Using the Work Agenda
The Work Agenda displays event (or work) data. These events vary based on the modules and interfaces that have been implemented, but may include switching actions (with Switching Management), outage events (with Outage Management), and so on. Events may be in various states, such as New, In Progress, Incomplete, or Complete.
When you launch Web Workspace, the Work Agenda will be visible as a docked pane. See “Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools” for information on docking and moving tools.
This section includes the following topics:
Opening Work Agenda Windows
You can have one or two Work Agendas open. To open a second Work Agenda, select the Work Agenda 2... option from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
Note: You can reopen Work Agenda 1 if it has been closed by selecting Work Agenda 1... from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
If you want to give either Work Agenda 1 or Work Agenda 2 focus, select the Work Agenda 1... or Work Agenda 2... option, respectively, from the Web Workspace Tools menu and the window will be brought to the front of other panes.
When you select a row in one Work Agenda window, the system automatically selects the row for that event in all other Work Agendas (if the row is not being filtered).
All Work Agendas are subscribed at the same level as the original Work Agenda and other tools, but can have their own dynamic sorts and filters applied. The selected events are shared across the Work Agendas.
Understanding Work Agenda (Filtered) Views
Work Agenda views are filters based on event type and/or status. These filtered views are referred to as lists and the list name is displayed on the Work Agenda tab. For example, in the standard NMS product offering, the Web Workspace starts with Work Agenda open in the To Do list view, which displays all new and unassigned events that require attention, and the tab is labeled "Work Agenda: To Do."
Note: The Work Agenda does not display any events until you take authority of a control zone (see “Taking Authority for Control Zones”).
Each row of a Work Agenda list contains information about an event. A summary row at the top of the Work Agenda displays summary counts for all of the events listed in the current view.
The Work Agenda is preconfigured with several different Global views that can be selected in the Filters pane's Global section. Your system may also have Shared filters and any Personal filters that you have created and saved. See “Filtering Data Tables” for more information on Shared and Personal filters.