Understanding Event Details
Event Details is used is used to enter and track information about events. It displays different types of event information in tabs. Multiple events may be displayed with their own tab.
To open Event Details, double-click the desired event's row in the Work Agenda. You can also select an event and click the Event Details toolbar button or select Event Details... from the Work Agenda Actions or the row's context menu.
The Event Details window is comprised of:
Menus and Toolbar
This section describes the menu and toolbar options. In the tables below, each menu item is listed along with sub‑menu options, if available, and the default toolbar icon, if applicable; menu items without a default toolbar icon are indicated with a double dash (‑‑) in the toolbar icon cell.
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Saves the current event. If the event has already been completed, you are prompted to provide a reason for the update.
Print Tab...
Opens the Print Preview dialog box and allows you to print the current contents of the Job Actions tab.
Print All...
Opens the Print Preview dialog box and allows you to print the contents of all three Event Details tabs.
Exits Event Details. You must press the Save button before pressing the Exit button if you wish to save any revisions you may have made.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Complete Event
Sets the status of the current event to Complete. If the required fields (Remedy and Failure) have not been entered, this option will not be available. This option is not available for switching or planned outage events.
Sets the status of the current event to Maintenance Pending. If the required fields (Remedy and Case Note) have not been entered prior to selecting, an error will be displayed that will list the missing information.
Copies the case notes and details for the currently loaded event to all other events related to it based on its partial restoration.
Opens the Open or Create New Switching Sheet dialog box, which allows you to create a new switching sheet or open a switching sheet associated with the selected event. See Open or Create New Switching Sheet for more information.
Show device associated with the event in the Viewer.
Refreshes the information in the window.
Event Information Pane
The top section of the Event Details window contains event attributes:
The Event # is the number the system has assigned to the event.
The Phases Out is the event phases.
The # Calls is the number of calls for the event.
Customers Out contains the estimated number of customers experiencing an outage for this event.
The # Emer., # Med., # Key, and # Sens. list the critical customers affected by the event.
Start Date contains the date and time when the event began. This field is editable except for switching events. For switching events, you must edit the Completed Date in the switching step itself. See Steps Tab for more information.
Est Restore Date contains the estimated restore date for the event. You may edit or clear the estimated restore date using standard Date/Time controls (see Using Date/Time Pickers for details).
Restore Date contains the date and time of event restoration (that is, when the outage area was restored). This field is editable except for switching events. For switching events, you must edit the Completed Date in the switching step itself. See Steps Tab for more information.
Est Time to Repair contains the estimated time to repair the event.
The Device is the name and type of device associated with the event
The Sheet # is the switching sheet number associated with the event, if any. The switching sheet number is prefixed by the switching sheet type.
When clicked, the folder icon () to the right of the field loads the indicated switching sheet. If multiple switching sheets are associated to the event, then the Open Switch Sheet dialog box will open to allow you to pick which switching sheets to open.
Clues contains any clues contained in the customer calls.
Zone displays the control zone where the associated device is located.
Event Details Tabs
The Event Details windows provides a tabbed user interface to provide the tools to work an event in discrete views. The tabs are described in the following sections:
Using the Job Actions Tab
The Job Actions tab lets you view detailed information about the event.
The Restoration Log pane contains a table that displays device operation information related to the restoration. The table is not populated when there are no device operations affecting the event (for example, with a PDO). The table is not displayed when the event is a non-outage. The Restoration Log table contains the following columns:
Stage: contains the restoration stage number
# Out Before: Contains the number of customers out before this operation
Start Date: Contains the time the customers were originally outaged.
Operation Date: Contains the date and time of the operation.
Duration: Contains the outage duration for this set of customers
CMI: Contains the CMI for this set of customers (the Duration times the # Restored).
Device: Displays the device operated at each stage.
Phases: Contains the phases operated for this stage
# Restored: Contains the total number of customers that were restored at each stage.
# Added: Contains the total number of customers that were added at each stage.
# Out After: Contains total number of customers still without power after each stage.
Remarks: Contains any comments or remarks entered by the user or external system.
The Event #: column contains the event number associated with each partial restoration step.
The Operations Event Note pane contains a text field that allows you to enter notes about the event and a table listing existing notes. The table contains the following columns:
Event #: The event for which the note was submitted.
Date/Time: The date and time when the note was submitted.
User: The user who added the note.
Note: The note text.
Versions: Whether older versions of the note exists or not (Yes/No).
See Using the Operations Event Note Pane for details on available actions.
Call Comments: The Call Comments table displays any comments contained in customer calls for the event.
The En Route/Onsite Crews Pane
The Next Crew Contact Required at table displays when the operator next anticipates receiving contact from associated crews. Use the Reset Selected Crew Contact Time button to reset the crew contact time to the date and time you enter in the Date field.
The En Route/Onsite Crews table contains the following columns:
Event #: Contains the event where the crew is working.
Crew ID: Contains the crew name.
Contact: Displays the contact name for the assignment.
Mobile #: The crew’s mobile phone number.
Assign Date: Contains the time at which the crew was first assigned to the event. This date can be edited.
Dispatch Date: Contains the time at which the event assignment was actually communicated to the crew. This column is empty if the crew has not been dispatched yet. This date can be edited.
En Route Date: Contains the time at which the crew was placed en route to the event. This column is empty if the crew has not started en-route yet. This date can be edited.
On Site Date: Contains the time at which the crew arrived on site. This date can be edited.
Contact Required By: Contains the date and time at which the next contact is expected.
Using the Operations Event Note Pane
The Operations Event Note pane allows you to create, edit, delete, and view previous versions of the note.
To create a note, enter text in the text field and click the add note button (). The note will be added to the Operations Event Note table.
To edit a note, select the note row, right-click, and select Edit... from the context menu. The current note will populate the note text field. Edit the text and click the check mark button () to save a new version. To exit edit mode without saving changes, click the X button ().
To view previous note versions, right-click the note row, and select Show Versions... to open the Operations Event Note History dialog box, which lists the date and time when the previous versions were created, the user who created it, and the note text. Click OK to close the dialog box.
To delete a note, select the note row, right-click, and select Delete from the context menu.
Deleting a note removes the note and all versions from the Operations Event Note pane.
A configuration SRS rule (maintainJobCommentHistory) determines whether previous note values are stored when a note is modified or deleted. If the rule is disabled, the note history will not be saved.
Using the Completion Actions Tab
The Completion Actions tab lets you view detailed information about the event, as well as enter information about the actions taken to complete the event. The first section displays summary information about the event, including the duration and scope of the event. The second section lets you enter information about the cause of the outage, the affected system and subsystem, environmental factors, and the actions that were taken to restore the outage. The third section allows you to exclude the event from the interruption indices calculations. The fourth section displays a log of changes made to the event details after the event was completed. The fifth section contains buttons that let you perform various actions associated with the event (for example, complete the event).
For instructions on completing an event, see Completing an Event.
The Completion Actions tab displays the following fields and buttons:
Event Began contains the date and time at which the event began. This field is editable except for switching events.
Est # of Cust Out contains the estimated number of customers experiencing an outage for this event.
Event Restored contains the date and time of event restoration (that is, when the outage area was restored). This field is editable except for switching events.
The Details section displays the following drop-down lists.
The System drop-down list lets you specify what type of system the failure is on (for example, overhead transmission, underground distribution, supply, and so on).
The Sub-System indicates the type of sub-system (for example, primary or secondary, radial or mesh, service drop, and so on.
The Type drop-down list lets you specify the type of device that is experiencing the problem.
The Failure drop-down list lets you specify the type of failure that is occurring.
The Interrupting Device drop-down list lets you specify the type of interrupting device involved with the event.
The Primary Cause drop-down list lets you specify the type of primary cause issues involved with the event, such as weather, environment, and so on.
The Weather drop-down list lets you specify weather conditions at the time of the event.
The Environment drop-down list lets you specify any environmental factors that may have been involved with the event.
The Vegetation drop-down list lets you specify the type of vegetation issues involved with the event, such as tree or vine, location (on or off ROW), and severity (contact or uprooted).
The Foreign Interference drop-down list lets you specify animals, vehicles, or any other type of foreign body that has contributed to the event.
The Defective Equipment drop-down list lets you specify the type of equipment defect involved with the event (for example, age deterioration, customer equipment, and so on)
The Scheduled drop-down list lets you specify whether or not the event was planned and if it was planned for safety purposes.
The Utility Error drop-down list lets you specify the reason for the event if it was caused by the utility company.
The Other drop-down list lets you specify if the cause is something other than that listed in the drop-down lists or if the cause is unknown.
The Remedy drop-down list lets you specify the task performed to resolve the event.
The Interruption Indices section displays the following fields:
The Exclude This Event check box allows you to designate if you want to exclude this event from the interruption indices calculations done by the Oracle Utilities Network Management System – Trouble Reporting application. The Exclude from Interruption Indices check box is not displayed for switching or planned outage events.
The Reason for Exclusion field provides free-form text entry of the reason for the exclusion of this event from the interruption indices. The Reason for Exclusion field is not displayed for switching or planned outage events.
The Edit Log table displays information related to event details being edited after the event is completed. This table contains the following columns:
The Who column contains the user ID of who performed the edit.
The Date column contains the date and time of the edit.
The Reason column contains a description of why the edit was made.
The Field column contains the name of an Event Details field that changed after the event was completed.
The Previous Value column contains the value of the field prior to the change.
Note: If multiple fields are edited post-completion, each change will be listed in a separate row.
Using the Equipment Failure Tab
The Equipment Failure tab lets you record detailed information about any failed equipment related to an event. You can record and track the type of equipment that failed, the manufacturer, serial number, and voltage details.
The Equipment Failure tab displays the following fields and buttons:
Failure Item is automatically populated with the Failure option selected in the Event Details tab.
The Manufacturer drop‑down menu provides a list of manufacturers to select from.
Serial # is an editable (alphanumeric) field for you to enter the serial number for the equipment.
Date of Manufacture is an editable (date/time) field for you to enter the date of manufacture of the equipment.
Date of Installation is an editable (date/time) field for you to enter the date of installation of the equipment.
Primary Voltage is an editable (alphanumeric) field for you to enter the primary voltage of the equipment.
Secondary Voltage is an editable (alphanumeric) field for you to enter the secondary voltage of the equipment.
Rating is an editable (alphanumeric) field for you to enter the rating of the equipment. The drop-down list beside the Rating field allows you to select the rating units.
Phase allows you to designate whether the equipment is single-phase or three-phase.
Type is an editable (alphanumeric) field for you to enter the type of equipment.
Size is an editable (alphanumeric) field for you to enter the size of the equipment.
Recording Failed Equipment Information
To record information about a failed device, complete these steps:
1. From the Event Details window, click on the Equipment Failure tab.
2. Select the manufacturer from the Manufacturer drop‑down menu.
3. Enter the serial number, dates of manufacture and installation, primary and secondary voltage, rating, type, and size of the equipment, as applicable.
4. Select the rating unit (Amps, kV, kVA, kVAr) from the drop‑down menu next to the Rating field.
5. Select the Phase.
6. Click the Save button.
Using the Trouble Info Tab
The Trouble Info tab has four views; the view that is displayed when you open the Trouble Info tab depends on where you launched it from.
Toolbar Icon
Lists all calls associated with an event.
Lists all the customers:
Located on or downstream from a given device, when accessed via the Control Tool.
Outaged by a given event, when accessed via the Work Agenda Trouble Event lists. Non-outage events will not list any outaged customers.
Lists all the supply points associated with the event or selected in the Viewer
Depending on where it's accessed from, the AMI Customers view lists all the AMI-enabled meters located on or downstream from a given device or affected by a given event.
Trouble Info Tab Menus and Toolbar Icons
The Trouble Info tab changes dynamically based on the view. The following tables describe the menus and toolbar actions available in the Trouble Info views.
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Changes the Trouble Info tab to the Using the Trouble Info Callers View.
Changes the Trouble Info tab to the Using the Trouble Info Customers View.
Supply Points
Changes the Trouble Info tab to the Using the Trouble Info Supply Points View.
AMI Customers
Changes the Trouble Info tab to the Using the Trouble Info AMI Customers View.
Export Table...
Opens a dialog box to allow you to save the current table view data to a comma separated value (csv) file.
Opens the Print Preview dialog box, allowing you to print the current contents of the current view.
Sort Menu
Menu Option
Sort Dialog...
Opens the Sort Dialog, which allows you to choose the sort columns and type (that is, ascending or descending).
Sorts the table according to the default settings for the view.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Refreshes the data in the current view.
All, except AMI Customers
Call Info...
Opens the Call Info window for the selected call. See Viewing Call Info.
Opens the Ungroup dialog box, allowing you to ungroup the selected calls from the event.
Opens the Unassociate dialog box, allowing you to unassociate the selected calls from this device and (optionally) associate them with a new device. See Unassociating a Call from a Device for more information.
Transfer Call
Opens the Transfer Call dialog box, allowing you to transfer the selected call(s) to a different event. See Transferring a Call to a Different Event for more information.
Move Customers...
Opens the Move Customers dialog box, allowing you to move selected customers to a new device. See Moving Customers to a Different Device for more information.
Callers, Customers
Show DER Units...
Opens the Customer DER Units dialog box, allowing the user to view relevant information for each customer DER unit.
Note: This option will only be enabled if the DER count column is equal or greater than one.
Edit Clues...
Opens the Edit Clues dialog box for the selected call. See Editing Call Clues for details.
Opens Viewer 1 (if not already open) and targets the Viewer on the device
Removes the selected device from the event.
Supply Points
Update Event
Updates the event by saving changes, such as removing a device from an event.
Supply Points
AMI Confirm
Requests meter pings from AMI system for the selected customers, if applicable. See Creating AMI Requests for details.
AMI Customers
AMI Load Side
Requests load side connection information from the AMI system for the selected customer.
AMI Customers
AMI Voltage
Requests a voltage reading from the AMI system for the selected customers.
AMI Customers
AMI Power History...
Opens the AMI Power History dialog box for the selected customer.
Note: If no AMI Power History data exists, a ‘No AMI Meter Power History' dialog box will be displayed.
AMI Customers
AMI Load Side History...
Opens the AMI Load Side History dialog
box for the selected customer. The table
displays the following:
The date the load side connection information was received.
The meter load side connection status.
Note: If no AMI Load Side History data exists, a ‘No AMI Meter Load Side History' dialog box will be displayed.
AMI Customers
AMI Voltage History...
Opens the AMI Voltage History dialog box for the selected customer. The table displays the following:
The date the voltage data was received.
The voltage value. For multiphase meters, this column may contain multiple voltage values.
Note: If no AMI Voltage History data exists, a ‘No AMI Meter Voltage History' dialog box will be displayed.
AMI Customers
Disable AMI
Disables AMI functionality for the selected meters. This option is only available when Oracle Utilities Network Management System is integrated with Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.
AMI Customers
Enable AMI
Enables AMI functionality for the selected meters. This option is only available when Oracle Utilities Network Management System is integrated with Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.
AMI Customers
Trouble Info Filter Pane
The Trouble Info table has the following Global filters:
Menu Option
The All filter (default) displays all of the rows in the table.
All Critical
The All Critical filter displays all rows where the Critical column is populated.
The EMR filter displays all rows where the Critical column contains Emergency, Fire, Police, or 911.
The KEY filter displays all rows where the Critical column contains Entertainment, Government, Key, Manufacturing, or Transportation.
The MED filter displays all rows where the Critical column contains Medical, Hospital, Nursing Home, or Life Support.
The SENS filter displays all rows where the Critical column is set to Sensitive.
Using the Trouble Info Callers View
The Trouble Info tab’s Callers view lists all calls associated with an event.
Understanding the Calls Table
The Calls Table lists all calls associated with an event. The table provides the following information:
The Event # column displays the event number for the call.
The Clues column displays the trouble code clues received for the call.
The Device column displays the name of the customer's service device.
The Name column displays the customer's name.
The Telephone column displays the customer's telephone number.
The Date/Time column displays the date and time of the customer's call.
The Critical column displays the customer type value of the customer.
The Cmt column displays a Y/N code depending on whether the call contains customer comments or not, respectively.
The Address column displays the customer's address.
The Account # field displays the customer's account number.
Understanding the Comments Table
The Comments table displays all customer comments associated with the event. If there is a comment associated with a call, selecting the call in the Calls Table will highlight the comment in the Comments table. The Comments table contains the following information:
The Name column displays the customer's name.
The Comment column displays the customer's comment.
Understanding Callers View Actions
The following actions are available using the Callers View:
Viewing Call Info
Detailed information about a logged call is displayed in the Call Info window. An event (represented by a single row in the Work Agenda) can have multiple calls if the calls have been grouped to one event. The Call Info window may be accessed from the Event Details Trouble Info tab. You cannot edit the fields in the Call Info window; they are read only.
To open the Call Info window from the Trouble Info Callers view, select the row of the call you want to display and either click the Call Info... button or select Call Info... from the Actions menu.
Call Info Window
The Call Info window displays the following fields and buttons:
Account # displays the customer's account number.
Event Status displays the current status of the event that this call is a part of.
Telephone displays the customer's phone number.
Event # displays the number assigned to the event by the system.
Name displays the customer's name.
Clues displays the short description representation of the Request drop-down list selections that were entered when the call was logged.
Address displays the customer's address.
Reported Start Date displays the date and time the problem began for the customer.
City displays the customer's city, state and zip code.
Call Taker ID displays the user name of the person who entered the call.
Customer Type displays the customer type value for the customer.
Crew ID displays the name of the crew that has been placed en route to/is onsite at the event, if any.
Customer Device displays the name of the customer's service device.
Callback Date displays the date and time of the last callback attempt.
Callback Result displays the callback result, when applicable
Zones displays the control zones the customer is located in.
Customer Comment displays any customer comments that were entered at the time the call was logged.
The Print button opens the Print Preview dialog box, which allows you to print the currently displayed customer call information.
The Call Info window provides the following menu options.
File Menu
Print – Opens up the Print Preview dialog box, which allows you to print out the contents of the currently displayed customer call information
Exit – Closes the Call Info window
Help Menu
The Help menu displays the standard Help and About options.
Ungrouping Calls
You can ungroup calls that were automatically grouped by the system as a result of trouble analysis rules. For example, you would ungroup a call from an event when it is not actually related to the event, but rather should be its own non-groupable event. To ungroup calls, complete these steps:
1. Select the event row in the Work Agenda you want to ungroup and click the Trouble Info... button (). The Event Details Trouble Info tab opens to the Callers view.
2. Select the row in the Calls Table for the call you want to ungroup.
3. Select Ungroup from the Actions menu. The Ungroup dialog box opens with the device related to the event populated in the Device field.
4. Click OK.
In the Work Agenda, the call is ungrouped and a new event row appears in the Trouble Events list with the appropriate device association.
In the Work Agenda, the ungrouped call is removed from the # Calls column for the event it was ungrouped from.
Note: Events that are manually ungrouped will not be automatically grouped again by the system. However, you can manually group them again.
Editing Call Clues
You can edit the clues associated with one or more calls, which will cause the event's clues to be changed. You can also enter comments that will be appended to the existing call comments.
To edit clues for a call, complete these steps:
1. Select an event in the Work Agenda with at least one call.
2. Select the Trouble Info button () to open Event Details. Trouble Info tab opens to the Callers view.
3. Select one or more rows in the Calls Table.
4. Click the Edit Clues toolbar button () or select Edit Clues... from the Action menu. The Edit Clues dialog box opens.
5. Use the drop-down lists to select different clues.
6. Enter remarks in the Comments box, if desired.
Note: The Customer Remarks section is view-only.
7. Click OK. The system performs a reprediction to see if the event can now be grouped to other events or be grouped to by other events, based on the updated clues. The system also recalculates the dispatch priority and target response time for any event associated with the modified calls.
Unassociating a Call from a Device
You can move a customer to a different device if you discover the customer is associated with an incorrect device. To move a customer to a different device, complete these steps:
1. Select an event in the Trouble Events list (in the Work Agenda window) with at least one call.
2. Select the Trouble Info button (). The Event Details Trouble Info tab opens to the Callers view.
3. Select a row in the Calls table and select Unassociate from the Actions menu.
Transferring a Call to a Different Event
If you discover that a call relates to an event that is not at the caller's location (for example, if a customer calls to report a problem with a service line going to their neighbor's house), you can move the call.
To move calls to a different event from Event Details, complete these steps:
1. Select an event in the Work Agenda that has calls that need to be moved.
2. Select the Trouble Info button (). The Event Details Trouble Info tab opens to the Callers view.
3. Select one or more rows in the Calls Table that you wish to transfer to another event. You have two options:
a. Select Transfer Call from the Trouble Info tab Actions menu (or the right-click option menu). The Transfer Call dialog box will open. Select the target event's row in the Work Agenda to fill the Event field in the dialog box. Click OK to confirm the transfer or click Cancel to leave the call unchanged.
b. You may drag the selected call row(s) to the event row in the Work Agenda.
To move one or more calls to a different event using the Viewer, complete these steps:
1. Display call symbols by selecting Toggle Call Display on the outage device or selecting the Show All Calls option in the Viewer's Hide / Display dialog box.
2. Drag the call symbol to the desired event location on the Viewer or the event's Work Agenda row.
3. If there are multiple calls associated with a call symbol in the Viewer, you will be asked to confirm the calls you want to move.
4. You will then be asked to confirm the event to move the call(s) to.
5. When dragging to an event symbol on the Viewer, if there is more than one event at the selected target location, all events for the device will be listed and one must be selected.
Using the Trouble Info Customers View
The data shown in the Trouble Info Customers view depends on how it is launched.
If launched from the Control Tool, it displays all customers located on or downstream from a given device (see Device Options and Control Tool Actions for information).
When Trouble Info is launched from the Work Agenda, the Customers view displays all customers affected by a given event.
Understanding the Customer Table
The Customer Table lists all customers associated with an event or device. The table provides the following information:
The Device column displays the name of the customer's service device.
The Phases column displays the phases of the customer's service device.
The Name column displays the customer's name.
The Telephone column displays the customer's telephone number.
The Critical column displays the customer type value.
The Priority column displays the customer's weighted priority. See Using the Customer Administration Weighted Priority Editor for more information on weighted priority.
The Address column displays the customer's address.
The Account # column displays the customer's account number.
The DER Count column displays the number of DER units associated with the customer.
The Event ID column displays any customer associated events.
The Clues column displays the clues for the outage or event. Only the clues associated with the first customer call will be listed.
The Call Date column displays the date and time when a customer reported the event. If there are multiple calls from a customer, the first (non-AMI) call will be displayed.
The Restore Date column displays the most recent time an outage affecting the customer was restored. When Trouble Info is opened for an event, only the restoration times for that event are displayed; if the Restore Date column is empty, then the customer is currently affected by the selected outage event. When Trouble Info is opened for a device, this will also occur if the customer never experienced an outage.
The Total Calls column display the number of times the customer called.
Customers View Actions
You can perform the following task from the Customers View:
Using the Trouble Info Supply Points View
Depending on where it's accessed from, the Trouble Info Supply Points view lists all of the supply Points located downstream from a given device, or all of the supply points associated with a given event. Open this view by clicking on the Supply Points toolbar button or selecting Supply Points from the File Menu in the Trouble Info Callers or Customers view.
The Supply Points View displays the following fields:
Event Information
The Event # field displays the number assigned to the event by the system.
The Feeder field displays the feeder on which the affected device resides.
The Event Device field displays the name of the device associated with the event.
The Device Type field displays the type of device associated with the event.
Supply Point Summary displays totals for all supply points. (See below for descriptions of the columns in this section.)
The table below the Supply Point Summary lists the following information for each supply point.
The Device column displays the name of the customer's service device.
The # Customers column displays the sum of all customers attached to the supply point.
The # Emer. column displays the sum of all Emergency, Fire, Police, and 911 customers attached to the supply point.
The # Med. column displays the sum of all Medical, Hospital, Nursing Home, and Life Support customers attached to the supply point.
The # Key column displays the sum of all Entertainment, Government, Key, Manufacturing, and Transportation customers attached to the supply point.
The # Sens. column displays the sum of all the Sensitive customers attached to the supply point.
The # Critical Total column displays the sum of all critical customers attached to the supply point.
The Control Zone column displays the supply point's control zone name.
The Event # column displays the event number for the supply point.
The Start Date column displays the time the supply point was outaged.
The Restore Date column displays the time the supply point was restored.
The Group column displays the pending action for the row:
TBG – To Be Grouped
TBU – To Be Ungrouped
FAIL – Action failed
Use the View button to view a selected device in the Viewer.
Click the Remove button to remove a device from the event.
Click the Update button to save changes.
For information about the Update Event button, see Graphical Grouping (Supply Points Mode) for more information.
Using the Trouble Info AMI Customers View
Depending upon where it's accessed from, the Trouble Info AMI Customers view lists all the AMI-enabled meters located on/downstream from a given device or affected by a given event. The AMI Customers view is updated automatically; consequently, the Refresh action is not available when this view is selected.
Open this view by clicking on the AMI Customers toolbar button or selecting AMI Customers from the File menu in the Trouble Info Callers or Customers view.
Event Information
Event Information populates the top portion of the AMI Customer View.
The Event Information field displays the number assigned to the event by the system.
The list title displays how many AMI Customers are located on/downstream from a given device, affected by a given event, or affected on a given device.
The Feeder field displays the feeder on which the associated device resides.
The Event Device field displays the name of the associated device.
The Device Type field displays the type of the associated device.
Customer Table
The Customer table portion of the AMI Customers View displays information for the individual customers.
The Device column displays the name of the customer's service device.
The Phases column displays the phases of the customer's service device.
The Name column displays the customer's name.
The Telephone column displays the customer's telephone number.
The Critical column displays the customer type value of the customer.
The Address column displays the customer's address.
The Account # column displays the customer's account number.
The Meter # column displays the customer's meter number.
The Meter Type column displays the customer's meter type information. This column is hidden by default.
The Enabled column displays the status of AMI functionality. A value of "Y" means that AMI functionality is enabled while a value of "N" means that AMI functionality is disabled. An asterisk next to the value (for example, Y*) means that a request to enable or disable AMI functionality is currently in progress for the meter.
The Status column displays the latest unsolicited meter status received from AMI.
The Status Date column displays the date of the latest unsolicited meter status.
The Ping Result column displays the result of the most recent meter ping.
The Result Date column displays the date of the most recent meter ping result.
The Load Side column displays the latest load side connection status for the meter (Connected/Disconnected).
The Voltage column displays the latest voltage reading for the meter. For multiphase meters, this column may contain multiple voltage values.
The Nominal column displays the meter's nominal voltage value.
The Request # column displays the index of the last AMI ping request.
The Request Date column displays the date of the last AMI ping request.
The Request Type column displays the type of the last AMI ping request (Power, Voltage or Load Side status).
The Requested By column displays the login name of the user who made the last AMI ping request.
The Completed By column displays the login name of the user who completed the last AMI ping request.
Related Information
See Working with AMI Requests for more information.
Viewing AMI Customers for a Device
To view AMI customers for a particular device:
1. Select a device in Viewer and open the device in the Control Tool.
2. Click the AMI Customers… button in the Control Tool. The Event Details Trouble Info tab opens, and the AMI Customers table is populated with the customer information for AMI‑enabled customers on the selected device.
Moving Customers to a Different Device
Trouble Info allows you to move customers to a different device if you discover they are associated with an incorrect device. The Move Customers tool is available from both the Callers and Customers views.
To move customers to a different device, complete these steps:
1. Select one or more customers to move from the Customers view
You can use the Callers view if the customers that you want to move are all also callers.
To select multiple adjacent customers, click the first customer row and then press the Shift key and click the last customer row.
To select multiple non-adjacent customers, press the Control key and click each customer row individually.
2. Select Move Customers… from the Actions menu. The Move Customers dialog box appears.
3. Select a device in the Viewer to move the customers to. The New Device field is populated with the device identifier.
4. Click OK. The Move Customers dialog box closes.
Note: If the selected customers were previously moved to a new device, a confirmation dialog box (that is, Overwrite Moved Customers) is displayed. Do one of the following:
Click Yes to continue and overwrite the existing customer move record.
Click Cancel to cancel your selection and return to the Move Customers dialog box to select a different device.
Click No to abort the move completely.
5. The event is then re-analyzed using the new device information. If it does not repredict into the same event, the # Calls and # Customers for the original event are adjusted. Calls may be grouped into another existing event or a new event will be created.
Note: Trouble Info will be updated with the Move Customer information.
Viewing a Customers DER Units
Trouble Info allows a user to view information related to DER units associated to an individual customer. This dialog will show the following information related to DER units, the technology type, phasing, rated size, and voltage. This dialog is only available from the Customers view.
To view DER units for a customer, complete the following steps:
1. Select a single customer in the Customers view that has a DER Count greater than or equal to one.
2. Select Show DER Units... from the Actions menu. The Customer DER Units dialog box appears.
Note: The Show DER Units... option will only be available if the DER Count is greater than or equal to one.
3. The dialog will open showing relevant information for each DER associated to the customer.
4. Click Close. The Customer DER Units dialog box closes.
Using the Damage Assessments Tab
The Damage Assessments tab displays summary information for damage assessment records associated with an event. See Working with Damage Assessments for information about creating and working with damage assessments.
Menus and Toolbar Icons
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Create a damage assessment in the Damage Assessment tool.
Open the currently selected record in the Damage Assessment window.
Reload the table data.
Print the content of the Damage Assessments table.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Focuses the Viewer on the device associated with the selected damage assessment.
Opens the Event Details for the event associated with the selected damage assessment.
Patrol Event...
Opens the Event Details for the patrol event associated with the selected damage assessment. Only enabled when the column Patrol Event # is populated for the selected damage assessment.
Marks the selected damage assessments as Assessing.
Marks the selected damage assessments as Assessed.
Standing By
Marks the selected damage assessments as Standing By.
Marks the selected damage assessments as Fixed.
Marks the selected damage assessments as Obsolete.
Filter Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Auto Filter Off
Clears any auto-filter values that were set by right-clicking a Damage Assessment record in the table and selecting Auto Filter.
Understanding the Damage Summary Pane
The Damage Summary pane displays a summary of data for the damage assessments associated with the selected event or device. The pane lists the crew types required to repair, a list of damaged devices, and a list of other details.
Required Crews: Displays a list of the crew types and the number needed.
Damaged Assets: Displays a list of damaged assets and displays the number of those devices that are accessible or inaccessible.
Summary Data: Displays a list of additional information.
Total Repair Time (HH:MM): Displays the estimated total time to repair.
# Load Affected: Displays the number of loads affected by the damage, if any.
# Street Lights Damaged: Displays the number of street lights that are damaged, if any.
# Roads Blocked: Displays the number of roads that are blocked.
# Hazardous: Displays the number of hazardous conditions related to the damage.
Understanding the Damage Assessments Table
Damage Assessments Table Filter Pane
The Damage Assessments table has the following Global filters:
Menu Option
Active Damage Assessments
Show all active Damage Assessments.
Show all damage assessments.
Show all complete Damage Assessments.
Damage Assessments Table Columns
Status: The status of the listed damage assessment.
New: The initial state of a damage assessment.
Assessed: The assessment is done. Damage Assessments in the Assessed state are included in estimated repair time calculations.
Complete: The event has been restored.
Obsolete: The damage assessment no longer applies to the event.
Event #: The event number associated with the damage assessment.
Patrol Event #: The patrol event number associated with the damage assessment, if applicable.
Report Date: The date and time when damage assessment was performed.
Reported By: The crew that reported the damage.
Crew: The crew that performed the damage assessment.
Mobile #: The crew's mobile number.
Assigned Crew: The crew assigned to the assessment.
Hazard?: Whether the damage is hazardous.
Device: The device alias.
Address: The damage location address.
Feeder: The name of the feeder.
Region: The region-level control zone name.
Branch: The branch-level control zone name
Substation: The substation-level control zone name.
To view, edit, or create damage assessment information for an event:
1. Select an event from the Event List in the Work Agenda.
2. Select Damage Assessment... from the Actions menu. Event Details will open with the Damage Assessments tab in focus. Any existing damage assessments will be displayed in the table.
Using the Event Log Tab
The Event Log tab displays a table with all actions taken for the event. To display the Event Log for a particular event, select a row in the Work Agenda list and select Event Log... from the Actions menu.
The table displays the following information:
The Date/Time field displays the date/time of the log entry.
The User field displays the user that initiated the action.
The Event field displays the identifier of the original event for which the log entry was generated. Note that, due to grouping activities, the original event may no longer exist.
The Text field displays a description of the log entry.
The Event Log may be exported using the Event Details File menu’s Export Table... option, which is visible on the Event Log and certain other tabs having table data that can be exported.
Using the Steps Tab
The Steps tab displays the switching steps that have been recorded and linked to the event. These steps will continue to be displayed in the event's Steps tab up until you create an Emergency switching sheet for the event. When an Emergency switching sheet is created, the steps will be moved to that sheet.
When this Steps tab is first selected for an event, any steps linked to that event will be pulled from the Miscellaneous Log to this Steps list.
If any crews are listed in the Steps tab's Crews List, then those crews will be automatically filled into those steps' Instructed To field. You can update these assignments later if that is desirable.
Steps can be cut/copied from other sheets and pasted into this Steps list; steps can be cut/copied form this Steps list and pasted into other sheets as well. Steps cannot be cut/copied from one event's Steps list and pasted into another event's Steps list. For pasting of steps to work, the source tool or sheet has to be loaded. To work around this limitation, the steps can be sent to the Miscellaneous Log and then later cut and pasted into a different event's Steps list.
Steps Tab Toolbar and Context Menus
The Steps tab toolbar displays buttons for actions that you can perform. If a button is grayed, then that action is not currently permitted. Some toolbar buttons, such as the Cut and Paste options, are also available through a context menu that is displayed when you right-click a step row. The context menu contains some options that do not appear on the toolbar.
The table in the next section describes all actions that can be performed on the Steps tab with toolbar buttons, keyboard shortcuts, and/or context menu items
Understanding Steps Tab Actions
To perform this action
Do this
Turn record mode on
Record mode must be on in order to record operations using the Viewer and Control tool. The status bar displays the recording mode status.
Turn record mode off
The status bar displays the recording mode status.
Mark the selected step as crew ready for instruct.
This button is enabled only when the step state is New or Uninstructed and none of the selected steps have already been marked as Crew Ready. The selected steps also have to be linked to a device. When you click this button, the Crew Ready and Ready Date columns will be populated.
Instruct the selected steps
When you select this button, the Instructed By and Instructed Date columns are populated.
Complete the selected steps
Once the action is complete, the status of the step changes to Completed (Switching Sheet Step States). The Completed Date column is also updated with the current date.
Abort the selected steps
Use this action if a step was never attempted. When you click this button, the status of the step changes to Aborted (Switching Sheet Step States). The Completed Date column is updated with the current date.
However, the switching action is not actually performed.
Mark the selected steps as failed
Use this if a step was attempted but failed. When you click this button, the status of the step changes to Action Failed (Switching Sheet Step States) and the Completed Date column is updated with the current date. However, the action is not actually performed against the real-time data model.
Clear the Crew Ready status
Use this action to clear the Crew Ready and Ready Date columns.
This button is enabled only when the step state is in New or Uninstructed state.
Uninstruct an instructed step
Use this action to change the state of an instructed step to Uninstructed (see Switching Sheet Step States). If the step has a device and an instruct condition on the device, then the condition will be removed prior to the step transitioning to the Uninstructed state. Steps that are in the Uninstructed state can be instructed again or aborted, failed or completed.
The uninstruct action is not available for SCADA instructed actions. This option is not available for steps in the SCADA Pending state.
Uninstructed steps may be deleted.
Focus the Viewer on the objects referenced in the currently selected list of steps
The toolbar button, when used with single step selections, will focus on a single device and set the environment's selected device to the step's associated device.
Cut steps to the clipboard
Select one or more steps. The selected steps are marked as being cut and are placed on the clipboard. The steps will only be moved after they have been pasted to their new location. Use the Paste option to paste the steps.
Alternatively, right-click and select Cut from the context menu or press Control+X.
Move Steps to the Miscellaneous Log
This action moves Real Time Completed, Aborted, Failed or Instructed steps to the Miscellaneous Log. SCADA Pending steps cannot be moved until they have transitioned to one of the states already stated. Any step in a New or Uninstructed state will not be moved as the Miscellaneous Log only displays Real Time steps that are in a terminal or Instructed state. Any attempt to move an immovable step will result in an error dialog box and the steps will not be moved from the switching sheet's steps list. To move steps to the Miscellaneous Log, select one or more steps and select Move Steps to Misc Log from the right-click context menu.
Copy steps to the clipboard
You can select one or more steps. The selected steps are copied to the clipboard. Select the Paste option to paste the steps.
Alternatively, right-click and choose Copy from the context menu or press Control+C.
Copy steps as go-back steps
You can select one or more steps. Reverse steps are created for each selected step and copied to the clipboard. Select the Paste option to paste the steps.
Alternatively, right-click and choose Copy as Go-Backs from the context menu or press Control+G.
Paste steps from clipboard
Steps are pasted after the currently selected step. The operation pastes the steps that were placed in the clipboard during the last Cut, Copy, or Copy as Go-Backs operation. Once the steps have been pasted, the Paste button is no longer available and the contents of the clipboard are cleared.
Alternatively, right-click and select Paste from the context menu or press Control+V.
Delete steps
Deletes the selected steps from the plan. This button is disabled if the step has transitioned beyond its initial state (No State).
Alternatively, right-click and select Delete from the context menu or press Control+D.
Show Manual Step Addition Form
Shows the Manual Step Addition pane, which allows you to add steps without using the Control Tool. See Adding Steps Manually.
Clear the step's Condition
Class and Index fields for this step.
Right-click and choose Clear Condition Indexes from the context menu.
The action will only happen for steps that are not in a terminal state. Click this button to remove the condition class and index associated to the step. An error dialog box will be displayed if any of the selected steps' condition handles could not be cleared.
Insert a blank step
Right-click and choose Insert Blank Step from the context menu.
Inserts a new blank step after the currently selected step. This is useful for adding comment steps. See Adding Comment Steps for more information.
Clear Crews
Right-click and choose Clear Crews from the context menu.
Clear the Instructed To fields for the selected steps. This will clear the crew assignments from the selected steps.
Update Step Control Zone Data
Right-click and choose Update Step Control Zone Data from the context menu.
If a step’s device has been altered and placed into a different control zone, then select this option to update the step’s associated control zone.
Step Columns
Step #: Displays the number of the step.
Operation: Displays the description of the switching action. This field is editable, but only if the step action is a non-operational action. In other words, if the action for this step does not impact the NMS model in any way and is not tied to another NMS tool or feature, then the text can be edited in this column. Edited text will show up with a yellow background color. To reset the value, see Resetting Operation Text.
Device: Displays the device alias referenced in the step.
Phases: Displays the phase that was selected for the step. When obtaining a device through a Viewer device selection, all the phases are selected by default.
Details: Displays information about the outcome of the switching step., such as:
Deenergize a section of the network.
Energize a section of the network.
Make a loop.
Break a loop.
Make a parallel. (The feeders involved in the parallel will be listed.)
Break a parallel. (The feeders involved in the parallel will be listed.)
This information is recorded into the step when the step is initially added to the steps list. You can enter text into this field to replace the text that is automatically inserted.
Status: Displays the state of the switching sheet step. See Switching Sheet Step States for information.
Crew Ready: Displays whether the field crew is ready to be instructed or not.
Ready Date: Displays the date and time when Crew Ready is populated.
Executed By: Displays the user ID of the person who completed the step in real-time mode. This field is automatically populated by the system.
Completed Date: Displays the date the step was completed. If this field is blank when a step is completed, failed, or aborted in real-time mode, then the system populates this field automatically.
Instructed By: Displays the user ID of the person who instructed the step in real-time mode. This field is automatically populated by the system.
Instructed To: Displays the IDs of the crews to which the step was instructed. This field is automatically populated if crews are selected in the Crew List at the bottom of the Steps tab when you transition a step to a new state. This field cannot be edited manually. If a crews are listed in the Crews list at the bottom of the Steps tab and none are selected, then all of those crews will be automatically populated into this field when the steps is Instructed or recorded through a Control Tool action. Any steps that get initially populated into the Steps tab will also be automatically populated with the crews lists on this tab’s Crews list.
Instructed Date: Displays the date and time the step was instructed.
Address: Displays the address of the device referenced in this step. This field is automatically populated if you record the step by initiating an action within the Viewer.
Comments: Displays any additional information associated with this step. You can enter free-form text in this field.
Crews List
The Crews List on the event’s Steps tab functions exactly the same as the Crews List on a switching sheet’s Steps tab. See Crews List for more details.
Using the Alarms Tab
The alarms tab displays a table showing all alarms associated with the current event. For a description of the alarm list columns, see Understanding the Alarms List.
Alarms are updated automatically whenever the status of the alarm changes.
Alarms can be silenced and/or acknowledged from this tab in the same manner as from the normal alarm displays.
The alarms tab is only visible for events that have associated alarms.
Using the Fault Location Analysis Tab
Using the FLISR Report Tab
See Using the FLISR Report Tab in Event Details for details on the FLISR Report.
Using the Optimization Report Tab
See Viewing the Optimization Report for details on the Optimization Report.
Using the Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab displays a table with all attachments saved for the event.
Understanding the Attachments Tab Actions
The Add Attachment button (): opens the Attach Files dialog box that allows you to attach a file to the damage assessment. Maximum size of the attachment is 50M.
The Add Link button () opens the Add Link dialog box that allows you to add a link to an externally stored attachment that is accessible with an URL. To add a link, complete the following fields:
Name: a name that is unique for the event.
URL: link to attachment.
Description: short description of the attachment contents.
Click OK to add the attachment link or click Cancel to abort the action.
The Delete Attachment button () deletes the attachment
The Open Attachment button () opens the selected attachment. Links are opened in a web browser. Files are opened using application associated with the given file type.
The Save Attachment button () saves the selected attachments.
Understanding the Attachments Tab Table Columns
Name: attachment name (unique within a single damage assessment).
File Size: attachment size in bytes (0 for links).
Modified Date: last modification date for file attachments.
Link: URL of the externally stored attachment.
Description: description of the attachment.
Updating the Estimated Restoration Time
Once a crew has arrived onsite and reported their assessment of when the event will be restored, you can update the estimated restoration time using Event Details. To update the estimated restoration time, complete these steps:
1. Select the event in the Work Agenda window.
2. Click the Event Details toolbar button or select Event Detail... from the Actions menu. The Event Details window opens.
3. On the Event Details pane, enter the amount of time (in hours and minutes) that the crew will take to restore the outage in the Est Time to Repair field.
4. Click the Save button. The updated time displays in the Est Restore Date fields, and other windows that display the Est Restore Date will be updated.