Current Customer Zone

The Current Customer Zone contains basic information about the Person / Account / Premise on which you are working.

Person This part of the context area contains the person's standard information. Note, this information is formatted by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's person information algorithm (PERS-INFO) for an example. If you prefer different formatting logic, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately

Account ID This part of the context area contains the unique identifier of the account and the name of its main customer.

Adjacent to the account ID appears a "check digit". This is for information purposes only and is not needed to operate the system. Refer to the Description of Page section under Account - Main for a description of how "check digit" is calculated.

Premise This part of the context area contains the premise address. The address information is formatted by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's premise format algorithm (PREM-INFO) for an example. If you prefer a different format, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately

Below Premise, the account's Current Balance and Payoff Balance are displayed. Payoff Balance will be hidden when it's the same as the Current Balance. Refer to Current Amount versus Payoff Amount for more information.

Aged Debt Bar If the account's Current Balance is greater than zero, a colored bar is displayed adjacent. This bar provides information about the age of the account's debt.

The number of segments that appear in this bar is dependent on the elements of the customer's aged balance. The following segments may appear:

- disputed debt (If you handle disputed debt as described in Disputing Items),

- new charges and debt between 0 and X days old (where X is the account's customer class's bill due days),

- debt between X to 30 days old,

- debt between 31 to 60 days old,

- debt older than 60 days


If you hover the mouse pointer over a segment of the bar, the respective amount of debt will appear. If you click on the arrears bar you will be taken to the Account Financial History page. Note that information about debt balances by age is not applicable to open-item accounts.

Start Service Push this button if you want to start service for the account and the service isn't at a premise (e.g., a deposit). Refer to The Big Picture Of Starting Service for more information.

Stop Service Push this button if you want to stop service for the account at the premise. Refer to The Big Picture of Stopping Service for more information.