Calculate Final Reading Values

Calculate Final Reading Values calculation rules determine the final values for readings based on user-defined UOM/TOU/SQI.

  • Rule Name: Calculate Final Reading Values
  • Base Package Calculation Rule Business Object: C1-CalculateFinalValue
  • Apply Calculation Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: C1-CALCFNVL
  • Rule Parameters:
    • Calculation Details: Details regarding how the calculation rule performs its calculations:
      • Unit of Measure: The unit of measure for the measured quantity.
      • Time of Use: The time of use for the measured quantity.
      • Service Quantity Identifier: The service quantity identifier for the measured quantity.
      • Retain Measured SQ: indicates whether to save the accumulated measured quantity entry in the SQ collection. If this value is set to No, it means the value will be removed from the SQ collection. Before any pre-processing rule is executed, the rate engine will place the sum / max value of the read details into the SQ collection. For example, if the read details contain entries for measured CCF, there will be an entry in the SQ collection for the total CCF from all read details. This might be what is needed, but it may be extraneous if a rule converts the measured quantity into therms. In this situation, the SQ collection only needs therms and the CCF entry can be removed.
      • Formula: Defines the formula used to calculate the final read quantity. Bill Factors (or scalar variables) to be used in the calculation are designated as Vn, where n matches the number assigned to the variable (i.e. V1 = Bill Factor 1, V2 = Bill Factor 2, etc.). Measured Quantity is referenced as MQ in the formula Mathematical operations supported include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. For example: (MQ * V1) would be the formula to convert CCF to THERM.
    • Scalar Variables: Defines the scalar variables or Bill Factors to be used in the calculation. When referenced in the formula, scalar variables are designated as Vn, where n matches the number assigned to the variable (i.e. V1 = Bill Factor 1, V2 = Bill Factor 2, etc.). Note that only regular bill factors may be used in the formula. Interval and Time of Use bill factors are not supported.
      • Sequence: Designates the number of the variable (V1, V2, etc.)
      • Bill Factor: The Bill Factor used for the variable.
    • Result: Defines the type of data (Unit of Measure, Time of Use, and/or Service Quantity Identifier) to be used for the final quantity calculated by the rule.
  • Processing: The following processing takes place:
    • The rule will process each read detail whose initial UOM matches the measured quantity UOM.
    • It substitutes the reference to MQ in the formula with each read's measured quantity and then calls the formula service passing the defined bill factors as variables 1 to n. The read's end date is passed as the effective date.
    • It then populates each read's final value with the results of the formula and it populates the final UOM / TOU / SQI with the values defined on the rule.
    • It populates the SQ collection with the results (this will either add a new value if the Final UOM / TOU / SQI is not present in the SQ collection, OR it will update the existing SQ quantity with the sum or max of the calculated value depending on the Final UOM's measure's peak value). Note, the initial and final values of such an SQ will be the calculated value.
    • It then removes the measured UOM / TOU / SQI from the SQ collection if the rule has been configured as such.
  • Example: This calculation rule converts CCF (as recorded on the meter) to therms for billing purposes.

    Calculation Group: CCF to Therm Conversion (Calculate SQ - SQ and BF)

    Calculation Rule: CCF2TH

    Sequence: 10

    Description: Convert CCF to TH

    Calculation Details:

    • Unit of Measure: 100 cubic feet of gas
    • Retain Measured SQ: Yes
    • Formula: MQ*V1*V2

      Scalar Variables (Sequence / Bill Factor):

    • 1 / Pressure adjustment zone
    • 2 /Take point for therm conv.fac


    • Unit of Measure: Thermal units