CIM Payload Processing Data Mapping and Extendable Lookups

Unit of Measure Mapping

Unit of measure mapping is based on the ReadingType string in the CIM payload and uses the ADK - UOM Code to Standard UOM Mapping (DG-HeadendUOMLookup) extendable lookup. Refer to the International Standard document for detailed information about the ReadingType data element.

For example, a payload with a ReadingType string of "" could be mapped to the "Kilowatt Hour" unit of measure as follows:

  • Head-End Unit of Measure:

  • Unit of Measure: Kilowatt Hour

Interval Size Mapping

Interval size (expressed as seconds per interval or SPI) mapping is based on the measuringPeriod value extracted from the ReadingType string and uses the ADK CIM Measuring Period Lookup (DG-CIMMeasuringPeriodLookup) extendable lookup. The measuringPeriod is the third element in the ReadingType string. Refer to the International Standard document for detailed information about the measuringPeriod and ReadingType elements.

For example, the measuringPeriod in a payload with a ReadingType string of "" is "2" (the third value in the string). This could be mapped to an SPI of 900 (15 minutes) as follows:

  • Measuring Period: 2

  • Interval Size: 00:15:00

Condition Code Mapping

Condition code mapping is based on the ReadingQualityType string in the CIM payload (if present) and uses the the ADK - Interval Sts Code to Cond Map (DG-IntStsCodeToCondMapLookup) extendable lookup. Refer to the International Standard document for detailed information about the ReadingQualityType data element.

For example, a payload with a ReadingQualityType string of "3.8.8" could be mapped to the "System Estimate" condition code as follows:

  • Interval Status: 3.8.8

  • Condition: System Estimate

Event Type Mapping

Event type mapping is based on the EndDeviceEventType string in the CIM payload and uses the the ADK - Device Event Mapping (DG-DeviceEventMappingLookup) extendable lookup. Refer to the International Standard document for detailed information about the EndDeviceEventType data element.

For example, a payload with a EndDeviceEventType string of """ could be mapped to the "Tamper Detected" standard event name as follows:

  • Head-End System Event Name:

  • Standard Event Name: Tamper Detected