Using the SCADA Status Window and Tools
SCADA Status provides an overview of the configured SCADA interfaces. To display the SCADA Status window, select SCADA Status from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
SCADA Status Window
The SCADA Status window contains two panes. On the left, a tree view shows the current status of items in the SCADA system; on the right, a docked frame displays tabs for each open SCADA maintenance tool.
The following SCADA maintenance tools are provided in Oracle Utilities Network Management System SCADA Status window.
SCADA Status Menus and Toolbar
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the SCADA Status window.
Tools Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
View FEP Monitor...
Opens the FEP Monitor as a tab in the docked pane. See FEP Monitor for information.
View IED Monitor...
Opens the IED Monitor as a tab in the docked pane. See IED Monitor for information.
View Point Monitor...
Opens the Point Monitor as a tab in the docked pane. See Point Monitor for information.
View Templates...
Opens a new IED Template as a tab in the docked pane. See IED Templates List for information.
View Inputs...
Display IED Inputs for the selected IED.
View Output...
Display IED Outputs for the selected IED.
View Device Links
Display device links for the selected IED.
View Audit Log...
Opens an Audit Log tab in the docked pane. See SCADA Audit Log for information.
View Debug Log...
Opens a Debug Log tab in the docked pane. See SCADA Debug Log for information.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Create New FEP...
Opens the FEP Details tool allowing you to create a new FEP.
Create New IED...
Opens the IED Details tool allowing you to create a new IED.
Create New IED from Template...
Creates a new IED as copy of a preconfigured template and opens the IED Details on the resulting new IED.
Download IED Schema...
Allows you to download the schema xsd file that defines the schema used by NMS for validating against imported IED configuration.
Export IED...
Allows you to export selected IED configuration from tree view in XML format. The default file name is IEDNAME.xml.
Import IED...
Allows you to import an XML file containing valid IED configuration.
Remove the selected IED.
Unlink IED...
Immediately disassociates the currently selected IED from the FEP and moves it to the unassociated list.
Move IED...
Invokes the Associate IED dialog allowing the user to associate the currently selected IED to one of the configured FEPs.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
SCADA Status Help
Opens online help content for the SCADA Status window
SCADA Status Tree View Pane
The tree view pane displays the configured Front End Processors (FEPs) and the Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) that are associated with them.
The Unassociated IEDs node at the top of the tree view contains any IEDs not currently associated with a FEP. The Unassociated IED node is where new IED instances are created and updated until ready to be made active.
Note: If you right-click a tree node, the context menu will display various operations that can be performed on the selected item.
The tree view contains four types of items
FEP Connections
IED Connections
Depending on the type of item selected the context menu will have a different list of possible options.
FEP Monitor
The FEP Monitor opens as a tab in the SCADA Status window. The tab may be dragged out of the SCADA Status window or set to be a standalone window
FEP Monitor Menus and Toolbar
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the FEP Monitor.
Tools Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
FEP Details...
Display the FEP details window for the selected FEP.
Display IEDs for FEP...
Display the IED Monitor list filtered for IEDs on the selected FEP.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Enable FEP
Enables the selected FEP
Disable FEP
Disables the selected FEP
Reset FEP Statistics
Resets the communication statistics for the selected FEP.
Reset All IED Statistics
Resets the communication statistics for all IEDs
configured on the selected FEP
Resynchronizes the FEP configuration to the FEP itself.
Add FEP...
Creates a new FEP.
Remove FEP...
Removes the selected FEP component.
Enable Connection
Enables the selected FEP connection.
Disable Connection
Disables the selected FEP connection.
Change Active Connection
Changes the communications channel used to
communicate to the FEP. Only visible if the
FEP has multiple channels configured.
Enable Debug
Enables the logging of debug messages for the selected FEP.
Disable Debug
Disables the logging of debug messages for the selected FEP.
Line Logs...
Selecting this option invokes a browser displaying the LEC FEP line log information.
Search the Configuration Assistant's Event Management Rules tab for 'Line Log Configuration' to get for details on how to configure the line log URL.
Sort Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Sort Dialog...
Opens the Sort Dialog, allowing you to create, modify, apply, and save user-defined sorts. See Using the Sort Dialog Box.
Sorts the table using the standard sort criteria.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
FEP Monitor Help
Opens online help content for the FEP Monitor.
FEP Monitor User Interface
The FEP Monitor tool consists of four sections:
FEP Status
FEP Status List Banner
SCADA Message Counts
Message Queues
FEP Status
The FEP Status pane contains a table that shows the current state of all Front End Processors (FEPs) configured in the system. Each row in the FEP monitor list shows information about a FEP and a specific connection configured for that FEP. Therefore, if a FEP has multiple configured connections then that FEP may show up in the list multiple times, once for each connection. Only one FEP row can be selected at a time; when a FEP is selected, a right click context menu allows you to choose from the available actions to be performed on that FEP. The context menu will only show the actions valid for the current state of the FEP; for example, if the FEP is in the enabled state, then the Enable FEP option will not be available.
FEP Status List Banner
The FEP Status List banner situated above the Status List gives a summary of the state of the FEPs in the list and allows quick filtering. The banner consists of a label and count for each state a FEP can be in. The count is an indication of the number of FEPs in the list that match that state.
The available states are:
Enabled: A count of the number of FEPs enabled for scanning.
Disabled: A count of the number of FEPs currently shut down.
Failed: A count of the number of FEPs that are currently deemed to be in a failed state due to communication issues.
Selecting any label or count in the banner will filter out that state from the FEP Status List. The label in the banner will be highlighted and the states count will be struck through to indicate that FEPs in that state have been filtered out of the Status List.
Reselecting the label or count in the banner will restore all FEPs in that state back into the FEP Status List, they will no longer be filtered out. The label will no longer be highlighted and the count will no longer be struck through.
Context Menu Options
Depending on what you select, you may have the following options.
FEP Details: Open the FEP Details tool allowing edit of the configurable FEP options.
Show IEDs for the Selected FEP: Opens the IED Monitor filtered to only display IEDs that are configured for the selected FEP.
Enable FEP: Enables the selected FEP.
Disable FEP: Disables the selected FEP.
Change Active Connection: Changes the communications channel used to communicate to the FEP. Only visible if the FEP has multiple channels configured.
Reset FEP Statistics: Resets the communication statistics for the selected FEP.
Reset All IED Statistics: Resets the communication statistics for all IEDs configured on the selected FEP.
Enable Debug: Enables the logging of debug messages for the selected FEP.
Disable Debug: Disables the logging of debug messages for the selected FEP.
Synchronize: Resynchronizes the FEP configuration to the FEP itself.
Line Logs...: Selecting this option invokes a browser displaying the LEC FEP line log information. Search the Configuration Assistant's Event Management Rules tab for 'Line Log Configuration' to get for details on how to configure the line log URL.
Delete FEP: Deletes the FEP. This action will only complete if the FEP has no IEDs configured.
IED Monitor
The IED Monitor List is a table that shows the current state of all Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) configured in the system. Each row in the IED monitor list shows information about an IED and a specific connection configured for that IED. Therefore if an IED has multiple configured connections then that IED may show up in the list multiple times, once for each connection. Only one IED row can be selected and a time and when a IED is selected a right click context menu allows you to choose from the available actions to be performed on that IED. The context menu will only show that actions valid for the current state of the IED, for example if the IED is in the enabled state then the Enable IED option will not be available.
The IED Monitor tool consists of two sections:
Menus and Toolbars
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the IED Monitor.
Tools Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
View Details...
Display the IED configuration details.
Display the commission points for the IED.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Display IEDs on all FEPs
Removes any filters on the IED Monitor list and displays all IED's
Create New IED
Opens the IED Details tool allowing the user to create a new IED.
Create New IED from Template
Creates a new IED as copy of a preconfigured template and opens the IED Details on the resulting new IED.
Create New Template from IED
Creates a new template IED as copy of an existing IED and opens the Template Details on the resulting new template.
Deletes the selected IED.
Enables the selected IED.
Disables the selected IED.
Reset IED
Resets the communications links to the selected IED.
Force Poll IED
Initiates a read of all inputs on the selected IED.
Reset IED Statistics
Resets the communication statistics for the selected IED.
Enable Connection
Enables the selected IED connection.
Disable Connection
Disables the selected IED connection.
Change Active Connection
Changes the communications channel used to communicate to the IED. Only visible if the IED has multiple channels configured.
Reset Connection Statistics
Resets the communication statistics for the selected IED connection.
Line Logs...
Selecting this option invokes a browser displaying the LEC FEP line log information.
Search the Configuration Assistant's Event Management Rules tab for 'Line Log Configuration' to get for details on how to configure the line log URL.
Sort Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Sort Dialog...
Opens the Sort Dialog, allowing you to create, modify, apply, and save user-defined sorts.
Applies the default sort. In the product configuration, the default sort is by IED Name, IED ID, and Connection ID.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
IED Monitor Help
Launches online help for IED Monitor.
IED Summary Banner
The IED Monitor List banner situated above the IED Monitor List gives a summary of the state of the IEDs in the list and allows for quick filtering. The banner consists of a label and count for each state an IED can be in. The count is an indication of the number of IEDs in the list that match that state.
The available states are:
Enabled: A count of the number of IEDs enabled for scanning.
Disabled: A count of the number of IEDs currently disabled.
Failed: A count of the number of IEDs that are currently deemed to be in a failed state due to communication issues.
Selecting any label or count in the banner will filter out any IEDs in that state from the Monitor List. The label in the banner will be highlighted and the states count will be struck through to indicate that IEDs in that state have been filtered out of the Monitor List.
Reselecting the label or count in the banner will restore all IEDs in that state back into the IED Monitor List (they will no longer be filtered out). The label will no longer be highlighted and the count will no longer be shown with strikethrough text.
IED Status List
The IED status list provides a table showing the current state of all Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) configured in the system. Each row in the IED Monitor table shows information about an IED and a specific connection configured for that IED. Therefore, if an IED has multiple configured connections, then that IED may show up in the table multiple times (once for each connection). Only one IED row can be selected at a time, and when a IED is selected, a context menu allows you to choose from the available actions that may be performed on that IED. The context menu will only show the actions that are valid for the current state of the IED; for example, if the IED is in the enabled state, then the Enable IED option will not be available.
Point Monitor
The point monitor is a point list that can be used to display the current value and quality of input points from any IED or combination of IEDs. Using the option on the right-click context menu of the IED input tool the user can choose the 'Add to point Monitor' option to add the selected points to the point monitor list. This list is common for all points and so does not contain any protocol specific columns. The context menu on the point monitor row allows the user to position on the relevant component in the diagram, or to remove the point from the point monitor list.
Using Point Monitor Menus and Toolbar
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the FEP Monitor tab.
Tools Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Focuses the Viewer on the selected device.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Remove Point
Removes the point from the Point Monitor.
Sort Menu
The table below describes the options available on the Sort menu.
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Sort Dialog...
Opens the Sort Dialog, allowing you to create, modify, apply, and save user-defined sorts. See Using the Sort Dialog Box.
Applies the default sort. In the product configuration, the default sort is by Point ID.
Applies the sort by input type. In the product configuration, this sort is by Point ID and Type.
IED Name
Applies the sort by IED. In the product configuration, this sort is by Point ID and IED Name.
Understanding IED Point (Filtered) Views
Point Monitor views are filters based on the type of the point in the point monitor list. In the standard out of the box NMS product offering the point monitor starts with displaying all inputs assigned to the monitor. The currently active filter is displayed above the table along with the current sort option.
The point monitor is pre-configured with several different global filters that can be selected in the filters panel. Your system may also have several shared filters and any personal filters that you have created and saved.
The NMS product configuration includes the following Global filters
All Inputs: Displays both analog and digital inputs.
Analog Inputs: Displays only analog inputs.
Digital Inputs: Displays only digital inputs.
FEP Details
FEP Details opens in a tab that is used to view and edit the detailed options required to setup a FEP within the system. The tab name follows this pattern: FEP Details, a dash, and then the FEP Identifier (for example, FEP Details ‑ FEP_ID).
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Saves changes made in the FEP Details tool.
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the window.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Disable FEP
Disables the selected FEP
Enable FEP
Enables the selected FEP
Icon for Enable FEP
Creates a new FEP.
Icon for Add FEP
Remove FEP
Removes the selected FEP component.
Trash can icon for remove FEP
Add Connection
Adds a new connection to the FEP.
Delete Connection
Deletes the current connection.
Icon for deleting a connection.
Enable Connection
Enables the selected FEP connection.
Icon for enable connection
Disable Connection
Disables the selected FEP connection.
Icon for disable connection
Change Active Connection
Changes the communications channel used to communicate to the FEP. Only visible if the FEP has multiple channels configured.
Icon for changing the active connection
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
FEP Details Help
Launches online help for FEP Details.
FEP Details Components
The FEP Details tool is comprised of two main sections:-
FEP Configuration
Connection List
FEP Configuration
The FEP Configuration section typically displays the following:
Control: The configured state of the FEP. This is updated by actions menu options.
Status: The actual state of the FEP as reported by the system (not editable).
Name: A unique FEP name in the system, used for logging audit messages and errors.
Description: Optional description.
Debug: Defines whether internal debug information is logged for this FEP or not.
Keep Alive: The interval in milliseconds between keep alive messages to the FEP. A value of zero disables the keep alive functionality.
Retry Interval: The connection retry time in milliseconds.
CA Cert Alias: The alias under which the FEP's Certificate Authority(CA) certificate is stored in the trust keystore.
Use Secure Communications: Enables or disables secure communication to the FEP.
Test SSL Configuration: This button invokes the Test SSL Configuration dialog box, which tests the secure configuration of the FEP.
Connections List
This section allows the configuration of one or more connections between the NMS system and the FEP itself. This could be redundant connections to the same FEP instance or connections to redundant FEPs. Connections can be added or removed as required, and also enabled or disabled from a right-click context menu.
Each connection has the following options:
Control: The configured state of the connection. This is edited by actions menu options.
Status: The actual state of the connection as reported by the system (not editable).
Name: A unique (on the FEP) name for the connection, used for logging audit messages and errors.
Description: Optional description.
Order: A defined order to try the connections - lowest value first.
IP Address: The TCP/IP address of the FEP for the connection.
Port: The TCP/IP port for the connection.
Understanding the Test SSL Configuration Dialog Box
If the Test SSL Configuration button is selected when use secure communications is enabled, then the Test SSL Configuration dialog box is invoked.
The dialog box tests each aspect of the secure SSL configuration and indicates whether the configuration is valid or invalid. The following configuration is tested:
Keystore Location: Has the Custom Identity Keystore location been configured in WebLogic.
Keystore Type: Has the Custom Identity Keystore Type been configured in WebLogic.
Keystore: Can the Custom Identity Keystore be successfully loaded.
Truststore Location: Has the Trust Keystore location been configured in WebLogic.
Truststore Type: Has the Trust Keystore Type been configured in WebLogic.
Truststore: Can the Trust Keystore be successfully loaded.
Private Key: Can the WebLogic servers private key be loaded.
Public Key: Can the WebLogic servers public key be loaded.
CA Certificate Chain: Can the FEPs Certificate Authority (CA) certificate be loaded.
Close: Closes the dialog box.
Help: Opens the online help for the option.
IED Details and Template Details
The IED Details tool is used to view and edit the detailed options required to setup an IED within the system; the Template Details tool does the same for Template IEDs.
Note: For simplicity, ICCP interfaces are modeled as a particular type of IED in this system.
This information is displayed in four main sections:
Common Options
Default Analog Scaling Options
Protocol Specific Options
Connections and Input/Output List
Menus and Toolbars
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Saves changes made in the IED Monitor tool.
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the IED Details.
Tools Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
View Inputs
Display the Input points for the selected IED.
View Outputs
Display the Output points for the selected IED.
View Device Links
Display the device measurement links for the selected IED.
Display the commission points display for the selected IED. Only visible for IED Details.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Disables the selected IED.
Enables the selected IED.
Create New IED
Creates a new IED.
Create IED from Template
Creates an IED as a copy of a predefined template.
Add I/O to IED from Template
Creates new input and output points on the current IED as a copy of a predefined template.
Create Template from IED
Creates a new template IED as a copy of the current IED.
Deletes the current IED.
Add Connection
Adds a new connection to the IED.
Delete Connection
Removes the selected connection from the IED.
Enable Connection
Enables the selected IED connection.
Disable Connection
Disables the selected IED connection.
Change Active Connection
Changes the communications channel used to communicate to the IED. Only visible if the IED has multiple channels configured.
Sort Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Input Sort
Input Sort defines sorts for the input points tab.
Sort Dialog…: Invokes the sort dialog window to allow custom sorts of the input list.
Default: Sort the input list by the default sort. The default sort is based on the protocol of the IED.
DNP3: Sort on the Information Object Address
IEC104: Sort on the address
ICCP: Sort by Transfer Set
Type: Sort by the type of the input (analog and digital).
RTI Alias: Sort by the RTI Alias of the linked NMS device.
Output Sort
Output Sort defines sorts for the output points tab.
Sort Dialog...: Invokes the sort dialog window to allow custom sorts of the output list.
Default: Sort the output list by the default sort. The default sort is based on the protocol of the IED.
DNP3: Sort on the Information Object Address
IEC104: Sort on the address
ICCP: Sort by Transfer Set
Type: Sort by the type of the output (analog and digital).
RTI Alias: Sort by the RTI Alias of the linked NMS device.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
IED Details Help
Launches online help for IED Details.
IED Common Options
The IED common options consists of the following fields:
Control: The configured state of the IED. This is updated by actions menu options.
Status: The actual state of the IED as reported by the system (not editable).
Substation: The substation that the IED is in
Manufacturer: A user configurable field for manufacturer information.
Firmware: A user configurable field for IED version information.
Name: A unique IED name in the system, used for logging audit messages and errors.
Protocol: What protocol is used to communicate with the IED.
Commission: The commissioned state of the IED.
FEP: Which FEP will communicating to the IED.
Stale Timeout: The time taken for a control request to arrive at the FEP from the originating client is compared against the stale timeout. If the travel time exceeds the timeout then the control is discarded by the FEP and a control failure is sent back to the client. The stale timeout value is in milliseconds.
IED Default Scaling Options
The default scaling options are a definition of the analog scaling values that will be used for all analogs on an IED unless overridden by values on the input itself:
Absolute Change: Default required absolute difference before being reporting
Percent Change: Default required percentage difference before being reporting
Offset Before Multiply: Default add value before multiply operation - use negative value for subtraction
Offset After Multiply: Default add value after multiply operation - use negative value for subtraction
Scale Multiplier: Default multiplier for analog values
IED Protocol Specific Options
The protocol specific section of the IED details screen varies depending of which protocol is to be used to communicate to the IED.
DNP3 Options
IEC60870-5-104 Options
ICCP Options
DNP Options
Local Address: Local DNP3 station number.
Remote Address: Remote DNP3 station number.
IED Mode: Run as outstation instead of master. Y=IED N=Master (Default).
Listen Mode: Listen for inbound connection instead of making outbound. Defaults to outbound.
Class Zero Poll Rate: Poll rate in seconds for Class 0 polling. Defaults to 0 (no polling).
Class One Poll Rate: Poll rate in seconds for Class 1 polling. Defaults to 0 (no polling).
Class Two Poll Rate: Poll rate in seconds for Class 2 polling. Defaults to 0 (no polling).
Class Three Poll Rate: Poll rate in seconds for Class 3 polling. Defaults to 0 (no polling).
Max Msg Size: Max DNP3 message size.
Ack Timeout: Timeout in ms to recv ack from peer.
Response Timeout: Timeout in ms to recv response from peer.
Refresh Mode: Reset connection on failure to receive response from peer within timeout.
Multi Drop ID: Multi-drop id, when one connection is shared among multiple DNP3 outstations (SERIAL mode only).
Baud Rate: Serial line Baud rate (SERIAL mode only).
Parity: Serial line parity (SERIAL mode only).
IEC60870-5-104 Options
Connect timeout (T0): Connection establishment timeout. Range 1 s to 255 s, accuracy 1 s. default 30 seconds.
APDU timeout (T1): Timeout of an acknowledge (S‑Frame) must be received for any sent APDUs. Range 1 s to 255 s, accuracy 1 s. default 15 seconds.
Acknowledge timeout (T2): Maximum timeout before an acknowledge (S‑Frame) must be transmitted when no data messages are being sent. Range 1 s to 255 s, accuracy 1 s. default 10 seconds, must be less than t1 ADPU timeout.
Idle timeout (T3): Time-out for sending test frames in case of a long idle state. Range 1 s to 48 h, resolution 1s, default 20 seconds.
Max APDU Transmit (K): Maximum outstanding APDUs (I-Frame) without an acknowledge (S-Frame) being received., default 12. Range of values 1 to 32767 APDUs, accuracy 1 APDU.
Max APDU Receive (W): Maximum received APDUs (I Frames) before an acknowledge (S-Frame) must be transmitted, default 8. Range 1 to 32767 APDUs, accuracy 1 APDU - Recommendation: W should not exceed two-thirds of K.
Station Address: Local IEC104 station number.
Server Mode: Run as server instead of client. Y=Server N=Client (Default).
ICCP Options
TSEL: Transport selector.
SSEL: Session selector.
PSEL: Presentation selector.
AP Title: Application Process Title.
AE Qualifier: Application Entry Qualifier.
Local Domain: Local domain name.
Remote Domain: Remote domain name.
Local Table ID: Local Bilateral Table ID.
Remote Table ID: Remote Bilateral Table ID.
TCP/IP Address: Optional IP address for the Local VCC - Gates incoming connections, default is to accept connections on any IP address.
Block 1: Periodic System Data: Status points, analogue points, quality flags, time stamp, change of value counter, protection events.
Block 2: Extended Data Set Condition Monitoring: Provides report by exception capability for the data types that block 1 is able to transfer periodically.
Block 3: Block Data Transfer: Provides a means transferring Block 1 and Block 2 data types as block transfers instead of point by point.
Block 4: Information Messages: Simple text and binary files.
Block 5: Device Control: \nDevice control requests: on/off, trip/close, raise/lower etc. \nand digital setpoints.
Block 6: Program Control: Allows an ICCP client to remote control programs executing on an ICCP server.
Block 7: Event Reporting: Extended reporting to a client of error conditions and device state changes at a server.
Block 8: Additional User Objects: Scheduling, accounting, outage and plant information.
Connection Mode: Connection direction - Inbound, Outbound, or Dual.
Role: ICCP role (Client, Server, or Both).
Reduce List: ICCP behavior option - negotiate non-existent points in transferset definitions.
Mismatch Flag: ICCP behavior option - create csv file listing non-existent points in transferset definitions.
Keep Alive: Periodically send MMS Identify request as keep-alive. Default=0 meaning do not send.
Secure Mode: Enable/Disable secure ICCP.
TLS Certificate: TLS public client certificate, or local private server certificate identifier - Secure Only.
ACSE Certificate: ACSE public certificate, or local private certificate identifier - Secure Only.
IED Connections and Input/Output Tab List
This sections contains several tabs detailing the component parts of the IED.
This will include tabs for:
IED Connections (All IEDs except ICCP IEDs): The configuration of the connections between the FEP and the IED.
Remote VCC (ICCP IEDs only): The configuration of the Remote ICCP nodes to communicate with.
Transfersets (ICCP IEDs only): The configuration of how inputs are transfered over the ICCP link.
Input Points: A protocol specific list of the input points on the IED.
Output Points: A protocol specific list of the output points on the IED.
IED Connections List (All IEDs except ICCP IEDs)
This section allows the configuration of one or more connections between the FEP and the IED itself. This is normally redundant connections to the same IED instance. Connections can be added or removed as required, and also enabled or disabled from a right-click context menu.
Each connection has the following options:
Control: The configured state of the connection. This is edited by actions menu options.
Status: the actual state of the connection as reported by the system (not editable).
Name: A unique (on the IED) name for the connection, used for logging audit messages and errors.
Description: optional description.
Order: A defined order to try the connections – lowest value first.
IP Address: The TCP/IP address of the FEP for the connection.
Port: The TCP/IP port for the connection.
Poll Period: The period to collect poll statistics in seconds.
Stats Period: The frequency to report the statistics.
Recovery Percent: Required percentage of good vs bad polls for connection recovery.
Failure Percent: Required percentage of good vs bad polls for connection failure.
ICCP Remote VCC List – only for ICCP IEDs
This ICCP Remote VCC definition has all of the same columns as the IED connections defined above and the following additional columns
TSEL: Transport selector.
SSEL: Session selector.
PSEL: Presentation selector.
AP TITLE: Application Process Title.
AE QUALIFIER: Application Entry Qualifier.
ACSE CERTIFICATE: ACSE public certificate, or local private certificate identifier - Secure Only.
TLS CA CERTIFICATE: TLS public Certificate Authority certificate identifier - Secure Only.
ACSE CA CERTIFICATE: ACSE public Certificate Authority certificate identifier - Secure Only.
ICCP Transfersets – only for ICCP IEDs
Control: Configured state of Transferset.
Status: Actual state of Transferset.
Number: Dataset Number - referenced by points.
Transfer Mode: Specify change-based or interval transmission of information reports.
Start Time: Absolute start time of transfer set.
Start Delay: Start Delay for transferset (not used).
Buffer Time: Time in seconds to queue data on server before sending report.
Interval: Interval in seconds for INTERVAL transferMode.
Integrity Interval: Interval in seconds to send integrity scan reports. Default/0 means no integrity scan reports.
Operator Request: Enable operator request.
Report By Exception: Report By Exception mode for INTERVAL reports - only send points when they have changed over interval.
All Changes: Send lists of all changes with INTERVAL reports.
Critical: Enable critical ACK.
Initial Read: Do initial read of all points in data set.
Inputs List
Outputs List
IED Templates List
IED Templates shows the configured template IEDs on the system and allows them to be maintained and then enabled/disabled. Only IED templates in the enabled state can be used as a master to create other IEDs from.
The IED Templates list columns are as follows.
IED ID: The unique ID of the IED (normally a hidden column).
Control: Whether the template is active or not - disabled templates can not be used.
Name: The unique name for the template IED.
Protocol: The protocol used to communicate with the IED.
Description: An optional description for the template.
Device Class: The device class number this IED template was created for (normally a hidden column)
Device Class Name: The name of the device class this IED template was created for
Minimum Digital Input: The lowest protocol specific address of digital input in the template (normally a hidden column).
Maximum Digital Input: The highest protocol specific address of digital input in the template (normally a hidden column).
Minimum Analog Input: The lowest protocol specific address of analog input in the template (normally a hidden column).
Maximum Analog Input: The highest protocol specific address of analog input in the template (normally a hidden column).
Minimum Digital Output: The lowest protocol specific address of digital output in the template (normally a hidden column).
Maximum Digital Output: The highest protocol specific address of digital output in the template (normally a hidden column).
Minimum Analog Output: The lowest protocol specific address of analog output in the template (normally a hidden column).
Maximum Analog Output: The highest protocol specific address of analog output in the template (normally a hidden column).
Select Template Dialog Box
The Select Template dialog box allows the user to create an IED configuration as a copy of a previously prepared IED Template and optionally to automatically link the new IED to an NMS device.
The select template dialog can be displayed as part of several different workflows.
From the SCADA Status display to simply create a new IED.
From the SCADA status to extend an existing IED by adding more I/O points.
From the Viewer or Control tool to create a new IED from the template and automatically link the IED I/O points to the selected device.
From the Viewer or Control tool to select an existing IED and add extra I/O points to it and then automatically link the new IED I/O points to the selected device.
The dialog box consists of three sections:
Template List
IED and Device Selection
Template List
This section lists the available templates that can be selected. This list is automatically filtered depending on how the dialog is called. When creating a new IED from the SCADA status display then all enabled templates are listed. When creating a new IED and linking it to a specified device then only those templates which are defined for that device class will be listed (see the IED templates display to check which NMS device classes are supported by each template). When extending an IED only templates with the same protocol as the existing IED are displayed. When extending an existing IED and also linking it to a device then only templates with matching protocol and device class are displayed.
The template list columns are as follows
Name: The unique name for the FEP.
Protocol Name: The protocol that the IED is configured for.
Description: The user entered description for the template.
IED and Device Selection
The IED name field allows the user to define the IED name when creating a new IED. This new name must be unique and will be checked when the OK button is selected and display an error if an existing IED has the same name. When extending an existing IED an IED selector window may be displayed first to allow selection of which IED to extend. The list of IEDs shown will be filtered to only those defined as being in the same substation or any IEDs that have no substation defined.
When automatically linking to a device the name of the selected device will be displayed here also.
Select Template Buttons
OK: Selecting OK closes the dialog and creates the new IED. This is only enabled when a template has been selected.
Cancel: Selecting cancel closes the dialog and cancels the operation.
Help: Selecting help invokes the online help.
IED Inputs
IED Inputs shows a protocol specific list of the input points on the IED. Context sensitive menu options allow creation, deletion, and editing of input points. For analog values the scaling calculation can also be configured.
Menus and Toolbars
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the window.
Tools Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Shows the associated device in the Viewer.
View Device Links...
Displays the device links window for the IED allowing you to maintain the link between an IED input and a SCADA measurement.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Create Inputs
Invokes the Create Input dialog box allowing you to create new inputs.
Add to Point Monitor
Displays the selected points in the Point Monitor.
Update Analog Inputs
Invokes the Update Input dialog box to allow the selected analogs to be updated.
Update Digital Inputs
Invokes the Update Input dialog box to allow the selected digitals to be updated.
Modify Calculation...
Invokes the Calculation dialog box allowing the selected calculation to be updated.
Add Points to Calculation...
Invokes the Calculation dialog box adding the selected digital inputs if 1 or more digital inputs are selected and 1 calculation is selected. All the selected points must be decommissioned.
Delete Inputs
Deletes the selected inputs. A confirmation dialog box is invoked to confirm.
Enable Input
Enables the selected inputs. The enabled inputs values are now updated from the field device.
Disable Input
Disables the selected inputs. The disabled inputs values are no longer updated and the quality of any linked measurement in NMS is set to suspect.
Analog Scaling
Invokes the Analog Scaling dialog box for the selected analog points to allow the analog scaling parameters to be configured.
Sort Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Sort Dialog...
Invokes the sort dialog window to allow custom sorts of the input list.
Sort the input list by the default sort. The default sort is based on the protocol of the IED.
DNP3: Sort on the Information Object Address.
IEC104: Sort on the address
ICCP: Sort by Transfer Set
Sort by the type of the input (analog and digital).
RTI Alias
Sort by the RTI Alias of the linked NMS device.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
IED Details Help
Launches online help for IED Inputs.
IED Inputs
The IED Input columns list includes the following items, some of which are only populated if the input is linked to a device measurement:-
+: For calculated inputs this column indicates how many child inputs are associated with the calculated point. Selecting this column for a calculation updates the table to display the child points associated with the calculation.
Type: Input type. Analog or Digital.
Control: Whether the input is enabled or disabled Protocol Specific Address fields.
Point Name: Unique (on the IED) name for the point.
RTI Alias: Unique measurement identifier (if linked).
Attribute: What type of device measurement the input is for (if linked).
Phase: Indicates if the input is for a specific phase, only valid for status inputs.
Link State: Indicates whether the input is linked to a device measurement.
Commissioned: The commission state of the input - only commissioned input points update values into the core NMS system.
Raw Value: The current value received from external IED or SCADA system
Value: Converted value to be passed to NMS system.
Interpretation: Optional lookup table used to standardize raw digital input values to a common standard value before passing to NMS.
Quality: Indicates the quality of the scan point - Disabled, Enabled, Failed or No Scan (no value received since enabled).
Timestamp: The timestamp of the latest update received from the external SCADA source.
Jitter State: An indication whether the input is malfunctioning; see Understanding Jitter State.
Absolute Change: Default required absolute difference before being reporting.
Percent Change: Default required percentage difference before being reporting.
Offset Before Multiply: Default add value before multiply operation - use negative value for subtraction.
Offset After Multiply: Default add value after multiply operation - use negative value for subtraction.
Scale Multiplier: Default multiplier for analog values.
Bit: This column is only visible when viewing the children of a calculated point. This column indicates the bit position assigned to the child point. This indicates the bit within the calculation that this child supplies the value for.
DNP3 Quality Bits
If you are viewing DNP3 RTU inputs, then the following quality code columns are present in the IED Input list:
Communications Lost
Remote Forced
Local Forced
Chatter / Rollover (rollover applies to counters only)
Discontinuity (applies to counters only)
ICCP Quality Bits
If you are viewing ICCP VCC inputs, then the following quality code columns are present in the IED Input list:
Invalid Timestamp
Abnormal State
Manually Overridden
Using the Create/Update Inputs Dialog Box
The Create or Update Inputs dialog box allows you to create new analog or digital inputs or to edit existing inputs. The dialog consists of three selections:
Select Input Type
Point Details
Select Input Type
The select input type section is only used when creating new points, and is not displayed when updating existing points
The Select Input type section of the Create Inputs dialog box allows you to choose between creating digital, analog, or calculated points and allows you to indicate how many new points you wish to create.
Digitals: Select this option to create digital inputs.
Analogs: Select this option to create analog inputs.
Calculated: Select this option to create calculated inputs.
Amount to Create: Enter the number of new input wants you wish to create.
Point Details
Common Fields
The point details contains the following common fields used by all protocols:
Point Name: A unique name for the point. If more than one input is being created subsequent point names will be appended with _1, _2, _3 etc.
Dnp3 Specific Fields
Dnp3 IEDs contain the following protocol specific fields:
IOA: The information object address of the input.
Static Type: The DNP3 object type used for static value reporting.
Event Type: The DNP3 object type used for value change events.
IEC104 Specific Fields
IEC104 IEDs contain the following protocol specific fields:
Common Address: The Common ASDU address of the input.
IOA: The information object address of the input.
Point Type: The IEC104 point type.
ICCP Specific Fields
The ICCP IEDs contain the following protocol specific fields:
Scope: The point scope of the input.
ICC: The point is only visible on this VCC.
VCC: The point is visible to all remote VCC’s.
Transfer Set: The associated Transfer Set for this input.
Point Type: The ICCP point type.
Digital Specific Fields
Digital inputs contain the following specific fields:
Interpretation: The interpretation table associated with the input points.
Calculation Specific Fields
Calculated inputs contain the following specific fields only and no others.
Interpretation: The interpretation table associated with the input points
OK: Selecting OK closes the dialog and creates the inputs.
Cancel: Selecting Cancel closes the dialog and cancels the operation.
Help: Selecting Help invokes the online help.