The Web Callbacks Window
The Web Callbacks main window displays all of the events that have callbacks that must be completed. You can perform callback actions in the window using the menu, the buttons on the toolbar, or the buttons at the bottom of the window.
This following topics describe how to use the Web Callbacks window:
Related Topics:
Menus and Toolbars
The Web Callbacks menu bar provides access to all functions. The commonly used functions are also available on the toolbar and in buttons at the bottom of the window.
Actions Menu
The Actions menu allows you to control certain common features of the Web Callbacks.
Menu Option
View My Callback Lists…
Opens the View My Callback Lists window, which displays a list of callbacks assigned to you.
Perform Next Callback…
Opens the Perform Next Callback window, which allows you to perform the next callback for the selected event.
Assign Callbacks…
Opens the Assign Callbacks window, which allows you to assign callbacks for the selected event.
User Menu
The User Menu provides submenus with options to change the appearance and functionality of user interface elements and log out of Web Callbacks.
User Interface Settings Menu
Menu Option
Theme Selection Radio Buttons
Dark Theme
Light Theme
Theme selection allows you to choose whether the Web Callbacks uses a Dark Theme or a Light Theme.
The Dark Theme is generally better for low-lit conditions.
The Light Theme is generally better for well-lit conditions.
Capitalize Field Labels
If selected, field labels will be displayed in All Caps (for example, NAME). If not selected, field labels will be displayed in title case (for example, Name).
Toggle Accessible Mode
Changes settings to enable use with screen readers. Note: There are prerequisites to enabling accessible mode. Please see Appendix AAccessibility Features for information on enabling Accessible mode.
Show Messages at Mouse Location
Sets the system to display popup confirmation and warning dialog boxes at your mouse pointer position.
Smaller Font
Decreases the font size in text and icons. Repeat to further decrease the font size.
Bigger Font
Increases the font size in text and icons. Repeat to further increase the font size.
Reset Font
The application will reset the text and icons to use their default font size.
Darken Watermarks
Make the watermarks more opaque.
Lighten Watermarks
Make the watermarks more transparent.
Show Watermarks
Allows you to toggle watermarks on or off.
Table Settings Menu
The Table Settings submenu allows you to configure how tables will appear.
Menu Option
Alternate Row Coloring
When selected, displays data table rows in alternating colors.
Capitalize Column Headings
Allows you to select whether column labels should be displayed in all capital letters (for example, STATUS) or in title case (for example, Status)
Table Color Formatting Mode
Determines whether and how tables will display background coloring.
None: Tables will not contain color indicators for statuses.
Cells: Table cells will contain background colors based on the cell statuses.
Row: All cells in a table row will have the background color.
Table Font Formatting Mode
Determines whether and how tables will display font formatting.
None: Conditional formatting related to font formatting are never shown.
Cells: Conditional formatting related to font formatting are applied only to the cells they were configured for.
Row: Conditional formatting related to font formatting are applied across the whole row. Where more than one formatting rule is applied, the highest priority rule is displayed.
Manage Preferences Menu
Menu Option
Save Preferences
Saves your preferences to the database so your settings are available wherever you log in. See Saving and Restoring Workspace Preferences for more information.
Note: Theme selection is saved to your user settings on the workstation since they are more likely influenced by the light in a location. See Understanding the User Interface Settings Menu for information.
Restore Preferences
Opens a dialog box that allows you to select the preferences to restore. See Saving and Restoring Workspace Preferences.
Manage Site-wide Settings
Update Site-wide Preferences: Users who have Administration permissions (having access to the Configuration Assistant) may log in as a different user type, configure, and save the default preferences for all users of the log in type.
Restore Site-wide Preferences: Users who have Administration permissions (having access to the Configuration Assistant) may restore the default preferences for the logged in user type to the original configuration. See Saving and Restoring Workspace Preferences for more information.
User Logout: Logs you out of the system and shuts down the client.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Web Callbacks Help
Launches the online help system and loads the Web Callbacks content.
Email Log Files...
Gathers the environment’'s log files and attaches them to a new email message using your default email client. The log files can then be sent to your support team or contact for further analysis.
Set Debug...
Launches the Set Debug dialog box allowing you to set debug on or off within your current environment. This is used for debugging and analysis purposes. See Setting Debug for more information.
About Web Callbacks
Opens a window with environment and software information.
Beneath the Web Callbacks Toolbar is the header section. This section contains information regarding who is logged in to the application.
The User Name field displays your Web Callbacks login user name. This field is not editable.
Callbacks Table
The Web Callbacks table contains a detailed list of each resolved event that still has callbacks remaining. These rows are color-coded by the status of the callback (not started versus in progress).
The Callbacks Table displays the following columns:
The Event # column contains the unique number of the event.
The # Callbacks column contains the number of callbacks for the event.
The # Pri column contains the number of callbacks from priority calls for the event.
The % Comp column contains the percentage of callbacks completed for the event.
The # Rem column contains the number of callbacks remaining for the event.
The # Asn column contains the number of remaining callbacks for the event that have been assigned.
The Start Date column contains the reported start date and time of the event.
The Restore Date column contains the date and time the event was restored.
The Device column contains the name of the device associated with the event.
The Status column contains the status of callbacks for the event:
In Progress - Some callbacks for the event have been completed.
Not Started - Some callbacks for the event may have been assigned, but no callbacks are completed.
The Substation column contains the name of the substation for the device associated with the event.
The Zone column contains the name of the branch office where the event occurred.
The # Users column contains the number of users with assigned callbacks for the event.
Callbacks Table Column Features
Web Callbacks allows you to sort columns of its table by clicking on the particular column. The column displays an ascending sort after the first click and a descending sort after the second. A black arrow displays the direction of the sort. Clicking on other columns will initially sort based on the opposite sort type from the last column (ascending if previous column was sorted descending) and the sort direction reverses with subsequent clicks.
Sorting Callbacks
To sort based on a callback list column, complete these steps:
1. Click on the column that you want to sort. The column sorts in ascending order, indicated by a black arrow pointing upward.
2. Click again to sort the column in descending order, indicated by a black arrow pointing downward.
3. Click on a different column and the list is sorted ascending based on that column.
Rearranging Columns
You can dynamically rearrange the columns in a Web Callbacks list by dragging and releasing the column headers. To rearrange the columns, complete these steps:
1. On the column header for the column you want to move, click and hold down the mouse button with the pointer.
2. Move the pointer to drag the column left or right to the new location.
3. Release the mouse button. The column appears in the new location.
Note that this change is temporary. The next time you start Web Callbacks, the columns will display in their default order.
Callbacks Summary Pane
The Callbacks Summary pane appears in the lower portion of the Web Callbacks window. This pane displays summary information from the callback list. The Callbacks Summary pane includes the following fields:
The # Callbacks field displays the total number of callbacks from events that still have active callbacks.
The % Complete field displays the total percentage of callbacks listed in # Callbacks that are complete.
The # Remaining field displays the total number of callbacks not completed, based on the # Callbacks.
The # Priority Calls field displays the total number of callbacks that were priority, meaning those where the original call was for a priority situation (for example, hazardous downed wire).
Note: Once all callbacks for an event have been completed, they are removed from the data displayed in the Callbacks Summary pane. As a result, the % Complete can actually decrease when the last callback for an event is completed and that event is removed from the calculation.Status Bar
The status bar appears at the bottom of the Web Callbacks window, providing informational messages to the user at various times. Messages will appear in the status bar when callbacks are assigned, unassigned, or canceled, when callbacks are saved or when a new callbacks user is created.