

Element: GetExecutionStatusRequest




The ID for the meter for which the ExecutionStatus should be retrieved

Output — GetExecutionStatusOutput

Part: payload

Element: GetExecutionStatusResult

The value of the ExecutionStatus attribute for the requested meter.

Fault — See UtilityFault. Thrown when meter id is not found.


This web service updates the property controlling the overall completion of the command. The possible values of execution status are:

  • Success - The command should complete successfully

  • ResponseTimeout - The asynchronous response will never arrive

  • SyncOperationFail - A simulated fault will occur in the during the initial request

  • AsyncOperationFailure - A simulated fault will occur in the asynchronous response

Input — SetExecutionStatusInput

Part: payload

Element: SetExecutionStatusRequest




The ID for the meter for which the ExecutionStatus should be set


The new value of ExecutionStatus to set on the meter

Output — SetExecutionStatusOutput

Part: payload

Element: SetExecutionStatusResult

The boolean response indicates the success or failure of the update (not the current field status).

Fault — See UtilityFault. Thrown when meter id is not found.